
Three of Me: School Society

by KillJoy

Chapter 53: Clothes Off? STILL NO!

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Clothes Off? STILL NO!

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]

    <  My conscience Joy writes in these and  Italics>

         { I respond in these}  

Short Chapter as the one tomorrow will have a different view no longer being 'NO!' or 'STILL NO!'


A wooden coated pony trotted down the halls of the school with a enclosed box on her back as she happily hummed herself a tune.

" Wait a second! Vine! Don't tell me you won?!" Dark said meeting her halfway down the hall.

" Damn! We lost the bet haven't we!" Ice exclaimed.

" Nope! I have something better than your crappy one hundred twenty!" Vine boasted.

" Well what is it?" Both of them said in unison.

" *Squee* Graze's porn collection," Vinetion said a bit too happy then looked at the ice and dark ponies infront of her," New rule, don't touch my porn."

" Celestia damn it! You and your rules! You can't enjoy all of that to yourself!" Dark argued.

" Oh yeah? I would say watch me but I am not one of the mares on these magazines."

" Fine! But do you at least know where Graze is? The bet is still on," Ice questioned.

A certain janitor then trotted by over hearing the conversation," What bet?"

" Oh hey Omnius! Well, ya see, the bet is who can get to see Graze fully fleshed, that colt never takes off his clothes and so far, no pony has had any luck!" Ice explained.

" Pony who wins gets a nice 120 bits," Dark added.

Omnius then reached into his pocket and pulled out twenty more bits," Add me in, I could really use the extra bits."

" ....Now I'm regretting taking Graze's porn collection..." Vine thought to herself.

" Well hope you enjoy seeing one naked colt while I am going to be a little busy, see ya!" Vine said trotting down the halls.

" WAIT! WHERE IS GRAZE?!" Dark shouted.

" THE SPA WITH DITZY! IF YA CAN'T GET HIM THERE, YOU JUST SUCK!" Vine shouted back down the halls.

" Well Dark, looks like we are going to the spa," Ice said galloping off.

" See ya Omnius! Everypony only gets one chance! Bye!" Dark said following Ice.

Omnius waved his hoof back and forth to the duo of ponies.

" I gotta tell Chaser about this....." Omnius said heading off to the teachers lounge.

-------------------------------------------At the Spa---------------------------------------------

I allowed my nose to drop under the warm water of the hot tub while my hair floated above the surface enjoying the relaxing spa day with Ditzy. Who said she was the only one going to enjoy this? A small stream of bubbles surfaced as I breathed out obviously enjoying myself a bit too much.

[ As gay as this is, I could get used to it ]

< Sounds like somepony's gonna enjoy prison>

[ Too relaxed to give a fuck ]

< Yeah we really should come here more often >

" How are you enjoying your little spa day Bright Eyes?" I asked watching Ditzy as she too enjoyed herself in the relaxing waters of the tub, her mane braided and her eyes with cucumbers atop them.

" Thank you so much Muffin, this is so relaxing!"

" Not a problem, it is your anniversary though."

[ Hey Joy, I can't shake the feeling that we are being watched ]

< Yeah it's because we are>

My eyes opened as I pulled my wet mane off of my eyes and took a glance around my surroundings," Oh Buck, what are these two doing here?"

What I had seen were two ponies Ice and Dark together at the spa... Something was definitely up.

I got out of the tub placing a spa robe around myself and trotted towards them," What are you two doing here?"

" What? Two colts can't enjoy a spa day?" Ice lied.

' Oh buck! Why are you wearing that stupid robe!'

" Yeah, sounds pretty gay..." I replied.

' Why does Graze always have clothes on! Celestia damn it!'

" But you're doing it!" Dark commented.

" I'm here with Ditzy and you are two colts, add two plus two man."

" Four?"

" No, gay..... Anyways, you guys interrupt this and I am going to use freeze your ass," I said looking at Ice," And electrocute yours!" I said looking at Dark.

" Ha! You can't do that!" Dark laughed.

" Bucking test me, please I beg of you," I begged of them to test my patience as I walked back to Ditzy who was now in the sauna.

As I opened the door a wide stream of steam and vapor diffused into the room making it at least twenty percent warmer in under ten seconds flat.

I then took of my robe and exited allowing the steam to cover my path as I closed the door behind me.

Dark then looked at Ice," Dude this is our only chance! If we can't see him there, we lose the bet!"

" I know! I know!" Ice said moving towards the sauna room and opened the door.

" Graze! Ya in here buddy?!" Dark and Ice shouted.

" I'm right here!" I said somewhere deep in the steam.

" Are you wearing any clothes?!" Dark shouted.

" Are you bucking stupid?! Who wears clothes in a sauna!" I replied shouting back at them.

I then saw two shadowy figures approach from the steam.

' Oh shit, I can't see any of Graze through this!' Dark said to Ice whispering.

' Just wait for it too clear up,' Ice replied.

" What is up with all of you ponies today? Seriously, can't I just relax?" I said questioning the both of them.

" Sorry man but urhmm....Uhmmm..." Ice was now lost in words as the steam cleared up, more and more of my body beginning to show.

" MORE STEAM PLEASE!" Ditzy requested as a spa pony poured more water into the heated rocks evaporating into steam blocking everypony's sight.

" OH BUCK! C'MON!" Dark shouted angered at what had happened.

" Celestia damn... Woah! Where are you taking us?!" Ice shouted as I dragged both Dark and Ice by their manes outside from the steam.

[ I have had enough of this bullshit!]

' Yes! He is literally handing us the one hundred twenty!' Dark thought to himself a bit too happy.

I stopped in my tracks by the water baths of the spa and brought the two ponies to face me. Something was weird about them though, their face was in disbelief and shock," What the buck is wrong with the two of you? Can't you see I am enjoying my day with Ditzy?"

" YOU TOLD US YOU WEREN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES!" Ice shouted a bit angered as he misinterpreted my statement.


Dark looked down ashamed of what he had done but quickly came up with an idea as he saw a rack of towels," Urhmmmmm Towel Whip?" He said galloping across to the towels twisting it and snapping it out at me causing a bit of stinging sensation.


" Ouch! Dude, what was that for?"

Ice then followed what he was doing which was to try to make me take off my towel to play such game.


" Seriously guys! Stop that!"



I then turned around on my hindlegs and bucked both of them into the tub of water having both strange effects of them.

Ice was floating in a small ice cube as he had frozen himself due to his unnatural ability as Dark Lightning tried to swim out of the water being shocked every few times.

" Knew that would work and you can't say I fucking warned you," I said trotting off with my towel still intact.

" C'mon Ditzy! It's time to head back to the school!"

" Coming just now muffin! Let me just get my stuff ready!" Ditzy said from across the spa packing her stuff. Once finished, she then moved to my location yet while taking notice of the massive ice cube holding a blue pony and as another tried to get out of the water powering through small surges of being electrocuted.

" Yeah, forget about them, let's just head home," I said carrying Ditzy outside the spa.

----------------------------------------Teacher's Lounge --------------------------------------------

"....So the students are having a little bet huh?" Mr. Charge repeated.

" Yup! Whoever gets to see Graze fully striped of clothes gets one hundred and forty bits!" Omnius said.

" Make it one hundred sixty," Chaser said putting in twenty bits.

" One hundred eighty, I'm in," Cross said wanting to win," I could really use those bits."

They all then looked at Mr. Charge.

".....Two hundred. May the best pony win," Charge added in. Next Chapter: Clothes Off?! ....Maybe.... Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 24 Minutes

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Three of Me: School Society

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