Weapons of Harmony

Weapons of Harmony

by gordobraveheart


  • Prologue:Freedom part 1
  • Prologue:Freedom part 2
  • Max: I'd Rather Have No Friends, Then Fake Ones.
  • Johnny and family: Honesty and family is needed to strengthen bonds.
  • Eric: The Poorest Of Hearts, Can Have The Richest Souls.
  • Giovanni: Vendetta In The Violin
  • DJ R0CK F3LLA: Funk In The Fender
  • Carlos: Through Thick and Thin.
  • Derek and Samantha: Time Has Come
  • Tears Of The Moon.
  • Jones: Fire Burns Within Those Who Suffer.
  • Humans Meet Ponies part 1 of 1.
  • Humans meet Ponies Part 2 of 1
  • Prologue:Freedom part 1

    "The Royal Gardens has always been a beautiful place to visit Luna." Celestia said, walking next to her co leader and sister, Princess Luna. "It always calms me when ever i walk through here."

    The sun was shining down upon the statues in the garden, Luna walked right next to her sister, wondering why she was brought.
    "Thats nice to know Tia, but may I ask, why did you bring me here?" Luna asked her sister.

    They stopped in front of a statue with mixed parts of other animals, head of a pony, dragons tail, griffons talons, and other animal body parts. Luna shivered at the sight of the beast. she remembered who that was, the same one who tricked her into betraying her own sister: Discord, god of chaos. He was stuck in the stone, yet both Tia and Luna could feel his evil, chaotic aura around them.

    "You know i don't like being around him Tia." Luna said, with a hint of fear and anger in her voice.
    Luna looked up to her sister, and only saw Celestia's eyes focused on Discords stone cold eyes. Celestia snapped out of her glare to answer Luna"s statement.

    "Luna, have you ever wondered if Discord was really evil?" Celestia asked her young sister.

    Wondered? Of course he is evil! Luna thought.

    "What ever do you mean sister?" Luna asked staring at her sister with confusion.

    "Yes he did want to kill us, but was their a clear reason why?" Celestia asked.

    Luna couldn't believe what she herd. she was so mad that she just left her sister hanging, Not even wanting to answer the question, she spreaded her wings,and flew off into the sky.

    "Luna! wait! Where are you going? Whats wrong?" Celestia said. Luna hovered in the sky and glared at her sister before flying away.
    "How dare she ask whats wrong? he turned me into Nightmare Moon!" Luna thought to herself.

    Celestia now stood by herself, next to the stoned Discord. She gives one last look into Discords eyes before flying away to talk with her sister.
    "i know you are evil, and i know you loved me, but Why did you have to kill my parents to prove your love?" Celestia said. her Sadness replaced by anger then back to sadness.

    "Why did you do all of this.......why?"

    She flew off into the sky, calling for Luna.

    The chirping of the birds and the buzzing of the bee's were replaced with silent scream. so quit, not even an elephant could here the faint noise in the garden. A rose that was around the silent screaming statue died. Its red petals were replaced with crumbling, grey, died out petals. The grass that surrounded the statue's feet also died out. Its green, lively colored died out just like the colors of the rose. Animals who saw this noticed, but ignored, because they live in a world of magic and anything could happen that isn't ordinary. When the remaining ponies in the garden left, their was a faint sobbing, replaced later my a wicked laughter.

    "I loved you, you were the mare of my dreams and you turned me away. I killed your parents because they didn't appreciate who I was.....they didn't even give me a chance to explain why i loved you"

    A faint purple glow erupted from the statues chest then quickly disappeared.

    "I loved you and you caste me away just like that.....I hate you but I love you at the same time. Damn you sun goddess, though i can not feel the sun on my fur, I can sense the anger and sadness i have caused to you and your sister, Luna.....
    I wish i was an alicorn, or a normal pony just like you so we can love each other........"

    "Normal........but then again, wheres the fun in that?"

    "Where is the fun in no cotton candy clouds and Chocolate rain?

    I"ll tell you were the fun is Celestia, its not here, its not there but its In here......

    My heart....my cold, chaotic, lonely heart....

    I know you cant hear me, but you can sense my feelings, my aura, my heart....

    Alone. Sadness. Cruelty. Betrayal. Lies. Greed.

    All of these Emotions I feel, towards you and those elements.

    Why don't you go chase after Luna and talk to her, I'm sure she will come back to her senses after you so obviously showed how much you cared for me...

    A sinister laugh echoed through the garden, leaving nothing but silence after its passing, Animals who were around the statue felt shivers in their spine when they realized were the noise came from. A humming bird flew up to Discord's eyes, staring into the statue with shock and disbelief .

    Oh..an animal, hello little one what can I do for you?

    the humming bird herd Discords voice in its thoughts, and quickly flew away....but it was to late.
    "Oh? you just wasted your time staring at me, and when I crept into your thoughts, you decide to leave me?"
    Discord said in a annoyed and angry tone.

    The humming birds left wing froze, and he slowly fell to the ground, chirping for help.

    "To late"

    The humming bird fell to the ground, the sound of a broken wing , a shattered stoned wing and a chirping bird was heard around the garden, not loud, but loud enough for the other animals to run away in fear.

    Shut up

    The bird stopped chirping, and there laid a lifeless humming bird, while the other animals crept in fear.

    Now, where was I before I was rudely interrupted

    Discords angry tone was replaced with a sad, lonely voice.

    Ah....yes i remember......

    "I love you sun goddess, time will soon pull us together, even if its caused by a little chaos"

    End of prologue part 1

    A/N: sorry if its a little short, but the chapters will get longer as they progress Trust me, more Ponies and humans will be introduced, including some of your favorite back round ponies.


    Prologue:Freedom part 2

    Night time sets as Luna sits on the castle balcony. The events that happened earlier in the day left her in a state of anger sadness and confusion. Luna looks up at her night sky, the glowing stars and the full moon looked beautiful for all of Equestria to gaze upon and awe. Though something felt different about this night. Very different. The calm, cooling air felt more colder each hour, the moon's glow was dimming slightly, but still manages to glow over the cities. Luna sits quietly, and sobs softly, wondering why her sister would ever ask if Discord was always evil.

    "Why would she ask if he was always evil?" Luna asks herself."He turned me into Nightmare moon, turned me away from my own beloved sister and caused her to fight and banish me to the moon for one thousand years of course he is evil!"
    Luna began sobbing a bit more loudly, the stars in the night blinked twice and the moon's color dimmed once more. The air got colder the more Luna cried, guards around the castle felt colder and decided is was time for them to enter the castle for a hot cup of cocoa.

    "He turned me into A monster, for one thousand years ponies have feared me, yes they had fun with me on that one Nightmare Night, but just because they had fun doesn't mean they forgave me." Luna said quietly. Tears now flowing from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. "Why would she even THINK about Forgive him!?" Luna's shaky sad voice was now replaced with and angry voice. No not the Royal Canterlot voice but similar and less loud.

    "Luna!" A voice from behind her called. Luna turn around to see it was her sister, Celestia. Her anger rose but she menages to remain calm and let her sister speak.

    "Yes sister?" Luna said, with a sad tone and weak smile. Celestia walked up to her sister, staring at her eyes with worried and confusion in her own eyes.

    "Luna what is wrong? Why did you leave me in the garden alone with Discord?" That was it. As soon as Luna herd her sister mention that name, her smile was replaced with an angry closed mouth. Her sad eyes were replaced with anger and confusion.

    "What is wrong? Are you seriously going to ask me that?" Luna replied with a cold dead tone. Her voice showed no sense of emotion in that one sentence. The air got colder, causing Celestia to shiver in cold and the moon light dimmed once more. The stars blinked, and one of them disappeared, causing Celestia to worry even more for her sister.

    "Luna, what do you mean? its cold out here, we should go inside the castl-"
    "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT TIA!" Luna cut of her sister before she could even finished her sister. Celestia was shocked, Luna NEVER used to Royal Canterlot voice against her own sister.

    "Luna why are you yelling? please tell me!" Celestia's eyes were now watery after her own sister yelled her.

    "HOW DARE YOU ASK WHY I'M YELLING?! DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT IT WAS DISCORD WHO TURNED ME INTO THAT MONSTER, NIGHTMARE MOON?!" Luna's voice was so loud guards went up to the balcony to see what was going on.

    "Princess? is every thing all righ-" The guard was cut off because he noticed luna's eyes and Celestia's eyes were filled with tears.

    "Uh, we'll come back later. Lets go guys." The guards left the princess'es alone to their family matters.

    "Luna, we are causing a commotion, please, come insi-"


    Celestia released a weak, sad sigh. "Yes I do Remem-" Celestia was cut off by a sudden realization.
    "Luna.....are you angry because I asked if he was always evil?"

    There was an awkward silence. the moon's light grew brighter, and the missing stars reappeared after Luna calmed down. She looked up at Celestia's face, her eyes now running with water. sniffling can be heard sense both the sisters were quietly sobbing.

    "Yes, I was angry." Luna said with a calm voice. Her eyes still watery from the dried up tears.

    "Luna...." Celestia said, cracks in her voice couldn't allow her to finish her sentence.

    Luna's wings started flapping, Celestia noticed this, and she had to ask

    "Luna...were are you going?"

    Luna just hovered in front of her sister, sighing.

    "I'm going back to the moon for a while. I'm going to think about this conversation."

    Celestia just stared at her sister with confusion.
    "What do you mean?" Celesta asked.

    "I'm going to think about wanting you be your sister....." With those last words, Luna flew off into the night sky, Leaving Celestia alone once more, this time with a broken heart.

    The garden was covered in darkness. All the animals fell asleep and only the sound of an evil laugh, this time louder, can be heard.

    So the bond has finally been broken?

    a purple light was erupting through cracks around the statue.The light was so bright, it killed the plant life in the garden.

    Well then....

    The stoned statue was destroyed, smoke covering what use to be there. When the smoke settled, a figure was standing in the place where the statue use to be. He let out an evil,spine-tingling laugh, its eyes were glowing yellow, pupils, blood shot.


