
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 8: Carlos: Through Thick and Thin.

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Carlos: Through Thick and Thin.

Date: May 5, 2012.

Monday. A warm sunny-windy day. Perfect for flying.

Location: Inglewood California. Sunny Blvd.

The birds were chirping, the dogs were barking, and the music was blasting. All through out the street, families were either on their front porch listening to music, or in the backyard, firing up the BBQ for some good ol' carne esada. One particular house however, was quiet. Not one sound came from inside the house. The walls were white, the door was covered in chipped wood and worn-out brown paint. The roof was stable, though some shingles swayed back and forth due to the wind. The door open to reveal a 21 year old man. He wore creased khaki pants, a solid black hoodie, a white large t shirt under it, Black Nike Corteses, a gold necklace, and a coca cola can in his right hand. His hair was short but spiky. He looked across his house to find a family of four playing in a pool, big enough for 10 people. He sat on a plastic chair that was on his porch, sighed and stared up at the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a cyan blue, and in the distance he could see a rainbow, shining all over California. A small, sad smile appeared on his face, but was quickly wiped away by three shadowy figures in front of him.

"What up Carly." said a male in a serious tone. He was wearing a black tank top, black shades, khaki pants, sneakers and a silver ring on his middle finger that said, "Skull Crushers." The other two behind him laughed, one wearing a buttoned up shirt and jean pants, the other, a white tank top, with black jeans. This causing the man on the chair to just glare at the man in front of him. "It's Carlos, and what the fuck do you want Victoria?" Carlos said, grinning at his own comeback. Carlos stood up, ready to defend himself.
"It's Victor," he pulled out a .9 millimeter from his back pocket, aiming the gun at Carlos' head, "And where the fuck is my money punk ass?" Victor looked to his right and saw an old man standing there, watching their conflict in disapproval. Before Victor could say anything, the old man just shook his head and walked back inside. "Fucking wanna-be thugs." The old man muttered before closing the door behind him.

Carlos looked at the barrel pointed right between his eyes and just snarled."Your gunna come to my house, where my ma is inside sleeping, come on my porch with a gun pointed to my face, along with your boys behind you. and your calling me a punk ass? Your a fucking hypocrite." Carlos flicked him off with grin. "And your money's in my pocket."

Victor just stared into Carlos eyes. He gave a smirk and lowered the gun, then clocked Carlos in the stomach. causing him to spit a tiny amount of blood. But just as quickly as the punch came, Carlos stood back up. The pain lasted a while, but he did not want to show Victor and his cronies pain, so he kept a serious look, but then grinned. "That all you got bitch?" Not wanting to cause any more problems, he reached into a his front pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. "And take your fucking blood money." He shoved the stack of 1's 5's and 10's at Victor's unarmed hand. Victor took the money, pointing the gun at Carlos belly.

"Thanks, I'll make sure not to pull the trigger next time I come again." Victor turned around to his buds, "Lets go Nacho and Shadow, we're gunna go get something to eat." Victor leads the two away from Carlos' porch, he was about to leave, but not before he left Carlos a scar returning memory.

"Oh, and Carlos? I'll make sure to drop some roses on your lil' bro's grave."

Carlos went back inside his small home. He shut the door behind him, and was instantly greeted by his mother. she was wearing a pink sleeping robe, matching with her pink slippers. Her hair was long and tangled, most likely because she woke up. She had a look of anger and sadness in her eyes. Carlos hated looking his own mother in the eye, ever sense he was a little boy and would do something wrong, his mom would stare at him, instantly bringing him down. A couple of seconds passed until Carlos' mom spoke.

"What where you doing outside?" She said, arms crossed. Carlos stuck his hands in his front pocket, turning his head to a near by picture. There was a younger version of Carlos, his mother, and a boy that looked like about the age of 14.

"Nothing ma, I was just outside, drinking some coke. No beer, promise." The mother walked up to her son and placed her hands on his shoulder, sadness replacing her eyes. "Carlos, look at me."

