
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 13: Humans meet Ponies Part 2 of 1

Previous Chapter
Humans meet Ponies Part 2 of 1

Carrisal Boutique.

Rarity's room.

Time: Mourning. 10:30

Today is just another day for the fashionably, gem using, dress making, mare herself, Rarity.She was a mare of pure fashion, was always there to lay a helping hoof. The night before however, she had to finish a couple dresses for some high bidding ponies in Canterlot. Sweetie Belle was nice enough to stay over and help her sister out. Without destroying anything of course. Very surprising though, because when ever little Sweetie Belle would try to help, something would always go wrong. But besides that, Sweetie Belle was a sweet little filly, having adventures with her two best friends, on a quest to find there cutie marks.

Off topic. Sorta.

Rarity awoke with her mane surprisingly fashionably still, as it was the day before, and the day before. She opened her eyes, bags clearly showing how she stayed up late to finish the order. She looks around her room, all tight and clean. She takes a deep breath, and exhaling, happy that she finished all of her dresses. She rises from her bed, rubbing her eyes with her front forelegs. Covering her mouth because she was yawning, Rarity looked over at a small mirror beside her and grabs it with her magic. Levitating the mirror, she sighs, staying up late can really do a number on a lady you know?

" Ugh, those dresses Sapphire Shores needed for the next upcoming fashion show really did tire me out." Rarity said, opining her eyes widely so she can get a good look at the bags under her eyes. "A lady should not have these purple bags under her eyes. I should go take a shower, maybe it would ease my skin." She slowly gets up from the bed, clearly not watching her way. Rarity stumbles over a large lump looking thing, falling on her belly.

"Ow, What was that?" She said, rubbing her belly. She turns around to see a pile of clothes, laying on the floor. Rarity rolled her eyes tiredly, thinking it was her sisters fault. "Sweetie Belle, It's to early to start arguing," She says, levitating a towel from the pile of clothes, turning around. "I'll ignore it for now, but when I get back, I am going to wake you up and make you clean your mess." She walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Little did she know, the pile of clothes her sister created, moved and groaned.


Warmth. This was a feeling Eric did not feel in quite some time in Chicago. Through out the whole winter, he and his parents had to huddle up for warmth. The clothes they wore would only last 2 weeks. and every 3rd week, they were sent used clothes from the church. All those days of suffering in the cold, begging for warmth from families that ever came across them. But now, he did not feel the cold sensation he felt only moments ago. His eyes opened, and to his surprise, he was in a room. Panicked, he tried to stand up, but felt a heavy, warm feeling around him.

"What the?" Eric said. He moved his left hand, feeling a sort of scratchy sensation through his fingers. "Ar-Are these..clothes?"

Curious, Eric turned and twisted inside the pile, and stood up. He looked down at the pile of clothes, and tilted his head. He reached for the ground, and pulled out a little dress. There was nothing special about it, just a plain yellow dress, with a white collar. He raised a brow at all the other clothes he pulled. All of them were too small to fit any human body. A small little girl a baby could fit in these clothes. It did not take him time however, to widen his eyes in shock, horror, and fear.

All around him, were fancy decorations, something his mother had a knack about. His mother would always take him to stores, and even though they did not have much money, that would not stop her from dressing Eric into fancy clothing.

His father suffered the same fate as well.

His thoughts of horror however, were interrupted by the sound of running water. Eric turns around, investigating where the noise was coming from. He slowly walks up to the door and knocks.

"Sweetie Bell? Is that you? Do clean up the pile of clothes on the floor, please sister?"

Eric felt his blood run cold. Coming from the bathroom was a voice, yes. But he did not expect a women's voice to answer his knocks. He slowly walked away from the door, trying to escape the room. But then he stared at the clothes that were on the ground, and on the messy bed that was right completely a mess.

"Damn, this bed is small for a women. Too small. Come to think of it, this whole room feels sort of small." Eric said, making his way to the messy bed. He was not a neat freak, but his mother taught him better manners than to just leave a mess. He was taught at a young age to clean his room, and other rooms if it is dirty or messy.

Again, his father suffered the same fate.

He took off all of the blankets, pillows, and sheets. Cleaning the naked mattress with one of the blankets, he covered it with the sheets after he finished. Next, came the blankets themselves. Making sure the sheets were tight around the edges and corners, he tossed the blanket above the mattress, letting it fall lazily on top. After fixing the blankets on its corners, he placed the pillows neatly on top of the bed, smiling at the fixed mattress.

