
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 1: Prologue:Freedom part 1

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Prologue:Freedom part 1

"The Royal Gardens has always been a beautiful place to visit Luna." Celestia said, walking next to her co leader and sister, Princess Luna. "It always calms me when ever i walk through here."

The sun was shining down upon the statues in the garden, Luna walked right next to her sister, wondering why she was brought.
"Thats nice to know Tia, but may I ask, why did you bring me here?" Luna asked her sister.

They stopped in front of a statue with mixed parts of other animals, head of a pony, dragons tail, griffons talons, and other animal body parts. Luna shivered at the sight of the beast. she remembered who that was, the same one who tricked her into betraying her own sister: Discord, god of chaos. He was stuck in the stone, yet both Tia and Luna could feel his evil, chaotic aura around them.

"You know i don't like being around him Tia." Luna said, with a hint of fear and anger in her voice.
Luna looked up to her sister, and only saw Celestia's eyes focused on Discords stone cold eyes. Celestia snapped out of her glare to answer Luna"s statement.

"Luna, have you ever wondered if Discord was really evil?" Celestia asked her young sister.

Wondered? Of course he is evil! Luna thought.

"What ever do you mean sister?" Luna asked staring at her sister with confusion.

"Yes he did want to kill us, but was their a clear reason why?" Celestia asked.

Luna couldn't believe what she herd. she was so mad that she just left her sister hanging, Not even wanting to answer the question, she spreaded her wings,and flew off into the sky.

"Luna! wait! Where are you going? Whats wrong?" Celestia said. Luna hovered in the sky and glared at her sister before flying away.
"How dare she ask whats wrong? he turned me into Nightmare Moon!" Luna thought to herself.

Celestia now stood by herself, next to the stoned Discord. She gives one last look into Discords eyes before flying away to talk with her sister.
"i know you are evil, and i know you loved me, but Why did you have to kill my parents to prove your love?" Celestia said. her Sadness replaced by anger then back to sadness.

"Why did you do all of this.......why?"

She flew off into the sky, calling for Luna.

The chirping of the birds and the buzzing of the bee's were replaced with silent scream. so quit, not even an elephant could here the faint noise in the garden. A rose that was around the silent screaming statue died. Its red petals were replaced with crumbling, grey, died out petals. The grass that surrounded the statue's feet also died out. Its green, lively colored died out just like the colors of the rose. Animals who saw this noticed, but ignored, because they live in a world of magic and anything could happen that isn't ordinary. When the remaining ponies in the garden left, their was a faint sobbing, replaced later my a wicked laughter.

"I loved you, you were the mare of my dreams and you turned me away. I killed your parents because they didn't appreciate who I was.....they didn't even give me a chance to explain why i loved you"

A faint purple glow erupted from the statues chest then quickly disappeared.

"I loved you and you caste me away just like that.....I hate you but I love you at the same time. Damn you sun goddess, though i can not feel the sun on my fur, I can sense the anger and sadness i have caused to you and your sister, Luna.....
I wish i was an alicorn, or a normal pony just like you so we can love each other........"

"Normal........but then again, wheres the fun in that?"

"Where is the fun in no cotton candy clouds and Chocolate rain?

I"ll tell you were the fun is Celestia, its not here, its not there but its In here......

My heart....my cold, chaotic, lonely heart....

I know you cant hear me, but you can sense my feelings, my aura, my heart....

Alone. Sadness. Cruelty. Betrayal. Lies. Greed.

All of these Emotions I feel, towards you and those elements.

Why don't you go chase after Luna and talk to her, I'm sure she will come back to her senses after you so obviously showed how much you cared for me...

A sinister laugh echoed through the garden, leaving nothing but silence after its passing, Animals who were around the statue felt shivers in their spine when they realized were the noise came from. A humming bird flew up to Discord's eyes, staring into the statue with shock and disbelief .

Oh..an animal, hello little one what can I do for you?

the humming bird herd Discords voice in its thoughts, and quickly flew away....but it was to late.
"Oh? you just wasted your time staring at me, and when I crept into your thoughts, you decide to leave me?"
Discord said in a annoyed and angry tone.

The humming birds left wing froze, and he slowly fell to the ground, chirping for help.

"To late"

The humming bird fell to the ground, the sound of a broken wing , a shattered stoned wing and a chirping bird was heard around the garden, not loud, but loud enough for the other animals to run away in fear.

Shut up

The bird stopped chirping, and there laid a lifeless humming bird, while the other animals crept in fear.

Now, where was I before I was rudely interrupted

Discords angry tone was replaced with a sad, lonely voice.

Ah....yes i remember......

"I love you sun goddess, time will soon pull us together, even if its caused by a little chaos"

End of prologue part 1

A/N: sorry if its a little short, but the chapters will get longer as they progress Trust me, more Ponies and humans will be introduced, including some of your favorite back round ponies.


Next Chapter: Prologue:Freedom part 2 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 18 Minutes
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