I used to live on a place called Earth, where things were pretty reasonable. I had a job, I went to school, and life was pretty much normal.
After a night of revisiting Resident Evil 3: Nemesis with my friend, we got an idea. Comic Con was coming up, why not go as one of the most feared things in gaming history? A few days pass and bam, I'm decked out in Nemesis' signature overcoat/power limiter with the look to match. Damn shame we didn't have the time to make his signature rocket launcher though...
As luck would have it, a merchant behind one of the stalls had a perfect replica. I really shouldn't have taken that thing...
Yet another character in the League of Humans Acting Villanous. I know it's late. Forgive me.
Inspired by stories like
Headless, not Heartless
Also, rated teen for language and violence.
Editing done by Doccular42 and Salacar