
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 7: DJ R0CK F3LLA: Funk In The Fender

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DJ R0CK F3LLA: Funk In The Fender

Date: July 20, 2012

Friday night, 8:47 PM

Location: Evens Street, Southgate Michigan. A basement filled with DJ equipment, a bed, posters, and other teenage shit.

Tom was always a kid who enjoyed being different. He never liked fitting in with the crowd, for it will boar him. He never cared what people thought of him, so if they ever were to insult him about how he dressed, his music, his hair, he would just shrug and repeated a quote he saw on the Internet while searching for some dub step music:

"Don't feed the Parasprites."

At first, he had no idea what that meant, but after some research and a good 30 minute show, he found out "Parasprites" were basically Trolls. He wasn't a brony, but something about this electric blue maned, white coat, unicorn interested him. He especially loved her glasses.

He laid on on top of his bed, hands behind his head, legs crossed and just stared at the wall across from him. It was covered with posters, pictures of friends, graffiti style art. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and checked the time

"8:50." He said out loud to himself.

He got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom. He took a quick look at himself from the mirror before entering the shower. His hair was a messy, died, electric blue hair. It wasn't that long, nor to short, but he would gel it, making lean back spikes on his head. He had a gold earring on his right ear. Sense he was shirtless, it did not take him time to quickly jump into the shower after taking off his pants and socks. After about a good 20 minutes in the shower, and 10 minutes styling his hair, he grabbed some fresh clothes and put them on. He was wearing a dark blue shirt above a long sleeve white one he was wearing. His pants, baggy, black creased jeans. He had a chain hanging from one side of the right pocket, connecting with the whole you have to pull your belt through. His shoes, dark blue Nikes, with white and blue laces. His blue shirt said. " Keep Calm and Drop the Bass." It had a picture of that pony he saw on the internet, though only a sillhouette wearing glasses showed, in stead of the full body. He took one last look at the mirror, admiring his skinny but almost 6'8 body.He had every thing but he felt like he was missing something. He looked around and found his favorite glasses. They were called Locs, and the shaded were very dark. He felt kind of douche bag-ish if he put them on, but the place he was going to did have a lot of glowing lights so he decided to leave them in his pocket until he got to the place.

"You are one good looking 20 year old, you know that?" He smirked.

He looked to the side of the bed and saw his onyx, black Fender, resting in the glowing moonlight coming from the window. He grabbed it, examined the slick wood, and tuned the strings. He smiled at his guitar, remembering all the gigs he played with it and his crew. His skills on the guitar were expert style, causing his band to get more gigs then it use to. He's been in "Screaming Silence" for two years now, and ever sense he got his Fender, the bands pay was rising fast. He grabbed his guitar and placed it in a guitar case, making sure not to injure his baby. "All set, lets get this show on the road." He grunted, placing his baby on his back. He made his way upstairs, closing the door behind him. He took one last look around his boring, simple house. He was about to open the door, until he heard a gruff voice coming from the living room.

"Where the hell you think your going?" said the man, sitting on his recliner. He was wearing light blue shorts, a wife beater and holding a bud light in his hand.

"Out." Tom muttered.


"I already told you, out."

The 40 year old man got up from his seat and stood in front of the door way. Tom looked up at him, and scowled. "Move, dad." He was grabbed by the neck and slammed against a near by wall, moving his guitar so it wouldn't absorb the impact. That guitar men't every thing to him, and he sure as he wouldn't let any body break it.

"I'm going to ask you again, where are you going?" His father growled.

"Gig." Tom spoke.


"How else am I going to pay bills? Ever sense mom died, you became a depressed prick, and I had to grow so balls and stay with you after you became to depressed to even fucking move."

Flashback starts.

Date: December 2, 2002.

Location: I-75 freeway. the snow was slushy, and you could easily lose your grip on the road.

It was true what Tom said. His mother had died in a car crash when he was 10. He could remember every mind scarring scene. His father was arguing with his mother about his hairstyle, and why he chose it. He heard many curse words before, but his father had one of the dirtiest, sailor talking tongues he ever heard from. His mom was in the passenger seat, protecting her sons rights. His dad finely got fed up with it, so when he tried making a turn on the free way to an exit, he pulled the steering wheel to hard, causing the car to flip in the air sideways, crashing into two other cars nearby. With the car upside down,

Tom and his dad unclipped their seat belts, and crawled away from the car. Thats When Tom realized someone was missing, his mom. He quickly got up, clenching his right, bleeding arm. He tried running to the burning car, but his dad quickly got up from the ground with all his strength, and grabbed Tom by his left shoulder. But before Tom was grabbed, he reached out his left arm, trying to reach his mother, but he was to far away from the car.

