
Who is doing this?

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I fought the law....And beat a blueblood!

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Chapter 6
I fought the law...and beat a blueblood.

I groaned as I felt myself come too. I had a head ache like I was piled drived by a near super sonic rainbo-...Oh yeah.

“Augh...Why me?” I said as I leaned up. I reached up to rub my temples. I didn’t get to rub my head, but I heard chains. I looked down to my wrists and saw several cuffs around my arms.

“What the fu-”

“Language!” Said a very, for some odd reason, giddy Celestia. If internet taught me anything, it is how NOT to be okay with being chained up in a room with a giddy Celestia.

“Um can you tell me where I am?” I asked the sun princess. I looked around and saw some what familiar surroundings. ‘Well they aren’t that unfamiliar.’ I thought.

To put it bluntly I was in another cell and yet again, my faithful changeling companion was nowhere to be found.

“Well that’s easy! You’re in the canterlot dungeons!” She said with her still happy face. I sighed and somewhat slumped.

“May I ask why?” I said. She just giggled.

“Well, you kinda beat up my student and her friends. You know of them correct?”

“The crazy bookworm that wants to student every inch of me, the over aggressive rainbow maned pegasus, and the cowpony with the lasso? Yea I know a few of them.”

“Oh I believe you know more than that...” She says in a weird tone and slowly walks over to me.

“Um please don’t come any closer....and hey where is my friend, Phase?” I asked looking around the cell I was in. She stepped a few feet(hoofs?) closer.

“Oh don’t worry we took care of her. She is in the other cell asking the same about you.” She continued to close the distance between us and still had that giddy expression.

“Um please stop advancing on me....Please?” I said with a small smile.

“Nope.” She said as she got even closer.

ShitshitshitshitIreallyneedhelpshitshitshitshit.’ I thought. I began to sweat slightly as she got close enough to probably punch me. Then she got right into my face and just stared at me. She still had that creepily giddy smile on her face. I slightly turned my head away from her and she just pushed my face back to her eyes.

I gulped as she began to look me over. ‘Why do I smell cake-...oh right.’ I thought.

She moved part of my shirt and gasped. She then backpedaled and just stared at me.

“How did you get that?” She asked. Her smile was completely gone and was replaced by anger.


“Wow.” Said the spartan as he manned the computer and recording equipment. “Tia can really act.”

He pulled out a small bag of popcorn and took of a small piece of his helmet where his mouth would be. He set it on the desk and began to munch on his cinema meal.

“Hey everyone! Five bucks says she either loses character or she does something she will regret!” He yelled into the audience and a few shouts were heard agreeing to the bet.


“Um...Get what?” I asked. She walked over and poked the area were Phase and her overbearing mother bit me. “Oh that. Phase and her mother fed off me.”

“WHAT!? How are you not dead?!” She asked inspecting it again.

“Uh the same reason I am here. I don’t know.” I said as she moved my head so she could get a better look at the scars. “Can you let me go now? Please, my arms are starting to lock up.”

“I can’t now! You’re being controlled by her!” She said as her horn began to glow.

“What? No, I am not! Honestly if she didn’t kill me, she wouldn’t have controlled me! If she was controlling me why would I have punched her into a wall? Why would I have let you put me in here? Why would I have let that rainbow kamikaze tackle me? Seriously let me go!” I said rattling my chains. She just walked forward and put her horn against my head.

I felt something close to being punched in the nose and then getting water sprayed up my nose. It hurt and really messed with my head. Celestia pulled back after about a minute and the feeling left almost instantly. I sighed in relief as I felt the feeling leave and almost completely slumped.

“Do you feel any different human?” She said.

“Yeah I fee-...Wait. How did you know what I am!?” I asked shooting back up. She cringed and her face turned pale. Well...It just didn’t have that pink hue is normally had. She began to walk back and I was freaking out a bit.

“HEY GET BACK HERE AND TELL ME!! HEY!!!” I bellowed at her. She just walked out of the cell and with a glow of her magic she released me from my chains. She almost gallouped out of there as I ran up to the cell doors. “CELESTIA!!!...CELESTIA!...Ugh..bitch.” I said as I slumped with my arms hanging out of the door.

I crossed my arms on the other side of the cells bars and began to think.

Okay. I have somewhat enhanced strength. Everything here is lighter than earth. Maybe...’ I thought. I took my arms off the bars and gripped them. I pulled there too opposite sides and hoped to god they would bend. They didn’t.

