
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 12: Humans Meet Ponies part 1 of 1.

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Humans Meet Ponies part 1 of 1.

A/N: Just in case you guys are confused, yes, there will be more humans in the chapters later on. Right now, few of the past humans that were in the latest chapters, are going to meet the ponies. The order will be Max, Johnny and family, Eric, and Carlos. The other humans in the chapters before will meet the ponies, which is why I have it split into two parts. And yes, Scootaloo will be introduced later in the story. Oh, and these humans arrived at 6:00 AM. The humans will awake in later times, but yes, they all arrived at the same hour. Enjoy :)

Ponyville Library.

Time: late mourning. Around 11:00

Dizziness. That's all Max could feel. He did not remember much of what had happened, but the only thing he could remember was a girl, wearing bright white clothing. He brought her to her room, and they discussed many things. One of them was among the topic of a certain show, My Little Pony. Max only had very little memory, but something was screaming in his head, saying how he should have recognized that teen.

Max's eyes slowly opened, and he was greeted by sun light. Instincts from being an inside gamer and a couch potato would have warned him about the light's rays through his eye lids. But something was different about this light. It was as if he was greeted with warmth, and comfort and protection. He moved his right arm over his left side, rising to his knees, and then onto his feet.

That's when the pain kicked in.

He groaned in pain, rubbing his back, trying to comfort his lower spine. Hos eyes closed from the pain, he started to walk, thinking he was in his own room. He opened his eyes, trying to open the door, but that's the thing. He stared at the strange door in front of him, it all most looked cartoon-ish to him. He reached for the door knob, trying to open it.

"Spike stop making so much noise."

Max's blood froze. He could have sworn he heard Tara Strong's voice. Matter of fact, it was her voice. Max slowly turned around, getting a better look of the room.The entire room was filled with bookshelves and bookshelves filled with books. On the left side of the room, a window was shining through the dark room, covering a small bed with a lump in it. Max, had only seen this scene once, and it was in a certain show he watched. He walked up to the bed, slowly, trying not to cause any noise.


"Shit." He mouthed.



"Spike be quiet!" Tara's voice said. Not wanting to piss her off, Max took a deep breath and walked very slowly.


"Man fuck it." He stretched his legs widely, took one quick leap, and stood right at the foot of the bed. Max slowly, reached his hand over at the blanket, pulling it down slowly. What he saw made him want to squeal in joy and gasp in awe, but he remained quiet.

In the small, cartoon-ish bed, laid a lavender colored pony. Yes, a PONY. It had a dark purple mane, messy because it was sleeping in bed, with a pink strip running down. Her face, plastered with a cute little smile, warmth the heart of Max. It had a horn sticking out of his for head, with cartoon like eyelashes. Max could not take it anymore, the sheer cuteness of this little creature made his want to hug it to extinction. And Max knew exactly who she was.

She was Princess Celestia's protegee, excepted into Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. She was a book worm like Max, loved to read. Her friends were the bearers of the other 5 Elements of Harmony. Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter...and Magic.

Max was indeed standing over Twilight Sparkle.

"My God..." He said, smiles stretched across his face."I am in the presence of THE TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!" His voice slightly cracked at the end, causing Twilight to shift in her bed. He hesitated for a second, but calmed downed when she sighed and silently snore. This, again, made Max's heart melt. No longer did he felt pain from his world. He was happy.

But then he remembered his family.

"I..I can't stay here...My family needs me." He said. Slowly backing away, he made his way to the door. He was just inches away until he realized:

"How am I suppose to get home?" He said. He had only 1 option. Wake Twilight Sparkle and ask her to transport him home. Besides, she IS the student of Princess Celestia right? But he also knew, Twilight was not a mourning pony, and neither was he. But he had no choice, as much as he wanted to stay, he can't. Besides, he was sure this was just one of those deep, deep dreams you can't wake up from unless you are moved in reality or something happens in the dream realm.

He slowly made his way, to the sleeping unicorn, attempting to be very careful at waking her up. Then a thought crossed his Idea. If he was dreaming, why not just wake up but slamming something into his skull? He looked around the room, and found a perfect, flat surfaced, 4 legged object.

and it was indeed a table.

