
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 10: Tears Of The Moon.

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Tears Of The Moon.

The Moon. Equestria

Night time. 6 AM.

Luna watched over the land of Equestria, her moon shining in the dark, night sky. She stood in the center of the moon, her stars surrounding the moon, glistening in the moonlight. Sense the fight she had with Celestia, she had been feeling mixed emotions about her sisterly relationship with her sister
'Should I forgive her?' thought Luna. 'and if I do, will she take me back as her sister?' Luna then shakes her head and her expression changed from sadness to anger. "Of course I shouldn't. She dares to talk about that snake in the grass, Discord."

Snake? I thought I was a pony. No, wait, wrong answer, ha ha.

Luna stood frozen in place, eyes widened in shock and fear. She looked around for the sound, but only saw the stars around her. So many thoughts were filling her mind. How did he escaped? What does he want? Where is Celestia? Luna snapped her head out of the confusion and her horn began to glow a black and dark blue aura. Her eyes, went from her dark blues selves, to glowing bright white light.

"DISCORD!!!" Luna shouted, using the royal Canterlot voice. "WHERE ARE YOU?! SHOW YOUR SELF YOU COWARD!!"
She looked around, flapping her wings furiously. Discord only responded in a chuckle through out the darkness. Before Luna could react, she was struck with a lightning bolt that send her flying across her own moon. She got back up, only to be chocked by an invisible force. When she opened her eyes, dark purple smoke was surrounding her body, and when she looked down at her neck, and eagle talon was wrapped around her.

"Coward? You ran away from a fight with you big sister, and your calling me a coward?"

Soon, the smoke faded away, and In front of Luna, stood only the evil, chocolate exploding, glass drinking god himself. Discord. His smile was quickly increasing into a twisted grin, his red eyes staring strait into Luna's glowing white eyes. Luna could only look in horror as the chaos god himself was slowly killing her. Each time she tried to breath, Discord only tightened his grip even more. Luna's horn glowed, and she tried to escape, but Discord grabbed her horn with his other paw.

"Use your magic and I'll break it off." He tightened his grip around Luna's horn, forcing her to stop trying. In response, Luna spat on Discord's face. The god only chuckled and brought Luna close up to his red, glowing eyes.

"Poor wittle woona, all alone and scared for her life when nopony can hear you scream in this useless rock of a moon." Discord smiled. Luna glared at him, Discord only laughed even louder, separating his eagle talon from his body, only to grow a new one. The other one was still choking Luna. He backed away and raised both of his arms.

"Watch out, we got a bad ass over here." Discord teased. Luna only coughed in response. Discord ceased his laughter only to decrease his grip around Luna's neck. "What was that Woona?" He asked. Luna took a deep breath and teleported away from Discord, a good 10 feet away from him.

"How did you escape?" Luna asked angrily. "I thought the Elements of Harmony locked you away for good." Discord only let a sly smile escape his face, and even from a distance, he was able to whisper in her ear.

"True. They did lock me away, but I am a god. A CHAOS GOD. Did you really think that I was going to just stand there in your garden and let the little fillies and colts gaze up at me, laughing at me? But that does not give you a clear reason now does it?" Luna turned to her right, and before she could react, a purple, smoked covered hand grabbed her by the horn and jerked her up into the air. Luna yelped in pain, she could feel the same pain she felt when Celestia and her fought him all those years ago. Discord flew up to her, creating a cotton candy chair and sat in front of her.

"Think about it," He began, "Who did your sister loved all those years ago?" The purple hand only tightened its grip around Luna, forcing her to reply.

"You." Luna said between her clenched teeth. Discord smiled and tightened the hands grip even further.

"And what does love create?" Discord said with an evil smile. Luna's eyes only widened in the sudden realization.

"C-Chaos?" Luna said in fear. Discord pulled a bell and a small hammer from behind his chair. "Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!" He shouted. He then walked up to Luna on thin air, and smiled at her. His paw was suddenly engulfed in a Purple, smoke like magic. A reached for Luna's chest slowly.
"What are you-" Before she could finished, Discord's paw punched right into her heart. Luna only screamed in pain, her tears were running down the black, purple aura on her chest.

