
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 3: Max: I'd Rather Have No Friends, Then Fake Ones.

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Max: I'd Rather Have No Friends, Then Fake Ones.

Date: August 15, 2012
Location: Detroit Michigan. A city filled with trash and little hope for Humanity.

Max is just a 18 year old kid. He enjoys 4 things. Video games. Old school rap, Rapping and Ponies. Yes, Max was indeed a brony, his family didn't care, but made fun of him for liking his favorite Pony, Flutter Shy. But just like the other Bronies on the internet, when someone makes fun of him for watching the show, he just simply says.
"Dont feed the parasprites"
He didn't own any clothing, but did own a wallet and a Flutter Shy toy. The reason why he watches the show is simple but depressing. May 5, 2010, was the day his father left his family. He did not understand why and only felt emotions every son feels when their father is not with them. Anger, Sadness, Confusion....
He felt so many emotions, one day, He just exploded. He was in his room, once a clean,calm place, but because of the emotions he felt, his rage consumed him, and he destroyed almost every thing in his room. Window's shattered, T.V's broken, Old school CD's destroyed, and tears running down his face. He was never the same from that day on, when ever someone would try to talk to them, he responded in a growl and left. Nothing made him happy, absolutely nothing. He thought he was going to stay in a state of depression and anger the rest of his life after his father left him. Well that is what he thought.

It was mid-April, 2011, and Max has just gotten out of school. He walked home in silence, Listening to Suicidal Thoughts by the Notorious B.I.G. Every day when he got home, he would ignore his family, drop his school supplies on the ground, and go to his second Favorite site on the web. Memebase. Now, even though he was sad, he would still crack a smile when he read a new comic on the front page. He would usually go to rage comics, because he would get his Lulz there. On this particular day in April, he noticed some thing. On the links to click to see pictures, he saw something that confused him
"My little Brony?" He said to himself out loud. "The hell is that?"

As soon as he clicked the link he was Instantly greeted with pictures of pastel colored ponies. He saw captions, funny pictures, epic drawings,he even herd some music that was created by these "Bronies." Now, instead of coming home depressed, he would crack a smile when he saw Pinkie pie, DAWWWWWW when he saw Flutter Shy, wish he could fly like Rainbow Dash, wants to be as strong as Apple jack, and tried to dress properly when thinking of Rarity. But this last Pony, there was something he felt he could relate to, but felt as if he didn't. Her name, Twilight Sparkle related to Max like a Siamese twin. Except there were some..... differences.

For instance, twilight liked to know more about things, same thing with Max, except When he got bored with the subject, he would most likely change it. There was one BIG thing, One big difference. When Twilight arrived in Ponyville, she made friends before even realizing it. Max is 18, but has not made one friend. Sure, he is a brony and the community is very welcome to new bronies, but are they really his friends just because they likes the same show? He was alone in the world, yes he had family but there are things you cant do fun things with them.

Max got out of bed, grabbed his phone and walked outside, going to the nearest park by his house, called Patton Park. It was a big park, so big you could have a mini super bowl their, but sense it was 8:00 in the mourning, he decided to walk around because there is barely anyone in the park, leaving him to piece and quite. He walked around the park thinking about the problems in the world, like, why is there war? Why can't we all be cool with each other? Why cant any body just Change?

He plugged in his Skull Candy head phones into his Iphone and began playing a song that would always cause him to think about the world and its people. He began rapping along with the old school rapper, his lyrics have meaning and cause you to think.

"I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other....."

The words roll of his tongue, he knew and understood every word in that song, and though it did not rhyme,the next quote was one of Max's favorite quotes he ever heard.

"We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive."

"2pac you never let me down. you always get me thinking, man. Rest In Peace" Max said to himself, looking up into the sky, still walking. "Remember this face save me a place...In Thugz Mansion." Another favorite quote, he was so busy looking up into the sky, that he bumped into someone and turned around to apologize. "Oh, sorry i bumped into you .....Lady?"
The women he was looking at was around 18 to 21, wore a white t shirt, with white skinny jeans, golden colored Chucks, and a golden neckless around her neck.A mix of light green, sky blue and fusa colored hair surrounded her shoulders, her back straitened, as if she was showing poise that shouted "Respect".