Quietly walking away from the bed, he made his way to the flat surfaced wooden bark. He took one last look at the sleeping and smiled. He just wanted to hug her, and all the other cute ponies, but he couldn't it would just remind him of how it was all fake. "Good bye Twilight." He whispered a bit loudly. he sat in the chair, and looked at the shiny, glossy table. It's wooden frame, cut to perfection. The sleekness of the table was so sleek, a ran his fingeres across it, almost slipping his entire left arm over the table. It was truly a beautiful craft of workmanship.

And he's gon' fuck it up.

Raising his entire head backwards, he came down on top of the table, Hard. Since this was dreamland, he was expecting no pain all. He expected that as soon as he made contact, he would wake up on the floor in his house. But oh, how wrong he was.

"AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, placing both hands over his forehead. The pain was so excruciating, he lost all balance, tumbling bookshelves after bookshelves, until he half destroyed the room. He layed in the middle of a pile of books, still covering the bump over his head."Ow, son of a...?" He moved his hands away from his fore head, only staring a few feet away from a shocked, scared Twilight.

"My....My room.." She stuttered. Max tried to get up and apologize to the scared mare, but she only backed away in fear into her wall. "Stay back!! Get Away!" She said. Max did what he did, slowly taking two steps away from the scared pony.

"But, I didn't meen to cause anything, I was-" Max did not have time to finish his homework, he was blasted with a ray of magical energy, and surprisingly, it did not hurt him. "Twilight, please listen I just want to-" He was blasted by a nother ray of energy. He raised his arms across his chest, making an 'X' to protect himself. Again, he took it like it was nothing.

At first.

His arms began to feel colder than it was, and to his surprise, his arms were frozen together, Ice covering them. He looked over that the still scared Unicorn, but for a second, he saw a small smirk on her face. "How- How do you-you know my name?" She asked. One important thing about traveling to a new world, you NEVER tell them that they are viewed by millions of people. Max did not realize this, until she asked of how he knew his name. Max could not think of anything, and even he knew this was not a wise decision, but he had no other choice.


Imagine an igloo, how it is cold, calm and warming at the same time. Now imagine that said igloo on fire, and in the inside, was burning, hot molted magma, hot enough to burn the entire Antarctica snow land in a matter of seconds. This is what was going down, Instead of fear, and shock at the being in front of her, her expression changed to one of anger and ONLY anger. "Magic.." She stated calmly. she slowly hopped off of the bed, and glared at the ape like creature in front of her,

"You know that is a bunch of Horsefeathers." She stated coldly. She pointed her glowing horn at Max, and with a powerful push, blasted Max out of her room, and into the library downstairs.

Once he landed on the hard wooden ground, he moaned in pain. Tightly closing his eyes shut, he waited for the final blow from the rage infilled Twilight. "Hey Luis, is that another one of you guys?"

Max immediatly opened his eyes, and was face to face with a small, purple dragon with green spikes standing on his chest. Spike the Dragon, was on top of him.

"Yes it is Spike, what I would like to know is, how did him and I get here?" A soothing, calm voice said. Max looked to his left, and saw a muscular African American standing behind Spike, with a confused look on his face as well. He wore basketball shorts, Jordan shoes, a white T-shirt with stained, dried blood and four slash marks on his chest. The man move closer to Max, grabbed his arms, and pulled him out of the pile of books. "Thanks." He responded. The man smiled at him, then turned his attention to Spike.

"So Spike, you said Twilight was not a mourning pony, right?" The little dragon nodded his head, and climbed up to his left shoulder, sitting there comfortably. "Yea, why?" Spike asked.

Then, a loud fire sounding boom could be heard. Spike, Max, and the new comer stared at the door at the top of the stairs. There, Twilight Sparkle was standing, but with her mane on fire, her coat white, and her eyes red, signaling she was very pissed off. The man turned his head to Spike, then to Max, a worried look on his face.

"That's why."

Sweet Apple Acres.

