
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 6: Giovanni: Vendetta In The Violin

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Giovanni: Vendetta In The Violin

EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE NEXT HALF OF THE CHAPTER. I kept typing with out even noticing that I left the bold words on. So freaking sorry. besides that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Again, extremely sorry. Also, not all the main six's humans will be found in order. Sometimes it will be background Ponies, are others. Enjoy

Date: September 2, 1955

Saturday Night.

Location. An abandoned Warehouse in the outskirts of Venice, Italy. 20 miles away.

It was a cold, breezy night in Venice. The streets were filled with lights, but, the side walks were filled with silence. No one came outside today, for to day was the assassination of John, De La Vance. You see, he was a Pin king. A cocaine Cartel. He was a Mafia gang leader. His group, witch were known all through out Italy, were called "Cavalieri Dell' Inferno". In English, this men't, "Knights Of Hell." Their were seven of them, owning the streets of Italy separately, but still sticking with each other, and all ready, 6 were taken out in 6 months. The final gang leader was sent into a state of panic, so he collected all what he owned and brought it with him. Along with 20 guards, and one women he saw was walking out side the street. She was wearing a pearl bracelet and a white, silk dress, with golden high heels. Her hair, is what caught Vance's attention. It was tied up in a ball, colors, Fusia, sky blue, and light green. He figured if he was going to die to night, he might as well eat taking some fresh meat before his death. He drove In a limo, pulled over to the women open the door. He was about to force her in, until he noticed that she wanted to go. Almost as if she needed to go. Vance looked around for any spectators before he drove out of the city. He looked around for a couple of minutes, found no one, and drove off.

At least, he thought he saw no one.

De La Vance and the random women drove out of the city. They soon reach an abandoned warehouse, were 5 men with Thompson guns in their hands were in front of the large, old wooden door. Vance walks out of the car, the women then fallowed him. Vance gave his henchmen a nod, signaling them, "Anything that is around this building, shoot" and walked into the the building. Inside, their were 2 henchmen guarding the door from the inside, the center of the warehouse was empty , with only some flickering lights and stairs surrounding sides of the empty room. Metal walk ways were filled with 4 men on each side, all carrying Tommy's and 1 blunt weapon. Vance and the women walked right through the light-flickering room,and into a large office, his desk, a shiny wooden one, was their along with a colt 1911 in the right drawer, and a combat knife rusted with past blood. 4 men who were in the room with him,each carried one weapon. One carrying a bat, the second, brass knuckles, the third, a crow bar and the last one a machete.

"We got this place locked up good, no one can get in," Vance then turned to the women giving a lustful grin, who was sitting in a chair, legs crossed and eyes narrowed at Vance.

.."Or out."

Outside the warehouse, 5 men stood outside in the cold, holding their guns very careless. One man with a golden pinkie ring and dark shades was leaning against a wall. Another who was wearing a solid black fedora, was pretending to shoot things, without pulling the trigger of course. The other three were laughing at some, "Yo Mamma" jokes.

"So, how do you guys think the other bosses died? I mean, how? And what the guy used?" A man in a silver suit said, holding his Tommy in one hand and flipping a coin on the other. One of the men the trio looked up. He was wearing a dark blue suit and chewing on a toothpick.
"I heard the first one died by getting a bullet through the skull. Brains splattered all over his date." He said, chewing his tooth pick.
A man in a khaki colored suit went wide eyed. "On his date? Damn, that must have been hard on the poor gal."

"Yea, she sure got a lot more then spaghetti and meatballs on her face if you know what I'm saying." Chuckled the man in the dark suit. The other two of the trio face palmed.

"The second one was shot with a harpoon gun, over at the docks." The khaki suit man gave a smirk.

"Guess you can say some one went sleeping with the fishes." The one in the silver suit chuckled, while the one in the blue suit just shook his head. His joke was better. He stopped shaking his head and continued.

"The third, fourth and fifth got killed in a car explosion. One of them decided it was a great idea to leave the car running while all three went inside a store to get some food. When they got back, one of them heard a beep, and the next thing you know, BOOM! Italian blood on the pavement."