"Um....sorry I pushed you..." Max muttered. The woman looked at him and let out a smile, letting him know that he was forgiven. A small chuckle was released by the women. Max looked in confusion and a hint of red was showing on his cheeks.

"Is something funny?" He asked. The women looked up at him and smiled once more.

"Sorry, I have not been here before, and I would like to be shown around. Perhaps you can take me to your house?"
Max had the Greatest poker face in the world he had so many questions like, Tha buck? Why? Are you gunna kill me? But instead, he replied with a simple shrug. "Why not? It is pretty damn early, and you look like you got nowhere to go." Max gave a trust worthy smile, the women returned one back, causing Max to look away and blush. He was respectable to girls, but never had the courage to have a full conversation with one.

"So before we leave do you mind telling me your name?" Max asked the woman. She thought for about it for a full minute, and then smiled.
"Call me Tia." She responded.
Max smiled back and they both started walking. "Call me Max."

"Tia..Why does that sound so familiar?" Max thought to himself and came to a realization, but quickly shrugged it off.

"Meh, Probably just a coincidence."

With that thought out of his head, He and Tia walked out of the park entrance and began making their way back to Max's home.

The walk back home was in total silence. Normally, Max would freak out if a girl wanted to go with him, ANYWHERE. Thing is, around this girl, Tia, he felt calm, like if he died and his soul was now at ease. They walked onto his front porch, where Max then pulled a key under the doormat, and opened the door.
"Ladies first." Max smiled. Tia noticed this act of a gentle colt and smiled. "Thank you Max." she replied with a smile. Something about her seemed very familiar, like her voice, so soothing and caring like a mother calming a frightened child after hearing a tale about a tall man, dressed in a black suite with no face. They made their way quietly through the house and reached the bottom of the stairs. His house was old, so each step he took, the wood would creak , making a horror movie like noise that belongs in some slasher flick.

"Ok," Max whispered. "My little brother, sister, and Mother are asleep, so each step we take, try to be a quite as possible, all most weightless,like if you had wings and hovered over the steps or something." Max chuckled, Tia was slim, but not skinny enough to not cause a noise. She gave a simple nod, and went first.

Max mouth was open. Each step she took, well,what looked like a step, was quite and fast. She made it up the stairs like it was nothing. Tia turned around to look at the shocked human.
"Like that?" She whispered, fallowed by a light chuckle. Max closed his mouth and proceeded his walk up stairs as quietly as possible.






"OK you know what? Buck it, Leroy time."

Max ran upstairs as fast as he could, tip toed through the hall way, and brought Tia into his room. Closing the door ever so silently. He turned around to see Tia giggling, holding back tears of laughter. "And what is so funny young lady?" Max asked.
Tia calmed down and told Max what made her giggle. "I thought you said, quietly?"
Max had another poker face, and had a thought about what he said, then looked at Tia.

"You troll You"

"So, what do you want to know about the good ol D? The food? The Houses? The Parks? The people?" Max asked, all ready knowing these answers about Detroit. "The food? Mostly Mc Donalds and BK every where you go, not a single gym is in Detroit, so you have to go out of town for that. The houses? Does this really need an explanation? Houses burnt, abandoned, home owners not able to pay bills on time, most people live in apartments, some in the streets, its sad really. Detroit was a beautiful place 20 years ago. But sense life goes on, look what happened. Its almost as if Humanity has lost hope in this city, leaving it to corruption and criminals. The people? Dont get me started on them. Fakes is what they are. Kids sagging their pants so low you can see their whole ass, girls dressing all slutty, Parents not taking care of their children. The people,their just as bad as the city itself. The parks? Dirty and unclean. mostly caused by the people."

Marks thoughts were so clouded into his own question, that he did not notice Tia's neckless glow.

"Actually..." Tia continued, snapping Max out of his concentration. "I want to know more about you."

Max had a look of dumbstruck, poker face and confusion at they same time. "Um.. sure, what do you wanna know?" He asked, shrugging off the awkward feeling.

"For starters, what type of music do you listen to." Max's head instantly perked up.
"we'll I always listen to old school rap, some rock, a little bit of dubstep, I normally don't like dubstep but a certain show got me into-" Max had a hand placed over his mouth and was instantly asked a question he was prepared for.