"Mum always said to be a gentlemen..." He said. His smile quickly turned to sobbing, remembering that night. He took two kids to the abandoned house his mother and father were taking refugee in. His blood boiled angrily, his sad frown now turned into a face filled with anger. He stared at the ceiling, wanted to scream at the heavens for taking away his mother and father, and leaving him inside a room with a women he did not even know. Tears were running down his face, his strong, heard working dad, and his kind, generous mum...were now gone.

"Sweetie Belle? Did you finish what I asked you to do, darling?"

That's right, the women in the bathroom was still there. His anger decreased slightly, but still remained. He picked up the closed and tossed them into a closet. He stood in front of the bathroom door, arms crossed waiting for answers. The door opened slowly, and his frown deepened with a dried tear on his cheek.

"Ah, that was refreshing, Sweetie I hope...you...?"

Eric's anger was gone, and only an opened mouth and shocked face remain where the anger once was. There standing in front of him, was a small white horse. She looked slightly cartoon-ish to him, big, blue eyes, long eyelashes, dignifying she was a female. Her coat was a wet, white color, and her mane was all wet, water dripping. The little horse also had a shocked expression on her face, eyes dilated at the being in front of her. Eric, being comepletly shocked as he was, only did what a natural teenage boy would do when he is in a room with a talking creature. He waved his hand slowly at the little horse in front of him.


And to make matters worse, the small little horse screamed.


5 minutes earlier

Sweetie Belle's room.

Sweetie Belle, she's a cute little filly. Innocent, curious, adventure filled little one. She hangs out with her two best-est friends in the world:Apple Bloom,and Scootaloo. Every week or so they head to their club house, and discuss there daily routine about how to get their cutie marks. They've tried almost every thing. Lion taming, zip lining, rock climbing, raising the dead.


Point is, she was a sweet filly, always trying to figure out ways to fined her special talent. Today however, was just a normal day. She had stayed with her sister Rarity to finish an order that needed to be done in less than 24 hours. Rarity did not want her help, but Sweetie promised she would behave, and only help with the little things.

Surprisingly the boutique did not catch on fire.

Sweetie Belle woke up, her mane a tangled mess, her eyes a little drowsy, and her face half asleep. With a big yawn and her forelegs outstretched, she hopped of her bed, ready to start a boring day with her sister making boring dresses in stead of finding the rest of the C.M.C and discovering her talent. Sweetie Belle walks over to her mirror in her room, hanging on the wall. She does not know how to fully use her magic, so she picks up a brush with one of her hooves and strokes her tangled mane. After about a good 2 minutes, she finished fixing her hair, smiles at herself in the mirror, and heads downstairs to make her sister some good ol' pancakes and heycon.

"Ohhhhh my head."

Sweetie Belle turns her head to her bed. Weird, she could have sworn she heard-

"Owwww..where am I?" said again the voice.

Sweetie's eyes widen in fear. The voice was coming from her under her bed. And dear Celestia wasn't the bed scary when you believe something is living underneath it. Scared but putting on a brave face, she walks a few steps toward the bed.

"Am...Am I under a bed?" The voice talked again. Sweetie stopped dead in her steps. She was scared, the voice could be from a giant slime worm, or the boogymane or worse!!


Before she could run for her life, Sweetie's be began to rise from the ground. Sweetie could only watch in horror as her bed began to float in front of her own eyes. There was no magical aura surrounding the bed, so could this mean her bed is alive?The bed falls to the ground with a surprisingly soft thud, and there, where the bed once stayed, was a giant, monkey like creature. It wore some strange type of clothing. Everything it wore was black. It's hat, covered almost it's eyes, the hat was also black. It's shirt was dirty, with what looked like dried spots of water on it. It's pants was also back, torn in some area's.There were these things that resembled claws, covered by a small fabric, but with some the spikes cut off. The figure looked around the room, completely shocked by the whole scenario it was in.

"Wh-Where am I!?" It said, looking around the room in panic. 'I think it might be a colt. His voice sounds deeper than a fillies should be..' Sweetie Belle thought, gazing at the monster like creature in front of her.
It's reaction only grew worse, when he stared strait at Sweetie Belle, who was only a few feet away from the thing. Sweetie began to run towards the door, but fell when she slipped on one of Opal's toys.

