
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 11: Dumbledore's Farewell

Previous Chapter
Dumbledore's Farewell

Hermione Granger stood in the tower looking out over the night sky. A stubborn tear ran down her face. She’d lost Draco Malfoy, the man she loved. Suddenly a noise made her gasp and turn to see Dumbledore, Harry and the ponies.

“What are you doing here?” Harry asked.

“I wanted to know where you were Harry.” Hermione replied.

“Well, we have to get back to our hotel. I’ll ask Catalonia to take us. Goodnight.” Twilight said.

She then teleported away with the other ponies.

“Wait.” Dumbledore said.

There was an awkward silence.

“Someone’s following us.” Dumbledore said “Get down.”

Hermione and Harry hid under the globe next to Dumbledore. Dumbledore meanwhile faced his attacker. Draco Malfoy entered the room pointing his wand at him.

“Good evening, Draco.” Dumbledore said “What brings you up on this fine spring evening?”

“Who else is here?!” Draco yelled “I heard you talking!”

“I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful.” Dumbledore said “Have you been whispering to yourself Draco? Draco….you are no assassin.”

“How do you know what I am?!” Draco asked “I’m things that would shock you!”

“Well, the bottle for one thing.” Dumbledore answered “Forgive me, Draco but these attempts are so futile-”

“He trusts me!” Draco yelled “I was chosen!”

With that he pulled up his sleeve and revealed he had a dark mark. Hermione was utterly broken-hearted by this image. Her eyes began to well up in tears. But…how? Draco didn’t seem like Death Eater material.

“I will make it easy for you” Dumbledore said pulling up his wand.

Draco fired a spell and the Elder Wand flew out of Dumbledore’s hand and landed in Hermione’s hand. Suddenly the door at the bottom of the stairs was heard opening and closing.

“There are others.” Dumbledore said “How?”

“The wardrobe in the Room of Requirement! Took a little tweaking is all!” Draco reinstated.

The sounds of footsteps grew louder.

“Draco, once many years ago” Dumbledore said “I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. I’ll help you.”

“You don’t understand!” Draco yelled “I have to do this! I have to kill you….or he’s going to kill me.”

Suddenly Bellatrix Lestrange, Gilderoy Lockhart, three men armed with machine guns and a Snatcher named Scabior walked up the steps and entered the room. Bellatrix smiled.

“Well….look who we have here.” she said walking up behind Draco “Well done, Draco.” she then kissed the back of Draco’s neck.

“Evening Bellatrix.” Dumbledore said “I’m sure some greetings are in order.”

“Maybe.” Bellatrix said “But I’m afraid we won’t be able too. Do it, Draco.”

Nothing happened. She turned to Draco.

“Do it!” Bellatrix ordered.

“He doesn’t have the stomach. Just like his father.” Gilderoy said “Allow me to finish him in my own way.”

“No!” Bellatrix insisted “The Dark Lord says the boy must do it!”

During this conversation, Snape had crept up to Hermione and Harry much to their surprise. He motioned for them to be quiet and he climbed up.

“This is your moment, do it.” Bellatrix assured Draco “Come on, Draco! Now!”

“No.” Severus said walking up to Draco.

Draco stepped back a few feet. The room fell silent with no sound but wood creaking and the wind.

“Severus….please.” Dumbledore almost pleaded.

Snape then uttered a kill spell and it hit Dumbledore killing him instantly. He fell backwards and fell off the tower. Snape then turned to the Death Eaters.

“Quickly.” he said “Before they discover us.”

They all moved out of the room except for Bellatrix who remained a few more seconds to stay and fire a signal into the sky. The clouds grew thicker than they already were and she ran out.

Harry couldn’t believe what he’d seen. His mentor was now dead. He turned to Hermione but discovered she wasn't there. He then quietly walked out making sure not to be seen.


Down on the ground level, Severus, Draco, Bellatrix, Gilderoy, Scabior and the three other Death Eaters walked through the grand hall. Bellatrix jumped on the table shattering the glass cups. She then turned and shot a spell and the glass all over the room shattered as she ran out and all the candles blew out.


They neared Hagrid’s hut nearing the escape point.

“Draco!” yelled a voice.

Everyone turned to see Hermione walking towards them tears in her eyes.

“How could you do this?!” she sobbed “I loved you!”

Bellatrix then suddenly shot another spell and set Hagrid’s hut a flame with fire.

“Go on!” Snape yelled to Draco as he ran to join the others.

“And you!” Hermione yelled pointing her wand Severus “We all trusted you! Dumbledore trusted you! And you murdered him!”

She then fired a spell but Snape blocked it.

“Fight back!” she called out “You cowardly bastard, fight back!”

Something inside Bellatrix snapped and she fired a spell at Hermione that flung her back a few feet and she hit the ground.

“Leave her!” Snape said.

Bellatrix nodded and ran off. Snape turned to follow.

Hermione got up and remembered the Half-Blood Prince book and the many spells Harry had told her about. She turned and fired it at Snape. Snape however turned and blocked the spell as he turned and fired his own spell which forced Hermione to the ground. Snape then walked up and stood before Hermione.

“You dare use my own spells against me, Granger?” Snape said.

Hermione’s face turned completely from anger to shock.

“Oh yes.” Snape continued “I’m the Half-Blood Prince.”

With that he walked off and into the forest. Hermione got up and walked back to Hogwarts.


When Hermione arrived back everyone had gathered around Dumbledore’s dead body. Harry was crying on Ginny’s shoulders. Hermione stood beside Madeline who put her hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” Madeline said.

Hermione nodded knowingly. The wizards held their wands up high. The clouds (which were now really thick) grew so thick you couldn't even tell there was a sky.

Hidden away from everyone was Catalonia Phoenix who stood next to the wall. Though she never really liked Dumbledore, she didn't hate him. When the wizards held their wands up she did as well but with less enthusiasm. She knew nothing would ever be the same.


Chrysalis walked up to a bald person with chalk-white skin in a black robe.

“The plan proceeded as expected.” she said “Albus Dumbledore is dead.”

“Excellent.” said the figure “And Harry Potter?”

“He still lives but I must ask” Chrysalis replied “Why do you want him alive?”

The figure turned revealing himself to be Voldemort.

“You’ll see soon enough.” he said.


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