"Remember you good ol' friend, Nightmare Moon?" Luna's eyes widened even larger as she knew what Discord was doing. He was going to release nightmare Moon from her soul.
"NO! DON'T!!" She shouted, but it was all ready to late. In front of her own eyes, a large, black, smoke like ball was pulled out of her chest. She screamed in pain, causing Discord to only cackle in a wicked manner. The giant hand released its grip,on her horn, and send her crashing to the ground with a loud thud. Discord placed the black blob next to him.
"Luna," Discord said. The black blob was forming into a large pony, about the same size as Celestia. She had a pitch black coat, blue armor covering her head and her hooves. She had a horn and wings herself, clearly she was an alicorn. After her body was created, her eyes came into form. Reptilian like pupils stared deep into the defenseless Luna.

"Meet Nightmare Moon."

Luna could only stare in fear and shock at her alter ego. She was standing 15 feet away from her. Discord yawned and snapped his fingers. Behind him, a light purple portal was glowing. In the portal, showed and apocalyptic waste land. The grass was on fire, the sky was covered in black smoke: The whole area was just a hell in another world.

"Well, I would love to stay and chat," Discord stepped inside the portal, it slowly closed, only to reveal his eyes left behind. "But I have to regenerate my Chaos magic. Have fun with you new friend Woona!!" He said in a mocking tone. His eyes soon vanished, only thing left was a laughter that send chills down Luna's spine.

Luna tried to stand, but a black aura quickly shoved her back to the ground. She looked left and right, only to see a black magic aura forcing her to stay down. She looked up at Nightmare Moon, her face only showed signs of anger and and pleasure of Luna's pain. (Not that way pervs!) Nightmare Moon walked up to her slowly, each step she took left a trail of black smoke behind her. Luna tried to escape, but her horn was quickly covered in a black magic, not allowing her to use her abilities.

"Don't move you useless piece of trash." Said Nightmare Moon. Luna stopped moving, and Moon only chuckled. "That's right," Moon said, "Give up. Your useless. No pony cares about you. Well, no pony but me. I am your only friend in this world Luna. In fact, I am you."

"You are not my friend. You are a evil version of me. You are not me." Luna said between clenched teeth. Moon only smiled wickedly at Luna. "Oh but we are. We are both alone in this world, nopony appreciates our night. We are an outcast to the world, we rule the night and it's stars. Come with me Luna, together, we will become unstoppable. We would be right next to Discord, as he rules this world any many others."

Luna only spat at Moons hooves. "No, I am not alone, I have my sister, many fillies and colts appreciate me after Nightmare Night. I rule the night and stars. I will not come with you, I will not rule other worlds with Discord, AND WE ARE NOT. THE. SAME.!!!" Luna shouted at Nightmare Moon. In response, Moon's flowing mane lifted up her Chin.

"If you do not want to join me," Nightmare Moon's horn was covered in a black aura and was slowly reaching for Luna's forehead. "THEN DIE!!!" Luna waited for it to be all over. She was going to die, and she couldn't do anything about it. All she
looked at a star, a falling star and she wished for help.

'Wait.' Luna thought, 'I did not cause that star to fall?' She then noticed the star fly strait towards her. Wait, it wasn't going to her. It was heading strait for Nightmare Moon. Before Moon's horn could touch her forehead, she was knocked away 20 feat from her right, by the glowing falling star. Moon stood up from the blow, and stared at the star in front of her.

"WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?" Moon shouted. Luna too was shocked. She then noticed the star was morphing into a figure. It had a black, newsboy hat. His white shirt was tucked into his black pants, and he had black straps hooked up to the wholes where you put your belt through. He had two, curved blades in the form of a question mark. The blades were covered in a dark blue and black aura. It had a smirk on its face as it stood in front of Luna. It turned around, and slashed away the black smoke away from Luna, allowing her to stand up. But she only can gawk in awe as the figure that stood in front of her smirked.

"Ya gunna stay like that?" it said. Luna could just stare at the being in front of her. She hadn't seen a being like him sense Celestia and her defeated Discord. The human turned around and his smirk quickly changed into a large grin.

"So is this a demented version of you or something?" He said pointing one of the blades at Nightmare Moon. Moon only scoffed at the being in front of her.

"Who are you human?" Nightmare Moon said in anger. The human pointed one of the blades at his chest and scoffed.
"Me?" He said in an innocent matter. "My name is Eddie, and I'm here," He stood in front of Luna, arms stretching close by his body with big grin across his face.

"To dry the tears of the moon."

A/N: GASP!! DRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER FOR THE WIN!! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Of course I'm not gunna leave the princess of the night alone, what kind of person would I be if I didn't? Don't worry though, I will explain more about Eddie later in the future. I still have to introduce the other humans as well. Until then Have nice day!!

Next Chapter: Jones: Fire Burns Within Those Who Suffer. Estimated time remaining: 41 Minutes
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