The man with with the golden pinkie ring and the man pretending to shoot things, walked right into the conversation. "Whoa whoa whoa, when did you guys all decided to have a friendly conversation? We're suppose to keep an eye out for any trespassers. Remember?" Said the man with the pinkie ring.
"Yea, stop playing around and get your shit strait." said the man who was pretending to shoot things. The one in the blue suit walked up to him, "Get our shit strait? Your the dumb ass who was pretending to shoot random shit!" He shouted.
the Black fedora wearing man walked up to his face and gave the most serious answer in his most serious face.

"Aye, fuck you man. My imagination is the shit."

this earned him a slap in the back of the head from the pinkie ringed man. This act cause the other three to laugh. The fedora wearing turned around to him and glared.

"The hell was that for!?" He shouted. The pinkie ring man looked at him, and then responded.

"Because what you said was stupid, and stupid people get a slap in the back of the head." One of the men stopped laughing. "Words to live by buddy."
"What ever man." He grumbled. He looked up to the side of the road and noticed a walking figure in the moonlight.

The man in blue gripped his Tommy. "Boy's it seems like we got us a few visitors. Get your Tom's ready." They were all aiming their guns on the one man, who stopped in front of all of them.

"What do you want buddy? What's in that case of yours? Get outa here." Said one of the gang members, The man looked up at his block way and smiled.

"My name is Giovanni." He opened the case and pulled out a violin and it's bow.

"And I play the violin."

Giovanni was a slim, man. He was 25 years old and had a height of 6'2. He wore a Black suit with a silk black tie, his shoes matching his outfit. Leather black, shining in the moonlight. His hair was straitened to the front, he had no facial hair, eyes were fusa colored. On his left pouch, was a red rose dyed black. It was a real one yes, but he preferred a black rose than a red one. Everything he wore matched, he was only missing a silky, black Fedora.

"The hell? A violin? I'll admit, it looks good in the moonlight, but why the hell are you even here?" A man in a blue suit asked. Giovanni looked at him and smiled.

"Would you like to be my audience?"

all 5 of the men were looking at each other with dumbstruck. Did he really want to play the violin? In front of 5 men holding guns? A man in black shades and a pinkie ring shrugged.

"Sure, might as well play a sad song for someones death." The other four knew what he men't. They all gave an evil grin. "You are trespassing on property, so that gives us the right to shoot."
Giovanni's smile turn into a sly grin.

"Very well, at least enjoy my music while your bullets are ripping through my skin." With that sentence, Giovanni placed his violin on his chin, strummed a few strings, and began to play.

"I would like to call this one, Moonlights dispear"

A/N:Story continues after the song, though you can still read ahead if you want to.

the Song was like an angel crying. It was the most beautiful yet, saddest thing any of the other five gang members heard. Slowly but surely, each of them were crying, lowering their weapons. When Giovanni had stopped, The one in the shades walked up to him and placed a hand on his left shoulder.

"Kid...That was the most beautiful-est song I have ever herd." The man sniffled. "As much as I love your skills at this, I'm afraid I have to shoot you." he switched his Tommy with a chrome colored gun. He slowly brought it up to the side of his head."I promise, this will be over quick. God needs his talent back." Giovanni gave a small chuckle and in return, the man gave a confused look.

"Oh, I'm not ready to die yet." Giovanni said in a serious tone. "Do you know why V is my favorite letter?" The man shook his head in confusion, and was suddenly stabbed with Giovanni's bow. Giovanni took his chrome colored weapon from his hand after gently placing his violin in the case. The man looked down to see that it went right through his chest, his heart stopped beating, and the last thing he herd was Giovanni's voice.

"....Because V, stands for Vendetta"

The other four men who were sniffling now stared in shock as they saw that their partner had a pool of blood under his feet. One of the Gang members shot at Giovanni, but Giovanni had a human shield to protect him. After the man finished shooting, a man in a blue suit panicked.

"WHAT THE HELL MANNY, YOU JUST SHOT WILBUR!?!?" He shouted. Manny the one in the black fedora, cleaned his ear with one pinkie and retaliated.
"DON'T YELL AT ME BOBBY, YA SHIT HEAD!!! HE WAS DEAD ANYWAYS!! Dominic, you saw Wilbur was dead to right!?"
Dominic, the one in a khaki suit just shrugged.