Carlos did not respond, he just stared at the picture of him, his mom and his brother. "Carlos, look at me when I'm talking to you." His mother repeated, a bit more forcefully. Carlos stopped staring into the picture and stared at his mother's eyes. He saw years of pain and sadness in those eyes, but worst off all, he saw what every son hates to see from her mother.


Carlos finely spoke up after staring into his mother's saddened eyes. "Que paso ma? What happened?" Carlos hated that feeling he got when ever he stares into his mothers eyes. It makes him remember what any big brother should have done when ever your with your younger brother. Protect. Memories slowly crept into his head. The gunshot, the sirens, the people nearby him screaming for help. All of those pain full images filled his head. Slowly he, began to tear up. His mother brought him closer into a hug.

"Hijo, son, why do you do this? Why do you sell Marijuana to provide for us?" His mother said, slowly bringing him out of the hug."Your going to end up just like your father." Carlos wiped away the tears with his black sleeve, calming himself down before speaking.

"I hate selling it as much as you hate the stuff ma, but how else am I suppose to provide for us? How am I suppose to feed us?" His saddened expression quickly turned into an angry scowl. "And don't mention pa, the man was a fucking drunk. He use to beat me, you, and Jose. He was a G sense you first met him, and that mother fucker is the reason why I was brought into the thug lif-" Carlos was interrupted by his mother slapping him across the face. Carlos was shocked by his mother's actions. He wanted to speak, but he realized an important rule: YOU NEVER TALK BACK TO AN ANGRY MEXICAN MOTHER.

A/N: I should know this. Trust me, it's a bad idea.

"LISTEN TO YOU! HABLANDO MIERDA DE TU PAPA!" His mother shouted. Carlos was taller than his mother, him, 6'2, her, 5'9, but he was still scared of his own mother.Talking back is never a good idea unless she gives you permission."I KNOW HE WOULD BEAT YOU, ME AND JOSE, BUT HE DID HIS DAMN BEST TO TAKE CARE OF US!" She grew silent, seeing as this was an opportunity, Carlos decided to yell back. Rule be damned.



Silence fell upon the room. The only sound that could be heard was Carlos' mother gasp, and a clock ticking. Carlos gritted his teeth and curled his hands into his fists.

"Carlos, I didn't mean to..." She trailed off, regretting deeply of what she said. Carlos rushed to his room, and pulled out a Beretta he stole from his father when he was younger. He came back inside the living room, the gun in his right hand and a photograph of a little boy in the left. Carlos reached for the door knob and opened the door wide open, sun shining in the house. He hid the gun in the hoodie's pocket and ran. His mother called for him, but he didn't pay attention, nor did he care at the other families staring at him. He looked at them one by one they showed smiles and happiness.

'The Fuck you looking at?' He thought to himself, running by families and other people walking on down the street. He hated himself for not protecting his brother, he hated his father for dumping them in the dope game, he hated every loving, happy family he ran by.

He ran into a filthy, tree covered ally. He pulled out the Beretta and examined it. It's black metal touching his skin, it's weight almost causing his hand to drop it. He pulled out the clip and saw it was full. 8 bullets, but it only takes one to end a life. He slowly brought it up to his head, remembering the death of his brother, but not even caring about his father.

'I'll be there soon Jose. Remember this face when i'm up there.'

He was about to pull the trigger, when he looked up at the tree's. Through a little hole, he spotted to cyan blue sky and a little bit of a rainbow.

"That's right. You always wanted to fly, and watching that damn show excited you even more. Even that blue..what was it... Pegasus? Yea that's it. Even that blue pony you watched made you gasp in awe. Shit, I remember when you first saw her do a, what was it... Sonic Rainboom?" Carlos smiled sadly, tears still flowing through his eyes. "She was an element of Loyalty, and in me, you said you saw that. Loyalty." Carlos looked at the gun, ready to pull the trigger, but not quite yet.

"Loyalty. I couldn't even protect you from a fucking sucker punch. I'm so fucking sorry Jose.....I'm sorry."
Memories returning, his eyes burning with tears and his heart filled with grief. He raised the gun back to his temple. He took a deep breath, and reminded himself the final moments with his brother.

Little did he know a certain 14 year old boy in white sagging Dickie's and a white T shirt was staring and listening the whole time.

