
Who is doing this?

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 5: Chapter 5:Oh....I'm f**ked

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Chapter 5
Oh....I’m f**ked.

After many painstakingly long minutes the group of ponies, human, and too many other to name had finally decided on what they wanted to happen.

“Princess we have decided on what we want to happen.” The spartan said.

“One second....” The princess said as she focused intently on her gaming device. The spartan sighed and walked onto the stage. He snuck up behind the princess and took away the small gaming device.

“HEY! Give that back!” Celestia huffed as she turned to meet the spartan’s....visor.

“Not until you hear our decision. Then you get your game back.” He said. The princess huffed and sighed. “Fine...can you at least pause it?”

The spartan nodded and clicked on the device. “Okay. We have decided that we want both A and B!”

The princess sighed. “And I just got the assault rifle too. Alright, I shall send a letter and then I shall go myself.”

She pulled another scroll from her desk and began to scribble on the parchment. After a few minutes she sends the scrolls off and went to the pad she sent the human into Equestria with.

“Okay everyone. I shall be here every once in awhile for our votes.” She began her spell and teleported away.


Phase was asking about me while we were walking to the edge of the forest.

“So your race is extremely technologically advanced?” She asked with disbelief in her golden eyes. I nodded with a smirk.

“Yeppers. We got weapons that propel a small piece of metal tha-”

“You mean a gun?” She asked with a deadpanned expression. I stopped and, ever so slowly, looked at her. “What?”

“You have...guns?” I asked quite perplexed. She nodded.

“Well...Right now they are only shoot one bullet and they are VERY expensive. Funny thing is that they just use overcharged magic crystals for propulsion than black powder. Black powder was found to have much more of a kick and caused more damage, but I guess they get the job done.” She said with a sigh. I blinked. And again. And again. Then I just stared.

“What!?” She said with a just as confused expression. “Why the hay are you staring at me like that? Want me to bite you again?!” That snapped me out of it.

“What? NO! I don’t like being bit by your evil fangs!” I said. “It’s just that from the look of things around here it didn’t look like you characters have guns. Much less thing that kill others.”

“Well the royal guards have swords and spears. Why not guns?” She said. I was about to argue then I saw her point.

“That.....is actually a good point. Huh...where can I get one?” I asked her and now she was confused and slightly scared.

“Well...They are mostly made in the griffin colony and the minotaur trading posts past the borders. Why do you need one?” She asked.

“Well...to protect myself from things...like bandits, wild animals, and that griffin pointing a gun at us...” Then my eyes widened, as well as Phase’s. We both look at the griffin who currently was aiming down his guns sights. Then he slowly pulled the trigger. Me, being frozen with fear, didn’t do much other than just duck.


The griffin pulled the trigger as I moved and blew a hole the size of a golf ball in the tree behind me.

“Buck! Why the hay did you move!? Stupid animal...” The griffin said as he began to load another round. My eye twitched and I got up rather quickly. I set Phase down and ran towards the gun wielding Eagle/Lion.

“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU PUSSY BIRD!?” I bellowed at him. He froze his reloading and slowly looked at me. I, in my fit of anger, ran up and kicked the gun out of his talons. Then I grabbed him scruff(The fur and skin behind his head) and picked him up. He weighed about 10 pounds more that Phase. Nevertheless, I picked him up and bared my teeth. ‘Well this isn’t helping my case...’ I thought.

I ripped off the satchel that was on his shoulder and slammed him against a tree. “Next time you try and kill me with a gun. AIM. FOR. THE. HEAD. JACKASS.” I said. He whimpered and scrunched up his hind legs and his wings were wrapped around his body.

“If you ever point another weapon at me or my friend here. I am going to RIP YOUR FUCKING WINGS OFF!” He nodded rather quickly and I dropped him. He quickly and nervously ran out to an area of the forest with an opening and fled the scene.

“Wow....That was pretty dark, Slayer.” Phase said from behind me. I turned to her and sighed.

“Yeah it kinda was....I guess that you and your mother’s feedings do have side effects. I think it was just the quantity.” I said and she nodded.

“From now on if I ever feed, I won’t take as much.” She said holding up a hoof. I chuckled and thanked her. Then I picked up the weapon from the ground and picked up the satchel with it.