    The creature then disappeared, leaving nothing but dead plant life, and awoken, scared shit-less animals.

    Celestia sat in her thrown room. sobbing quietly, asking her self why this had happen.
    "Our sisterly love is now broken, I am alone here." Celestia whispered.

    Oh Celestia, did you forget about LiL' ol' me?

    Celestia's eyes shot up in shock and horror, she new that voice, and could only mean one thing,

    "You have returned.....how?" Celestia said with anger and shock in her voice.


    "How did you return Discord?." she repeated.

    A purple light appeared in front of her, revealing Discord, the god of chaos. A sinister grin revealed around his face.

    "Nice to meet you again tia." he said
    "OH, and how did I escape? thats simple....Love."

    Celestia was shocked at what Discord said. Love? Out of all the things, Love?

    "What do you mean?" She asked in an angry tone. Discord's smile grew even wider, fallowed by a little chuckle, then a serious expression.

    "You loved me remember? And I loved you as well. Your parents on the other hand...."
    Discord let out an evil laughter, causing Celestia to use the royal canterlot voice.

    Discord then let out an evil chuckle. "Oh are you mad Princess? Good, because I want you to feel the same pain i felt. the same feeling I have even after the death of your parents. HATRED"

    The princess has had enough, she shot a white beam towards Discord, But he easily deflected it.
    "That wont do mare. If you want to defeat, or should i say, KILL me, you have to find some new fighters, besides the elements."
    Discord faded away in a purple smoke, laughing at Celestia's pain.

    Celestia's finally calmed down sighed and her horn glowed.

    "I guess I do have to find new fighters." Celestia's scowl was replaced with a small smile

    "And I know just were to look."
    In a bright light, Celestia vanished.

    A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this prologue. Now the real epic Adventure begins. Have a nice day


    Max: I'd Rather Have No Friends, Then Fake Ones.

    Date: August 15, 2012
    Location: Detroit Michigan. A city filled with trash and little hope for Humanity.

    Max is just a 18 year old kid. He enjoys 4 things. Video games. Old school rap, Rapping and Ponies. Yes, Max was indeed a brony, his family didn't care, but made fun of him for liking his favorite Pony, Flutter Shy. But just like the other Bronies on the internet, when someone makes fun of him for watching the show, he just simply says.
    "Dont feed the parasprites"
    He didn't own any clothing, but did own a wallet and a Flutter Shy toy. The reason why he watches the show is simple but depressing. May 5, 2010, was the day his father left his family. He did not understand why and only felt emotions every son feels when their father is not with them. Anger, Sadness, Confusion....
    He felt so many emotions, one day, He just exploded. He was in his room, once a clean,calm place, but because of the emotions he felt, his rage consumed him, and he destroyed almost every thing in his room. Window's shattered, T.V's broken, Old school CD's destroyed, and tears running down his face. He was never the same from that day on, when ever someone would try to talk to them, he responded in a growl and left. Nothing made him happy, absolutely nothing. He thought he was going to stay in a state of depression and anger the rest of his life after his father left him. Well that is what he thought.

    It was mid-April, 2011, and Max has just gotten out of school. He walked home in silence, Listening to Suicidal Thoughts by the Notorious B.I.G. Every day when he got home, he would ignore his family, drop his school supplies on the ground, and go to his second Favorite site on the web. Memebase. Now, even though he was sad, he would still crack a smile when he read a new comic on the front page. He would usually go to rage comics, because he would get his Lulz there. On this particular day in April, he noticed some thing. On the links to click to see pictures, he saw something that confused him
    "My little Brony?" He said to himself out loud. "The hell is that?"

    As soon as he clicked the link he was Instantly greeted with pictures of pastel colored ponies. He saw captions, funny pictures, epic drawings,he even herd some music that was created by these "Bronies." Now, instead of coming home depressed, he would crack a smile when he saw Pinkie pie, DAWWWWWW when he saw Flutter Shy, wish he could fly like Rainbow Dash, wants to be as strong as Apple jack, and tried to dress properly when thinking of Rarity. But this last Pony, there was something he felt he could relate to, but felt as if he didn't. Her name, Twilight Sparkle related to Max like a Siamese twin. Except there were some..... differences.

    For instance, twilight liked to know more about things, same thing with Max, except When he got bored with the subject, he would most likely change it. There was one BIG thing, One big difference. When Twilight arrived in Ponyville, she made friends before even realizing it. Max is 18, but has not made one friend. Sure, he is a brony and the community is very welcome to new bronies, but are they really his friends just because they likes the same show? He was alone in the world, yes he had family but there are things you cant do fun things with them.

    Max got out of bed, grabbed his phone and walked outside, going to the nearest park by his house, called Patton Park. It was a big park, so big you could have a mini super bowl their, but sense it was 8:00 in the mourning, he decided to walk around because there is barely anyone in the park, leaving him to piece and quite. He walked around the park thinking about the problems in the world, like, why is there war? Why can't we all be cool with each other? Why cant any body just Change?

    He plugged in his Skull Candy head phones into his Iphone and began playing a song that would always cause him to think about the world and its people. He began rapping along with the old school rapper, his lyrics have meaning and cause you to think.

    "I see no changes all I see is racist faces
    misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
    We under I wonder what it takes to make this
    one better place, let's erase the wasted
    Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
    'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
    and only time we chill is when we kill each other
    it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other....."

    The words roll of his tongue, he knew and understood every word in that song, and though it did not rhyme,the next quote was one of Max's favorite quotes he ever heard.

    "We gotta make a change...
    It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
    Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
    and let's change the way we treat each other.
    You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
    what we gotta do, to survive."

    "2pac you never let me down. you always get me thinking, man. Rest In Peace" Max said to himself, looking up into the sky, still walking. "Remember this face save me a place...In Thugz Mansion." Another favorite quote, he was so busy looking up into the sky, that he bumped into someone and turned around to apologize. "Oh, sorry i bumped into you .....Lady?"
    The women he was looking at was around 18 to 21, wore a white t shirt, with white skinny jeans, golden colored Chucks, and a golden neckless around her neck.A mix of light green, sky blue and fusa colored hair surrounded her shoulders, her back straitened, as if she was showing poise that shouted "Respect".

    "Um....sorry I pushed you..." Max muttered. The woman looked at him and let out a smile, letting him know that he was forgiven. A small chuckle was released by the women. Max looked in confusion and a hint of red was showing on his cheeks.

    "Is something funny?" He asked. The women looked up at him and smiled once more.

    "Sorry, I have not been here before, and I would like to be shown around. Perhaps you can take me to your house?"
    Max had the Greatest poker face in the world he had so many questions like, Tha buck? Why? Are you gunna kill me? But instead, he replied with a simple shrug. "Why not? It is pretty damn early, and you look like you got nowhere to go." Max gave a trust worthy smile, the women returned one back, causing Max to look away and blush. He was respectable to girls, but never had the courage to have a full conversation with one.

    "So before we leave do you mind telling me your name?" Max asked the woman. She thought for about it for a full minute, and then smiled.
    "Call me Tia." She responded.
    Max smiled back and they both started walking. "Call me Max."

    "Tia..Why does that sound so familiar?" Max thought to himself and came to a realization, but quickly shrugged it off.

    "Meh, Probably just a coincidence."

    With that thought out of his head, He and Tia walked out of the park entrance and began making their way back to Max's home.

    The walk back home was in total silence. Normally, Max would freak out if a girl wanted to go with him, ANYWHERE. Thing is, around this girl, Tia, he felt calm, like if he died and his soul was now at ease. They walked onto his front porch, where Max then pulled a key under the doormat, and opened the door.
    "Ladies first." Max smiled. Tia noticed this act of a gentle colt and smiled. "Thank you Max." she replied with a smile. Something about her seemed very familiar, like her voice, so soothing and caring like a mother calming a frightened child after hearing a tale about a tall man, dressed in a black suite with no face. They made their way quietly through the house and reached the bottom of the stairs. His house was old, so each step he took, the wood would creak , making a horror movie like noise that belongs in some slasher flick.

    "Ok," Max whispered. "My little brother, sister, and Mother are asleep, so each step we take, try to be a quite as possible, all most weightless,like if you had wings and hovered over the steps or something." Max chuckled, Tia was slim, but not skinny enough to not cause a noise. She gave a simple nod, and went first.

    Max mouth was open. Each step she took, well,what looked like a step, was quite and fast. She made it up the stairs like it was nothing. Tia turned around to look at the shocked human.
    "Like that?" She whispered, fallowed by a light chuckle. Max closed his mouth and proceeded his walk up stairs as quietly as possible.






    "OK you know what? Buck it, Leroy time."

    Max ran upstairs as fast as he could, tip toed through the hall way, and brought Tia into his room. Closing the door ever so silently. He turned around to see Tia giggling, holding back tears of laughter. "And what is so funny young lady?" Max asked.
    Tia calmed down and told Max what made her giggle. "I thought you said, quietly?"
    Max had another poker face, and had a thought about what he said, then looked at Tia.

    "You troll You"

    "So, what do you want to know about the good ol D? The food? The Houses? The Parks? The people?" Max asked, all ready knowing these answers about Detroit. "The food? Mostly Mc Donalds and BK every where you go, not a single gym is in Detroit, so you have to go out of town for that. The houses? Does this really need an explanation? Houses burnt, abandoned, home owners not able to pay bills on time, most people live in apartments, some in the streets, its sad really. Detroit was a beautiful place 20 years ago. But sense life goes on, look what happened. Its almost as if Humanity has lost hope in this city, leaving it to corruption and criminals. The people? Dont get me started on them. Fakes is what they are. Kids sagging their pants so low you can see their whole ass, girls dressing all slutty, Parents not taking care of their children. The people,their just as bad as the city itself. The parks? Dirty and unclean. mostly caused by the people."

    Marks thoughts were so clouded into his own question, that he did not notice Tia's neckless glow.

    "Actually..." Tia continued, snapping Max out of his concentration. "I want to know more about you."