"Probably. Dead or alive,I'm glad he got shot. Guy was a douche. I mean, come on, who the hell wears shades in the fucking night?"

While Manny and Bobby were arguing, the man in the silver suit, Joe, and Dominic, noticed that Giovanni had vanished, leaving only a dead blood stained Wilbur on the ground.
"Uh guys?" Joe said. " Where the hell is that violinist?" Before anybody could respond, a POP! was heard throughout the outside of the warehouse. Manny, Bobby and Dominic stopped what they were doing, and noticed that Joe had a bullet whole right between his eyes. He fell to the ground with his Thompson. As soon as the gun hits the floor, a bullet was its final word, and hit Manny right in his left leg. He fell to the floor, grabbing it and cursing into the sky. Bobby gripped his Tommy and shot into the darkness. A full clip wasted. Dominic tried to run inside, but was quickly shot in the back of the head. Instant death.

"FUCK!!" Bobby shouted in fear and anger, throwing his gun on the ground. He through up his fists waiting for Giovanni to come out. "GET OUTA THE DARK YA SHIT HEAD!! COME GET SO-" Bobby was about to finish his raging, but was quickly silence when he felt pain in his chest.
He looked down, and there he saw a sharp, small pointy blade, pierced right through his chest.

"So thats how you did it." Bobby said, spitting out blood. The bow was pulled out and Bobby quickly fell on top of Manny. Manny tried to reach for his gun, but Giovanni kicked it away. Before He could scream, Giovanni's bow was already pierced into Manny's skull. Giovanni pulled out the bow, placed it into his case, and picked up the Thompson he kicked away from Manny. Giovanni picked up the silky black fedora and placed it on his head.the gun lifted with one hand, and the case in the other, a shadow cast over his eyes.

"V.....Is for Vendetta." Giovanni turned around to the sound of a door being closed and some one shouting.

Inside the warehouse after the sound of gunshots.

2 henchman who were playing rock, paper, scissors next to the door noticed the sound of gun fire. The 8 on the metal walkways noticed it as well, and aimed their weapons at the front door. Silence filled the warehouse after the sound of someone yelling was noticed. The 2 henchman guarding the door from the inside's hands were shaking. 5 men? All took down just like that? After a full minute of silence, a man on the right side of the door spoke softly.

"Aye, Jimmie, open the door." Jimmie looked at his partner with confusion and anger and whispered his response a little bit more louder.

"What?! Fuck you Carl! I don't wanna die!" He glared at Carl with anger, but Carl just shrugged of his stare and leaned towards the door. Carl slowly pushed the left side of the door open, to get a good look of his enemies. There, on the ground, he saw Manny, Bobby, Dominic, And Joe, all piled on top of each other. In the distance, he saw a man holding a Thompson in one hand, and a violin case in the other

"HOLY SHIT!!" Carl shouted. He was staring at the dead bodies on the floor. He looked at each body one by one, until he noticed that the man turned around and stared at him. He quickly closed the door.

"Carl! Why the fuck did you scream?" Jimmie asked the scared shit-less gang member in a loud whisper.
"I was not screaming, I was yelling because one guy killed five of our men out there!" He whispered loudly. "And I think he noticed me."

"Are you sure?" Jimmie asked, his voice less quite. "I mean, he could have just thought you were a ghost or some shi-"

Bullets were fired, and in seconds, Carl had a bullet go right through his temple, and hell fell strait to the ground. Jimmie looked down at his dead friend, and gave a nod.

"Yup, he noticed you."

Bullets were then seen flying right through Jimmie's side. he started bleeding very quickly.

"And I think he noticed me too." And with that, Jimmie fell on top of Carl, the 8 men on the walk way aimed their weapons on the man who was walking in with his Tommy held up high, and his violin case held down low.

"Stop! Or we'll shoot." Stuttered a gang member. Giovanni looked up and gave a smile when he noticed the unfairness of eight on one.

"Shoot me? OK, I'll stop." He then pointed his Tommy and shot the flickering light in the center of the building. Causing every thing to go dark.

"You just have to find me first."

