
Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart

Chapter 11: Jones: Fire Burns Within Those Who Suffer.

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Jones: Fire Burns Within Those Who Suffer.

Date: October 25, 2011

Location: La Rabida Children's Hospital, Chicago Illinois

Friday afternoon. The air was chilly, children leaving the school area's and into there happy, safe homes.







"All right he should be fixed up now."

"Another life saved Mr.Jones."

"It's what I do. Now, lets go Inform the Family."

Mr Jones walks out of the emergency room,smiles plastered on his face. Jones was a light brown African American man in his mid 30's, he had a full head of hair, but the sides were going just a tad bit grey. His eyes were a dark green, his face slightly wrinkled. and he was about 6'4. He see's a young mother, around the age of 25, crying next to her son. Jones slowly walks up to the crying women, tapping her shoulder.

"Mrs. Hernandez?" Jones says. The crying women looks up to the surgeon's smiling face, wiping her tears away.

"Yes?" She asks. The Doctor smiles, and gently pulls her by the wrist, with her the small boy. They walk into a small white room. There, in front of the group, was a man in his late 40's, sleeping soundly on the bed. He had grey-black hair, and large stitches running down his chest, at least about 4 inches. Jones stares at his patient while Mrs. Hernandez and her son walked over to him. She's crying tears of joy next to the mans arm. The little boy walks up to the surgeon, eyes red from crying as well.
"Is my abuelito going to be OK Mr. Surgeon?" He asks with a quivering lip. Mr.Jones looks down at the small boy, about 6 years old. He smiles at the kid and walks him over to his mother.
"Yes he is going to be fine, the bullet missed his heart by 3 centimeters, If it was any closer he might not be here." Jones said. He pats the women behind her back. "Do you mind telling me how he was shot Mrs. Hernandez?" Jones says. Mrs. Hernandez blows her nose with a tissue and showed a sad smile at the surgeon.

"My dad stepped in front of me when a local gang member and my ex husband drove by our porch. My dad saw the tilted black windowed car owner pulled a gun out, I didn't even noticed, and my son Jaime was in the house watching-"

"Ma I told you not to tell anybody!" Jaime said. He walks up to his mother. "You Pinkie Promised!" His mother only released a small chuckle, while Jones smiled. Jones pats Jaime on the shoulder.

"It's OK, my son watches this show sometimes, and if it makes you feel any better, I like the show as well." Jaime looks up at the man, and smiles at him.Jones smiles back, and and turns to the door. Before he walks out, he hears muffling.

"D-Doctor." The voice mutters. Jones quickly turns around the see the man in the bed smiling.

"Thank..you." He said. Jones smiles and nods, leaving the family to there business.

Date: October 25, 2011

Location: Sunshine Blvd.

Friday night. Jones finishes the last six hours of his shift, and walked into his house.

"I'm home!" Jones shouted happily. He walks inside to be greeted by a 10 year old boy wearing a "Happy Birthday!" cone hat. Jones picks him up and greets him into a bear hug. The boy hugs him back, and a mother in her early 30's walks in. Jones puts down his son, and walks over to his wife. He hugs her and then kisses on her on the lips. This caused the birth day boy to gag.

"Eww!" He said, sticking his tongue out and walking into the living room. Over the distance, Jones could hear his son playing a familiar t.v show. He shakes his head smiling, and his wife pulls him into the kitchen.

"So how was work today Luis?" His wife asks, rummaging through the fridge, pulling out a large slice of cake on a paper plate. Chocolate flavored. She set it down on the table, Luis tries to grab a piece off of the cake, but his hand was smacked away by a metal spoon.

"Not until you tell me how your day was." She chimes. Luis Jones rubs the back of his hand, smiling at his wife. "We'll if you must know Stephanie, I saved another life to day. I tell ya, nothing fells better than saving a life."

"EXCEPT PONIES!!" Luis son yells from the other side of the room. Stephanie rolls her eyes and Luis chuckles. "That to, Steve!" Luis shouts back. Stephanie smiles and hands a spoon to Luis. He happily grabs the spoon and digs in.

