
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 2: Prologue:Freedom part 2

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Prologue:Freedom part 2

Night time sets as Luna sits on the castle balcony. The events that happened earlier in the day left her in a state of anger sadness and confusion. Luna looks up at her night sky, the glowing stars and the full moon looked beautiful for all of Equestria to gaze upon and awe. Though something felt different about this night. Very different. The calm, cooling air felt more colder each hour, the moon's glow was dimming slightly, but still manages to glow over the cities. Luna sits quietly, and sobs softly, wondering why her sister would ever ask if Discord was always evil.

"Why would she ask if he was always evil?" Luna asks herself."He turned me into Nightmare moon, turned me away from my own beloved sister and caused her to fight and banish me to the moon for one thousand years of course he is evil!"
Luna began sobbing a bit more loudly, the stars in the night blinked twice and the moon's color dimmed once more. The air got colder the more Luna cried, guards around the castle felt colder and decided is was time for them to enter the castle for a hot cup of cocoa.

"He turned me into A monster, for one thousand years ponies have feared me, yes they had fun with me on that one Nightmare Night, but just because they had fun doesn't mean they forgave me." Luna said quietly. Tears now flowing from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. "Why would she even THINK about Forgive him!?" Luna's shaky sad voice was now replaced with and angry voice. No not the Royal Canterlot voice but similar and less loud.

"Luna!" A voice from behind her called. Luna turn around to see it was her sister, Celestia. Her anger rose but she menages to remain calm and let her sister speak.

"Yes sister?" Luna said, with a sad tone and weak smile. Celestia walked up to her sister, staring at her eyes with worried and confusion in her own eyes.

"Luna what is wrong? Why did you leave me in the garden alone with Discord?" That was it. As soon as Luna herd her sister mention that name, her smile was replaced with an angry closed mouth. Her sad eyes were replaced with anger and confusion.

"What is wrong? Are you seriously going to ask me that?" Luna replied with a cold dead tone. Her voice showed no sense of emotion in that one sentence. The air got colder, causing Celestia to shiver in cold and the moon light dimmed once more. The stars blinked, and one of them disappeared, causing Celestia to worry even more for her sister.

"Luna, what do you mean? its cold out here, we should go inside the castl-"
"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT TIA!" Luna cut of her sister before she could even finished her sister. Celestia was shocked, Luna NEVER used to Royal Canterlot voice against her own sister.

"Luna why are you yelling? please tell me!" Celestia's eyes were now watery after her own sister yelled her.

"HOW DARE YOU ASK WHY I'M YELLING?! DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT IT WAS DISCORD WHO TURNED ME INTO THAT MONSTER, NIGHTMARE MOON?!" Luna's voice was so loud guards went up to the balcony to see what was going on.

"Princess? is every thing all righ-" The guard was cut off because he noticed luna's eyes and Celestia's eyes were filled with tears.

"Uh, we'll come back later. Lets go guys." The guards left the princess'es alone to their family matters.

"Luna, we are causing a commotion, please, come insi-"


Celestia released a weak, sad sigh. "Yes I do Remem-" Celestia was cut off by a sudden realization.
"Luna.....are you angry because I asked if he was always evil?"

There was an awkward silence. the moon's light grew brighter, and the missing stars reappeared after Luna calmed down. She looked up at Celestia's face, her eyes now running with water. sniffling can be heard sense both the sisters were quietly sobbing.

"Yes, I was angry." Luna said with a calm voice. Her eyes still watery from the dried up tears.

"Luna...." Celestia said, cracks in her voice couldn't allow her to finish her sentence.

Luna's wings started flapping, Celestia noticed this, and she had to ask

"Luna...were are you going?"

Luna just hovered in front of her sister, sighing.

"I'm going back to the moon for a while. I'm going to think about this conversation."

Celestia just stared at her sister with confusion.
"What do you mean?" Celesta asked.

"I'm going to think about wanting you be your sister....." With those last words, Luna flew off into the night sky, Leaving Celestia alone once more, this time with a broken heart.

The garden was covered in darkness. All the animals fell asleep and only the sound of an evil laugh, this time louder, can be heard.

So the bond has finally been broken?

a purple light was erupting through cracks around the statue.The light was so bright, it killed the plant life in the garden.

Well then....

The stoned statue was destroyed, smoke covering what use to be there. When the smoke settled, a figure was standing in the place where the statue use to be. He let out an evil,spine-tingling laugh, its eyes were glowing yellow, pupils, blood shot.


The creature then disappeared, leaving nothing but dead plant life, and awoken, scared shit-less animals.

Celestia sat in her thrown room. sobbing quietly, asking her self why this had happen.
"Our sisterly love is now broken, I am alone here." Celestia whispered.

Oh Celestia, did you forget about LiL' ol' me?

Celestia's eyes shot up in shock and horror, she new that voice, and could only mean one thing,

"You have returned.....how?" Celestia said with anger and shock in her voice.


"How did you return Discord?." she repeated.

A purple light appeared in front of her, revealing Discord, the god of chaos. A sinister grin revealed around his face.

"Nice to meet you again tia." he said
"OH, and how did I escape? thats simple....Love."

Celestia was shocked at what Discord said. Love? Out of all the things, Love?

"What do you mean?" She asked in an angry tone. Discord's smile grew even wider, fallowed by a little chuckle, then a serious expression.

"You loved me remember? And I loved you as well. Your parents on the other hand...."
Discord let out an evil laughter, causing Celestia to use the royal canterlot voice.

Discord then let out an evil chuckle. "Oh are you mad Princess? Good, because I want you to feel the same pain i felt. the same feeling I have even after the death of your parents. HATRED"

The princess has had enough, she shot a white beam towards Discord, But he easily deflected it.
"That wont do mare. If you want to defeat, or should i say, KILL me, you have to find some new fighters, besides the elements."
Discord faded away in a purple smoke, laughing at Celestia's pain.

Celestia's finally calmed down sighed and her horn glowed.

"I guess I do have to find new fighters." Celestia's scowl was replaced with a small smile

"And I know just were to look."
In a bright light, Celestia vanished.

A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this prologue. Now the real epic Adventure begins. Have a nice day


Next Chapter: Max: I'd Rather Have No Friends, Then Fake Ones. Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 12 Minutes
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