
Harry Potter: Into Darkness Part 1

by Jabberwocky1996

Chapter 9: The Pieces Are Coming Together

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The Pieces Are Coming Together

“This is beyond anything I imagined.” Dumbledore said.

“You mean he succeeded in making a Horcrux?” Harry asked.

“Oh yes.” Dumbledore said “Not just once.”

“What are they exactly?” Twilight asked.

“Could be anything.” Dumbledore told the two “Mostly commonplace objects.”

With that he showed Twilight and Harry the book from the library now charred with a huge hole in it.

“A ring for example” Dumbledore continued as a ring fell out of the book “or a book.”

“Tom Riddle’s diary.” Harry said.

“Wait” Twilight said “you mean the book…”

“Is a Horcrux yes.” Dumbledore said “Four years ago when Harry saved Ginny Weasleys life in the Chamber of Secrets he brought me this. I knew then this was a different kind of magic. A very dark magic.”

“Uh, excuse me!” Twilight piped up “I wasn’t there!”

“No I know.” Harry said “And the ring?”

“Belonged to Riddle’s mother.” Dumbledore went on “very hard to find. Even harder to destroy.”

“But if you could find them all…if you could destroy them…” Twilight asked.

“You destroy Voldemort.” Dumbledore said.

“But how can we find them?” Harry said “they could be anywhere.”

“True.” Dumbledore still continued.

Twilight’s curiosity got the best of her and the prepared to twirl the ring like a spinning top.

“But magic…especially dark magic…” Dumbledore said.

The second Twilight twirled the ring six random images flashed in the trio’s heads. The first was of a huge snake, the other of a screaming Tom Riddle, the third of a young child, the fourth Voldemort himself, the fifth a dragon and the sixth (much to Twilight’s surprise) was Queen Chrysalis laughing.

The images then stopped and the ring ceased spinning and fell over.

“Leaves traces.” Dumbledore finally said.


Lunch was very tense. Ever since Ron’s poising, students were watching for any suspicious activity. Harry was as well. He turned and saw Draco Malfoy walking in. Draco stopped then turned around and walked out of the room. Harry followed after him.


Draco ran into the bathroom and leaned against the sink breathing erratically. The mission was getting to him. It seemed everyone wanted to kill him. He suddenly heard a footstep and looked in the mirror. Harry Potter was reflected in the mirror.

Draco turned but Harry was gone. Draco then started to walk away when Harry came out of nowhere and fired at Draco. He ducked and Harry’s beam hit the sink and water spilled everywhere. Harry hid behind a wall and waited. Draco shot a beam at where he hoped Harry was.

Harry then fired a spell he’d gotten from the Half-Blood Prince book and Draco was flung out of Harry’s sight. Harry smiled. But then he heard very erratic breathing.

He turned to see Draco on the floor in pain. He was bleeding and the water was stained red.

“Draco?” said a voice.

Harry then ran out of the room. Hermione Granger then walked in.

“Draco?” she called “Where are y-”

She looked down and gasped in fright when she saw the injured Draco.

“No!” she cried out as she fell to her knees beside Draco “Please don’t do this! Help! Somebody please!”

She held Draco’s hand tightly, tears in her eyes. Severus Snape then walked in. He first looked at Draco then at Hermione who was looking at him.

“Please.” Hermione almost begged.

Snape then leaned down and began reciting a spell as he placed his wand over Draco’s wounds. Hermione’s eyes widened as the blood drained back into Draco and his wounds healed.

“He’ll be fine.” Snape said as he got up “I suggest you take him to the medical room.”

Hermione nodded and Snape walked out.


“Did you hear what happened to Draco?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah, the poor thing.” Rarity said.

“Why would Harry attack him?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Maybe he thought he was trying to kill Dumbledore.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, could be.” Applejack piped up.


Harry nervously stood in the hallway, holding the Half-Blood Prince book in his hand. Ginny then walked up to him.

“What is it, Harry?” she asked.

“Come.” he said “I need your help.”

He led Ginny across the halls.

“For what?” Ginny logically asked.

“You see” Harry replied “I think this book may contain dark magic. We need to hide it before the wrong people find it.”

“I know a place.” Ginny said.

Ginny proceeded to lead Harry to an empty room with a blank wall. Ginny motioned for him to hold her hand. He did so and then they apparated. They found themselves in the Room of Requirement which was filled all manner of things. Harry looked around and saw a wardrobe painted black with a black doorknob.


He opened the door and a canary flew out.

“See?” Ginny said “You never know what you’ll find up here.”

Ginny walked up to Harry and gulped nervously. There was an awkward silence as she took the book from Harry.

“Alright, close your eyes.” Ginny said breaking the silence “That way you can’t be tempted.”

Harry closed his eyes. Ginny clenched the book nervously.

I can do this. she thought I have too.

She then walked up to Harry and gulped. She then kissed him praying he would not recoil. Her kiss was very shy and a tad bit frightened but she didn’t care. She then broke the kiss.

“I love you.” Ginny whispered.

She then threw the book in the wardrobe and closed it and walked out. Harry then opened his eyes. Ginny was gone. He smiled and then walked out. He walked through the empty corridors past Ron. Ron then caught up with him.

“So….did you and Ginny do it?” he asked.

“What?” Harry asked.

“The book I meant.” Ron reinstated.

“Oh…um….yeah, whatever.” Harry said walking away.


Hermione sat next to Draco. It was night now. Draco then opened his eyes and turned towards Hermione.

“Hermione?” Draco asked.

“Oh, Draco!” Hermione said holding his hand.

“Are you alright?” Draco asked.

“Well…no.” Hermione said “You were hurt very badly back there and…uh…I-I was worried I was going to lose you.”

“Why?” Draco asked.

Without hesitation, Hermione pulled Draco into a passionate kiss. Draco’s eye were as wide as dinner plates Hermione kissed him.

“Because I love you.” she said breaking the kiss.

“Wow, Hermione” Draco said “I had no idea. But….I’m afraid I can’t accept that kind of offer.”

The words practically crushed Hermione. She gasped and put her hand on her chest. Draco sighed.

“Look, Hermione” he said “I like you but if I did try to date you my father would do who knows what to me. I just want you safe. Understand?”

Hermione nodded.

“Well, goodnight then.” she said.

She then walked away leaving Draco alone.

Next Chapter: Inside Job Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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