Applejack may have to come to terms with the fact that Fluttershy is stronger than she is.
After a sudden realization about how Shining Armor became a Captain in the Royal Guard, Rainbow Dash hatches an insidious plot to become Captian of the Wonderbolts by following in his hoofsteps... by sleeping with a Princess, of course!
Have you ever wanted to be something else? I know I have. Did I ever imagine that I would get turned into a bio weapon of mass destruction in a world full of talking ponies? Nope. And yet...
Queen Chrysalis, last of the changelings, monitors the hive and her children, as she has done many times before. However, something is bothering her.
Sixty-nine is a pretty funny number. Twilight wants to know why.
I have been rotting here, for 30 years. I have been given the chance to live again. I will not waste it.
Chris Redfield has overcome many obstacles in his life, but when his past comes back to haunt him, how will he react to an obstacle he can't possibly overcome?
Creating the night sky takes a lot of work. Princess Luna would know, she creates it every night.
Maybe Princesses Celestia and Luna should have put more thought into their plan to stop Tirek.
Angel plots the unthinkable...
For a brief moment, the veil may be lifted from your eyes. Pray that you find peace in what lies beyond.
Just as the moon rises every night, the sun must bring forth the dawn.
Chris Redfield returns to finish what he started. However a miniscule rock named Boulder and a small grey pony by the name of Maud may be more than he was prepared for.
What if everything you knew was ripped away from you without reason or logic? What if you had made a terrible mistake, had failed a great test and were now left to fend for yourself? What if the only place to turn was back to the thing that had cau
When Fluttershy's mind is tainted by an evil entity, it's up to Luna and Twilight to save their friend before it's too late.