
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 9: Derek and Samantha: Time Has Come

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Derek and Samantha: Time Has Come

A/N: Please excuse me for my long absence. But, as I promised, I would upload a new chapter, and here I am. enjoy. :)

February 19, 2007

London, England night time.

Location: Small apartment, cheep housing and loud noises.

It was a calm, quiet night. Not a single person was outside on the street and the only noise that could be heard was the flickering of the street lights.


Well, almost quiet.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU STUPID TWAT!" shouted the voice from behind Derek's door. "OPEN IT OR I'LL FUCKING BREAK IN!!!" The man behind the door was none other than Derek's father. He was a man in his mid 40's, a very grumpy, old abusive man. When Derek was younger, he would hide in his room, hoping that he would not find him. When Derek was small, he was nothing but a scrawny, pale looking kid. He was so skinny, he was easily the primary target of school bullies.He couldn't do anything, so weak, so small, so young.

But this was years ago.

"GO AHEAD AND BREAK THE DOOR OPEN!!! I DARE YA YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN!!" Derek shouted back. He stood 3 feet away from the door, ready for a fight. Sense 8th grade, he grew tired of being pushed around, so he decide to lift weights over the pass four years. He stood at 6'3, had arms packed with muscle from so much weight lifting, legs so strong he can kick your head off. He wore a sleeveless hoodie, underneath he had on a black t-shirt, had blue jeans, black leather belt and brown, leather Nike shoes. Behind him, a small, seven year old girl with blond hair, yellow eyes, grey long sleeved sweater that covered her hands, white jeans and black flat bottom shoes, was cowering behind him. Suddenly, the door burst opened, and there stood a VERY pissed off dad.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM SAMANTHA!!!" Derek shouted. The father just scoffed and glared at his children.

"SAMANTHA! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO GET A BETTER GRADE THEN A B+!?!" shouted the father. Samantha in response just whimpered behind her brother.

"I- I'm sorry d-dad." Samantha said between sobs. Her brother turned around at his sweet, Innocent little sister, crying. She was scared for her life, and Derek DID NOT like that. He turned around to stare his father in the eyes and raised up his fists.

"If you wanna get Sammy," Derek said, cracking his fingers and neck,"You have to get through ME!" He charged at his father and knocked his downstairs, Derek falling with him. He pinned him against the ground, grabbing both his fathers fists and slamming them against his face. His father soon overpowered him, and shoved him to the nearest wall, hard.

"So you finally got the balls to go against ya ol' man huh?" He said, and punched his son right in the gut. Derek grunted, and shoved his father at the T.V, shattering it in the process.

Derek's old man was not knocked out, but dazed enough for him grab Samantha by the waist and run outside. Neighbor's walk outside to see the two running away from their house. Derek was running so fast from the house with Samantha over his shoulder, he didn't even notice a man and women standing outside a very familiar blue police box.
The man appeared to be in his mid 20's, wore a large brown drench coat, a dark brown suit and a green tie. His hair, was a tangled mess. Next to the man, was a women who appeared to be in her early 30's. She wore all white, shirt, pants, everything. Only thing different about her was her fusia colored eyes and the four colors in her hair: Sky blue, light green, fusia and purple.

"Are you sure about this Tia? I mean I don't doubt you, but what does he have that resembles me?" The man asked with a very confused look. He turned around to the women and she smiled in response.

"Of course I am Doctor, but only time will tell why I need you and them together." Celestia said, pointing at the running children. The Doctor just laughed and returned to His TARDIS.

"OK Celestia, I trust you." He stuck his head inside the ship and found a certain grey coated, blond maned pony playing with a smaller one.

"Are you ready to go Ms. Ditzy?" the Doctor said, smiling at the ponies in front of him. The two ponies looked at each other then smiled widely at the Doctor.


Derek set his sister on top of a dumster, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "It's ok Sammy, we left him. He's not fallowing us any more." He said with a smile. Sammy looked up at his brother, glad she still had someone who cared for her in her life.

"Daddy was being mean again." Samantha muttered.

"I know I know, but don't worry, were OK." Derek smiled.They had been through so much abuse after their mother left. One day she said she was going to go buy some milk.

That was four years ago.