    Max had a look of dumbstruck, poker face and confusion at they same time. "Um.. sure, what do you wanna know?" He asked, shrugging off the awkward feeling.

    "For starters, what type of music do you listen to." Max's head instantly perked up.
    "we'll I always listen to old school rap, some rock, a little bit of dubstep, I normally don't like dubstep but a certain show got me into-" Max had a hand placed over his mouth and was instantly asked a question he was prepared for.

    "Who is your favorite pony?" Tia asked, with a grin on her face. Max took a second to actually think about it, even though he already knew Flutter shy, was his favorite, but he dicided to bring in Twilight Sparkle, his second Favorite."Well," he started. "Flutter shy is my first favorite, but Twilight Sparkle is my second favorite." Tia's eyes narrowed, not hesitating to ask the next question.

    "Why do you like Twilight Sparkle?"

    "I kind of relate to her in away"

    "What kind of way?"

    "Well, there are some differences, like how we both like to learn more, except I can get bored with the topic very quickly, and when she first moved to Ponyville in season one she had friends but didn't realize it tell the end of the second episode."

    Thats when thing got silent. The only thing they could hear was their breathing, and Max's breathing was slightly faster then Tia's.

    "Except....except she has friends......I don't. But it's cool. Who needs friends anyway?"

    Max felt like a stone was in his throat. No matter how many times he would try to swallow sadness, it would never go down. Tia's face then turned to a more serious look.


    silence was replaced with an angry tone, coming from Max's voice.

    "The hell you say?" Max said, but voiced not raised.

    Tia looked deep into the eyes of Max, seeing anger confusion and sadness, but her look and voice stayed the same.

    "You believe you do not need any friends to enjoy your life, so you ignore others, fearing that if you had a deep conversation a with a "friend" you would be laughed at.Left out. An outcast. That is why you ignore others. To not feel the pain of being rejected by someone, Who would even want to be friends with you? Pathetic."
    Tia spat out that word, stood up and reached for the door knob, only to be stopped by a hand. Tia looked up and saw Max's eyes, filled with rage and tears, but as he spoke, he kept calm and did not let his emotions get the best of him.

    "Now listen here TIA." His voice rose then went back down saying Tia's name.
    "What you said was true, no matter how much I try to deny it, it will stay true until proven false. That time I bumped in to you, I could have just said sorry, and walked away not giving a FUCK who you are."

    Tears were slowly flowing down Max's face. Tia still stared deep into his eyes, feeling his emotions.
    "Then why didn't you leave me?" Tia asked.

    "Because when I bumped into and saw you, i thought we were going to be friends. I saw someone caring and gentle at the park, now, I see some one who doesn't give a damn about someones feelings."
    Max calmed down a bit more, his emotions now settling in.
    "I know I don't have friends, but pretending to be a friend and crushing some ones spirit? That's just scum..." Max spat out those final words, then opening the door for Tia.

    "I don't have any friends, But a fake friend is something I would never stoop so low to. Get out."

    Max stared deep into Tia's eyes, and for a second, he saw them glow.
    Max backed away slowly, questions filling his head.

    Tia's serious look was replaced by a smile. Not a fake friendly Smile, but a real smile.

    "Why did you smile, and why did your eyes just glow white? What the hell is going on!?" Max demanded
    "You have learned your Friendship lesson Max."

    Lesson? Max had no idea what she was talking about, but decided to stay quiet and let her finish.


    "What?" Max asked, now confused out of his mind.

    "You have proven to me that in the darkest moments, you can rely on friends, even if you don't have any." Tia said.

    "You are the weapon wielder of one of the elements of Harmony: Magic"
    Her body was glowing even Brighter, blinding him in white light.

    "Max the Brony, you are now a knight of one of the elements, you will fight along side with her to defeat a great evil."

    This was happening all to fast for Max. "Magic? Elements of Harmony? Great evil? What are you saying Tia?"

    Max couldn't see it, but Tia was smiling behind the light.

    "I am saying.....That Friendship Is Magic."

    And in a bright glowing light, Max and Tia disappeared, leaving only an open door.

    In a dark, cold state of mind, Discord was slowly regaining his power, until he felt a disturbance in the chaos magic.

    Discord growled knowing that one of the Humans have been found. Discord's scowl turned into a sly, evil grin.

    Its only a matter of time......

    Twilight Sparkle wakes up in a cold sweat. feeling a something strange in the distance. as if a magical aura appeared in her house, then quickly vanished. "must have been nothing" she thought. Then she drifted back to sleep, wondering nothing about the magical Aura she felt.

    A/N: well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, so many questions, so little answers. Only time will revile Discords evil Plans.

    PS: In case any body would like to know the song in this chapter here is the video: Enjoy my friends.

    Johnny and family: Honesty and family is needed to strengthen bonds.

    Date: July 1, 1961


    Location: The Big Apple, New York. A small ally behind a liquor store.

    "Well? Any last words before I cut up your face ya stupid Greaser?." A teenager in cargo pants and plaid shirt said. In his hand, he hold a rusty kitchen knife, behind him were two other fairly large teens. One had a wooden bat and the other had a broken glass bottle.

    "Go suck on your moms tit you stupid Soc." A teen, who looked about 12 years old, slick black hair, a brown leather jacket, and torn up jeans.His eyes were a hazel color and he was panting very fast He was bleeding from mouth, bruises surrounding his face and small cuts covering his sides.

    "Trying to act like a Tough guy now huh?" The knife wielder slowly walked up to the 12 year old, placing his knife to the kids neck. slowly, he pressed the knife to his neck, drawing little droplets of blood. The 12 year old was now sobbing. His life could easily be ended with a simple slice to his throat. Noticing his small tears, the Soc backs up a little, the blade still remaining on the kids neck.

    "Oh, your crying now?" The Soc kicks the kid in hard in the stomach, causing him to cough blood. "Joey, Clyde, grab his arms, I wanna make sure he feels this rusty blade through his neck, without any interruptions." Joey and Clyde walked up to the defenseless twelve year old, Clyde holding the right arm and Joey holding the left. "Ya gunna make him bleed Sam?" Joey asked, with a crazed smile. Sam gave a satisfying grin and walked up to the little teen.
    "I'm going to make sure every vain in your body twitches and churns with the brown, steel of this rusty knife, Rodney." Slowly, Sam slits the teens chest, reviling a cut mark and little blood on his shirt.

    "I'll make sure its quick. In my own way." Sam said. The teen closed his eyes, preparing for the rusty blade to pierce his neck.
    "Say hello to Satan for me." Sam said. "Oh, and I'll make sure to tell your brother that- He was cut off mid sentence by foot steps behind him. Sam,Clyde, Joey and Rodney looked up, and saw a tall, dark silhouette. He was about 6'5, 21 years old at the most, wore a black leather jacket, torn dark blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and black Chuck Tailors. His hair, like Rodney's, was black, slicked back and shiny. If more light was showing in the ally, it would show anger but a calm face on the figure.Light green eyes were staring at the four in the light. It started walking up closer, and the closer it got, Sam and his Buddies got scared. But Rodney wasn't scared, he was more relieved than ever.

    "Bro! I knew you would come!" Rodney said with happiness in his voice. The figure got closer to and showed a face with a scar over his eye, he wasn't blind but the scar made it seemed like he was.

    "I always do Rodney." He said in a calm voice. He looked at Sam, who was now shitting himself.

    "So, Sam, What was that you wanted to tell me?"

    Monday mourning

    Sweet apple acres. The apple fields.

    "Applejack? When do ya think I'ma get mah cutie Mark? Apple Bloom asked her sister, the Element Of Honesty. Apple Jack was bucking some apples until she sighed and decided to answer her little sisters question.

    "Honestly, Ah don't know Apple Bloom, took ah while for Big Mac to get his, so ya might be the same." Apple Jack said, nodding to her big brother. "Ain't that right Big Mac?" The red stallion who was pulling the wagon just gave a simple yet philosophical response.


    Apple Bloom had the biggiest puppy dog eyes her sister has ever seen from her. "But I want it NNNOOWW!!!" Apple Bloom whined. Apple jack just placed a hoof over a face.

    "Come on Sis, lets get to workin' on the fields, we got a long day ahead of us" Apple Jack motioned her hoof to show that their was work to be done. Big mac just shrugged and continued after her sister.

    "Humph...I want now." Apple bloom muttered under her voice, caring a basket full of apple's.

    \Date: July 1, 1961


    Location: The Big Apple, New York. A small ally behind a liquor store.

    "So, Sam, What was that you wanted to tell me?" The figure said, staring into the eyes of Sam. He gritted his teeth and stood up, waving his hand at Clyde and Joey, meaning "Let go" and dropped Rodney on the concrete floor. Rodney scattered over to the figures side, standing with a look of pride and anger.

    Johnny! These Soc's wanted to kill me! Rodney said, spitting on Sams shoes. "Oh did they now? Well, I guess it's time to teach them a lesson." Johnny said, with a wicked smile on his face. Sam just scoffed, and along with his boys, laughed at Johnny and Rodney.

    "Teach us a lesson? Ha, there's Three of us, and two of you." Clyde and Joey then came up next to their owner, with smug grins on theirs face. Johnny just gave a small chuckle. "Three of us? I don't think you guys met Mike yet."
    A tall, buff figure came up behind from the back of Rodney and Johnny. He wore a red shirt, had blond slick back hair and wore light blue jeans. He had a belt that said "Bucking Bronco" in gold and the leather was a deep brown. He was about 23 or 24 years old, dark green eyes and though he didn't say much, he struck fear into the enemy trio's hearts.

    "Mike, you don't mind helping me take out the trash, do ya bro?" Johnny said, turning to his brother then turning to the Soc's in front of him. Mike just simply cracked his knuckles, and with Johnny, walked towards the trio slowly.


    Clyde was the first to attack, shoving the broken glass bottle at Mikes chest but that was a foolish mistake. Mike just stepped aside and let Clyde trip, Mike lift up a huge fist, and punched Clyde right in the jaw, sending him flying to a near by wall. He fell to the floor, Unconscious. It was Joey's turn now, and he gripped his wooden bad, and swung his bat strait to Mikes temple, but was quickly blocked by a trash can lid. Joey backed up slowly and the trash can lid lower'd, showing a grinning jonny.