"MOM!!" He shouted. His mom was already bleeding to much, but managed to regain her consciousness and mouth the fallowing words to Tom.

"I love you."


Their was a loud explosion, and shredded, burning hot metal was the only thing Tom saw before he was grabbed by his dad. His dad covered his sons body with his own, protecting him from the explosion. Though they weren't close to the car, a gush of fire burned his father's back, causing him to wince in pain. But he couldn't let go, In seconds, he lost his wife, and he was not going to lose his son.

Tom looked at the burning car before breaking down into tears into his fathers shoulder. His dad, cried as well. That day, they were scarred, and nothing could erase them of the horrific event.

Flash back ends

Tom's raised his left hand, curled it into a fist, and punched the wall next to Toms face. Tom wasn't scared, he just stared at his father, anger and pity engulfed his eyes. His dad's dark blue eyes met with his sons dark blue eyes. His dad let got of Tom, and opened the door for him.

"Be back by 12:00" His dad said, tears slowly forming into his eyes. "And come home safe."

Tom nodded and walked out the door, headed strait for his next destination.

Tom was walking down the street, admiring the glowing lights beaming from his next destination. The Drunken Mule, has been there for only about a year, but it seemed to gather a lot of people almost every night. It's parking lot was covered with cars, and the front entrance was crowded.

"Damn, how the hell am I suppose to get in?" Tom shouted, mockingly, causing some heads to turn. A walked in front of the security guard, a goofy grin, plastered on his face.

"Name?" The large man said.


"Not on the list."

"DJ R0CK F3LLA." Andrew said, whipping out his guitar in the process.

"Oh yea, your the DJ for the band that's playing." The man remembered.

"That's me." Tom said smiling.

"One more question, are you carrying a guitar?" The man asked.

"Cause I'm special like that." Tom said in a smart ass tone. The guard just rolled his eyes and opened the door for him. "Just get in." Tom gave him a fist bump and proceeded his way inside.

The place was booming with music, talking, screaming and cup-toasting. Tom looked around and saw the place had almost a neon like atmosphere in it. It was dark, and a lot of people were wearing glow sticks and blinking toy rings. Besides the lights, people who wore white was glowing as well. Including Toms sleeves and white laces. He made his way backstage, lightly pushing people out of his way until he met with 2 other members of the band. One was wearing a leather everything, while the other one looked like a lazy teen. He had long brown hair, a dark green shirt with a pink and yellow pony on it, and dark blue jeans.

"Tom! Bout time you got here ya lazy bum!" The teen in leather shouted over the noise. "Yea, we were about to start without you ya douche!" The other one shouted not in anger, but loud enough so that Tom could hear.

"Calm down Leather tits, I'm here aren't I!" Tom shouted to his band member. "And you! The hell are you wearing?"

The shaggy head teen looked down at his shirt and smiled. "I'm a brony Tom! Now get on stage with that Fender of yours, we got a Gig to play!" Tom rolled his eyes and proceeded his way on stage, guitar around his waist, making his way to the DJ table.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! INTRODUCING , "SCREAMING SILENCE!!" A man shouted above the crowed, then falling of stage.

"What up every body! Y'all ready to make some noise!" The shaggy headed brony shouted. The crowed yelled in excitement waiting for some good ass music. "First, let me introduce our friend, he can really shred that Fender of his. DJ R0CK F3LLA!!!"

Tom stood behind the table, his Fender connected to DJ equipment, throwing up the piece sign while the stage lights turned to him.

"Lets get this started with a little bit of old classic rock. F3LLA, if you please?" The shaggy headed brony shouted towards the DJ.

"With pleasure." Tom said with a grin. "Lets start with a classic, how about.....this one." The song started playing, and every one in the audience screamed in excitement:

a/n: Story continues during the song.

"Bootlegging boozer on the west side
Full of people who are doing wrong
Just about to call up the DA man
When I heard this woman singing a song.."
The shaggy headed brony sang, along with playing with a guitar with him while singing.

