
Life at Canterlot's Private School...

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Fun with the night

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Chapter 7: Fun with the night

I met up with Brony, Hank and Lyra outside and was soon tackled by the mare in question. She was, surprisingly, sobbing and WOULD NOT ease up with her grip. It got worse when she saw my arm bandages. She threw so many questions out at me that I asked Hank for a rubber band. Then using said rubber band, I put it over her mouth. She looked a little confused at first until I pointed behind me and she saw the princess. After a "EEP" coming from her muffeled mouth and jumping off me, I got up off the floor and dusted myself off.

"Slayer what happened? We saw that captain of the guard guy drag you off then next thing we know we are being called to be told that the trial was canceled." Brony said. I just shook my head and looked to the princesses.

"Do I have a few moments before we leave?" I asked. They looked at each other and then to me.

"Of course we will be waiting for thee." Luna said and walked out of the room with her sister. Everyone looked at me with confused and worried expressions. "What?...Now what is it you guys want to know?"

After I took the rubber band off of Lyra's snout, I answered all the questions. They varied from why was I put in a cell to why are you leaving with the princesses. The last one was a question I thought would be a little awkward to answer so I settle for just saying that she wanted to discuss somethings. I wasn't lying....but I wasn't telling the whole truth.

"So yeah that is the story in a nutshell...what else would you like to know?" I asked. Lyra was the only one who had one more question.

"What happened in that cell that caused those awful scratches on your arms?" Lyra asked. I was surprised that my wounds hadn't come up until now.

"Well after I talk with Princess Luna I got on my bed. Literally 5 minutes after I laid down the guards threw a griffon in my cell....long story short I kicked her ass and got some wounds to prove it." I summed up. They all nodded and I stood up. "Well Guys and gals I gotta go now. Thank you for waiting for me and I should be back by tonight. See you guys later."

"Wait Slayer!" Lyra stopped me before I could take a step. I turned and she grabbed my hand and put my android in my hand. "You left this and I thought you would need it."

I smiled ,knelt down, and hugged the pony. "Thanks lyra! See you guys later."

They all nodded while walking away and I walked back to the princesses. I was about to open the door when I heard voices on the other side. The princesses were arguing about something if I had to guess.

"...But Luna all I am saying is that he is not only a male, but a human no less. What would the public think!" That had to be Tia, at least if I remembered voices correctly.

"We care not what the public thinks! He is only a friend and nothing more! We will deal with the press and reporters Tia. Don't worry about us." Luna.... definitively Luna. No way to mistake her speech. I got uncomfortable with what they were talking about so I decided to knock on the door. I opened it and poked my head out. They both looked at me and to be honest......It was very unnerving. I got over the fact they were royalty ever since I knock her down that faithful day, so their expressions were what I was worried about. They looked almost angry, happy, and nervous.

"Um...Am I interrupting something?" They looked at each other and then luna looked to me.

"Could thou wait just a moment longer?" She asked.

"Of course I will just be sitting.." I looked back into the room and saw some furniture. "...on that couch I guess." I walk back into the room and sat down and took my android out. Placing my ear buds in, I turned to a song I listened to when ever I just wanted to relax.

I pressed play on Tomorrow by Chris Young.

I bobbed my head as the opening played. Then I gently began to sing with the song. Now I don't have the best voice in the world, but living in a house with my patriotic dad and three brothers made singing country songs easier than most other genres.


I gonna leave here

I gonna let you go and walk away

like everyday I said I would.

Then without me knowing Luna had walked in and up to me.

And tomorrow.

I am gonna listen

to that voice of reaso~n

inside my head.

Telling me that we're no good!

Luna's head tilted to the side a bit she listened to me sing.

,But tonight I'm gonna give it one last try

Gonna rock you strong in these arms of mine!

forget about the regrets that are bound to follo~w!

Then I went back to nodding my head as the instruments played. Then, not missing a beat, picked up were the song left off.

We are like fire and gasoline!

I'm no good for you and your no good for me.

We only bring each other tears and sorro~w!

But tonight....I'm gonna love ya like there's no~


That was when I opened my eyes to see Luna with tears in her eyes. With my eyes widening, I pulled out the headphones and turned off my music.