“Well shit. So much for that idea...” I said as I slumped again. Then I heard hooves walking back to me. “Is that you princess? I thought you ran away after you lied to me.”

“I think you should respect the princess more.” I looked to the side and saw a certain unicorn next to another certain unicorn.

Shining Armor and the dreadfully curious unicorn Twilight sparkle. Shouldn’t Shining Armor’s name be Shining Sparkle? Nah that would probably just end in a lot of gay jokes.’ I thought.

“Now move away creature. This guest here wishes to study you.” Shining said.

“Um no thanks. I’d prefer to go to bed tonight unviolated.” I said as I looked the two over.

“You don’t have a choice in the matter. Now move before I make you.” He said glaring. I just glared right back.

Everyone knows about instincts right? Well this is exactly when they come in handy. Every herbivore has the instinct to run or be scared of a predator, or in this case a human. Pretty much the same really. Anyway, if a predator and a herbivore stare at each other who is gonna win? Guess....Eeyup the predator.

He was beginning to sweat as we continued our staring contest. Twilight was just standing there looking at each of us still looking confused. We continued for a moment until she spoke up.

“Um what are you two doing?”

Shining Armor tore himself from the contest and I smirked. I complied with the unicorn’s request and walked to the fair corner of the cell. Shining sighed and opened the cell.

“You sure about this Twilight? I don’t like this thing. it just doesn’t sit right with me...” He said. She nodded and walked in with a notepad, quill, and a inkpot. I sighed and knew this was going to happen.

“Okay. Now that you can’t escape this time with a strange noise making device, I am going to get as much info out of you as I can!”

I groan and sit down on the cold hard floor. “Look you’re not gonna get anything from me...” I said as she set up her inkwell and the massive amount of paper that is her notepad.

“Oh I have my ways.” She said with a smile that bordered on the insane.

“Like what? Torture? Mind reading? Something that makes me tell the truth no matter what?” I asked quite curious as to how ponies get information out of prisoners.

“Nope. I am just going to sit here and wait for you to talk.” She said sitting down and getting comfy. I heard someone sigh and looked to the right. I saw Shining Armor face-hoofing and shaking his head.

“You do realize that there are more effective ways correct?” I said. She nodded.

“Yes, but I would prefer to gain someone’s trust before they tell me anything.” She said with a smile. I smiled back. ‘Well that’s sweet. Now how do I get out of here?’ I thought.

“Well Miss Sparkle.” Her ears perked up and her eyes became narrow as she glared at me. ‘Time to play cat and mouse!’ “Even if I did trust you, I still wouldn’t tell you all I know. I would probably just tell you my race and name. Maybe a little about me, but nothing more.”

“How did you know my name?” She asked as she stood up. I grinned mischievously and just chuckled while shaking my head.

“I know many things Miss Sparkle. Like how that pony over there is the captain Royal Guard. His name is Shining Armor. Married to Princess Cadence. Or to use her full name...Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. He is also you brother and BBBFF.”

“H-How do yo-” She asked with a confused expression.

“The Princess that married said brother was also your sitter for quite sometime. Face it Twilight...I know a lot about you and your friends. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash, Applejack, And let’s not forget your ball of energy friend, Pinkie Pie.” I said with my grin growing wider. She backed up towards her brother and went out of the cell, she was slightly shaking. Whether it was in fear or something else I won’t ever know.

“Have a nice day now ya hear!” I yelled to her as she walked away. Shining Armor stayed behind to, I am assuming, Question me.

“Okay you freak. Spill how you know all this about my family!” He yelled slamming a hoof against the bars of my cell. I chuckled and looked at him.

“If I told you then I wouldn’t have a edge would I?” I told him. He snorted and opened the cell before walking in.

“Okay, You are going to listen to me and you are going to listen good.” He said as he stomped his way over to me. He stopped right in front of me and glared again. “You are going to tell me how you know all this and why you know all this. Got it?”

I chuckled and leaned forward to him. “Pal..I come from a world where violence is used for entertainment. If you think you can intimidate me....You’re in way over your head.”

He backed up a bit, but kept his ground. ‘Okay... Cell door open. unicorn in the way....Time to put all those ideas of how to disable a unicorn to work.