Time: 9:00 AM. The early mourning.

Johnny laid in warm, dirt, eyes still closed. The sun was beaming, an eventually, woke Johnny up from his sleepy state. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the warm, calming sensation of the sun his face. A little bit worried about his eyes, but surprisingly, his eyes did not hurt in the slightest. He just laid there, on the dirt, smiling at the sun.

"Wait," He said, eyes widening at the sudden realization. He got up with great haste, and took a look around his surroundings. His field of vision was covered with rows, and rows of apple trees everywhere. He looked at the clear, blue sky, nothing in it's air. He took a sniffed the air, the scent of fresh apples and clean air filed his nose. It was a smell he was not very familiar with, unlike the littered streets and smelly allies of Manhattan. He looked at the ground, and it sure was as he felt it, dirty. But it was that good dirt, not that muddy, nasty dirt.

"Where the hell am I!?" He shouted. He turned around to rustling behind some trees. There, next to the apple trees, were Mike and Rodney, confused as Johnny was. Rodney noticed his big brother's presence, and quickly ran up to him, and hugged him. Mike also joined in the hug, nearly crushing the two with his strength.

"Mike..can ya...Let go?" Johnny said wheezing."Yea...we can't...Breath!" Rodney said, nearly choking. Mike dropped the brothers on the ground, as smile on his face. "Ah'm just glad ya'll are safe." He said. Rodney and Johnny stood up beside their bigger brother, all of them looking around.

"Where the hell are we?" Rodney asked. Mike put his hand on his shoulder signaling him to stop cursing. Johnny only walked foward, and picked an apple from a tree. "I don't know, but we better get outa here, I don't think this property is an open field for anyone." Agreeing, the other two piked an apple as well, and walked down the dirt path, with Johnny in the middle, Rodney on the right and Mike on the left.

Rodney took the first bite of the apple, and his eyes widened. "Guys, these apples are freaking good!" He said, taking a few more bites from the apple. Mike saw the happy expression on his little brother, and ate his apple too. Mike was surprised, he ate fruits that tasted really good, but this?


"Did ya like the apple Mike?" Rodney asked, throwing his apple core behind a tree. Mike finished his, and kept the core in his pocket. "Eyup." Rodney smiled at his older brother's expression, and bumped Johnny in the shoulder. "Ya gunna eat that one Johnny?"

Johnny however, was looking at the apples shine, fascinated by it's red skin. He took one quick whiff if the apple, and his mouth began to water, signaling himself to eat the apple. Johnny looked down at his younger brother and smiled. He opened his mouth wide, preparing himself for true satisfaction-


Darn. Maybe next time. All three of the brothers stood in place. The voice that was heard came from behind them, and what they saw shocked them all.

There were three ponies standing there. one small, one medium and one large, all three were about the height of the boys waist. The little one had a cream colored coat, with a red mane and a big red bow on top, and her eyes were an apple juice color. The medium one had a stetson hat on her head, her mane, golden yellow shined in the sun, and, ironic as it was, her mane was in a ponytail. Her eyes were light green, and her fur was orange, and to Johnny's surprise, she also had white spots on her fur. Most likely freckles. The last and tallest of the ponies, was a dark red coated pony. His eyes were half closed, yet he had an eyebrow raised. His eyes were a deep green, and his mane and tail were a dark, orange blond. He had a wheat stick sticking out of his mouth, and he was pulling a wagon full of apples.

All three of the boys were shocked, along with the two girl ponies. But the orange mare's shocked face was replaced with anger. She was glaring strait at Johnny, and he only stared back in confusion.

"What are ya'll doin' in our acres!?" The orange one screamed. Two mouths were hung open, except for Mike's. He himself was surprised he was not shocked, just surprised. "And why is that monkey lookin' critter eatin'' our apples!"

Johnny shook his head out of his stupor and looked at the shiny, red apple. It looked so good, so delicious, it would melt the Greek god's mouths if they ever took one bite. His attention turned away from the apple, and he frowned at the orange pony."I ain't know monkey ya overgrown orange!" He shouted back. The orange pony growled and scoffed. "You sure look like one, with all them fancy clothing ya got on. And the names Applejack, ya got that ya varmint!!" She shouted back. Johnny placed the apple beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and was quickly in a fighting position.