    "Not gunna happen Joey." He smirked. Joey just swung his bat up, then bringing it down as fast as he could. Bad luck for him, because not only was Johnny tough, but he was quick to. He dashed around his back, and drop kicked his spine, causiing Joey to scream in pain. He wasn't paralyzed, but the kick was strong enough for him to stop moving after his blood curling scream. "Now, Where is that Sam I call a rat." Johnny, Mike and Rodney turn around to hear the sound of a gun being loaded.

    Sam was holding a 44. magnum. He had a look of revenge and crazy on his face before saying anything. Before He pulled the trigger, he noticed a white glow from the ground and then turned around. He was expecting a cop holding a flash light, but in stead, an old man with a dirty white shirt, and dirty white pants with old worn out shoes was standing there. The man walked up to Sam, his eyes showing sadness and pain.

    "What do you want Old man? Cant ya see were having a friendly meeting over here?" Sam said, now pointing the gun to the mans head. "Back off, of I'm pulling the trigger."

    The old man just stared at Sam, with fusa colored eyes. "Do you mind if I can stay with you? I have no where else to go, and-" The old man was interrupted by a bullet piercing his chest. The man just fell to the floor, a pool of blood pouring out of his body. "Now where was I" -

    He was cut off By one of Mikes fists smashing into his mouth, he stumbled back words, and behind him, Johnny was their. He did a drop kick right ith the center of his back, causing him to scream in pain. Johnny didn't care if he was now a vegetable, he just wanted to avenge the old man. He fell forward, but before he hit the grown, their stood Rodney with the wooden bat Joey was holding. With a swift upper cut, The bat connected with Sams jaw, causing him to fall backwards into a trash can. Mike carried Clyde and Joey and dumped them into the trash can Sam was in.

    "Lets call that, the bucking bronco's barrage." Rodney said with a smirk. Mike just gave a simple nod, satisfied with the name.

    Johnny on the other hand wasn't paying attention to his brothers. Instead he walked over to the old man, noticining that he was still breathing, he ran up to his face.

    "You OK old man?" Johnny asked, with a worried look on his face. The man just stared up into Jonny's eyes, then a faint glow came from the old man's eyes. Johnny stepped back a little, but continued to aid the man.

    "Can....can you help me? I have no family, no where else to go and..." The man was silenced by Johnny's palm, covering his mouth. "Easy their old timer, we'll take care of you, I promise that." The man looked deep into his eyes, and saw no lies in him at all. He was telling the truth.

    "Mike, Rodney, we gotta bail, were also taking a new friend with us back home."

    Date: July 1, 1961

    Monday- Midnight.

    Location. A small house in a shitty neighborhood.

    The man was brought into a small house, and was quickly set on top of a matress. Mike tore off his shirt and blood was covering the mans chest. "Shit" Rodney said. Mike slapped him upside the head. "Why'd ya do that!?" Mike just stared at the man's chest, but did answer Rodney's question.


    Rodney rubbed the back of his head and looked at Jonny, who was staring deep into the mans eyes. "You ok bro?" Johnny looked up, tears in his eyes. "Old timer said he had no family." He winced. "We all know what that felt like after loosing mom and dad..right?"

    Mike and Rodney were now staring into the mans eyes as well. "Yea..." Rodney said.

    "Eyup." Mike said with a crack in his voice.

    "Were not gunna leave this man here to die, Rodney, go get our cousin Bill, he worked with them doctor's a while back. He might know what to do." With a nod, Rodney went upstairs to go get their cousin, Leaving Mike and Johnny by them selves with the old man.

    "Jonny?" Mike spoke.

    "Yea?" Johnny responded.

    "Why do we fight with the Social's?"

    Jonny gave a deep sigh. He himself didn't even know, and he had been fighting with them for 3 years.

    "Ah don't know Mike, the Soc's or Social's, how ever the hell you wanna call them, never liked us Greaser's. We are poor and their rich...That"s all I know."

    Rodney then came back down stairs with a 26 year old male. He was Mikes height, had golden blond hair, but not slicked back, more wavy and bouncy, Kinda like that one pony from that "The Big Labowski" Cameo. He wore a dark brown shirt, blue shorts and brown shoes. His eyes, were lighter green then Jonny's. He was caring a suite case filled with medical equipment.

    "Your gunna be all right Old timer, as long as your in here, your family, ya got that?" Johnny said, smiling. he looked to his left and saw Rodney grinning from ear to ear.

    "Yea! don't ya worry mister, we gunna take good care of ya!" Rodney then looked at Mike.


    "Well, if you guys allow him in the family just like that, then I will to." Bill said, a smile plastered on his face.

    "All right. every body move outa the way." Bill said. He was holding a scalpel, Inspecting the bullet wound. Bill looked up and smiled at the old man.

    "Don't worry, its not to deep. I'm going to have to remove it, but its going to hurt....Alot." The old man nodded, letting Bill to dig out the bullet. To everyone's surprise, except the old man, he didn't even grit his teeth as the blade was in his chest. What shocked every one else even more was when the bullet came out, no blood was released any more, instead. Just a white glow. Every one backed away slowly as the old man rose up to his feat, his wound now healing slowly, regenerating new skin cells, and in seconds, the wound was completely closed up.

    "You helped me in my time of need, brought me into your home even though I am a complete stranger, and even accepted me as a family member. I saw know lies behind it all."

    The Man began to glow and and the entire house was lit with a bright light.

    "Family and friends is what brings us together. Honesty is what keeps us united. The stronger the family is, the stronger the bonds will become." The man said. "Johnny, you are the partnered with the element of Honesty, as for you family members, they are partnered with the element of Honesty's family." The man glowed even brighter causing all of the brother's and cousin to gasp.

    "What..." Johnny said.

    "The...." Mike muttered

    "Flying....." Bill gasped

    "Fuck...." Rodney finished.

    Mike slapped the back Of Rodney's head, causing him to get even angrier.

    "Seriously!?" Rodney shouted.

    "Language." Mike muttered, still staring into the glow.

    And with that last sentence, Johnny, Mike, Bill, Rodney and the old man vanished.

    So, the fighters of the Element of Honesty and it's family has been found? No matter, I have big plans Tia......oh sweet lovely tia......I hate you..

    A/N: What up guy's it's Gordo. hope you in joyed this chapter. It might have been a little dark in the beginning, but at least their was a little laughter later in the chapter. Well yes, the humans have been found, now, back round ponies. If you are reading this, who do ya think I should add? Comments MA BRONY!!! anyways. have nice day.

    OH i ALMOST FORGOT. here is a song that kind of inspired me to right johnny as a guy that doesn't give up.


    Eric: The Poorest Of Hearts, Can Have The Richest Souls.

    Date: December 24, 2010

    Sunday: A cold winter breeze, followed by a snow storm surrounding the neighborhood.

    Location: Chicago, Illinois, a small family sleeping in a run down house.

    "M-Mom? D-Dad? When are w-we going to get some b-blankets?" A teen, shivering in the cold asked his mother and father, who were huddling up for warmth. He was about 5'9. He wore torn up black jeans, a dirty white beanie hat, a tattered up purple shirt, and had worn out shoes. The leather was so worn out, you could see his pale, skin colored toes. His eyes were a dark colored blue, his hair, dark brown, shaggy style. Age, he was a 17 year old male.

    "We don't know E- Eric. The church hasn't said a-anything." A man in his early 40's responded. He was huddling up next to a woman, who looked liked she was in her late 30's. They were sleeping in a abandoned house, scorched black because the people who used yo live their tried burning their house down because they couldn't pay the rent, so they tried burning it down, claiming it was some one else so they can get the house insurance money. The parents were sleeping on the ground, keeping each other close while Eric was laying on top of a cardboard box. Eric noticed his parents were cold, so he got up from the cardboard box, shaking his father's shoulder.

    "Dad, go sleep on the box with Mom." Eric said, moving his father's fore arm. His father just looked at him, confused by his son's generosity.

    "No, Eric, y-you sleep on the box- me and your mom are w-warm enough." The father rustled his son's beanie, and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. The mother just ran a hand on her son's face, then giving him a small kiss on his cheek. "Eric, don't worry about us, we are much stronger than how we were back in London." the mother then gave a weak smile, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

    "Eric, Go try finding a blanket for yourself, I will stay awake for as long as I can. Go. Go find at least a small towel, anything to keep you warm." The father said, staring deep into his son's eyes.

    "Fine. I will try to get us-" Eric was cut off by his father's palm covering his mouth. Eric looked deep into his eyes. He, just like his father, felt emotions ever sense they were kicked out on the street, 5 years ago in London, England.

    "No, I told YOU to go find a blanket, only for you. Understand?" Eric then shook his head. He left outside, his face red from the snow hitting his face.

    "I promise I'll find us a warm, comfy blanket for all of us dad." Eric told himself. as he walked out of the neighborhood and into the city.

    "I promise."

    Eric was walking through the streets of Chicago. The streets filled with lights, Christmas decorations and fake Santa Claus'es shaking little bells near a bucket that said "The Salvation Army." Eric noticed this and walked up to a Santa Claus. He pulled out 2 quarters and dropped them into the bucket. The fake Santa noticed this and before Eric walked away in the cold, he called after him.

    "Hey...Kid." The fake Santa said Eric turned around and smiled, he walked up to the Santa and asked him What he needed.

    "You look torn up. Whats a kid like you walking in a fucked up city like this.? Eric let out a long sigh, and told him about he he and is mother and father were poor. How he left the abandoned house he and his parents were sleeping in,in search of a warm blanket. Eric saw the Santa clench his heart a bit.

    "Your heart. Does it hurt?." Eric asked, looking at the Santa. The Santa just stared at Eric. Not sure to feel bad for the kid or be proud of him. He is living a hard knock life after all. The Santa then gave him a pa on the back, pulled a wallet out of his back pocket and gave Eric 20 dollars. "You need this more than I do kid" Santa said. "I hope you don't mind, but, How did you become engulfed into the life of poverty in the first place?"

