
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 4: Johnny and family: Honesty and family is needed to strengthen bonds.

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Johnny and family: Honesty and family is needed to strengthen bonds.

Date: July 1, 1961


Location: The Big Apple, New York. A small ally behind a liquor store.

"Well? Any last words before I cut up your face ya stupid Greaser?." A teenager in cargo pants and plaid shirt said. In his hand, he hold a rusty kitchen knife, behind him were two other fairly large teens. One had a wooden bat and the other had a broken glass bottle.

"Go suck on your moms tit you stupid Soc." A teen, who looked about 12 years old, slick black hair, a brown leather jacket, and torn up jeans.His eyes were a hazel color and he was panting very fast He was bleeding from mouth, bruises surrounding his face and small cuts covering his sides.

"Trying to act like a Tough guy now huh?" The knife wielder slowly walked up to the 12 year old, placing his knife to the kids neck. slowly, he pressed the knife to his neck, drawing little droplets of blood. The 12 year old was now sobbing. His life could easily be ended with a simple slice to his throat. Noticing his small tears, the Soc backs up a little, the blade still remaining on the kids neck.

"Oh, your crying now?" The Soc kicks the kid in hard in the stomach, causing him to cough blood. "Joey, Clyde, grab his arms, I wanna make sure he feels this rusty blade through his neck, without any interruptions." Joey and Clyde walked up to the defenseless twelve year old, Clyde holding the right arm and Joey holding the left. "Ya gunna make him bleed Sam?" Joey asked, with a crazed smile. Sam gave a satisfying grin and walked up to the little teen.
"I'm going to make sure every vain in your body twitches and churns with the brown, steel of this rusty knife, Rodney." Slowly, Sam slits the teens chest, reviling a cut mark and little blood on his shirt.

"I'll make sure its quick. In my own way." Sam said. The teen closed his eyes, preparing for the rusty blade to pierce his neck.
"Say hello to Satan for me." Sam said. "Oh, and I'll make sure to tell your brother that- He was cut off mid sentence by foot steps behind him. Sam,Clyde, Joey and Rodney looked up, and saw a tall, dark silhouette. He was about 6'5, 21 years old at the most, wore a black leather jacket, torn dark blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and black Chuck Tailors. His hair, like Rodney's, was black, slicked back and shiny. If more light was showing in the ally, it would show anger but a calm face on the figure.Light green eyes were staring at the four in the light. It started walking up closer, and the closer it got, Sam and his Buddies got scared. But Rodney wasn't scared, he was more relieved than ever.

"Bro! I knew you would come!" Rodney said with happiness in his voice. The figure got closer to and showed a face with a scar over his eye, he wasn't blind but the scar made it seemed like he was.

"I always do Rodney." He said in a calm voice. He looked at Sam, who was now shitting himself.

"So, Sam, What was that you wanted to tell me?"

Monday mourning

Sweet apple acres. The apple fields.

"Applejack? When do ya think I'ma get mah cutie Mark? Apple Bloom asked her sister, the Element Of Honesty. Apple Jack was bucking some apples until she sighed and decided to answer her little sisters question.

"Honestly, Ah don't know Apple Bloom, took ah while for Big Mac to get his, so ya might be the same." Apple Jack said, nodding to her big brother. "Ain't that right Big Mac?" The red stallion who was pulling the wagon just gave a simple yet philosophical response.


Apple Bloom had the biggiest puppy dog eyes her sister has ever seen from her. "But I want it NNNOOWW!!!" Apple Bloom whined. Apple jack just placed a hoof over a face.

"Come on Sis, lets get to workin' on the fields, we got a long day ahead of us" Apple Jack motioned her hoof to show that their was work to be done. Big mac just shrugged and continued after her sister.

"Humph...I want now." Apple bloom muttered under her voice, caring a basket full of apple's.

\Date: July 1, 1961


Location: The Big Apple, New York. A small ally behind a liquor store.

"So, Sam, What was that you wanted to tell me?" The figure said, staring into the eyes of Sam. He gritted his teeth and stood up, waving his hand at Clyde and Joey, meaning "Let go" and dropped Rodney on the concrete floor. Rodney scattered over to the figures side, standing with a look of pride and anger.