Sense Giovanni was a slim man, his foot steps could not be noticed on the concrete floor. The only thing that was heard was the sound of foot steps and talking.

"Where the hell is he?"

"The fuck just happened?"

"I'm scared."

"I fucking love cocaine."

"Shadow lurking mother fucker."

"This some Batman type of shit right here."

"Man I got fatter, my foot steps are loud."


A/N: The BOLD slanted words are Giovanni's thoughts.

Giovanni hear footsteps everywhere.

All right, lets stay quite, hopefully they will stop and only one will move.

Just to Giovanni's luck, they all stopped. Until one idiot decided to shoot his gun. The flash caused by the muzzle showed 3 men standing in one place.

Well, that escalated quickly.

He aimed his Tommy at the dark space that was once filled with fire power. He shot 20 bullets and stopped. He listen closely and heard three bodies dropping. `

Three down, five to go.

One of the gang members panicked, he tried running away, along with two others fallowing.

No you don't.

Giovanni shot the walkway, hearing several grunts and "fucks" then heard more bodies dropping.

Two left

Giovanni decided to mess with their heads. He quietly walked back to the entrance, placed his and on a switch, and the light that was shot out was replaced with a new, but still flickering light. In the center walkway, there were two men, standing next to each other without even noticing.

This is going to be fun.

With each flicker of the light, Giovanni stepped closer to the center of the building, under the center walkway. He shot a couple bullets underneath their feet, causing one of them to turn around and shoot the other in the back.

And then there was one.

"Where the hell are ya you son of a bi-" The gang member was caught of by Giovanni, standing right in front of him with a devilish grin. Because the light was flickering, He did not even notice Giovanni getting closer.


Before the man could scream for help, Giovanni quickly wrapped his hand around the man. He was in Giovanni's mercy, and something told him he was part of a plan of Giovanni's.

In Vance's office after the shooting outside and inside the building

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" Vance panicked. He was sucking his thumb in the corner of his office. The five gang members just all face palmed, while the random women was staring at the door.

"He is near. I can sense him." She thought to herself.

"Calm down boss, every thing is going to be OK." A gang member said. To break the tension, the other four, in unison, said, yea, leaving a panicked Vance in a calm state off matter. He got out off the corner and sat on his leather black chair.

"Yea, your right." Vance said to his guards. Still, he was a little tense and pulled out his colt 1911. He stared at the women. Vance had a lustful look on his face.

"Boys, get outa here. I'm gunna have a little fun." The members did what they were told, and opened the door. Light filled the darkened center of the building from the light in the office. In front off them, was a man with his suit torn up. His face all bloody and a mouth stuffed with a sock. One of the five members looked at the man in the chairs chest, and noticed he had a large, blood stained "V" on him. He walked up to his beaten comrade. He took out the sock, and asked if he was ok.

"You all right man?"


"Aye, I said, are you all right-" The man was silenced by the sound of a familiar gun being reloaded. He look up see, that behind the man on the chair, was Giovanni, smiling.

"He'll be fine." He said. He then shot a full clip of ammo into the five enemies in front of him.

"You guys on the other hand....won't." He reloaded his Tommy with a full, barrel clip. He had six left in the case, but did not want to use it. As soon as Giovanni walked inside, he was instantly greeted with eight bullets to the chest. Vance through the gun on the ground, he didn't have any use for it, sense there weren't anymore bullets in the clip.

"Dumb boy." He then turn around to the women. "Now...where were we?" He slowly walked up to the women, he went to his knees, going strait to the spot.

"This is going to be a delicious mea-" Vance was interrupted by a familiar bow, going right through his chest. He turn around to see Giovanni, a shadow cast over his eyes.

"But...I shot you..." Vance choked out.

"Yea, you did. But the bullets didn't go through." He said coldly.

"Huh?" Vance said. Giovanni then twisted the bow, bulling it out from his back.

"Bullet proof vest." He pushed Vance to the ground. Giovanni them pulled out a chrome colored gun.

"la vendetta รจ un piatto che va servito freddo" He then pulled the trigger, ending Vance's life just like that. It was over. Revenge had been served to all of Giovanni's customers. With some violin songs of course.

Giovanni was about to leave, until a hand grabbed his arm. He turned around to se that the women that was sitting their stared strait into his eyes.