    Eric gave a sad sigh, and grabbed a milk box that was in the middle of the side walk and sat down. The Santa leaned on a worn down car. Eric guessed it must have been his.

    "It started 5 years ago in London, England...."

    A/N:The slanted words will be Eric talking, so you guys won't get confused.

    Date: November 24, 2005


    Location: London, England. A family in a small apartment eating a small, store bought chicken.

    My Mom and Dad had jobs to give enough money to feed only the three of us. We lived in a small apartment in London, money was tight. It was Thanksgiving and we all put the best clothes we could buy and sat in the kitchen. It was small, but it had enough space to keep a round table and a fridge. We also had a small oven, so as soon as we got home, me and my father took a fresh shower, then changed to our clothes. Mom all ready had the small store bought chicken in the oven, so as soon as we were fully clothed, me and dad sat at the kitchen table.

    A women, in her mid 30's came inside the kitchen. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, A purple skirt, and her hair was curled up in a fashion-ish style.She was wearing purple high heels. The older man, In his late 30's was wearing a Red buttoned shirt, hair combed down, was wearing khaki colored jeans, and had brown shoes. In the kitchen also sat a young boy, about the age of 12, had frizzy hair, a white vest with a black button shirt underneath, black shoes, and khakis. For a family that was surviving on minimum wage, they did dress as fancy as they could.

    "Mom? Is the all most ready?" Asked the boy.
    "Its all most done Eric, that tummy of yours will be as full as a charged phone!" Eric's mom said.

    He didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he gave a small chuckle. Eric nudged his dad with his right elbow, signaling him to laugh. Eric's dad caught the message, and gave a small grin, then a loud fake laugh. Eric face palmed, while his dad grinned and his mom gave a small chuckle as well.

    The chicken was ready after dad's outburst, but before we could even cut off some meat, their was knocking on the door.

    Eric's father went to go answer the door, and as soon as he opened it, gunfire was released from outside. Eric watched in horror as he saw his father fall on the ground. clutching his side, while his mother screamed in the kitchen. He didn't know what was going on, so he ran as fast as he could into his bed room. hiding under his bed.


    Eric saw feet in front of him while he was under the bed.

    What ever that man wanted. I hoped he took what ever he needed and left. Thankfully, policemen showed up after the gun shooting, and they took the bad man away. When I left my room, I saw my dad, being lifted on top of a gurney.

    Eric left his room and watched in horror as his father was being carried away.

    A month passed by, and the doctor's in the hospital said our insurance could cover my dad's wounds. I was so angry. They ended up taking our house, and we were basically homeless. Having no where else to turn, after 3 years, we snuck into a boat that leaded us into America. Their, we hoped we could start a new life, get my dad a job, and get me back into school....

    To bad life doesn't work out the way you want it to be.

    As soon as we got to America, we wondered the country until we found a city we could stay in. It's not the best, but we managed to get by for 2 more years. So now, here I am, living and breathing in these cold streets, wondering them, to look for a blanket that could keep me and my parents warm....

    Why? Why does god have to be so cruel to the living? Especially to those who had nothing to do with any bad things?

    Eric finished his explaining his memories, eyes tearing up from painful memories. He looked up to the fake Santa' and saw tears in his eyes. Along with a mixture of sadness and anger. Why does shit like this happen to the good people man? The fake Santa wiped his tears away and stared at Eric.
    "Look kid, I don't know much, alot actually, but I can tell you this. Even the poorest of hearts, can have the richest soul's." The Fake Santa said, smiling. "Go to that clothing store, they might have some blankets for ya."

    Eric gave a small smile, and walked to the clothing store the man was pointing at. Little did Eric know that a too boy's was waiting their for him. One dressed in white overals and the other outside behind the store.

    As soon as Eric walked in to the store. He was greeted by hundreds of blankets. Small, big, fluffy, stuffy, if you ever needed a blanket, this was your type of place. Eric walked over and saw a little boy dressed in white overalls, had a newsboy hat and white shoes. He was staring at a white blanket that had 3 diamonds knitted into the blankets. It was big enough to cover 4 people. "You like that blanket kid?" Asked Eric. The little boy just simply nodded, still staring into the blanket. Eric let out a small smile and grabbed the boy by the hand.

    "Come with me. We're gunna by that blanket." As Eric turned around, grabbing the blanket, he did not notice the little boy's overall buttons glowing a white light.

    "That'll be 20 dollars." said the sale's clerk. Eric dug into his pocket and pulled out the crumpled 20. He then took the blanket and the boy outside the store. As they were both walking home, Eric noticed a small child, who looked like he was about 12. He was shivering in the cold in a corner, dressed in a black beanie and a Black, dirty shirt, Black torn up jeans and he was wearing grey gloves, with the finger parts cut off. Eric walked over to the cold boy and bent down.

    "Hey....whats your name?" Eric asked. The boy looked at Eric, then back to the ground.

    "My name is Nate..." the boy said.

    "Nate...get up, were going someplace warm." Eric smiled. Normally, its stranger danger, but Nate had no where else to go. He ran away from the orphanage 2 years back. He had know where else to go. He got up, and grabbed Eric's right hand. Eric, now holding 2 little kids by the hand. decided to take them home. He didn't have much in the house. He gave them both all he could.

    As soon as all three boys walked in, their he saw his father, and mother sleeping.
    "Dad? I'm back.." Eric said, shaking his fathers arm.

    no response.

    Eric was now shaking his arm even faster,

    Still,no response.

    "Oh no...." Eric muttered. He than shaked his both his mother and father's bodies. They did not move. They weren't even breathing.

    He shook his head, trying not to cry in front of the new kids. He grabbed his cardboard box he was sleeping on and placed it on the ground next to his parents. The children took that as a sign and laid down. He placed the white blanket on top of the kids, and he lifeless parents.

    "Aren't you going to get it? Nate asked. Eric gave a small smile and responded.

    "Nah, you little ones need it more, I'll just sit here."

    With a nod, Nate went to sleep, unaware if what was about to happen.

    The child in overalls walked up to Eric. Eric gave a small smile.

    "You need any thing little guy?"

    The child smiled, and a bright light was showing from his overall buttons. Eric got up in surprise, not sure to what was going on.

    "Even though you are living in poverty, you do your best to give all that you have." said the boy. Eric did not know what he was saying, but he let Him continue.

    "Eric, you and Nate are both bonded by fate. Brothers of a familiar past."

    Eric was now confused like a mother bucker. The boys body began to glow slightly brighter and brighter each second.

    "You are partnered with the Element of Generosity. Nate, it partnered with the element's sister."

    Sister? Shit just hit the fan. What the hell was he talking about.

    "What are you talking about kid?" Eric asked. Behind the glow, the little boy was smiling.

    "The poorest of hearts, can have the richest soul's."
    Eric realized what the little boy said.

    "Hey, you copied that from-" But before Eric could finish, he, the glowing boy and Nate vanished along with the bodies of Eric's parents.

    Carrisal Boutique

    Rarity's room

    Rarity had just finished another hard day's of work, and has decided to fall asleep. She did not even noticed a loud "thump" echoed her room, because she was just so tired.

    Carrisal Boutique

    Sweetie Belles room.

    Sweetie was tired from..well..nothing. The rest of the CMC were off doing Celestia knows what. She too didn't even noticed a loud thump in her room.

    "So.....Generosities partner has already been found? including her sister's partner? This is going to be fun....."

    A/N: What up, this gordo again. took me awhile but yea, here it is, Rarity and Sweetie belles partners have been found. I KNOW LEAVE YOU WITH GOOD MUSIC!! HAVE NICE DAY.


    Giovanni: Vendetta In The Violin

    EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE NEXT HALF OF THE CHAPTER. I kept typing with out even noticing that I left the bold words on. So freaking sorry. besides that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Again, extremely sorry. Also, not all the main six's humans will be found in order. Sometimes it will be background Ponies, are others. Enjoy

    Date: September 2, 1955

    Saturday Night.

    Location. An abandoned Warehouse in the outskirts of Venice, Italy. 20 miles away.

    It was a cold, breezy night in Venice. The streets were filled with lights, but, the side walks were filled with silence. No one came outside today, for to day was the assassination of John, De La Vance. You see, he was a Pin king. A cocaine Cartel. He was a Mafia gang leader. His group, witch were known all through out Italy, were called "Cavalieri Dell' Inferno". In English, this men't, "Knights Of Hell." Their were seven of them, owning the streets of Italy separately, but still sticking with each other, and all ready, 6 were taken out in 6 months. The final gang leader was sent into a state of panic, so he collected all what he owned and brought it with him. Along with 20 guards, and one women he saw was walking out side the street. She was wearing a pearl bracelet and a white, silk dress, with golden high heels. Her hair, is what caught Vance's attention. It was tied up in a ball, colors, Fusia, sky blue, and light green. He figured if he was going to die to night, he might as well eat taking some fresh meat before his death. He drove In a limo, pulled over to the women open the door. He was about to force her in, until he noticed that she wanted to go. Almost as if she needed to go. Vance looked around for any spectators before he drove out of the city. He looked around for a couple of minutes, found no one, and drove off.

    At least, he thought he saw no one.

    De La Vance and the random women drove out of the city. They soon reach an abandoned warehouse, were 5 men with Thompson guns in their hands were in front of the large, old wooden door. Vance walks out of the car, the women then fallowed him. Vance gave his henchmen a nod, signaling them, "Anything that is around this building, shoot" and walked into the the building. Inside, their were 2 henchmen guarding the door from the inside, the center of the warehouse was empty , with only some flickering lights and stairs surrounding sides of the empty room. Metal walk ways were filled with 4 men on each side, all carrying Tommy's and 1 blunt weapon. Vance and the women walked right through the light-flickering room,and into a large office, his desk, a shiny wooden one, was their along with a colt 1911 in the right drawer, and a combat knife rusted with past blood. 4 men who were in the room with him,each carried one weapon. One carrying a bat, the second, brass knuckles, the third, a crow bar and the last one a machete.