Johnny! These Soc's wanted to kill me! Rodney said, spitting on Sams shoes. "Oh did they now? Well, I guess it's time to teach them a lesson." Johnny said, with a wicked smile on his face. Sam just scoffed, and along with his boys, laughed at Johnny and Rodney.

"Teach us a lesson? Ha, there's Three of us, and two of you." Clyde and Joey then came up next to their owner, with smug grins on theirs face. Johnny just gave a small chuckle. "Three of us? I don't think you guys met Mike yet."
A tall, buff figure came up behind from the back of Rodney and Johnny. He wore a red shirt, had blond slick back hair and wore light blue jeans. He had a belt that said "Bucking Bronco" in gold and the leather was a deep brown. He was about 23 or 24 years old, dark green eyes and though he didn't say much, he struck fear into the enemy trio's hearts.

"Mike, you don't mind helping me take out the trash, do ya bro?" Johnny said, turning to his brother then turning to the Soc's in front of him. Mike just simply cracked his knuckles, and with Johnny, walked towards the trio slowly.


Clyde was the first to attack, shoving the broken glass bottle at Mikes chest but that was a foolish mistake. Mike just stepped aside and let Clyde trip, Mike lift up a huge fist, and punched Clyde right in the jaw, sending him flying to a near by wall. He fell to the floor, Unconscious. It was Joey's turn now, and he gripped his wooden bad, and swung his bat strait to Mikes temple, but was quickly blocked by a trash can lid. Joey backed up slowly and the trash can lid lower'd, showing a grinning jonny.

"Not gunna happen Joey." He smirked. Joey just swung his bat up, then bringing it down as fast as he could. Bad luck for him, because not only was Johnny tough, but he was quick to. He dashed around his back, and drop kicked his spine, causiing Joey to scream in pain. He wasn't paralyzed, but the kick was strong enough for him to stop moving after his blood curling scream. "Now, Where is that Sam I call a rat." Johnny, Mike and Rodney turn around to hear the sound of a gun being loaded.

Sam was holding a 44. magnum. He had a look of revenge and crazy on his face before saying anything. Before He pulled the trigger, he noticed a white glow from the ground and then turned around. He was expecting a cop holding a flash light, but in stead, an old man with a dirty white shirt, and dirty white pants with old worn out shoes was standing there. The man walked up to Sam, his eyes showing sadness and pain.

"What do you want Old man? Cant ya see were having a friendly meeting over here?" Sam said, now pointing the gun to the mans head. "Back off, of I'm pulling the trigger."

The old man just stared at Sam, with fusa colored eyes. "Do you mind if I can stay with you? I have no where else to go, and-" The old man was interrupted by a bullet piercing his chest. The man just fell to the floor, a pool of blood pouring out of his body. "Now where was I" -

He was cut off By one of Mikes fists smashing into his mouth, he stumbled back words, and behind him, Johnny was their. He did a drop kick right ith the center of his back, causing him to scream in pain. Johnny didn't care if he was now a vegetable, he just wanted to avenge the old man. He fell forward, but before he hit the grown, their stood Rodney with the wooden bat Joey was holding. With a swift upper cut, The bat connected with Sams jaw, causing him to fall backwards into a trash can. Mike carried Clyde and Joey and dumped them into the trash can Sam was in.

"Lets call that, the bucking bronco's barrage." Rodney said with a smirk. Mike just gave a simple nod, satisfied with the name.

Johnny on the other hand wasn't paying attention to his brothers. Instead he walked over to the old man, noticining that he was still breathing, he ran up to his face.

"You OK old man?" Johnny asked, with a worried look on his face. The man just stared up into Jonny's eyes, then a faint glow came from the old man's eyes. Johnny stepped back a little, but continued to aid the man.

"Can....can you help me? I have no family, no where else to go and..." The man was silenced by Johnny's palm, covering his mouth. "Easy their old timer, we'll take care of you, I promise that." The man looked deep into his eyes, and saw no lies in him at all. He was telling the truth.

"Mike, Rodney, we gotta bail, were also taking a new friend with us back home."

