
Life at Canterlot's Private School...

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Video games and a Unexpected Friend

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Chapter 8:Video games and a Unexpected Friend

I was fixing up Luna's Xbox and she was watching me work. "So all we needed to do was plug a few wires into the back of this box." Then she points to the Tele. " and these into that. Then this box will make the 'video game' work?"

"Yup! I think you will like it. I know I did when I first started to play." I finished, powered up the Xbox, and picked up a remote for Luna. The remote was all shades of the night, even the buttons had the same color scheme. "So let's make you a profile and then play a game!"

I set up her account under the name 'Queen of the night' with a bio of "Normal pony that is fairly new to gaming." Didn't want her to be given kills in the game cause she was royalty. Were's the fun in that?

"Which one would you like to play first?" I asked sitting next to her.

There was a small pile of games next to her that she was browsing. The games consisted of Halo, Star wars unleashed, Skyrim, and Mass Effect 3(All pony editions apparently). She constantly went back to Mass Effect, So I picked it up and popped the disc into the tray and closed it. With the opening powering up I hand her the remote which she promptly picked up with her magic and stared at the screen.

The opening scene started up and then we got to the character create menu. It was pretty much the same only the classes were different. Here is what I deduced...


Master Magician(Unicorn)=Adept

Royal Spy(Pegasus)=Infiltrator

Mechanic(Earth Pony)=Engineer

Watch Guard(Earth Pony)= Sentinel

Royal Guard(unicorn)=Vanguard

Although there was another class I never saw before. It was called the 'Ruler'. From the stats I read it was a Pimped out Soldier crossed with a Adept.(Not a vanguard mind you) It had the ability not to be weighed down by weapons plus had different powers. Instead of 'Pull' there was 'Crush' which is self explanatory. The other one was instead of 'Singularity' there was 'Self implode' again self explanatory.

She chose that one cause it had one simple likeness to her. It was a Alicorn. Soon she made it look just like her only it had a baby blue mane instead of a galaxy mane like hers.

"Wow...you good at that." she giggled and continued the game. She played through the opening and began to get angry when she saw the shuttle blow up with the the foal(Boy) inside. After that she immediately went to the next mission and WAS UNSTOPPABLE. Literally she melee'd half of the Cerberus soldiers and got head shots on the rest. I watched wide eye'd as she plowed through the first level and was huffing by the end of it.


"Did we *huff* accomplish what our mission was?" She asked looking at my slack-jawed expression.


"Yes Slayer?"

"You sure you haven't played before? Because you just slaughtered EVERYTHING with taking little damage and wasting almost no ammo!!" I said slightly awed and flustered by the whole event. She just giggled. Then it turned into a hardy chuckle and within a few minutes she was full out laughing at me while leaning against me so she wouldn't fall over. I soon joined in as I reflected on my reaction and facial expression. I cries of laughter soon brought Princess Celestia to us to investigate the noise. Our laughter died out as she entered the room.

"What is going o-...." Then a fairly evil grin spread across her face as she saw what Luna was doing. "I thought you weren't going to get 'involved' with him Luna." I tilted my head in confusion while Luna hurriedly got off me and straightened up. Then blushing she picked up her remote again and started up the game while Princess Celestia walked behind the couch and watched Luna play.

"I see you actually got the gaming system working! Which game are you playing?" She asked. Luna just continued to watch the T.V. while responding.

"We art playing the game Mass Effect 3. Tis a fun game!" A small smile appeared along her face. Celestia on the other hand/hoof frowned. 'Ah the toils of siblings. I know this well.' I thought as I reflected on my time I spent trying to get my brothers back for tricking me all those years. Celestia walked around and scooted me closer to Luna while sitting on the opposite side of me. Have you ever dated someone's sister then they sat RIGHT next to you? yea...that's how I felt. No, I am not dating the princess, but the feeling is still there.

"So what have you two been doing all alone in here?" She asked with that same evil smile. 'Damn sibling rivalry.' I thought as I shifted uncomfortably and saw Luna blushing.

"We were setting up the Xbox thou got us." Luna said not even looking at Celestia. "Then we put this game in and played until you came in."

"Then what was all the laughing about?" Celestia said with her grin growing even larger. "That can't have been over powering up the game."

Luna blushed and looked her sister dead into the eye. "We were laughing because be we got through the first level with almost no fault and slayer's reaction was rather hilarious."

Then Celestia looked at me and I only nodded. "Hmmm alright. Well I was wondering when you would figure out this device." Then she looked at the clock above the T.V. and sighed. "Well I must leave now. I have court again and I must go tend to my subjects. By the way I was wondering, Luna have you seen Blueblood?"

Luna grew a MASSIVE smile and held back a snicker. "We have. In fact he should be seeking us out momentarily."

Celestia just raised a eyebrow and and shook her head. "Well when you see him tell him to stop harassing our human guards and servants." Luna nodded and Celestia left.


Luna and me played a few more of her games until there was a very violent knocking. I flinched and subconsciously rubbed the back of my head. Luna looked at me before pausing the game. "Who tis there?" She asked.