I one swift motion, I leapt forward and tackled the rather tall pony and then, using the tips of my fingers, flicked his horn. He let out a small pained whimper before going somewhat limp. I gently placed him on the floor and he clutched his head in his hooves before I walked out and closed the cell.

“Huh. I guess it is true what they say about a unicorn's horn. It’s about as sensitive as a man’s-”

“STOP RIGHT THERE!!” A random guard yelled at me. I looked and saw several guards holding chains, rope, and other things to put me in bonds. Then I gave them a long stare before saying what any man would be thinking.

“Fuck that!” I yelled and bolted down the opposite hall. They chased me and chased me. I kept running thankfully being knocked out gave me at least something close to a good night’s rest. I finally decided to give up a moment and stopped running. Instead of capturing me, they all skidded past me into a wall and piled up. I blinked and stared for a moment, truly taking in what just happened. Then I laughed, I laughed for quite a few minutes before jogging away still laughing.

I finally stopped running around until I came to a couple doors. They were LARGE. I mean freaking LARGE. They also had a sun embl-

“Of fuck....I know these doors. Wait if Celestia is there right now I can get some informa- No, that is a terrible.” I said. I turned and began to run the other way. I ran for a little while longer until I heard a irritatingly familiar voice.

“I can’t believe this. I hear that there is a monster running around the castle! I can’t believe that that, poor excuse of a stallion, Shining Armor was ever put in charge of our military.” Said the douche that every brony wants to beat the shit out of.

“Yes, Sir” A guard said. Blueblood was being escorted by 2 guards. Both of which looked like they were about to hurt something. Or somepony. Lord knows I was planning to in the future.

“I mean it! I would have made a much better captain!” He said. I crept out of sight. By that I mean I hid in a closet. I gently opened it and saw them walking by.

“Yes, Sir.” The guard said. They stopped as the guards began to open a door across the hall. Blueblood was still fussing and the guards went into the room. Blueblood’s continuous annoying fussing was really getting to me. With only one guard standing there, I was beginning to twitch in temptation. And then he said something that made me snap.

“Last thing is that Auntie Luna was being completely idiotic today! She said NOT to kill the creature when it was brought in! Better the thing dead before it can hurt somepony.” He said.

I didn’t even bother staying hidden now. I burst out of the closet, grabbed the jerk-off by the neck, punched him clear across the hall.

“FUCK YOU BLUEBITCH!!” I yelled at his groaning form laying 10 meters away. I looked at the guard, Who’s jaw had dropped, and nodded to him. He dumbly nodded back and I patted him on the head.

I run towards blueblood and stopped when I reached him. I got on the opposite side and kicked him right back to the guard. The guard just looked at me and I saluted. I continued down the hall and then tripped.

I fell on my face and looked at what tripped me. “Why is there a rope on the middle of the flo- Ooooh.”

Then I got launched into the air and was hanging upside down. Again.

“HAH! I told you all it would work!” ‘Ugh....Rainbow.’ “And now we can get the princesses, Tell them that we got the monster, and find out how he know so much about us!! ARE YOU A SPY!?” She said as she got in my face. I gently pushed her away and sighed.

“Okay first, I am not a spy. Second, Can I be put on the ground? The blood is beginning to rush to my head.” I said while placing a hand on my head.

I really need to look where I am going from now on.’ I thought.

“NO!” She yelled.

“Okay okay. You don’t have to yell.” I said. She huffed and flew back to the ground.

They began to talk about something until a guard came by and told them something. I couldn’t hear anything, probably because of being upside down. They all rushed and the guard looked at me. She...yes, SHE. Not all guards are male. Anyway, She flew up and looked at me before blinking.

Her eyes flashed gold and I grinned. “Phase?” I whispered. She nodded and began to untie me.

“Wait wait! Don’t do that I wil-!” Too late she untied me and I fell to the ground with a THUNK. I groaned and sat up. Phased changed back to normal and helped me back to my feet.

“Sorry, Slayer.” She said. She grabbed my sleeve and began to drag me all over the place. Soon we got back to where she found me and saw A LOT of guards all over the place.

“This...Won’t end well.” I said. Then fate was feeling like being a asshole and decided to be mean to me.

“HEY THERE HE IS!!” A guard said and pointed to me.

“Fuck...” Phase and I said in unison.

Author's Notes:

Y’all got cliffhanger’d y0!

Next Chapter: Chapter 7: I fix!...Not really, I make worse Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes
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