"Saturday night I was downtown
Working for the FBI
Sitting in a nest of bad men
Whiskey bottles piling high
A pair of 45's made me open my eyes
My temperature started to rise
She was a long cool woman in a black dress
Just a 5-9 beautiful tall
With just one look I was a bad mess
'Cause that long cool woman had it all

- (musical interlude)- Tom played his Fender like he never did, causing the crowd to go crazy.

I saw her heading to the table
Well a tall walking big black cat
When Charlie said I hope that you're able, boy
Well I'm telling you she knows where it's at
Well then suddenly we heard the sirens
And everybody started to run
Jumping under doors and tables
Well I heard somebody shooting a gun"

The leather teen continued the drumming while the guitar kept playing, He was enjoying bashing the drums more then actually playing the song.

"Well the DA was pumping my left hand
And she was holding my right
Well I told her, "Don't get scared
'Cause you're gonna be spared"
Well I'm gonna be forgivin'
If I wanna spend my living
With a long cool woman in a black dress
Just a 5-9 beautiful tall
With just one look I was a bad mess
'Cause that long cool woman had it all
Had it all, had it all, had it all..."

They finished up the song with an extra guitar solo Tom played, rising the excitement in the club. As soon as they ended the song, the two teens moved out of the way, and decided to let Tom work his magic:

Dropping the bass.

"Ya'll ready for some bass dropping!!!" Tom shouted over the crowd, they yelled back in response. Tom set up his two disks on the table, along with the guitar on top of it. He started off with some low bass, then some loud dubstep started playing, causing people to go crazy yet again. Along with the guitar, he was mixing his flow with the bass and the sounds, more wubs, means more money. After he was finished with the song, the crowed went wild, and begged for an encore, but sadly, their time was up,and they all had to leave. after saying good buy to his band members and collecting his share of the money, he noticed a teen, who looked like she was in her early 20's waved a hand to Tom, signaling for him to join her. He walked over to her, and noticed her wearing a blue, pink, light red, and purple glow sticks. Her hair, golden blond, bright enough to see a mile away. She wore a white T shirt, White skinny jeans, and golden Chuck Tailors.

"You called?" Tom said. He couldn't here what she said, so he hoisted his guitar on his back and and grabbed her arm, leading her outside of the building. After they were away from the loud music, The young women decided to speak again.

"Do you like what you do?" She asked with a smile. Tom gave a confused nod, kept walking towards his house. He wanted to walk her home, but it was already 11:58, and he had to get in the house. Before he twisted the knob, The teen reached and grabbed his arm. "Hey, what are you-" Tom was cut off by her glow sticks turning into a bright white, blinding Tom.

"Your music. Do you enjoy playing it?" The teen asked. Tom was confused out of his fucking mind, and was even more confused that nobody can see the bright ass glow.

"Yea? Why are are so damn bright?" Tom asked, annoyed by the glow covering his face.

"You are part of the Symphonies of Sorrow, Vinyl Scratch will enjoy your guitar and your skills of a DJ."

Tom pulled out his phone. "Shit, its 12:01, and did you just say, Vinyl Scratch?" Tom then noticed his entire arm was glowing, and he grabbed his guitar. "I ain't going nowhere with out Fendy!" and with that, Fendy, The teen and Tom vanished.

The door opened and Toms dad stepped out with a bat in his hand, but quickly lowered it after witnessing his sone vanishing in a white glow.

"I got to stop drinking Moonshine."

Vinyl was to busy cleaning her DJ equipment to notice a loud THUD go in her room. Hell its even amazing how she didn't notice a voice shouting out a curse word. With a final wub, Vinyl went to bed, dreaming about.....Wubs.

So even the Pony DJ gets a human? that's Wub-tastic. Ha hahaha......I'm funny.

A/N: Hey what is up my bronies! Sorry I took so long, Internet came back up the day before, but I was busy with school work. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, even if I'm just introducing the humans. Well, sense school started, that means less updates. But, I still will be creating new chapters, hopefully every, 2 to 3 days. Well, I'm done with this chapter, on the the next one! Have nice day!

PS: Damn right I picked that song!! What? can't a 14 year old rapper enjoy the classics as well?


Next Chapter: Carlos: Through Thick and Thin. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
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