Samantha's smile quickly vanished when she looked above Derek. the next thing he knew, Derek was twisted around and a fist connected with his mouth.

"AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Derek shouted in pain, covering his busted, bleeding lip. The next thing he knew, he was kicked hard in the chest, and fell strait to the ground. Derek groaned and quickly looked around for the fucker that attacked him. When he looked up at the entrance from the alley to the street, his eyes widened in shock.

There, stood his father, with a hand wrapped around Sammy. So many questions were flilling his head. How did he get here? Why now, why so fast? What the fuck is behind his back?

"How the hell did you get here so fast? And how did you find us?" Derek asked in shock. His father just scoffed and released a wicked smile.

"I fallowed ya by taking a cab."

Derek wanted to face palm, but kept his cool and only glared at his father. He tried to get up, but his father quickly pulled out a sharp, shard of glass. "Ah, ah, ah," He said, pressing the shard against Samantha's neck.

"Get any where near here and I'll slit her throat." Derek only stared in shock, and glared at his father.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN AND ONLY DAUGHTER?!?" Derek shouted. His father's smile was quickly replaced with a disgusted scowl.

"My daughter? MY DAUGHTER!? SHE'S NOTHING BUT A WHORES CHILD!!" He pushed Samantha towards Derek. He hugged Sammy in a tight embrace. She still continued to cry in her grey sleeves. "Keep talking about mum and I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" Derek's dad interrupted, "CALL THE POLICE?! HA! GO AHEAD! I'LL JUST END YOU LIVES BEFORE THEY GET HERE!!" he quickly walked up to Derek, and was ready to stab his son. Derek hugged Sammy tighter, waiting for the blade.


and waiting.

where the hell is the damn screaming?

Derek looked up at his Dad. He was glowing in a white aura. "What the hell!?" his dad said. "THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?"

Then, out of no where, A man in a brown coat stepped in between Samantha, Derek and the floating man. Derek took a quick second to look at this man. He had a grin from ear to ear. His hair was a shaggy mess, thin man he is. He wore a large brown coat and a dark brown suite underneath. He had a glowing screwdriver in his left hand.

"Hello Derek!" He said in a cheery tone. "Celestia, Ditzy, Dinky, Don't just stand there come on out!!"
Before Derek could react, a tall, white slender horse trotted out of the shadows, fallowed by two more horses. One was taller than the little one, but, was small compared to the glowing white horse herself.

"Derek, is this your father?" The man said. Derek nodded, and the mans smiles, was quickly wiped away with an angry stare. He turned around the floating man, who was scared shitless.

"Do you know who I am?: The man said in an emotionless tone. Father just whimpered in response. "My name is the Doctor, and you my not so good sir, messed up." The next thing Derek knew, his father was tossed across the street. His body layed motionless, Celestia's scowl then turned to a smile.

"Nice to meet you Doctor." Derek muttered. The Doctor's emotionless face was now covered in a friendly grin. "Not to sound mean, but...Who are you."

"Well, thats Celestia, the tall pony with wings and a horn, and those too over there are Dinky and Ditzy Do."

"Ponies?" Samantha's sobbing face quickly brightened up to a smile and rushed up to the two little ponies. "There will be more time for introductions later Samantha," Celestia said, "Right now, we need your help."
Before Derek could say anything, he and his sister were quickly rushed into a Blue, police box. When Derek was pushed in the box, he was greeted with a giant, golden colored machine. The Doctor quickly pressed a whole bunch of knobs and buttons, and Derek was feeling his body sway back and forth.

"The hell?" Derek said before he was quickly pushed outside of the box into a small house. He noticed his sister had a pair of grey wings behind her back,laughing next to Dinky and Ditzy while Celestia and a brown pony talked. Celestia than left on a flash of bright light, while the Doctor was left there, with other ponies and his sister. Derek was left there slack jawed.

"WHA...!?!?" Derek shouted Before he was knocked out. He fell on his feet while Dinky, Ditzy, Samantha, and the brown pony stared curiously.

"Well," The Doctor said smiling.

"He took that quite easier than I expected."

Wow that escalated quickly, Well, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I will try to do another one tomorrow, In the mean time. Have a nice day :)

Next Chapter: Tears Of The Moon. Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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