"Who is your favorite pony?" Tia asked, with a grin on her face. Max took a second to actually think about it, even though he already knew Flutter shy, was his favorite, but he dicided to bring in Twilight Sparkle, his second Favorite."Well," he started. "Flutter shy is my first favorite, but Twilight Sparkle is my second favorite." Tia's eyes narrowed, not hesitating to ask the next question.

"Why do you like Twilight Sparkle?"

"I kind of relate to her in away"

"What kind of way?"

"Well, there are some differences, like how we both like to learn more, except I can get bored with the topic very quickly, and when she first moved to Ponyville in season one she had friends but didn't realize it tell the end of the second episode."

Thats when thing got silent. The only thing they could hear was their breathing, and Max's breathing was slightly faster then Tia's.

"Except....except she has friends......I don't. But it's cool. Who needs friends anyway?"

Max felt like a stone was in his throat. No matter how many times he would try to swallow sadness, it would never go down. Tia's face then turned to a more serious look.


silence was replaced with an angry tone, coming from Max's voice.

"The hell you say?" Max said, but voiced not raised.

Tia looked deep into the eyes of Max, seeing anger confusion and sadness, but her look and voice stayed the same.

"You believe you do not need any friends to enjoy your life, so you ignore others, fearing that if you had a deep conversation a with a "friend" you would be laughed at.Left out. An outcast. That is why you ignore others. To not feel the pain of being rejected by someone, Who would even want to be friends with you? Pathetic."
Tia spat out that word, stood up and reached for the door knob, only to be stopped by a hand. Tia looked up and saw Max's eyes, filled with rage and tears, but as he spoke, he kept calm and did not let his emotions get the best of him.

"Now listen here TIA." His voice rose then went back down saying Tia's name.
"What you said was true, no matter how much I try to deny it, it will stay true until proven false. That time I bumped in to you, I could have just said sorry, and walked away not giving a FUCK who you are."

Tears were slowly flowing down Max's face. Tia still stared deep into his eyes, feeling his emotions.
"Then why didn't you leave me?" Tia asked.

"Because when I bumped into and saw you, i thought we were going to be friends. I saw someone caring and gentle at the park, now, I see some one who doesn't give a damn about someones feelings."
Max calmed down a bit more, his emotions now settling in.
"I know I don't have friends, but pretending to be a friend and crushing some ones spirit? That's just scum..." Max spat out those final words, then opening the door for Tia.

"I don't have any friends, But a fake friend is something I would never stoop so low to. Get out."

Max stared deep into Tia's eyes, and for a second, he saw them glow.
Max backed away slowly, questions filling his head.

Tia's serious look was replaced by a smile. Not a fake friendly Smile, but a real smile.

"Why did you smile, and why did your eyes just glow white? What the hell is going on!?" Max demanded
"You have learned your Friendship lesson Max."

Lesson? Max had no idea what she was talking about, but decided to stay quiet and let her finish.


"What?" Max asked, now confused out of his mind.

"You have proven to me that in the darkest moments, you can rely on friends, even if you don't have any." Tia said.

"You are the weapon wielder of one of the elements of Harmony: Magic"
Her body was glowing even Brighter, blinding him in white light.

"Max the Brony, you are now a knight of one of the elements, you will fight along side with her to defeat a great evil."

This was happening all to fast for Max. "Magic? Elements of Harmony? Great evil? What are you saying Tia?"

Max couldn't see it, but Tia was smiling behind the light.

"I am saying.....That Friendship Is Magic."

And in a bright glowing light, Max and Tia disappeared, leaving only an open door.

In a dark, cold state of mind, Discord was slowly regaining his power, until he felt a disturbance in the chaos magic.

Discord growled knowing that one of the Humans have been found. Discord's scowl turned into a sly, evil grin.

Its only a matter of time......

Twilight Sparkle wakes up in a cold sweat. feeling a something strange in the distance. as if a magical aura appeared in her house, then quickly vanished. "must have been nothing" she thought. Then she drifted back to sleep, wondering nothing about the magical Aura she felt.

A/N: well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, so many questions, so little answers. Only time will revile Discords evil Plans.

PS: In case any body would like to know the song in this chapter here is the video: Enjoy my friends.

Next Chapter: Johnny and family: Honesty and family is needed to strengthen bonds. Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours
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