
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 10: Inside Job

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Inside Job

Twilight and the ponies walked through the Hogwarts doors. Students and professors were busy walking from place to place. They looked around and around.

“Where is she?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know just keep looking.” Rainbow Dash replied.

Professor McGonagall then walked towards them with Catalonia Phoenix (who was a teacher at the school).

“Ah, there you are Miss McGonagall!” Rarity said.

“Oh, it’s you ponies again.” McGonagall said “I’d like to introduce you to Professor Catalonia Phoenix.”

“Hello.” Twilight said.

“Hello, lass.” Catalonia said in a thick Scottish accent “My, you’re a wee bit smaller then I imagined.”

“We are?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It doesn’t matter.” Twilight said turning back to Minerva “Professor, Harry called us. Do you know where he is?”

“I think I’d go straight then climb up the first staircase you see.” McGonagall replied.

“Thanks.” Twilight said as the ponies walked off.

“They seem nice.” Catalonia said.

“They are.” Minerva replied.


Around that time, Draco Malfoy walked through the hallways. He wasn’t searching for anyone. He was searching for something different. Suddenly he slammed into a red-haired student which caused her books to fall on the floor.

“Oh!” the girl said “I’m so sorry!”

“No, it’s fine.” Draco replied.

The girl felt her hair. Draco started to pick up her books.

“No, it’s my fault.” the girl said leaning down “Let me.”

She then put her hand on Draco’s and they looked up at each other.

“Oh…um…I-I’m Astoria Greengrass.” the girl said breaking the awkward silence.

“Draco Malfoy.” Draco replied shaking her hand.

Astoria then picked up the last of her books and stood up.

“Well….see you later.” she said walking off.

“No wait!” Draco said.

She turned around and looked to Draco.

“I need your help.” he said “Do you know where the Room of Requirement is?”

Astoria then walked towards Draco.

“Of course I do.” she replied “Follow me.”

She led Draco through the vast army of students. They walked up the stairs and Astoria showed him the empty wall that was the entrance.

“How do I get in?” Draco asked.

“Well” Astoria began to explain “you can either apparate inside or you can find the doorway.”

What on Earth does she mean? Draco thought There’s just an empty wall. There’s no-

Suddenly he looked closer and he saw a doorknob. The door was specially designed so that you could only see it if you squinted or had good eye-sight.

“See?” Astoria said.

“Thank you.” Draco said walking towards the seemingly invisible door.

He turned the doorknob, opened the door and then went inside. Astoria sighed.

“See you later.” she said returning to her class.


Harry and Dumbledore waited patiently in the Astronomy Tower. The ponies then peeked their heads in through the door.

“You wanted to see us, sir?” Fluttershy asked.

“Indeed.” Dumbledore replied “Close the door.”

The ponies walked in and shut the door.

“Are we planning a party?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Not exactly.” Harry said.

“I think we have found a Horcrux at last.” Dumbledore said “I would like for Harry and you six to accompany me. But there is one condition: you must obey every command a give you without question.”

“Yes, sir.” Harry said.

“You do understand what I’m saying?” Dumbledore asked “Should I tell you to hide you hide. Should I tell you to run you run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself you must do so.”

“You sure you’re not sniffing paint fumes?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Dumbledore glared at Rainbow Dash shutting her up.

“You’re word, Harry?” Dumbledore said turning his attention back to Harry.

“My word?” Harry said.

“And as for you six equines?” Dumbledore asked.

“Yeah, alright.” they said.

“But can we TRY to come back alive?” Applejack asked.

“We’ll see.” Dumbledore said.

He then held out his arm to Harry and the ponies.

“Take hold of my arm.” Dumbledore said “All of you.”

“But sir” Harry piped up “I thought you couldn’t apparate inside Hogwarts.”

“Well, being me has it’s privileges.” Dumbledore replied

“Meaning?” Fluttershy asked.

“I can apparate us.” Dumbledore said “Not the other way around.”

“Oh!” the ponies said.

They all took hold of Dumbledore’s arm and they apparated away. They then found themselves on a rock in the middle of the sea. They were facing a cliff that had a cave in it.

“It’s in there?!” Rarity yelled over the sound of the roaring waves.

“Yes!” Dumbledore replied.

“Then why did you apparate us out here instead of in there?!” Applejack pointed out.

“Oh! So sorry!” Dumbledore said “Bloody apparition sometimes doesn’t work right!”

They again took hold of Dumbledore’s arm and then found themselves in the cave itself.

“Much better.” Dumbledore said.

