
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 5: Eric: The Poorest Of Hearts, Can Have The Richest Souls.

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Eric: The Poorest Of Hearts, Can Have The Richest Souls.

Date: December 24, 2010

Sunday: A cold winter breeze, followed by a snow storm surrounding the neighborhood.

Location: Chicago, Illinois, a small family sleeping in a run down house.

"M-Mom? D-Dad? When are w-we going to get some b-blankets?" A teen, shivering in the cold asked his mother and father, who were huddling up for warmth. He was about 5'9. He wore torn up black jeans, a dirty white beanie hat, a tattered up purple shirt, and had worn out shoes. The leather was so worn out, you could see his pale, skin colored toes. His eyes were a dark colored blue, his hair, dark brown, shaggy style. Age, he was a 17 year old male.

"We don't know E- Eric. The church hasn't said a-anything." A man in his early 40's responded. He was huddling up next to a woman, who looked liked she was in her late 30's. They were sleeping in a abandoned house, scorched black because the people who used yo live their tried burning their house down because they couldn't pay the rent, so they tried burning it down, claiming it was some one else so they can get the house insurance money. The parents were sleeping on the ground, keeping each other close while Eric was laying on top of a cardboard box. Eric noticed his parents were cold, so he got up from the cardboard box, shaking his father's shoulder.

"Dad, go sleep on the box with Mom." Eric said, moving his father's fore arm. His father just looked at him, confused by his son's generosity.

"No, Eric, y-you sleep on the box- me and your mom are w-warm enough." The father rustled his son's beanie, and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. The mother just ran a hand on her son's face, then giving him a small kiss on his cheek. "Eric, don't worry about us, we are much stronger than how we were back in London." the mother then gave a weak smile, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

"Eric, Go try finding a blanket for yourself, I will stay awake for as long as I can. Go. Go find at least a small towel, anything to keep you warm." The father said, staring deep into his son's eyes.

"Fine. I will try to get us-" Eric was cut off by his father's palm covering his mouth. Eric looked deep into his eyes. He, just like his father, felt emotions ever sense they were kicked out on the street, 5 years ago in London, England.

"No, I told YOU to go find a blanket, only for you. Understand?" Eric then shook his head. He left outside, his face red from the snow hitting his face.

"I promise I'll find us a warm, comfy blanket for all of us dad." Eric told himself. as he walked out of the neighborhood and into the city.

"I promise."

Eric was walking through the streets of Chicago. The streets filled with lights, Christmas decorations and fake Santa Claus'es shaking little bells near a bucket that said "The Salvation Army." Eric noticed this and walked up to a Santa Claus. He pulled out 2 quarters and dropped them into the bucket. The fake Santa noticed this and before Eric walked away in the cold, he called after him.

"Hey...Kid." The fake Santa said Eric turned around and smiled, he walked up to the Santa and asked him What he needed.

"You look torn up. Whats a kid like you walking in a fucked up city like this.? Eric let out a long sigh, and told him about he he and is mother and father were poor. How he left the abandoned house he and his parents were sleeping in,in search of a warm blanket. Eric saw the Santa clench his heart a bit.

"Your heart. Does it hurt?." Eric asked, looking at the Santa. The Santa just stared at Eric. Not sure to feel bad for the kid or be proud of him. He is living a hard knock life after all. The Santa then gave him a pa on the back, pulled a wallet out of his back pocket and gave Eric 20 dollars. "You need this more than I do kid" Santa said. "I hope you don't mind, but, How did you become engulfed into the life of poverty in the first place?"

Eric gave a sad sigh, and grabbed a milk box that was in the middle of the side walk and sat down. The Santa leaned on a worn down car. Eric guessed it must have been his.

"It started 5 years ago in London, England...."

A/N:The slanted words will be Eric talking, so you guys won't get confused.

Date: November 24, 2005


Location: London, England. A family in a small apartment eating a small, store bought chicken.

My Mom and Dad had jobs to give enough money to feed only the three of us. We lived in a small apartment in London, money was tight. It was Thanksgiving and we all put the best clothes we could buy and sat in the kitchen. It was small, but it had enough space to keep a round table and a fridge. We also had a small oven, so as soon as we got home, me and my father took a fresh shower, then changed to our clothes. Mom all ready had the small store bought chicken in the oven, so as soon as we were fully clothed, me and dad sat at the kitchen table.

A women, in her mid 30's came inside the kitchen. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, A purple skirt, and her hair was curled up in a fashion-ish style.She was wearing purple high heels. The older man, In his late 30's was wearing a Red buttoned shirt, hair combed down, was wearing khaki colored jeans, and had brown shoes. In the kitchen also sat a young boy, about the age of 12, had frizzy hair, a white vest with a black button shirt underneath, black shoes, and khakis. For a family that was surviving on minimum wage, they did dress as fancy as they could.

"Mom? Is the all most ready?" Asked the boy.
"Its all most done Eric, that tummy of yours will be as full as a charged phone!" Eric's mom said.

He didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he gave a small chuckle. Eric nudged his dad with his right elbow, signaling him to laugh. Eric's dad caught the message, and gave a small grin, then a loud fake laugh. Eric face palmed, while his dad grinned and his mom gave a small chuckle as well.

The chicken was ready after dad's outburst, but before we could even cut off some meat, their was knocking on the door.

Eric's father went to go answer the door, and as soon as he opened it, gunfire was released from outside. Eric watched in horror as he saw his father fall on the ground. clutching his side, while his mother screamed in the kitchen. He didn't know what was going on, so he ran as fast as he could into his bed room. hiding under his bed.


