
Life at Canterlot's Private School...

by Smexy Sombra

Chapter 26: Blooper reel #1: Some off scene fun plus something extra. ;)

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Chapter 1: Opening scene:

I opened the doors before- *THUMP* “Falling flat on my face....”

The camera man lowered the camera as he laughed and watched the ‘guard’ help Slayer up.

“Yeah yeah I am fine. How about you narrator? You find this funny?” Slayer asked looking next to me.

“You bet your ass I do. *Snicker*” The narrator said.


Chapter 3: Beginning scene:

"Okay just to ease my curiosity when you say loneliness do you mean outta actual loneliness or the OTHER kind of loneliness?" She cocked her head to the side in confusion then quickly blushed and almost yelled.

"Actual loneliness!! Why would you even ask that!?"

"Curiosity mostly." I replied


“Too much awesomeness for you?”

Lyra and Slayer burst into laughter before picking up a pillow and throwing it at Slayer.

“Oh fuck you!” She yelled.

“Do you really have to narrate everything?” Slayer asked me.

Fuck yeah I do! If I don’t I don’t get payed, so suck it up biatch!


Chapter 3: Luna bumping scene:

She finished putting the tiara on when she started to yell at me.


“Well that was anti-climatic.” Slayer said righting turning back to the camera and giving it a shit eating grin. Luna walked over and punched him in the arm.

“Fuck you too Slayer!” Luna said hugging him.

“What is with all the girls wanting my bone?” Slayer said looking to the camera.

“You’re just lucky we are dating.” Luna said kissing him before going back to her place. “Alright are we ready?”


Chapter 4: Cast greetings!:

“Alright who is playing the role o-” Slayer sees Hank walk in and damn near shits himself. “Holy mother of Luna you are fucking terrifying.”

“D-Did I over do it? Oh I am sorry! I didn’t mean too! I wa-” Hank began to stutter out. Slayer just walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

“Naw dude! Your perfect! Now just be the big, lovable teddy bear that these guys saw in you-” He gestured to the director and his helpers. “- and we will get along fine.”


Chapter 4: Flutter scene:

"HEY!! EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN!!" He said as he rose from his chair. EVERYONE did just as he said, even Fluttershy only she more or less dived to the ground like someone lobbed a grenade at her. I actually just nodded my head in awe and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and sat back down with a triumphal smirk.


Slayer got up and looked. “Is she dead?”

Luna walked in and poked Flutter’s hoof. “No she is just in shock.”

Lyra walked in and sighed. “Alright who broke Flutter?”


Chapter 11: Spider and the knife:

I looked down and saw a spider. I blinked at first and slowly reached onto the table. My hand worked it’s way across the table until it felt something. “YAH!” I yelled as I brought what was in my hand onto my arm.
I probably should have checked what was in my hand before attacking the spider because I put a plastic knife an inch into my arm.

“GRK....*Whine*...Church......Oh shit guys?... I might have actually stabbed myself.” Slayer said looking to Church.

“You’re um.... You’re kidding right?” Church said and slayer shook his head.

“Yeah I didn’t... This is just like with the griffin.”

“Oh yeah the griffin grope scene!” Church said.

“Bow chika bow wow!” Slayer said before looking to the camera. “No seriously I hurt myself.”


Chapter 11: Song scene:

As I walked closer I could hear a instrument accompanying his singing. Then I heard what he was singing. (Imagine on the guitar.)

I walked up silently listening in to what he was singing... Classical music.... Ugh. So fancy.
Luna, won't you guide me home?
Luna, won't you *Twang* FUCK ME IN THE ASS....

“No... Thank you?” Luna said before bursting into laughter while Church soon followed..

“Oh my god why?” Church said before falling on the ground and laughing even harder.


“Okay okay...Well, I guess it started about a month or two ago. We had so many things in common and the same taste in music. I loved the night, You're gorgeous..” I was letting it all out now. ‘No point in holding back now.’ I thought. “....We love the same videogames, you love to go outside and meet people or ponies regardless, You don’t give a damn about what others think unless they are your friends, Your a amazing artist, and..and.. I could go on, but then I think I would die of oxygen loss...” I said. I let in a gasp and then panted for a moment.

“Alright everyone! Now I have a annoucement!” Slayer walked over and grabbed a box from the coat on his chair and walking over to Luna before getting on one knee and opening the small box showing a small gold ring with a diamond on it. “Luna? Would you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?”

“YES! YES!” Luna said before tackling Slayer and letting him put the ring on her horn. They shared a kiss before the director walked over and looked into the camera.

“This wasn’t the real ending, but WHOO HOO! Go Slayer!” He said before starting a massive applaud.


End of Bloopers: A message from the cast:

“Hey everyone! You all just saw a few of the many bloopers we have in storage! The last was actually real footage of me proposing to Luna. These don’t affect our story at all and we just wanted to give you guys a little something for your undying support.” Slayer said walking into the light with Luna.

“And from the whole cast of Life at Canterlot Private School... We all say THANKS FOR WATCHING!!” Luna said before the cast walks in clapping and whooping in delight.

Author's Notes:

Hey everyone! This is just a fun way of letting you know that chapters are going to be late because.... School blows. Elephant dick..... And is gay.

Brohoof if you hate School. Not learning. School.

Next Chapter: Bloopers! #2 Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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