"Why did you kill him?"


The women stopped staring at him, let go of is hand and asked an obvious question.

"What did he do to you?."

A shadow cast over Giovanni's eyes.

"One day, me and a friend of mine were practicing for an up coming orchestra we were invited to. Her name was Sara. She had black hair, grey eyes, and was always uptight. That was fun about her. Anyways, were practicing alone in my room, her, the cello, and me the violin." Giovanni pulled out his violin from the case and showed the women. "We heard gunfire outside of the house, we did what our parents told us to do when ever the Mafia comes to town.....Give them every thing they wanted. They busted into my room. I gave them all the money I had. My watch, my clothes, My passport to America. But that was not enough. They wanted something more then that." Tears began to flow into his eyes, but the women still kept a stern look.

"They wanted Sara."

Giovanni clenched his heart and his Tommy gun. Remembering the horrible things they did to Sara.

"I tried to stood up for her. But that failed. Horribly. One of the 7 men grabbed a wooden bat and smashed it against my skull. The last thing I remembered be for falling into blackness was Sara screaming rape." Giovanni wiped the tears away from his eyes, but still sobbed quietly.

"The next think I know, I wake up in a hospital. I ask the nurse what happened,and she told me one of the gange members hit me in the back of the skull with a bat. It then came to me. Sara. What happened to her? Is she OK? The next thing I know, the nurse brings me a news paper. I was out for a week. But that isn't was set my heart in pain. I looked at the headlines, it said Teen raped and found dead under a stone bridge. My heart sank, I wanted to scream but I couldn't. It was then burned into my heart, soul, and head, that I would kill every member of the Knights Of Hell. Even if it men't killing them by myself." Giovanni then pulled out a gold locket, A picture of him when he was younger and a picture of Sara was in the locket.

"Her last words to me was this."
"Giovanni, if I ever were to die, promise me this: Do not stop playing the violin. You are skilled with that instrument. Not as amazing as my cello, but still, you are skilled." Giovanni smiled at the memory, but it quickly vanished as he continued."I hate quieting, and I expect you to hate it as much as I do"

Tears were now flowing through his eyes. He tilted his fedora over his eyes.

"I promised her that I will keep playing the violin. Even if it means death, I will fill her heart from the heaven's with my songs."

The women smiled. Her heels glowed a bright white causing Giovanni to step back.

"You do not give up. Octavia will surly enjoy your company." She said, behind all that white glowing bling.

"Octavia? Who is she? Why are you glowing?" Giovanni said, placing his violin and bow into the case. He lifted his Thomson onto his left shoulder, while holding the case on the right.

The women, you guessed it, smiled behing the white blinding glow.

"She does not give up, for she too has a goal in her life, as do you." She said.

"Giovanni, you are part of The Symphonies of Sorrow, your partner will surely love your skills as a violinist."

Giovanni's attentions were caught by the women's words.

Giovanni, still confused, smiled.

"As long as I can take my violin, we are set. Oh, and my new, "Toys" too." He chuckled, and in a blinding flash, he vanished.

"Vinyl! Vinyl! VINYL!!" screamed a grey earth pony. She had a black mane and a music note for a cutie mark. She was knocking on a door, waiting for a response. "Gah, those stupid Wubs of hers. I'm amazed he has not gone deaf!" The mare shouted. As she left to her room, she heard a familiar voice.

"Sorry Tavi, to much Wubs? I'll turn it down a notch." Vinyl said before closing the door.
"Good." She responded. "AND ITS OCTAVIA NOT TAVI!!" she shouted, slamming the door behind her. She eventually tired herself out, and neatly tuckered herself into bed

"Stupid Wubs." She said, then drifted off to sleep. Its amazing she did not even notice a loud THUD echoing through her room.

Discord was sitting on a cotton candy chair in his chaos realm, drinking glass.
"So a member of Symphonies of Sorrow has been found? Good. I need some funeral music for their graves...."

A/N: This is not Giovanni's thoughts. its me informing you guys how red my face is because of the fail that happened. Anyways beside my fail, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Have nice day.


Next Chapter: DJ R0CK F3LLA: Funk In The Fender Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
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