    "We got this place locked up good, no one can get in," Vance then turned to the women giving a lustful grin, who was sitting in a chair, legs crossed and eyes narrowed at Vance.

    .."Or out."

    Outside the warehouse, 5 men stood outside in the cold, holding their guns very careless. One man with a golden pinkie ring and dark shades was leaning against a wall. Another who was wearing a solid black fedora, was pretending to shoot things, without pulling the trigger of course. The other three were laughing at some, "Yo Mamma" jokes.

    "So, how do you guys think the other bosses died? I mean, how? And what the guy used?" A man in a silver suit said, holding his Tommy in one hand and flipping a coin on the other. One of the men the trio looked up. He was wearing a dark blue suit and chewing on a toothpick.
    "I heard the first one died by getting a bullet through the skull. Brains splattered all over his date." He said, chewing his tooth pick.
    A man in a khaki colored suit went wide eyed. "On his date? Damn, that must have been hard on the poor gal."

    "Yea, she sure got a lot more then spaghetti and meatballs on her face if you know what I'm saying." Chuckled the man in the dark suit. The other two of the trio face palmed.

    "The second one was shot with a harpoon gun, over at the docks." The khaki suit man gave a smirk.

    "Guess you can say some one went sleeping with the fishes." The one in the silver suit chuckled, while the one in the blue suit just shook his head. His joke was better. He stopped shaking his head and continued.

    "The third, fourth and fifth got killed in a car explosion. One of them decided it was a great idea to leave the car running while all three went inside a store to get some food. When they got back, one of them heard a beep, and the next thing you know, BOOM! Italian blood on the pavement."

    The man with with the golden pinkie ring and the man pretending to shoot things, walked right into the conversation. "Whoa whoa whoa, when did you guys all decided to have a friendly conversation? We're suppose to keep an eye out for any trespassers. Remember?" Said the man with the pinkie ring.
    "Yea, stop playing around and get your shit strait." said the man who was pretending to shoot things. The one in the blue suit walked up to him, "Get our shit strait? Your the dumb ass who was pretending to shoot random shit!" He shouted.
    the Black fedora wearing man walked up to his face and gave the most serious answer in his most serious face.

    "Aye, fuck you man. My imagination is the shit."

    this earned him a slap in the back of the head from the pinkie ringed man. This act cause the other three to laugh. The fedora wearing turned around to him and glared.

    "The hell was that for!?" He shouted. The pinkie ring man looked at him, and then responded.

    "Because what you said was stupid, and stupid people get a slap in the back of the head." One of the men stopped laughing. "Words to live by buddy."
    "What ever man." He grumbled. He looked up to the side of the road and noticed a walking figure in the moonlight.

    The man in blue gripped his Tommy. "Boy's it seems like we got us a few visitors. Get your Tom's ready." They were all aiming their guns on the one man, who stopped in front of all of them.

    "What do you want buddy? What's in that case of yours? Get outa here." Said one of the gang members, The man looked up at his block way and smiled.

    "My name is Giovanni." He opened the case and pulled out a violin and it's bow.

    "And I play the violin."

    Giovanni was a slim, man. He was 25 years old and had a height of 6'2. He wore a Black suit with a silk black tie, his shoes matching his outfit. Leather black, shining in the moonlight. His hair was straitened to the front, he had no facial hair, eyes were fusa colored. On his left pouch, was a red rose dyed black. It was a real one yes, but he preferred a black rose than a red one. Everything he wore matched, he was only missing a silky, black Fedora.

    "The hell? A violin? I'll admit, it looks good in the moonlight, but why the hell are you even here?" A man in a blue suit asked. Giovanni looked at him and smiled.

    "Would you like to be my audience?"

    all 5 of the men were looking at each other with dumbstruck. Did he really want to play the violin? In front of 5 men holding guns? A man in black shades and a pinkie ring shrugged.

    "Sure, might as well play a sad song for someones death." The other four knew what he men't. They all gave an evil grin. "You are trespassing on property, so that gives us the right to shoot."
    Giovanni's smile turn into a sly grin.

    "Very well, at least enjoy my music while your bullets are ripping through my skin." With that sentence, Giovanni placed his violin on his chin, strummed a few strings, and began to play.

    "I would like to call this one, Moonlights dispear"

    A/N:Story continues after the song, though you can still read ahead if you want to.

    the Song was like an angel crying. It was the most beautiful yet, saddest thing any of the other five gang members heard. Slowly but surely, each of them were crying, lowering their weapons. When Giovanni had stopped, The one in the shades walked up to him and placed a hand on his left shoulder.

    "Kid...That was the most beautiful-est song I have ever herd." The man sniffled. "As much as I love your skills at this, I'm afraid I have to shoot you." he switched his Tommy with a chrome colored gun. He slowly brought it up to the side of his head."I promise, this will be over quick. God needs his talent back." Giovanni gave a small chuckle and in return, the man gave a confused look.

    "Oh, I'm not ready to die yet." Giovanni said in a serious tone. "Do you know why V is my favorite letter?" The man shook his head in confusion, and was suddenly stabbed with Giovanni's bow. Giovanni took his chrome colored weapon from his hand after gently placing his violin in the case. The man looked down to see that it went right through his chest, his heart stopped beating, and the last thing he herd was Giovanni's voice.

    "....Because V, stands for Vendetta"

    The other four men who were sniffling now stared in shock as they saw that their partner had a pool of blood under his feet. One of the Gang members shot at Giovanni, but Giovanni had a human shield to protect him. After the man finished shooting, a man in a blue suit panicked.

    "WHAT THE HELL MANNY, YOU JUST SHOT WILBUR!?!?" He shouted. Manny the one in the black fedora, cleaned his ear with one pinkie and retaliated.
    "DON'T YELL AT ME BOBBY, YA SHIT HEAD!!! HE WAS DEAD ANYWAYS!! Dominic, you saw Wilbur was dead to right!?"
    Dominic, the one in a khaki suit just shrugged.

    "Probably. Dead or alive,I'm glad he got shot. Guy was a douche. I mean, come on, who the hell wears shades in the fucking night?"

    While Manny and Bobby were arguing, the man in the silver suit, Joe, and Dominic, noticed that Giovanni had vanished, leaving only a dead blood stained Wilbur on the ground.
    "Uh guys?" Joe said. " Where the hell is that violinist?" Before anybody could respond, a POP! was heard throughout the outside of the warehouse. Manny, Bobby and Dominic stopped what they were doing, and noticed that Joe had a bullet whole right between his eyes. He fell to the ground with his Thompson. As soon as the gun hits the floor, a bullet was its final word, and hit Manny right in his left leg. He fell to the floor, grabbing it and cursing into the sky. Bobby gripped his Tommy and shot into the darkness. A full clip wasted. Dominic tried to run inside, but was quickly shot in the back of the head. Instant death.

    "FUCK!!" Bobby shouted in fear and anger, throwing his gun on the ground. He through up his fists waiting for Giovanni to come out. "GET OUTA THE DARK YA SHIT HEAD!! COME GET SO-" Bobby was about to finish his raging, but was quickly silence when he felt pain in his chest.
    He looked down, and there he saw a sharp, small pointy blade, pierced right through his chest.

    "So thats how you did it." Bobby said, spitting out blood. The bow was pulled out and Bobby quickly fell on top of Manny. Manny tried to reach for his gun, but Giovanni kicked it away. Before He could scream, Giovanni's bow was already pierced into Manny's skull. Giovanni pulled out the bow, placed it into his case, and picked up the Thompson he kicked away from Manny. Giovanni picked up the silky black fedora and placed it on his head.the gun lifted with one hand, and the case in the other, a shadow cast over his eyes.

    "V.....Is for Vendetta." Giovanni turned around to the sound of a door being closed and some one shouting.

    Inside the warehouse after the sound of gunshots.

    2 henchman who were playing rock, paper, scissors next to the door noticed the sound of gun fire. The 8 on the metal walkways noticed it as well, and aimed their weapons at the front door. Silence filled the warehouse after the sound of someone yelling was noticed. The 2 henchman guarding the door from the inside's hands were shaking. 5 men? All took down just like that? After a full minute of silence, a man on the right side of the door spoke softly.

    "Aye, Jimmie, open the door." Jimmie looked at his partner with confusion and anger and whispered his response a little bit more louder.

    "What?! Fuck you Carl! I don't wanna die!" He glared at Carl with anger, but Carl just shrugged of his stare and leaned towards the door. Carl slowly pushed the left side of the door open, to get a good look of his enemies. There, on the ground, he saw Manny, Bobby, Dominic, And Joe, all piled on top of each other. In the distance, he saw a man holding a Thompson in one hand, and a violin case in the other

    "HOLY SHIT!!" Carl shouted. He was staring at the dead bodies on the floor. He looked at each body one by one, until he noticed that the man turned around and stared at him. He quickly closed the door.

    "Carl! Why the fuck did you scream?" Jimmie asked the scared shit-less gang member in a loud whisper.
    "I was not screaming, I was yelling because one guy killed five of our men out there!" He whispered loudly. "And I think he noticed me."

    "Are you sure?" Jimmie asked, his voice less quite. "I mean, he could have just thought you were a ghost or some shi-"

    Bullets were fired, and in seconds, Carl had a bullet go right through his temple, and hell fell strait to the ground. Jimmie looked down at his dead friend, and gave a nod.

    "Yup, he noticed you."

    Bullets were then seen flying right through Jimmie's side. he started bleeding very quickly.

    "And I think he noticed me too." And with that, Jimmie fell on top of Carl, the 8 men on the walk way aimed their weapons on the man who was walking in with his Tommy held up high, and his violin case held down low.

    "Stop! Or we'll shoot." Stuttered a gang member. Giovanni looked up and gave a smile when he noticed the unfairness of eight on one.

    "Shoot me? OK, I'll stop." He then pointed his Tommy and shot the flickering light in the center of the building. Causing every thing to go dark.