The orange pony only scoffed at him, and walked slowly towards the human. Johnny was ready for a fight, and his arm was all ready stretched back, holding a soon to be released knuckle sandwich. Mike however, did not like pointless fighting, so he placed his enormous hand over Johnny's chest. Johnny looked at his older brother, a very serious look in his eyes.

"Nope." He said. Johnny stared at his brother in disbelief. "No? She's trying to-" He was silence however, because he noticed his little brother Rodney walking towards the smallest of the three ponies. "Rodney!" Johnny shouted, but he was silenced by a smiling Mike.


Mike stared at the red pony, who was holding back the mare's tale from going on any further. The red pony stared at Mike with his half closed eyes, nodding at him. Mike nodded back.

"Big Macintosh what in the hey do ya think your doin'? That monkey feller over there was eating one of our apples!" Applejack shouted, staring face to face with her older brother. Big Macintosh smiled at his sister, and turned her head over to the humans. There, in shock, the little filly was walking towards the small monkey like creature."Apple Bloom!" She shouted, But Big Mac raised a hoof, silencing her sister, letting her know to let the little one go on.

"Apple Bloom..."

Rodney slowly walked up to the one called 'Apple Bloom' trying to get a closer look on the talking pony. Apple Bloom did the same, also curious about the monkey like being. Apple Bloom was height was reached to it's limit when she stood in front of Rodney. Rodney tilted his head in curiosity, gazing into the little ones eyes. Maybe this one had more manners than Applejack?

"Are you a monster or somethin?"

Or not.

Rodney smiled at the little kid. She was so friendly, so curious. Rodney knelt down at eye level, getting a better look into her eyes."Names Rodney, and no I ain't no monster. Ah'm a human." Apple Bloom tilted her head to the side, causing Rodney to chuckle.

"Heww-man? What's that?" Rodney just shrugged.

"Ah don't know, a bipedal creature or somethin?" He answered. This cause Apple Bloom to giggle. "What does Bi-pedal mean?"

"Ah I don't know, why is the sky blue?" Apple Bloom looked up towards the sky, her bow bouncing in place as she wondered."Hmmm, I don't know, do you?" Rodney smiled. "Nope."
"Hey! My brother says that!" Apple Bloom said giggling. So does mine!" Rodney said smiling. Apple Bloom and Rodney took this as a sign to invite there siblings. Big Mac and Mike stepped into the same spot without a second thought. Applejack and Johnny however were still skeptical.

"Come on Applejack! Come meet everypony!" Apple Bloom shouted. Mike and Big Mac looked at each other, and smiled. Big Mac shook Mikes hand.

"Crazy day?" Mike said, smiling at his little brother.

"Eyup." Mac said, smiling at his little sister.

"Hard workin'?" Mac asked.

"Eyup." Answered Mike.

"Ever restin'?"

"Nope." The duo chuckled heartly, knowing that they were going to do just fine.

Johnny and Applejack however, were not seeing eye to eye, while their siblings were talking with each other, they only glared at each other. Mac and Mike notice this, but that is not the only thing they notice: A dark, storm cloud was covering the entire, once bright sunny sky.

"Mac, we better get goin,' there's a storm a brewin.' " Mike said, staring up into the sky. Big Mac's mane was flowing in the wind. He still stared up into the sky, but he heard Mikes words loud and clear.


"Hey Mike?" Rodney said, Apple Bloom beside him. "Yes?" He responded.

"Where's Bill?"

A/N: Wow, this one took a while. Well, what did you guys think? Enjoying so far? If so, good, I am making progress :) And this is just a reminder, ALL humans included in the next chapters arrived at 6:00 AM. They just woke up at there own times, so the time zone isn't screwed up. Hope I did good in your guy's book. Have a nice night!

P.S: I do not own the images used in this chapter, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.


Next Chapter: Humans meet Ponies Part 2 of 1 Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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