Eric saw feet in front of him while he was under the bed.

What ever that man wanted. I hoped he took what ever he needed and left. Thankfully, policemen showed up after the gun shooting, and they took the bad man away. When I left my room, I saw my dad, being lifted on top of a gurney.

Eric left his room and watched in horror as his father was being carried away.

A month passed by, and the doctor's in the hospital said our insurance could cover my dad's wounds. I was so angry. They ended up taking our house, and we were basically homeless. Having no where else to turn, after 3 years, we snuck into a boat that leaded us into America. Their, we hoped we could start a new life, get my dad a job, and get me back into school....

To bad life doesn't work out the way you want it to be.

As soon as we got to America, we wondered the country until we found a city we could stay in. It's not the best, but we managed to get by for 2 more years. So now, here I am, living and breathing in these cold streets, wondering them, to look for a blanket that could keep me and my parents warm....

Why? Why does god have to be so cruel to the living? Especially to those who had nothing to do with any bad things?

Eric finished his explaining his memories, eyes tearing up from painful memories. He looked up to the fake Santa' and saw tears in his eyes. Along with a mixture of sadness and anger. Why does shit like this happen to the good people man? The fake Santa wiped his tears away and stared at Eric.
"Look kid, I don't know much, alot actually, but I can tell you this. Even the poorest of hearts, can have the richest soul's." The Fake Santa said, smiling. "Go to that clothing store, they might have some blankets for ya."

Eric gave a small smile, and walked to the clothing store the man was pointing at. Little did Eric know that a too boy's was waiting their for him. One dressed in white overals and the other outside behind the store.

As soon as Eric walked in to the store. He was greeted by hundreds of blankets. Small, big, fluffy, stuffy, if you ever needed a blanket, this was your type of place. Eric walked over and saw a little boy dressed in white overalls, had a newsboy hat and white shoes. He was staring at a white blanket that had 3 diamonds knitted into the blankets. It was big enough to cover 4 people. "You like that blanket kid?" Asked Eric. The little boy just simply nodded, still staring into the blanket. Eric let out a small smile and grabbed the boy by the hand.

"Come with me. We're gunna by that blanket." As Eric turned around, grabbing the blanket, he did not notice the little boy's overall buttons glowing a white light.

"That'll be 20 dollars." said the sale's clerk. Eric dug into his pocket and pulled out the crumpled 20. He then took the blanket and the boy outside the store. As they were both walking home, Eric noticed a small child, who looked like he was about 12. He was shivering in the cold in a corner, dressed in a black beanie and a Black, dirty shirt, Black torn up jeans and he was wearing grey gloves, with the finger parts cut off. Eric walked over to the cold boy and bent down.

"Hey....whats your name?" Eric asked. The boy looked at Eric, then back to the ground.

"My name is Nate..." the boy said.

"Nate...get up, were going someplace warm." Eric smiled. Normally, its stranger danger, but Nate had no where else to go. He ran away from the orphanage 2 years back. He had know where else to go. He got up, and grabbed Eric's right hand. Eric, now holding 2 little kids by the hand. decided to take them home. He didn't have much in the house. He gave them both all he could.

As soon as all three boys walked in, their he saw his father, and mother sleeping.
"Dad? I'm back.." Eric said, shaking his fathers arm.

no response.

Eric was now shaking his arm even faster,

Still,no response.

"Oh no...." Eric muttered. He than shaked his both his mother and father's bodies. They did not move. They weren't even breathing.

He shook his head, trying not to cry in front of the new kids. He grabbed his cardboard box he was sleeping on and placed it on the ground next to his parents. The children took that as a sign and laid down. He placed the white blanket on top of the kids, and he lifeless parents.

"Aren't you going to get it? Nate asked. Eric gave a small smile and responded.

"Nah, you little ones need it more, I'll just sit here."

With a nod, Nate went to sleep, unaware if what was about to happen.

The child in overalls walked up to Eric. Eric gave a small smile.

"You need any thing little guy?"

The child smiled, and a bright light was showing from his overall buttons. Eric got up in surprise, not sure to what was going on.

"Even though you are living in poverty, you do your best to give all that you have." said the boy. Eric did not know what he was saying, but he let Him continue.

"Eric, you and Nate are both bonded by fate. Brothers of a familiar past."

Eric was now confused like a mother bucker. The boys body began to glow slightly brighter and brighter each second.

"You are partnered with the Element of Generosity. Nate, it partnered with the element's sister."

Sister? Shit just hit the fan. What the hell was he talking about.

"What are you talking about kid?" Eric asked. Behind the glow, the little boy was smiling.

"The poorest of hearts, can have the richest soul's."
Eric realized what the little boy said.

"Hey, you copied that from-" But before Eric could finish, he, the glowing boy and Nate vanished along with the bodies of Eric's parents.

Carrisal Boutique

Rarity's room

Rarity had just finished another hard day's of work, and has decided to fall asleep. She did not even noticed a loud "thump" echoed her room, because she was just so tired.

Carrisal Boutique

Sweetie Belles room.

Sweetie was tired from..well..nothing. The rest of the CMC were off doing Celestia knows what. She too didn't even noticed a loud thump in her room.

"So.....Generosities partner has already been found? including her sister's partner? This is going to be fun....."

A/N: What up, this gordo again. took me awhile but yea, here it is, Rarity and Sweetie belles partners have been found. I KNOW LEAVE YOU WITH GOOD MUSIC!! HAVE NICE DAY.


Next Chapter: Giovanni: Vendetta In The Violin Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 42 Minutes
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