"Dumb cat!" Sweetie Belle shouted. She closed her mouth when she yelled, hoping her sister did not hear. What she did not notice, the monster was standing right behind her.

"You...you can talk!" He said. Sweetie Belle turned around to a shocked monster. Her height reached up to his waist, but her horn was close to the belly button. Sweetie backed away from the monster, and her head pressed against the door.

"Monster!! Please don't eat me!! I don't taste like marshmallow's! Honest!" Sweetie shouted. The monster seemed to back away from the tear eyed pony. The monster had a confused face, staring at the crying filly.

"I'm..I'm not a monster! I'm a human! And Ponies don't talk! And why would I eat you? You don't even look like a marshmallow." The 'monster' said. "Yea right!" Sweetie said between sobs. "Your gunna put me in a big sandwich and eat me whole! Wait, eat my sister! she might taste like marshmallows!"

"First off, my name is Nate, second, I don't eat little ponies, it's kinda gross, and third where am I?" Nate said his eyes were also tearing up. He fell on his knees, face buried in his hands. "I...I just wanna find Eric...I wanna go home."

Sweetie was shocked. This big, human thing, monster like being, was crying.She had to admit, she has cried before, and even witnessed her sister crying before. But this? This just might take the cake.But her adventures with the Cutie Mark Crusaders has taught her many things. And one of them, is the reason why they keep going, and never stop.


Sweetie Belle took second thoughts about what she was going to do, but she was not the type to leave somepony hanging. Friends don't do that. She walks up to Nate, and ever so slowly, wrapped one foreleg around the creature.

"Shhh...It's OK, we'll find away to bring you back to Eric." Sweetie Belle says. Nate turns away from his teared up hands and stared at Sweetie's face. She had a warming smile that just screamed "HUG ME DAMN IT!" and Nate calmed down. Before Nate could thank her, Sweetie's mouth began to open, singing a familiar song.

hush now, Quiet now

It's time to lay your sleepy head

Hush now, Quiet now

It's time to go to bed.

Sweetie looked down at Nate's teared dried face, he had a sad smile. With out notice, Nate pulled Sweetie into a bare hug, lifting her up. Sweetie Belle only hugged bag, comforting the human. Nate placed her back on the ground, wiping some tears from her face. "So....whats your name?" He asked. Sweetie Belle looked up at the human.

"Sweetie Belle."

"Really? That's a weird name." Nate said, deadpanned. "And Nate isn't?" Sweetie retaliated. They both giggled.

"So, how old are you Nate?" Sweetie asked.

"I'm twelve." Nate said. Sweetie Belle's ears perked up, her face smiled. "Really? Me and my friends are that age too! Maybe you can meet them!" Nate smiled. He is in an unknown area, alone, and you know what? He is not scared.

Just then, his chest, along with Sweetie Belle's horn, glowed a bright white. "What's happening!?" Nate shouted.

"I, I don't know!" Sweetie Belle said. Just as soon as the light came, it vanished before there eyes. "Well that was a-" Nate was interrupted by a the returning light covering his right arm. He backed away, not wanting to hurt Sweetie Belle. Sweetie's right foreleg was also glowing, covered in a small white glow. The glow filled the entire room, and in seconds, vanished again.

"Nate! Whats that!" Sweetie shouted. Nate looked down at his whole body, and found that, faded, glowing white chains were wrapped around his right arm. He continued to look down, and in his hand, he was holding a medium size, ball. It was colored strangely. One half was a light pink, while the other half was a light, light, purple. He ran his fingers through the iron ball, it felt cold and hard, and looked like it weighed about 50 pounds. But it did not feel heavy at all, it was almost feather like. Nate stopped staring at his new toy, and looked at Sweetie.

"Sweetie, sense when did you get a tattoo?" Sweetie Belle raised a brow, and Nate pointed a finger to her right foreleg.

It looked like the head of a Manticore, and the color was gold.

Before Sweetie could say anything, Both her and Nate heard a scream, coming from what seemed like the next room.

"What was that!?" Nate asked, cleaning his ear with the free hand. "That must have been my sister, lets go see if she is OK." Nate looked a bit hesitated, but Sweetie Belle gave him a warming smile.