I looked at it and inspected it. It looked like a simple musket. The only difference was that instead of loading it through the barrel, there was a bolt like opening. Honestly think musket with a bolt action and there you go.

The bullets were a completely different story. It looked like a miniature pillar of crystal with a copper point.

“Huh..I thought this gun would be a lot more complicated.” I said as I continued to inspect it. Then I opened the bolt and saw the small opening. With my human curiosity getting the better of me I grabbed a round and put it in. I closed the chamber and saw a small glow on the top of the gun.

“Oh that’s neat! It has a small loaded indicator!” I said getting a little happier than I was a minute ago. Phase just rolled her eyes and came over to sit by me.

“Yes yes it’s neat and deadly. Now can we go? I would like to keep moving, so my mom or any other despicable monster find us.” She said with a snicker at the last part. I chuckled and honestly felt a lot better.

“Okay let’s go.” I agreed and picked up the gun. It had about a length of 3ft, so it wasn’t that much of a burden. I threw the satchel over my satchel, slipped the gun into the bag, and picked phase up again.


Celestia had been trotting in a small circle for about 15 minutes now. She was a little nervous because the human might be dangerous after all that has happened. He quite obviously was hostile, but wasn’t very experienced in fighting. He used trickery and surprise to gain the upperhoof.

“Where is my stu-” She started to say until a perky voice interrupted her.

“Princess!” Her faithful student came up and nuzzled her happily. Celestia returned the gesture with a smile. She looked up and saw the rest of the elements trotting over to them.

“Twilight! How are you?” She said as her student backed up.

“Unfortunately, not so good princess. We had found that creature you told us about and he escaped with some strange noise making device.” Twilight said with a small disapointed huff.

“That is why I called you and your friends here! I have found the creature in the forest coming this way.” Celestia said with a look of serious nature.

“Really!? How did you find him!?” The small purple unicorn asked.

“I have my ways Twilight.” She said with a smug grin and then went back to being serious. “Now please prepare. He is near...and he isn’t alone.”

Everyone got into position and got ready for any type of aggression. They heard several cracks and snaps of twigs and branches. Then it all stopped.

“Wait what happened?” Said the rainbow maned pegasus.

Celestia sighed. ‘Why the hell are humans such bothers?’ Celestia thought. “Well this creature is obviously intelligent. It’s not going to leave itself out in the open for us to pinpoint with our magic.”

“You do realize I was listening to that whole thing!” Someone yelled from the forest’s foliage.


I stared at the group of ponies that had gathered around. They were either here to take me away to a jail or they want to talk peace. ‘Pleeeeease be peace.’ I thought.

“What do you ponies want!?” I yelled to them.

“We just want to talk!!” The pony known as Twilight said.

“Like legit talk or grab me and lock me up then talk!?” I said letting my paranoia take over for a moment.

They looked at each other then back at me. “I think he is a little crazy Twilight.”

“Rainbow dash, he was brought his without any real reason..” Celestia shifted uncomfortably. “..And he is probably really scared.”

“More than you can realize.” I mumbled.

“We just wanted to legit talk.” She said.

“I would ask you if I should trust them, but ,no offense, you're a changeling.”

“None taken.” Phase said with a happy grin.

“Fine I will come out! But I am bringing out my friend with me! If anyone tries to hurt her...Well bad things are gonna happen!” They all nodded. ‘Good. I don’t think I could have the guts to ACTUALLY hurt them. I mean they are adorable! Especially when I am not completely drained of love.’ I thought.

“Alright I am coming out!” I slowly walked out with Phase by my side.

“HE GOT A GUN!!” I heard rainbow yell.

Oh no...THIS IS GONNA HU-’ *THWACK* And I was out like a light.


Celestia could barely contain her laughter as she saw the rainbow maned pegasus K.O. the human. ‘I REALLY hope Church is recording this on the computer! I am going to rewatch this SOOOOO many times!! I bet Luna will even laugh her flank off to this!’ She thought with glee.

A/N: Well sorry again. No real options I could give here. HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT! More funny and entertainment will happen next chapter. Maybe a scene with blueblood if I can get it there!

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: I fought the law....And beat a blueblood! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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