Date: April 10, 2011.

Sunday mourning. A cool breezing passing by the neighborhood church

Location. Inglewood California.

A/N: Carlos' thoughts will be in italics.

Carlos walked outside of the church doors, beside him was a man in his early 40's, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, black pant's and brown leather shoes. He had a goatee and his head was shaved. this man, was Carlos' father, and next to him, was his wife, Esperanza. She wore a red shirt, slim women by the way, in her late 30's, black heels, red lipstick and her hair was in a ponytail. Holding her hand, was Carlos' little brother, Jose. He had a plaid shirt, blue jeans, black shoes and his hair was combed down. Most likely by his mother, mom's always want you to look good when you go to church.
Carlos and his family were walking down the street, until his shoulder was poked by his dad, Christian.

"Yo Carlos, I need you to make a quick 'delivery' at the corner store. Sleepy will be waiting there for you." Christian said. Carlos hated the fact that he was brought into the gang life by his own father. That's why when ever his dad asked him to sell the goodies, Carlos would tell his brother to stay home. Even if his little brother begged to go.

"Pa, you know I hate doing that shit." Carlos responded, still walking. He felt his right shoulder being tightened. In pain, he turned around to look at his father strait in the eye. Knowing that he can't beat his own dad because he was much taller and stronger than him, he stayed quite and let his father talk.

"Carlos? does it look like a give a fuck?" He let go of Carlos, and reached into his right pocket. He pulled out a small back of weed, and shoved it into his son's hand. Unfortunately, Christian was to slow, Esperanza noticed this and quickly covered Jose's eyes, while releasing a small gasp. Christian sent a glare to his wife, letting her know to be quite while he was talking.

"One more thing, take Jose with you, he's gunna be doin' this shit to when I'm dead." Christian said.

When Pa said that, Jose, I wanted to punch his right in his fucking jaw. I didn't want you to be in this kind of fucking situation, so when I tried to protest, he just clocked me in my jaw. Yea, people stared, but did they actually do shit? No. Of course they didn't help.

After i got back up, Ma tried to take you by the hand, and tried to run away with you back into the house. But dad grabbed, no, yanked her arm before she could go anywhere with you.

"Where the fuck do you think you'r going with my son Esperanza? He ain't going now where, him and Carlos gotta do something for me." Before Carlos' mom could say anything, Jose was yanked away by his mothers grasp, and Christian dragged Esperanza by her long hair into the house. Before entering the house himself, Christian glared at his two son's signaling them to come home with the money. He slammed the door behind him, causing some neighbor's to come outside.

Carlos was standing next to his younger brother, who was cowering behind his older brother. Carlos hated his father with a damn passion. Forcing his son's into dealing with drugs? Let alone giving them permission to smoke it themselves? Carlos didn't even like staring at the stuff, and he tried his best to keep the weed away from his younger brother. Carlos grabbed his brother by the arm. signaling him to start walking.

"Carlos?." Jose asked, staring up at his brother. "Where are we going?" Carlos' little brother was to innocent for this type of thing. He didn't look his brother in the eye, still walking with him, grabbing his forearm.

"Where gunna make a delivery for pa," He continued. "And after that, you and me are gunna go some where special."

"Where?" His brother asked. Carlos stopped walking and stared into the sky, a smile slowly creeping up on his face, but quickly turned into sadness and anger.

"Anywhere. As long as pa isn't there. Anywhere is fine."

Time went on, you were talking to me about this show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yea, at times I would watch it with you, just so you wouldn't feel alone. Pa made fun of you for watching it, but I would always stay by your side and defend you when ever he tried to fuck with your show. I gotta admit though, that blue pony is pretty fucking fast. No wonder you wanted to become a pilot, so you can fly the sky's like there was not limit.

"And Rainbow Dash is my favorite. She's the fastest flyer in Equestria!" Jose shouted in joy. Carlos just smiled at his little scene. Though Carlos didn't watch the show as much, he could tell right off the bat the this 'Rainbow Dash', is the fasted pony alive. Carlos even thought Rainbow Dash was bad ass, so he completely agreed with his little brother.