"It's OK, I'm sure she'll think your nice. Now come on!" With that, she opened the door and ran out. Nate smiled,and ran out the door trying to catch up with her.

A strange, candy land like world

Time: 9:45

"Where am I?" Carlos says,walking around a candy colored bridge. The water was chocolate, the sky was pink, and the clouds were a mix of dark pink and a smell of cotton candy. He walks towards the bridge, its wooden bark was switched with hard, orange, white and yellow candy corn.The railings were made of frozen ice scream. Amazed by the strange sight, he could not help but reach his hand over at the ice cream railings and touch it. He was in the center of the bridge, a small dip of vanilla Ice cream on his finger. It smelled so good, he could not help but taste it.

Bad Idea.

"Ew what the fuck? Taste like freaking mayonnaise!" He tries to spit out the taste of wannabe ice cream out of his mouth, but failed at doing so. Crossing over the bridge, he looks around for any drinkable materials. He finds a strange tree, glass cups hanging from the tips of the branches. He grabs one of the cups, looks around for anything but found nothing.

"Man, I fucking need to get rid of this taste...wait, do I smell chocolate?"

He turns around and face palms at his own stupidity. He walks to the chocolate river and dips the glass cup, filling it with choco bliss. He closes his eyes and takes a full chug.

'Wait, I don't taste chocolate. It feels like fudgey water running down my throat.' Carlos, thinks, finishing the weird liquid. He opens his eyes and to his surprise, the chocolate milk was still there.

Just not the glass.

Carlos twisted his wrist, the cup doing the same, fallowing his hand's movements. "The hell is going on?" He says out loud. He throws the liquid milk across the river. Turning around to walk away, only to turn around to a loud boom. He looks at the pink sky, and a barrage of colors flew his way.

"The fuck is that!?" He shouted

. large chunks of grey,brown, red,and yellow colors flew his way, landing on top of his foot. The red blob, took form of a sphere and rolled away. It morphed with one more red blob and two yellow ones. After a series of awkward noises, it formed two eyeballs, staring strait at him.

"The fuck is this?!"

Suddenly, the blobs start morphing all together, creating a figure. It had red pupils with yellow irises. It's head had what seemed like the head of a goat, while its body had a mix of other animals. It had a one blue wing,one bat wing, one reindeer antler, one twisted, light blue horn, one lion paw,one reptilian leg, one small, hoofed light brown leg, and an eagle talon.

To top of the clusterfuck, it had a large grin across it's face and a large, thumb sized tooth sticking out. Carlos points at the odd thing.

"The fuck are you!?"

`The creature laughs and laughs, falling on its back, tears of laughter falling down its yellow stained eyes. "You should have seen your face! Priceless!" It stop laughing however, and stood right back on his feet.

"Do you remember me Carlos? Do you remember me at all?"

"Hell no, who are you and why am I here?" Carlos demanded. The strange creature smiled, and snapped his talons. A flat screen T.V lands in front of Carlos, and in the screen were two familiar people.

Him and another boy.

They were watching an episode about My Little Pony, where the main six are fighting some, no...FAMILIAR..creature from the show. Carlos takes a step back, glaring at the odd thing. "How do you know my brother, and how did you know I watched that?" The creature taps his lions claws together, poofing the T.V away from Carlos. It's smile escaped his face, and replaced it with an emotion less glare.

"I know everything about you Carlos. Your mother, father and of course your little brother. I am Discord, god of Chaos, and you my boy..." He stretches his dragon tail towards Carlos and wraps it around his neck.

"....Are going to die before you FUCK UP my plans."

Carlos could not respond, the tail was already chocking him, squeezing the the air out of his lungs. He could not do anything, he was going to die in a psychopathic candy land, and he was afraid that this was no dream. He was slowly drifting into darkness, until a voice shouted from the pink sky.

"HEY! BACK OFF MY BRO!!!" Before his eyes could completely close, the tail around it neck loosened its grip, causing Carlos to fall strait to the red colored grass. Discord looks up to see a small two legged figured, with white wings behind it's back. It wore all white clothing, white T, white khaki's, white shoes and only had black hair.

"Oh? You decide to join in his death to?" Discord said. The angel, landed in front of Carlos, who was gasping for air, half awake. "You know Jose, I didn't think you would come back for him, I thought it was his fault that you died."