"So...," Stephanie says wiping some icing from her mouth. "Did you get Steve his gift?" After burping quite loudly and smiling proudly, (Like we all haven't done that before, am I right?) Luis stands up and walks over to a nearby closet. He pulls out a purple wrapped present, which read the words.

"To Steve, from: Mom and Dad."

He sets the small box on the table and walks into the living room. There, he see's his son singing along with a pony.

"CAUSE ALL I REALLY NEED'S A SMILE SMILE SMILE!" Steve repeats. As the songs about to end, Luis walks up from behind his son.

"Come on every pony, smile smile smile," He begins. Steve looks up at his dad grinning.

"Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine," Steve continued. Stephanie came out of the kitchen, smiling at the two ridiculous men in the room.

" all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
from these happy friends of mine!" Said Luis.

"Come on and smile, come on smile, come on and.." The two looked at each other, grinning.


Jones picks up his laughing son, soon embracing him and his wife in a hug. He walks into the kitchen, and sense he was stronger then 3 men combined, but surprisingly slim(ish), carried them as well. He sets them down and pulls a third chair so Steve could sit down.

"Steve," He began. "Remember that purple dragon and that purple pony you talked about?" Steven jumps in his seat excitingly, his mother placing a hand on his left shoulder.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND SPIKE!?" Steve said. Luis taps his chin, and slowly smiles.

"Eyup." Luis saw the excitement on his son's face, so he decided to just hand him the present. "Here you go." He smiled.
Luis gives him the present, and Steve quickly opened the present. There, in the box, was a twilight sparkle and a spike the dragon figurines.

"Thanks ma and pa!!" Steve says, excitingly. Luis smiled, and left the kitchen. "Where are you going Luis?" Stephanie said. Luis turned around and smiled.

"I'm going to take a shower, don't worry, I'll be right back." He left and proceeded his way to the bathroom.

Out side the house.

A man wearing brown khaki pants, a white wife beater, and a small fang sticking out of his mouth stood in front of the house. Smiling. Under his black sunglasses, red, bloodshot pupils were glowing. His hands turned into a sharp talon, while the other turned to a sharp, lion's paw.

It's sad to kill family. But then again, I did kill the parents of a certain pale pony, so he gives a buck?

The strange man walked up to the door, and knocked. The door opened, and there stood Stephanie.

"Can I help you?"

5 minutes after Luis took his shower.

Luis walked out of the shower, all happy and glad his child enjoyed his gift. He went into his room and changed. He put on black, basket ball shorts that go up to his knees, A white T shirt, and some Jordan sandals. Luis walks up to a family photo of him and his family. He smiles, thankful that he had a good life so far. He send a silent prayer to God, thanking him for the life he lives in. Life was good.

So far.

Luis heard his wife scream at the top of her lungs, and heard crashing noises coming from the living room. Luis just stood there for seconds, then quickly ran downstairs. What he saw scarred him for life.

There, on the living room floor, was Stephanie, body gruesomely torn in half. Blood littered the wooden ground. He stared at his wife, strait in her lifeless eye. Her face had no expression, only wide eyes and her mouth slightly open. Behind his wife's lifeless body,

There stood a man. No...not a man.


His hands were replaced with animal limbs. Bloody animal limbs. Where his left arm use to be, was what appeared to be an eagles talon, bloody, and yellow. On his right, was a bloody lions paw, claws scorched black and dripping with his wife's blood. Under him, was Steven, backed up into a corner, holding toy's Twilight and Spike in his hands. The monster human grabbed the purple pony out of Steve's hand and examined it.

"Stupid bucking pony." Said the human monster. He burned the the plastic figurine into black dust and blew out out of the nearest window. He raised his loin paw up high.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt." Steve only whimpered in response.


"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SON!!" The monster human was stabbed in back of the head with a Micheal Myers type knife. Luis took this opportunity to grab Steve by his leg, and quickly rushed him into a corner. "Steven, are you alright?" Steven could not respond. All he did was looked in horror behind his dad. pointing a finger at the monster. Luis turned around to see the man smiling.

Then smirking.