"You wanna know something Carlos?" Jose asked, staring up into the clear, blue sky above him. "Yea?" Carlos responded.
"When I get older, I wanna be a pilot. That would be so awesome!"

Carlos just sighed, but then rustled his brothers hair and chuckled. "You know what? I want to see that happened Jose. Chase your dreams. Ya gunna go far kid." Jose just chuckled, and proceeded to tell his brother something else.

"You wanna know something else Carlos?" He said, staring into Carlos' brown eyes. "I think you'r like Rainbow Dash!"
Carlos was a little confused by this question. "What do ya mean?"

"I mean you'r always there for me, your like her element. Loyalty." Carlos took a few seconds to realize this. He would always help his brother through the darkest of times. Always there for him. Always.

Carlos smiled and rustled his little brother's hair once more.
"Damn right I am! I'll Always be their for you, no matter what."

They both stopped in front of a store. Carlos looked around and told his brother that he will be right back.
"I'ma go drop something off. Stay here, ok?" Jose nodded and Carlos walked right inside the store.

Inside Marco's Store.

Carlos walked inside the store. Nothing special, just your average beverages and chips. Though the chips were hella expensive. I mean, 1:49 for a small bag of hot cheeto's? Remember when you could get four fucking bags for a dollar? Pepperidge Farm remem-

Sorry, got off topic, any way:

Carlos walked between the isles, gripping the weed inside his pocket. But he noticed something that would really make his little brother happy.

He saw a little rainbow dash cutie mark keychain. He checked the price and noticed it was only 1:00. "Might as well by it for 'em." Carlos said out loud. He walked up to the counter where a man wearing a black fedora, black shades and a wife beater was sleeping. Carlos rolled his eyes and pounded on the glass.

"Sleepy, wake the fuck up." Carlos yelled. Sleepy awoke in a startle and pulled out a 44. Carlos raised his arms in the air calmly, chuckling at Sleepy's reaction. "Calm down homie, I'm only here to give ya your goodies." Carlos looked around the store, and sence nobody was there, he pulled out the small bag of weed out of his pocket.

"The fuck Carlos? Don't wake me up like that again. Almost blasted you'r-" Sleepy was cut off by the sight of the small weed bag. A smile grew from his tired face and he open a cash register, pulling out a 50 dollar bill. Though he was glad he got his weed, Sleepy didn't like that he was charged so much.

"Man why the fuck does it got to be so damn expensive?" Sleepy asked. Carlos just shrugged, but gave him a question to think about himself.

"Why do the chips cost so much when it's a little ass bag?"

Sleepy didn't know how to answer this, so he just shrugged and flicked him off. "And I want to by this too." Carlos pulled out the key chain, but Sleepy just waved his hand. "Nah fool, just keep it." Carlos gave a satisfied grin and turned his head to the left. He saw 2 grown men standing in front of his little brother.

I saw two buff guys out there, both were wearing black and blue colors. I reconized these colors, they were dads enimies.

Skull Crushers.

I ran outside to try to get you away from them, but I was to fucking late.

Carlos ran outside to protect his brother from harms way, he tried to grab him by the arm, but someone punched him in the back of the head, causing him to trill flat on his face. Jose turned around, confused beacause his brother was on the ground.

"JOSE!!!" Carlos shouted to warn his brother. But he was to late, Josr recieved a sucker punch to his right cheek. When jose tried getting up, one of the gang members stomped on his back, causing him to scream in pain. One of the gang members left, where too Carlos did not know. Until he came back.

He was holding a SPAS 12 shotgun, a wickef grin plastered on the mans face. He aimed the gun at Jose's chest, and stared at Carlos.

"A message, from the boss." With that, he pulled the trigger, and ran off with his other gang members.

I couldn't believe what I saw. After they left, I stood up and ran towards you with all my strength that was left with me. I saw blood everywhere. On the pavement, on your clothes, on your stomach, on my hands. I noticed you were still breathing, so I tried to talk to you

"Jose? Jose stay with me bro!" Carlos shouted, tears falling from his eyes. Sleepy walked outside the store, noticed what happened and called the ambulance. "Don't fucking leave Jose YOU HEAR ME?!"