"Luna! when did you get here and why are you crying?" I asked a little flustered and worried. She raised a hoof and I honestly thought she was going to slap me. Now I have been slapped before, but I know that hooves would have hurt A LOT more than a human hand. Instead of doing any of that, she just wiped her tears away and looked at me.

"Pray tell what song was that? and by whom was it played?" She asked. I let a silent breath of relief pass as I took out my android.

"It's by the man called Chris Young. The song it's self is called Tomorrow. You want to listen to it?" I held out a ear bud and she nodded. She came and sat next to me while I placed one of the ear buds in her ear. It was actually a little difficult, but I managed. I pressed play and let the rest of the song play.

By the end of the song she was in more tears than she began. I let her use my sleeve as a tissue(thankfully she didn't blow her nose.) and thought for another song she'd like. Oddly enough I didn't have any 'happy' songs on my android. Now before you go saying "OH MY GOD YOUR SO EMO." I just want to say that I just never could find a song that was happy I liked. So I found a song that I listened to when I wanted to feel empowered.

"Okay Luna I got a better song than that." I said as I pulled up the song.

"And what is this song?" She asked looking over my shoulder. I just smiled and played This is war by 30 seconds to mars. She began to bob her head to the beat of the song and soon was almost singing the lyrics, but stopped before she vocalize. I looked at her when the song ended.

"Hey luna?" She turned to me. "How come you don't sing?" She blushed slightly and shifted in her seat.

"W-well when we were younger, we sung all the time! But back then the nobles frowned upon it if you did it in public. It also didn't help that our voice wasn't all that good." She said looking slightly sad.

"Oh come on! That was then! This is now! Come on, I will play a song with a female singer and I want you to sing along alright?" She hesitantly nodded. I picked up my android and played the one song I knew she could sing.

I played Lacrymosa by Evanesence while Luna closed her eyes and swayed with the music.

I was incomplete awe of her voice as she sang. It was even better than the songstress in the actual song. not only was she not missing a beat, the pitch was perfect, she never missed a lyric. After the song ended, I was sitting there. Mouth agape. Not blinking.

"Were we truly that bad? We haven't su-" She began before I cut her off.

"OH nonononononono that was amazing! I don't know why you thought your voice was awful because that was the best singing I have ever heard!" By now she was blushing at the praise. After a few more song we got up and left to wander around.

"Sooo....What is there to do around here?" I asked as I looked around.

"Well. There is the concert hall which is very fun to relax in when there is nopony there. There is the gardens were you can see hundreds of exotic animals. There are more if those don't sound appealing." She said as she stopped to think.

"Well may I ask you something?" She nodded. "Do you have a Xbox?" she blinked. "PS3?" no response. "Wii?"

"What art thou talking about?" I face-palmed.

"You know a gaming system." I said removing my hand from my face.

"OOhhhh. Yes, my sister got me one saying I should 'try it out' when ever I got bored. I tried to work the flabbergasted machine, but it won't even turn on!!" She said pouting a little bit. I tilted my head and scratched it in thought. Then I asked a stupid question.

"Did you press the power button when you wanted to play?" I hung my head at the smart-ass comment.'I really got to stop talking without thinking' I thought. When I looked at her she was almost pure red. Right there....I almost lost it.

"You...You really forgot too......" I was biting my tongue, nearly drawing blood, trying my hardest not to laugh. Then she tackled me and got right in my face.

"If thou tells my sister, we will personally make thee clean the lavatory in the barracks with thee's tongue." She said with anger and embarrassment in her voice. She got off me and pulled me up. "Now if thy can contain thine's self will thee help me with this 'gaming system'."

"Of course princess." I let out a chuckle and walked with her down the hall.


Unbeknowst to Slayer and The princess of the night there was a shadowy figure lurking in the shadows. "Yes, yesss he will do nicely. Now to report back." It left without another sound.

Author's note:

Sorry for the long update. Writer's block sucks......Any way hope you all enjoyed a great Turkey Day and weekend!

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Video games and a Unexpected Friend Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 55 Minutes
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