    "You just have to find me first."

    Sense Giovanni was a slim man, his foot steps could not be noticed on the concrete floor. The only thing that was heard was the sound of foot steps and talking.

    "Where the hell is he?"

    "The fuck just happened?"

    "I'm scared."

    "I fucking love cocaine."

    "Shadow lurking mother fucker."

    "This some Batman type of shit right here."

    "Man I got fatter, my foot steps are loud."


    A/N: The BOLD slanted words are Giovanni's thoughts.

    Giovanni hear footsteps everywhere.

    All right, lets stay quite, hopefully they will stop and only one will move.

    Just to Giovanni's luck, they all stopped. Until one idiot decided to shoot his gun. The flash caused by the muzzle showed 3 men standing in one place.

    Well, that escalated quickly.

    He aimed his Tommy at the dark space that was once filled with fire power. He shot 20 bullets and stopped. He listen closely and heard three bodies dropping. `

    Three down, five to go.

    One of the gang members panicked, he tried running away, along with two others fallowing.

    No you don't.

    Giovanni shot the walkway, hearing several grunts and "fucks" then heard more bodies dropping.

    Two left

    Giovanni decided to mess with their heads. He quietly walked back to the entrance, placed his and on a switch, and the light that was shot out was replaced with a new, but still flickering light. In the center walkway, there were two men, standing next to each other without even noticing.

    This is going to be fun.

    With each flicker of the light, Giovanni stepped closer to the center of the building, under the center walkway. He shot a couple bullets underneath their feet, causing one of them to turn around and shoot the other in the back.

    And then there was one.

    "Where the hell are ya you son of a bi-" The gang member was caught of by Giovanni, standing right in front of him with a devilish grin. Because the light was flickering, He did not even notice Giovanni getting closer.


    Before the man could scream for help, Giovanni quickly wrapped his hand around the man. He was in Giovanni's mercy, and something told him he was part of a plan of Giovanni's.

    In Vance's office after the shooting outside and inside the building

    "HOLY FUCKING SHIT I'M GOING TO DIE!!!" Vance panicked. He was sucking his thumb in the corner of his office. The five gang members just all face palmed, while the random women was staring at the door.

    "He is near. I can sense him." She thought to herself.

    "Calm down boss, every thing is going to be OK." A gang member said. To break the tension, the other four, in unison, said, yea, leaving a panicked Vance in a calm state off matter. He got out off the corner and sat on his leather black chair.

    "Yea, your right." Vance said to his guards. Still, he was a little tense and pulled out his colt 1911. He stared at the women. Vance had a lustful look on his face.

    "Boys, get outa here. I'm gunna have a little fun." The members did what they were told, and opened the door. Light filled the darkened center of the building from the light in the office. In front off them, was a man with his suit torn up. His face all bloody and a mouth stuffed with a sock. One of the five members looked at the man in the chairs chest, and noticed he had a large, blood stained "V" on him. He walked up to his beaten comrade. He took out the sock, and asked if he was ok.

    "You all right man?"


    "Aye, I said, are you all right-" The man was silenced by the sound of a familiar gun being reloaded. He look up see, that behind the man on the chair, was Giovanni, smiling.

    "He'll be fine." He said. He then shot a full clip of ammo into the five enemies in front of him.

    "You guys on the other hand....won't." He reloaded his Tommy with a full, barrel clip. He had six left in the case, but did not want to use it. As soon as Giovanni walked inside, he was instantly greeted with eight bullets to the chest. Vance through the gun on the ground, he didn't have any use for it, sense there weren't anymore bullets in the clip.

    "Dumb boy." He then turn around to the women. "Now...where were we?" He slowly walked up to the women, he went to his knees, going strait to the spot.

    "This is going to be a delicious mea-" Vance was interrupted by a familiar bow, going right through his chest. He turn around to see Giovanni, a shadow cast over his eyes.

    "But...I shot you..." Vance choked out.

    "Yea, you did. But the bullets didn't go through." He said coldly.

    "Huh?" Vance said. Giovanni then twisted the bow, bulling it out from his back.

    "Bullet proof vest." He pushed Vance to the ground. Giovanni them pulled out a chrome colored gun.

    "la vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo" He then pulled the trigger, ending Vance's life just like that. It was over. Revenge had been served to all of Giovanni's customers. With some violin songs of course.

    Giovanni was about to leave, until a hand grabbed his arm. He turned around to se that the women that was sitting their stared strait into his eyes.

    "Why did you kill him?"


    The women stopped staring at him, let go of is hand and asked an obvious question.

    "What did he do to you?."

    A shadow cast over Giovanni's eyes.

    "One day, me and a friend of mine were practicing for an up coming orchestra we were invited to. Her name was Sara. She had black hair, grey eyes, and was always uptight. That was fun about her. Anyways, were practicing alone in my room, her, the cello, and me the violin." Giovanni pulled out his violin from the case and showed the women. "We heard gunfire outside of the house, we did what our parents told us to do when ever the Mafia comes to town.....Give them every thing they wanted. They busted into my room. I gave them all the money I had. My watch, my clothes, My passport to America. But that was not enough. They wanted something more then that." Tears began to flow into his eyes, but the women still kept a stern look.

    "They wanted Sara."

    Giovanni clenched his heart and his Tommy gun. Remembering the horrible things they did to Sara.

    "I tried to stood up for her. But that failed. Horribly. One of the 7 men grabbed a wooden bat and smashed it against my skull. The last thing I remembered be for falling into blackness was Sara screaming rape." Giovanni wiped the tears away from his eyes, but still sobbed quietly.

    "The next think I know, I wake up in a hospital. I ask the nurse what happened,and she told me one of the gange members hit me in the back of the skull with a bat. It then came to me. Sara. What happened to her? Is she OK? The next thing I know, the nurse brings me a news paper. I was out for a week. But that isn't was set my heart in pain. I looked at the headlines, it said Teen raped and found dead under a stone bridge. My heart sank, I wanted to scream but I couldn't. It was then burned into my heart, soul, and head, that I would kill every member of the Knights Of Hell. Even if it men't killing them by myself." Giovanni then pulled out a gold locket, A picture of him when he was younger and a picture of Sara was in the locket.

    "Her last words to me was this."
    "Giovanni, if I ever were to die, promise me this: Do not stop playing the violin. You are skilled with that instrument. Not as amazing as my cello, but still, you are skilled." Giovanni smiled at the memory, but it quickly vanished as he continued."I hate quieting, and I expect you to hate it as much as I do"

    Tears were now flowing through his eyes. He tilted his fedora over his eyes.

    "I promised her that I will keep playing the violin. Even if it means death, I will fill her heart from the heaven's with my songs."

    The women smiled. Her heels glowed a bright white causing Giovanni to step back.

    "You do not give up. Octavia will surly enjoy your company." She said, behind all that white glowing bling.

    "Octavia? Who is she? Why are you glowing?" Giovanni said, placing his violin and bow into the case. He lifted his Thomson onto his left shoulder, while holding the case on the right.

    The women, you guessed it, smiled behing the white blinding glow.

    "She does not give up, for she too has a goal in her life, as do you." She said.

    "Giovanni, you are part of The Symphonies of Sorrow, your partner will surely love your skills as a violinist."

    Giovanni's attentions were caught by the women's words.

    Giovanni, still confused, smiled.

    "As long as I can take my violin, we are set. Oh, and my new, "Toys" too." He chuckled, and in a blinding flash, he vanished.

    "Vinyl! Vinyl! VINYL!!" screamed a grey earth pony. She had a black mane and a music note for a cutie mark. She was knocking on a door, waiting for a response. "Gah, those stupid Wubs of hers. I'm amazed he has not gone deaf!" The mare shouted. As she left to her room, she heard a familiar voice.

    "Sorry Tavi, to much Wubs? I'll turn it down a notch." Vinyl said before closing the door.
    "Good." She responded. "AND ITS OCTAVIA NOT TAVI!!" she shouted, slamming the door behind her. She eventually tired herself out, and neatly tuckered herself into bed

    "Stupid Wubs." She said, then drifted off to sleep. Its amazing she did not even notice a loud THUD echoing through her room.

    Discord was sitting on a cotton candy chair in his chaos realm, drinking glass.
    "So a member of Symphonies of Sorrow has been found? Good. I need some funeral music for their graves...."

    A/N: This is not Giovanni's thoughts. its me informing you guys how red my face is because of the fail that happened. Anyways beside my fail, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Have nice day.


    DJ R0CK F3LLA: Funk In The Fender

    Date: July 20, 2012

    Friday night, 8:47 PM

    Location: Evens Street, Southgate Michigan. A basement filled with DJ equipment, a bed, posters, and other teenage shit.

    Tom was always a kid who enjoyed being different. He never liked fitting in with the crowd, for it will boar him. He never cared what people thought of him, so if they ever were to insult him about how he dressed, his music, his hair, he would just shrug and repeated a quote he saw on the Internet while searching for some dub step music:

    "Don't feed the Parasprites."

    At first, he had no idea what that meant, but after some research and a good 30 minute show, he found out "Parasprites" were basically Trolls. He wasn't a brony, but something about this electric blue maned, white coat, unicorn interested him. He especially loved her glasses.

    He laid on on top of his bed, hands behind his head, legs crossed and just stared at the wall across from him. It was covered with posters, pictures of friends, graffiti style art. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and checked the time

    "8:50." He said out loud to himself.

    He got up from his bed and headed to the bathroom. He took a quick look at himself from the mirror before entering the shower. His hair was a messy, died, electric blue hair. It wasn't that long, nor to short, but he would gel it, making lean back spikes on his head. He had a gold earring on his right ear. Sense he was shirtless, it did not take him time to quickly jump into the shower after taking off his pants and socks. After about a good 20 minutes in the shower, and 10 minutes styling his hair, he grabbed some fresh clothes and put them on. He was wearing a dark blue shirt above a long sleeve white one he was wearing. His pants, baggy, black creased jeans. He had a chain hanging from one side of the right pocket, connecting with the whole you have to pull your belt through. His shoes, dark blue Nikes, with white and blue laces. His blue shirt said. " Keep Calm and Drop the Bass." It had a picture of that pony he saw on the internet, though only a sillhouette wearing glasses showed, in stead of the full body. He took one last look at the mirror, admiring his skinny but almost 6'8 body.He had every thing but he felt like he was missing something. He looked around and found his favorite glasses. They were called Locs, and the shaded were very dark. He felt kind of douche bag-ish if he put them on, but the place he was going to did have a lot of glowing lights so he decided to leave them in his pocket until he got to the place.