"Oh that was fun!!!" He said. Luis only stared in disgust as the man pulled out the knife. Where his glasses and eye use to be, showed a pitch black whole. Only a red glow could be seen. He stopped laughing and raised his eagle talon up.

"Enough playing around." He brought it down, and without even touching Luis, slashed his chest, revealing four, bloody gashes. Luis screamed in pain, as he fell to the ground. Grabbing his chest. Steven did not want to leave his dad, but Luis glared at him.

"GO!!" he yelled in pain. Steven ran to the door, but was stopped by a purple, transparent, glow covering the door. The man only laughed at the boy's pathetic attempt of escaping.

"That's all you got?" He stared at Luis, who was cringing in pain. "I expect more from a father like you Luis." Before he could answer, Luis eyes widened in horror as the man turned into purple smoke, and appeared behind Steven. He through him by a couch.

"Stupid boy." He said. The man walked up to Luis, smiling. He raised his bloody loin's paw.

"Stupid human. Can't even protect your family."

Luis closed his eyes preparing for death.

But death never came.

Luis slowly opened his eyes, but they quickly went wide with anger, horror and shock at the being before him.

Steven stood in front of his dad, arms flared out. Steven quickly turned around at his bleeding father smiling.

"Bye dad." And in a matter of seconds, Steven's body was severed in half. Luis watched in horror as he witnessed his son killed in front of him, by an evil, demon like man. The man only smiled and raised a brown in curiosity.

"Oh? Your son gave up his life for yours? You do know how to raise 'em Luis." He smiled. Luis stared at his dead son, feelings were controlling him.





Something in Luis changed. Deep within his body, He could feel something in his burn his entire stomach and throat. The weird thing is?

It didn't hurt.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Luis said in a deeper voice. Each breath he took, fire, [igreen fire, exhaled from his mouth. The man now raised both eyebrow's, still smiling.

"So Celestia is here all ready? Well, guess it's my time to-" He was interrupted by a pure white horn stabbing him through the chest. He looked down at his chest, smile slowly fading.

"Bout time, I was getting bored." He said. His body started twitching like electricity, and in a second, he was turned to a purple smoke, laughing in an echo matter. Luis was to busy angry with the devil like man, causing the flames in his chest to burst out slightly from the gashes, still not injuring him.

The white , horned, winged pony walked up to Luis, sadness and pity in her eyes. "Are you ok?" She said.

"OK!? OK!?! MY SON DIED IN FRONT OF ME, AND YOU ARE ASKING ME IF I AM OK!?! Luis shouted in his low, but loud voice. Celestia only walked up to him, and pointed her glowing horn at him. Luis's gashes were now fully healed, but his blood stained shirt was still torn.

"What the hell?" He said more calmly. "Who are you?". Celestia only gave a small sympathetic smile. "I am afraid I cannot answer that question yet Luis. We must meet the other human's first." Before Luis could say anything, his entire body was cast in bright white light. Celestia walked up to his dead family, and wrapped them in a white aura as well. Luis's anger rose up again, but was quickly lowered when he realized what the pony was doing.

She wrapped them in a white aura as well, reattaching there bodies. Sadly, she could not bring them to life, for only Death has the power to do so. She turned around to a teary eyed Luis.

"Fire burns within those who suffer."

And in a flash, Luis, Celestia and his families lifeless bodies disappeared.

Spike the dragon was downstairs in the library, cleaning at a VERY early start. He usually wasn't the one to wake up so early, but for some reason, he just HAD to stay up. He was just finished when he heard a loud THUMP behind a book shelf. He walks behind it, and eyes widened in shock and in disbelief.

'I have to tell Lyra!' He thought.

Discord transported back into his chaotic, hell like world. Sitting on a throne of cotton candy and human skulls. He crosses his legs, and looks down at the giant gaping hole Celestia gave him. He only pointed at it, and in a purple smoke, the whole was no longer there.

'So the dragon bor- I mean the half breed has been found by Celestia. THE MORE THE MERRIER!!'

Next Chapter: Humans Meet Ponies part 1 of 1. Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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