"Who..?" Carlos rasped out. His throat was sore from the dragon scales choking him. The angel turns around to him, smiling. "You OK?" He kneels down to the injured teen. Carlos tried to speak, but was cut off by Discord making a gagging noise.

"Family matters, don't you just hate them?" the angel glares at Discord, who rolled his eyes at the stare. "I think I'll leave you two to your matters, Chaos awaits me. Until later, Carlos." He snaps his eagle talons and opens a swirling, purple portal.The angel looks down at it's beaten brother, his eyes closing.

"Wake up Carlos, you can't die now." The angel leans down closer to the weakened teen. Carlos' eyes widen slightly.



Carlos' eyes shot open. He was just laying down, crying in an alley with a gun pointed in his head, ready to blow his brains out of his skull. The boy that wore all white was there with him as well. That was all he remembered nothing else. Then a chill went down his spine.

"That voice, was that who I really think it was?"

He leans over, only to find himself falling on the floor. Except when he landed face first, all he felt was a soft, fluffy feel tickle his nose. He moves his hand over across the soft ground, feeling nothing but warmth and solitude."Damn, feels like one of those beds that you sleep on for your back. It feels so soft, fluffy. Its as if I can stick my hand through this soft as rug and-"

Carlos, closed eyes, felt a chill running through his hand. While still on the ground, his eyes widened, and he looked up, shocked at the display.

Everything looked like it was made out of pure clouds. The bed, the curtains, the ceiling, the ground.

"The ground." Carlos said. To his horrors, there was his hand, still through the ground. He retracted his hand back, crawling up to a nearby wall. "What the hell!?" He shouted. He slowly got up, made his way towards the hole. He knelt down, his eyes widened in awe and fear.

Through the hole. he saw cartoonish like houses, on the ground. The HARD ground. He reached his hand through the hole once again, this time twisting his hand. To his shock and his confirm, the soft ground now had a hole wider than before. At least to him. He stood up in horror, opened the soft door and ran out of the room. Ignoring all of the objects in his path, opens another door leading him outside.

"No fucking way...." He said in astonishment. He walked farther around from the 'ground,' and saw that he was higher up from the green grass than he was suppose to be.

"I'm on a fucking cloud."

He backed away slowly, staring at the sky. A rainbow streak appears out of nowhere, and heads towards him.

"The fuck?" He muttered. The rainbow streak grew closer. He always wondered, as a kid, what was behind a rainbow. A pot of gold? A light source shining through a block of thick glass?

"No..." The rainbow disappeared, and there, standing on a cloud, was a four legged little horse, with rainbow streaked hair, and cyan colored wings. Along with the rest of her body being cyan of course.

"Oh, good your awake!" She said, in a raspy, tomboy voice. Her mane was a tangled mess, most likely from flying to fast.

"It can't be..." Carlos said, shaking his head. The little horse tilted her head, then shrugging at Carlos' reaction. "Well, your a bit confused I guess? Here, let me start weird Diamond looking dog with wings, my name is Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria!!" Rainbow smiles proudly. "And you are?" She says skeptically.

"It is..." Carlos tries to believe whats happening but he couldn't. It all felt to real, yet fake. He tries to run into the cloud house, only to be stopped by a rainbow mane colored mare tackling him. "Oh no you don't! Your gunna tell me why you were falling out of the sky! I mean, you had wings, why didn't you fly?"

Carlos was pinned to the ground, the rainbow maned mare said something that caught his attention. "Wings?" She rolled her eyes. and pulled him up from the ground. "Turn around." Rainbow Dah said, waving her hood in a circular motion. Carlos did what he was told, and found two, large, silver shining like wings, tucked into and 'X' like folding. Carlos could not take it anymore: Almost being killed, waking up in a cloud house, meeting his little brothers favorite pony, and now, he has wings.

"Hijo de puta madre..." He cursed before falling on his back. He was knocked out cold, not even answering any of Rainbow Dash's questions.

"What does 'puta madre' mean?"

A/N: WOW!! THIS TOOK A WHILE!! Hope you guys enjoyed the chap. Did I add enough suspense? Enough drama? Did I really make Dash and Discord curse!?

....Well the last one yea, anyway, have nice day my fellow bro's.

P.S: Puta madre means....well think of the word son, of, and a word for a female dog, and think of the word mom. Have a good one everybody!


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