Date: July 1, 1961

Monday- Midnight.

Location. A small house in a shitty neighborhood.

The man was brought into a small house, and was quickly set on top of a matress. Mike tore off his shirt and blood was covering the mans chest. "Shit" Rodney said. Mike slapped him upside the head. "Why'd ya do that!?" Mike just stared at the man's chest, but did answer Rodney's question.


Rodney rubbed the back of his head and looked at Jonny, who was staring deep into the mans eyes. "You ok bro?" Johnny looked up, tears in his eyes. "Old timer said he had no family." He winced. "We all know what that felt like after loosing mom and dad..right?"

Mike and Rodney were now staring into the mans eyes as well. "Yea..." Rodney said.

"Eyup." Mike said with a crack in his voice.

"Were not gunna leave this man here to die, Rodney, go get our cousin Bill, he worked with them doctor's a while back. He might know what to do." With a nod, Rodney went upstairs to go get their cousin, Leaving Mike and Johnny by them selves with the old man.

"Jonny?" Mike spoke.

"Yea?" Johnny responded.

"Why do we fight with the Social's?"

Jonny gave a deep sigh. He himself didn't even know, and he had been fighting with them for 3 years.

"Ah don't know Mike, the Soc's or Social's, how ever the hell you wanna call them, never liked us Greaser's. We are poor and their rich...That"s all I know."

Rodney then came back down stairs with a 26 year old male. He was Mikes height, had golden blond hair, but not slicked back, more wavy and bouncy, Kinda like that one pony from that "The Big Labowski" Cameo. He wore a dark brown shirt, blue shorts and brown shoes. His eyes, were lighter green then Jonny's. He was caring a suite case filled with medical equipment.

"Your gunna be all right Old timer, as long as your in here, your family, ya got that?" Johnny said, smiling. he looked to his left and saw Rodney grinning from ear to ear.

"Yea! don't ya worry mister, we gunna take good care of ya!" Rodney then looked at Mike.


"Well, if you guys allow him in the family just like that, then I will to." Bill said, a smile plastered on his face.

"All right. every body move outa the way." Bill said. He was holding a scalpel, Inspecting the bullet wound. Bill looked up and smiled at the old man.

"Don't worry, its not to deep. I'm going to have to remove it, but its going to hurt....Alot." The old man nodded, letting Bill to dig out the bullet. To everyone's surprise, except the old man, he didn't even grit his teeth as the blade was in his chest. What shocked every one else even more was when the bullet came out, no blood was released any more, instead. Just a white glow. Every one backed away slowly as the old man rose up to his feat, his wound now healing slowly, regenerating new skin cells, and in seconds, the wound was completely closed up.

"You helped me in my time of need, brought me into your home even though I am a complete stranger, and even accepted me as a family member. I saw know lies behind it all."

The Man began to glow and and the entire house was lit with a bright light.

"Family and friends is what brings us together. Honesty is what keeps us united. The stronger the family is, the stronger the bonds will become." The man said. "Johnny, you are the partnered with the element of Honesty, as for you family members, they are partnered with the element of Honesty's family." The man glowed even brighter causing all of the brother's and cousin to gasp.

"What..." Johnny said.

"The...." Mike muttered

"Flying....." Bill gasped

"Fuck...." Rodney finished.

Mike slapped the back Of Rodney's head, causing him to get even angrier.

"Seriously!?" Rodney shouted.

"Language." Mike muttered, still staring into the glow.

And with that last sentence, Johnny, Mike, Bill, Rodney and the old man vanished.

So, the fighters of the Element of Honesty and it's family has been found? No matter, I have big plans Tia......oh sweet lovely tia......I hate you..

A/N: What up guy's it's Gordo. hope you in joyed this chapter. It might have been a little dark in the beginning, but at least their was a little laughter later in the chapter. Well yes, the humans have been found, now, back round ponies. If you are reading this, who do ya think I should add? Comments MA BRONY!!! anyways. have nice day.

OH i ALMOST FORGOT. here is a song that kind of inspired me to right johnny as a guy that doesn't give up.


Next Chapter: Eric: The Poorest Of Hearts, Can Have The Richest Souls. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 51 Minutes
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