They then began to walk around the cave. Very little light shone through so it was hard to see where you were going.

“This is the place.” Dumbledore said “Oh yes. This place has known magic.”

Then Dumbledore took a knife and jabbed his hand with it.

“Sir!” Harry said.

“In order to gain passage payment must be made.” Dumbledore said “Payment to deter any intruder.”

“Why not mine?” Harry asked.

“Good heavens, no.” Dumbledore replied “Your blood is more precious then mine.”

“Geez, what is it with wizards and blood oaths?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Are you quite finished?” Dumbledore said.

“Yeah.” Rainbow replied.

“Then shut up.” Dumbledore said.

Suddenly the ground gave way and all eight of them fell through and hit a rock below. The cavern was pitch black almost. Twilight illuminated her horn as did Rarity. Harry spoke something and his wand lit up. They could now see much better.

The rock had huge crystals jutting out of it. The rock was practically covered in them. The rock was also in the middle of a lake. Twilight licked some of the water then spat it out.

“Salt-water.” she said “We’re in a tide pool. At least I think we are.”

“Hey, what’s that?” Pinkie Pie said pointing to a crystal.

The crystal’s top was like a bowl and in it was some water. Harry then found a sea shell.

“Good eyes, Pinkie.” Harry said.

Harry scrapped the shell in the bowl a few times hoping the Horcrux was there. But every time he couldn’t reach the water. It was at the bottom.

“Try the sea water.” Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore was in the meantime looking for his wand. The Elder Wand. It was on a crystal just barley out of reach of his hand.

It was deathly quiet as Harry reached for the water.

“Excellent.” said a voice.

Suddenly a sickly green glow appeared nearby on the lake shore. The glow reveled Queen Chrysalis.

“Queen Chrysalis?!” the six ponies yelled simultaneously.

“In the living flesh.” Chrysalis said in a raspy voice.

She then turned her attention to Harry.

“So….you’re Harry Potter, eh?” Chrysalis said “My client has told me so much about you.”

“Who are you?!” Harry demanded.

“She’s queen of the Changelings.” Twilight replied “We took her down once before at my brother’s wedding. And from the looks of it you figured out a way into this dimension?”

“Indeed.” Chrysalis said before coughing.

“You okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course not.” Chrysalis replied “I have no love to feed off. I’m not as strong as I once was. But that doesn’t mean I am so easily stopped. There is no Horcrux. I made it up so I could draw you here.” Her horn began to lit up “Oh by the way, I have some friends to keep you company!”

She teleported away cackling.

Harry then returned back to getting the water. Suddenly something grabbed the sea shell out of Harry’s hand and ducked back into the water. Harry jumped back in fear as did the ponies.

“What is it?!” Pinkie Pie asked with worry.

Harry spoke a spell and light flung from his wand and hit the roof of the cavern lighting up like a flare. He looked towards the shore of the rock.

Out of the water, Changelings began to climb out hissing as they did. Their horns lit green so they could see their victim. Harry fired various spells at the Changelings killing some of them. Rarity and Twilight fired their own magic and killed some Changelings as well. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all clambered next to Dumbledore.

“The Elder Wand.” Dumbledore told Applejack.

Applejack, understanding what he meant, began to reach for it.

“I almost got it!” she said.

The Changelings by now were closing in on Harry like something out of a horror movie. He kicked one off but then one leapt on him throwing off balance and off the rock. He hit the water and stared to sink as the Changeling attempted to drown him. He slammed it twice in the ribs with his elbow but the creature refused to let go. Suddenly he and the Changeling looked up and were completely caught off guard by what they saw.

A fire suddenly leapt from the crystal rock and began incinerating the Changelings. Some hit the waters surface already dead. Some of them headed towards the coral and sea-weed bed floor of the lake in flames. Harry managed to free himself from the Changelings grasp and headed to the surface.

When he came up an entire wall of fire surrounded the rock. Dumbledore had managed to get a hold of the Elder Wand and was creating a firestorm. Every now and again plumes of fire hit the Changelings turning them to ash almost instantly. The others shrieked in fear as they headed back to the shore.

The ponies were crouched down beside Dumbledore to avoid being hit or scorched accidently by the fire. Harry climbed unto the rock and grabbed hold of Dumbledore’s arm.

“Now you ponies!” Dumbledore cried out “Hurry!”

The grabbed hold of him and he created a pathway so they could apparate away. They did so leaving what little remained of the Changelings to teleport themselves away.

Next Chapter: Dumbledore's Farewell Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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