The door flew open and slammed into the wall to reveal a VERY pissed off unicorn. He was white and appeared to be wearing a suit. He mane was BRIGHT neon pink and looked like a Afro from the disco days. His nostrils were flaring as he looked at Luna then his eye fell on me. His look went from rage to confusion right back to rage. He literally stomped over to us and got right in front of Luna and she just sighed and paused her game.

"May we help thou? If ye can't see we art partaking in a videogame." Luna said with minor annoyance of having her game interrupted. Blueblood on the other hand was furious.

"Yes you may help me! I would like to inquire WHY you did this to me!?" He asked with a pompous arrogant tone. 'I hate this guy already...' I thought.

"I woke up this morning and was doing my daily routine when a servant SO kindly pointed out what somepony did to my mane!!" I winced as he almost shrieked. Luna had a faint look of strain of her face as I saw her eyes flick from Blublood's face to his mane then back.

I was doing my best not to burst into laughter either, but Luna was slowly losing it. I decided that I would need to break this up so that I wouldn't be thrown in jail for self defense against a unicorn. I looked at the clock and faked a MASSIVE gasp.

"Princess Luna! Your meeting with the mammalogist! You are going to be late!! I am so sorry Mr.Blueblood, but your conversation with the princess must wait. Now please go so she may get ready!!" I quickly pushed the unicorn out of the door and closed it. Locking the door I placed a ear against it to listen. I heard grumbling and then hooves stomping off down the hall. I sighed and look at Luna.

"You know you owe for this right?" Then without any other thing holding us back we both burst into laughter again. I nearly fell on the floor I was laughing so hard. Luna was the same if not more as me. I walked over and sat down, still laughing. After we calmed down, Luna picked up her controller again and continued her game.

"That was funny....." I said still chuckling. We both broke out into laughter again.


I sighed as I stepped into the private school. It had been a wonderful night hanging out with that princess. As I have heard before in my class rooms and hallways. 'Luna is best princess.' I thought as I walked down the hallway.

I put my headphones back in and played a few upbeat songs. I walked down the lit up hallway, bobbing my head to the music playing into my ears. I was really happy right now. I had made a great friend, I had helped play a prank, and best of all....I made a new gamer. I was honestly happier than a 5 year old kids on Christmas. Happier than a nerd getting to get a sneak preview at the new Dr.Who episode. HAPPIER THAN- *THWANGK*. My merry waltz down the hall to some awesome beats came to a end by a rouge locker to the face.

I had fallen on the floor and with my headphones in, I didn't hear all the profanities I was probably bellowing out at the top of my lungs. I used one hand to nurse my mostly likely broken nose and the other to rip my head phones from my ears. That's when I heard all of the words that were spilling from my lips.

"...itch, cunt, slut, mother fucking son of a 2 cent whore." I was a little revolted by my choice of words, but none the less agreed on how they show my anger and pain.

"Oh god I am so sorry! I just got to this school and was sure I was alone in this hall! Oh jeez, here let me help you up..." The man said. I felt my arm get picked up along with my glasses. "Here again I am so sorry! I just-"

I held up my hand and rubbed my face. Due to not having my glasses and just recently getting busted in the nose with a metal door, my eyes were not working really well. Now getting hit in the nose doesn't sound bad, but in actuality it really screws you up. My senses were all sort of screwed up at the moment. My eyes were blurrier than usual, I couldn't smell(No really?), my touch was a little dampened, and my hearing was slightly ringing. I rubbed my head a little bit to clear the oncoming head ache.

Finally when my face hurt less, I took my glasses and looked at the man in front of me. He had blue eyes and black hair that was a little shaggy. On his body he was wearing a black zip up sweater with a cobalt shirt under neath. I couldn't read what was on it but all I got was 'Join the.......we have cookies and shit'. He was about my height if not a inch taller. I shook my head to slightly clear it and looked at him. He looked worried and slightly embarrassed. I blinked a few times before actually speaking.

"Look I know you sorry, but it's mostly my fault. I should have been looking where I was going. Besides if I was I would have probably stayed away from the lockers. Anyway now that that is cleared up...My name is Slayer. You?" I said holding out my hand.

He smiled and shook it. "The names Leonard. Leonard alpha, but you can call me church."

"Church?" I asked looking a little perplexed.

"It's just a nickname I got. again I am really sorry about that." He said with apologetic expression. I chuckled and showed him my arms.

"I have had worse believe me. So why arm you here? I mean like what classes are you taking?" He smiled again and pulled reached into his back pack. It was a simple dark blue backpack with a Sniper emblem stitched into the front of it. He pulled out a schedule and showed me his paper.

"math, science, history....Electronic music class? You like techno and dubstep?" I asked and he nodded. "Huh well good knews is you have math and history with me. So see ya then!"

As I began to walk away he tapped me on the shoulder. "Um hey. Could you possibly tell me where this dorm is?" I nodded and motioned for his dorm number. I saw it and laughed. It was literally right across the hall from me.

"Yeah I know where

that is. Grab your stuff and follow me." He did as asked and we began to trek back to the dorm hall.

Author's Note:

I saw the new episode.....Trixie gained a rank in my top 10 ponies.

Next Chapter: Chapter 9: A day of rest...mostly Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 46 Minutes
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