Jose just stared at his brother, smiling. "Carlos? I think I'm going to fly." Slowly, Jose was closing his eyes, his smile getting wider. "When you cone with me, we can fly together Carlos. We might even meet...." Jose didn't even finished his sentance. He layed there, dead on his brothers hands.

"Jose? JOSE!?!" Carlos shouted. An ambulance soon came, the people tried to seperate Jose from his brothers hands, but he just hold tighter and tighter. Finaly, they grabbed Joses body and rushed him into the car. They drove away, Leaving a bloody-handed Carlos alone, staring at his brothers blood splattered all over the pavement.

"I'll fly with you bro." Carlos shouted to the sky. "I'LL FUCKING FLY WITH YOU WHEN I GET UP THERE! YA HEAR ME!?"

After what happened and when you were burried, dad left the next day. Fucking coward. I swore revenge but Victor's dad had more guys. I was fucking useless. I judt fucking wish I could go back and stop this shit from even happening. Once again Jose, I'm so fucking sorry, but now, I can fly with you up there. I'm just one bullet to the skull away from chilling with you one last time

Deciding it would be faster, Carlos stuck the gun in his mouth.

I'll be there soon Jose.

Carlos closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger. except, when he pulled it, no bullets came out. He took out the clip and noticed all the bullets just vanished. He threw the gun in anger and sadness, and sobbed silently in the ally.

"Don't cry." Carlos looked up to see a 14 year old boy, wearing white everything, except his hair was green, purple, blue and pink.

"What do you want kid?" Carlos sniffed. The boy kneeled down and placed his hand over Carlos' heart. "Your mourning over someones death. You must have been pretty loyal to mourn over someone so special in your life"

Carlos pushed the kids hand away. "I'm not loyal for shit. My brother died because I wasn't there for him, how the fuck is that-"


"......Did you just slap me?" Carlos said in shock. The boy just stood back up.
"You cared for your brother right?"


"You stuck by him through the darkest times right?"


"You defended him from any one who tried to mess with you right?"


"You watched My Little Pony: FiM with him RIGHT?!"

"YEAAA- wait, who the fuck did you-" Carlos was interupted by a blinding light.


Carlos just covered his eyes, but was puzzled by what the boy just said. "Wait what? How the hell you know Rainbow Dash?" And in a blinding light, The boy and Carlos disappeared.

Rainbow dash had to wake up pretty damn early for work today. Sure she was the fasted flyer ever, but even she can be lazey aswell. She got out of bed, streched her sings and flew out of her window. She looked around, the sun was rising slowly, the sky was clear and falling. Wait, falling? Rainbow Dash took a closer look at the sky, and saw that somepony or something was about to crash strait into the ground.

"A hero's job is never done." Dash yawned and quickly flee strait to the falling creature. As she gre closer, she noticed this creature was not a pony, but had a strange resemblance to a shaved Diamond Dog. She cought the creatute on her back, and layed it on the grown. as she looked at, it had some sort of clothes on it, on top of his head looked like be had spiky hair and on his back he had...


"Sense whe does a diamond dog have wings?" Dash gasped.

Ah Loyalty. It's been a while sense I had That feeling for you Tia. No matter, it takes time for Loyalty to form, but it only takes a few seconds for it to crumble.

A/N: GOD DAMN IT'S BEEN A WHILE!!!! My computer has decided to go derp on me Nd wouldn't let me continue the story, but do not worry, Iphone 4 is here! And no I am not getting the Iphone 5. But i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, aswell as having some feels. But one important thing lays on my mind.....

FREAKING ALMOST 2 DOLLARS FOR SOME FUCKING CHIPS? THOSE BAGS ARE SMALL ANYWAY? Who remembers them being like, 4 for a dollar? Huh? Good times, good times. Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.Bonus points for anyone who can find the song reference. Hope you guys have a nice night, thid has been gordo, signing off.

Have nice night/ day if your reading this in different time zones.

Next Chapter: Derek and Samantha: Time Has Come Estimated time remaining: 56 Minutes
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