    "You are one good looking 20 year old, you know that?" He smirked.

    He looked to the side of the bed and saw his onyx, black Fender, resting in the glowing moonlight coming from the window. He grabbed it, examined the slick wood, and tuned the strings. He smiled at his guitar, remembering all the gigs he played with it and his crew. His skills on the guitar were expert style, causing his band to get more gigs then it use to. He's been in "Screaming Silence" for two years now, and ever sense he got his Fender, the bands pay was rising fast. He grabbed his guitar and placed it in a guitar case, making sure not to injure his baby. "All set, lets get this show on the road." He grunted, placing his baby on his back. He made his way upstairs, closing the door behind him. He took one last look around his boring, simple house. He was about to open the door, until he heard a gruff voice coming from the living room.

    "Where the hell you think your going?" said the man, sitting on his recliner. He was wearing light blue shorts, a wife beater and holding a bud light in his hand.

    "Out." Tom muttered.


    "I already told you, out."

    The 40 year old man got up from his seat and stood in front of the door way. Tom looked up at him, and scowled. "Move, dad." He was grabbed by the neck and slammed against a near by wall, moving his guitar so it wouldn't absorb the impact. That guitar men't every thing to him, and he sure as he wouldn't let any body break it.

    "I'm going to ask you again, where are you going?" His father growled.

    "Gig." Tom spoke.


    "How else am I going to pay bills? Ever sense mom died, you became a depressed prick, and I had to grow so balls and stay with you after you became to depressed to even fucking move."

    Flashback starts.

    Date: December 2, 2002.

    Location: I-75 freeway. the snow was slushy, and you could easily lose your grip on the road.

    It was true what Tom said. His mother had died in a car crash when he was 10. He could remember every mind scarring scene. His father was arguing with his mother about his hairstyle, and why he chose it. He heard many curse words before, but his father had one of the dirtiest, sailor talking tongues he ever heard from. His mom was in the passenger seat, protecting her sons rights. His dad finely got fed up with it, so when he tried making a turn on the free way to an exit, he pulled the steering wheel to hard, causing the car to flip in the air sideways, crashing into two other cars nearby. With the car upside down,

    Tom and his dad unclipped their seat belts, and crawled away from the car. Thats When Tom realized someone was missing, his mom. He quickly got up, clenching his right, bleeding arm. He tried running to the burning car, but his dad quickly got up from the ground with all his strength, and grabbed Tom by his left shoulder. But before Tom was grabbed, he reached out his left arm, trying to reach his mother, but he was to far away from the car.

    "MOM!!" He shouted. His mom was already bleeding to much, but managed to regain her consciousness and mouth the fallowing words to Tom.

    "I love you."


    Their was a loud explosion, and shredded, burning hot metal was the only thing Tom saw before he was grabbed by his dad. His dad covered his sons body with his own, protecting him from the explosion. Though they weren't close to the car, a gush of fire burned his father's back, causing him to wince in pain. But he couldn't let go, In seconds, he lost his wife, and he was not going to lose his son.

    Tom looked at the burning car before breaking down into tears into his fathers shoulder. His dad, cried as well. That day, they were scarred, and nothing could erase them of the horrific event.

    Flash back ends

    Tom's raised his left hand, curled it into a fist, and punched the wall next to Toms face. Tom wasn't scared, he just stared at his father, anger and pity engulfed his eyes. His dad's dark blue eyes met with his sons dark blue eyes. His dad let got of Tom, and opened the door for him.

    "Be back by 12:00" His dad said, tears slowly forming into his eyes. "And come home safe."

    Tom nodded and walked out the door, headed strait for his next destination.

    Tom was walking down the street, admiring the glowing lights beaming from his next destination. The Drunken Mule, has been there for only about a year, but it seemed to gather a lot of people almost every night. It's parking lot was covered with cars, and the front entrance was crowded.

    "Damn, how the hell am I suppose to get in?" Tom shouted, mockingly, causing some heads to turn. A walked in front of the security guard, a goofy grin, plastered on his face.

    "Name?" The large man said.


    "Not on the list."

    "DJ R0CK F3LLA." Andrew said, whipping out his guitar in the process.

    "Oh yea, your the DJ for the band that's playing." The man remembered.

    "That's me." Tom said smiling.

    "One more question, are you carrying a guitar?" The man asked.

    "Cause I'm special like that." Tom said in a smart ass tone. The guard just rolled his eyes and opened the door for him. "Just get in." Tom gave him a fist bump and proceeded his way inside.

    The place was booming with music, talking, screaming and cup-toasting. Tom looked around and saw the place had almost a neon like atmosphere in it. It was dark, and a lot of people were wearing glow sticks and blinking toy rings. Besides the lights, people who wore white was glowing as well. Including Toms sleeves and white laces. He made his way backstage, lightly pushing people out of his way until he met with 2 other members of the band. One was wearing a leather everything, while the other one looked like a lazy teen. He had long brown hair, a dark green shirt with a pink and yellow pony on it, and dark blue jeans.

    "Tom! Bout time you got here ya lazy bum!" The teen in leather shouted over the noise. "Yea, we were about to start without you ya douche!" The other one shouted not in anger, but loud enough so that Tom could hear.

    "Calm down Leather tits, I'm here aren't I!" Tom shouted to his band member. "And you! The hell are you wearing?"

    The shaggy head teen looked down at his shirt and smiled. "I'm a brony Tom! Now get on stage with that Fender of yours, we got a Gig to play!" Tom rolled his eyes and proceeded his way on stage, guitar around his waist, making his way to the DJ table.

    "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! INTRODUCING , "SCREAMING SILENCE!!" A man shouted above the crowed, then falling of stage.

    "What up every body! Y'all ready to make some noise!" The shaggy headed brony shouted. The crowed yelled in excitement waiting for some good ass music. "First, let me introduce our friend, he can really shred that Fender of his. DJ R0CK F3LLA!!!"

    Tom stood behind the table, his Fender connected to DJ equipment, throwing up the piece sign while the stage lights turned to him.

    "Lets get this started with a little bit of old classic rock. F3LLA, if you please?" The shaggy headed brony shouted towards the DJ.

    "With pleasure." Tom said with a grin. "Lets start with a classic, how about.....this one." The song started playing, and every one in the audience screamed in excitement:

    a/n: Story continues during the song.

    "Bootlegging boozer on the west side
    Full of people who are doing wrong
    Just about to call up the DA man
    When I heard this woman singing a song.."
    The shaggy headed brony sang, along with playing with a guitar with him while singing.

    "Saturday night I was downtown
    Working for the FBI
    Sitting in a nest of bad men
    Whiskey bottles piling high
    A pair of 45's made me open my eyes
    My temperature started to rise
    She was a long cool woman in a black dress
    Just a 5-9 beautiful tall
    With just one look I was a bad mess
    'Cause that long cool woman had it all

    - (musical interlude)- Tom played his Fender like he never did, causing the crowd to go crazy.

    I saw her heading to the table
    Well a tall walking big black cat
    When Charlie said I hope that you're able, boy
    Well I'm telling you she knows where it's at
    Well then suddenly we heard the sirens
    And everybody started to run
    Jumping under doors and tables
    Well I heard somebody shooting a gun"

    The leather teen continued the drumming while the guitar kept playing, He was enjoying bashing the drums more then actually playing the song.

    "Well the DA was pumping my left hand
    And she was holding my right
    Well I told her, "Don't get scared
    'Cause you're gonna be spared"
    Well I'm gonna be forgivin'
    If I wanna spend my living
    With a long cool woman in a black dress
    Just a 5-9 beautiful tall
    With just one look I was a bad mess
    'Cause that long cool woman had it all
    Had it all, had it all, had it all..."

    They finished up the song with an extra guitar solo Tom played, rising the excitement in the club. As soon as they ended the song, the two teens moved out of the way, and decided to let Tom work his magic:

    Dropping the bass.

    "Ya'll ready for some bass dropping!!!" Tom shouted over the crowd, they yelled back in response. Tom set up his two disks on the table, along with the guitar on top of it. He started off with some low bass, then some loud dubstep started playing, causing people to go crazy yet again. Along with the guitar, he was mixing his flow with the bass and the sounds, more wubs, means more money. After he was finished with the song, the crowed went wild, and begged for an encore, but sadly, their time was up,and they all had to leave. after saying good buy to his band members and collecting his share of the money, he noticed a teen, who looked like she was in her early 20's waved a hand to Tom, signaling for him to join her. He walked over to her, and noticed her wearing a blue, pink, light red, and purple glow sticks. Her hair, golden blond, bright enough to see a mile away. She wore a white T shirt, White skinny jeans, and golden Chuck Tailors.

    "You called?" Tom said. He couldn't here what she said, so he hoisted his guitar on his back and and grabbed her arm, leading her outside of the building. After they were away from the loud music, The young women decided to speak again.

    "Do you like what you do?" She asked with a smile. Tom gave a confused nod, kept walking towards his house. He wanted to walk her home, but it was already 11:58, and he had to get in the house. Before he twisted the knob, The teen reached and grabbed his arm. "Hey, what are you-" Tom was cut off by her glow sticks turning into a bright white, blinding Tom.

    "Your music. Do you enjoy playing it?" The teen asked. Tom was confused out of his fucking mind, and was even more confused that nobody can see the bright ass glow.

    "Yea? Why are are so damn bright?" Tom asked, annoyed by the glow covering his face.

    "You are part of the Symphonies of Sorrow, Vinyl Scratch will enjoy your guitar and your skills of a DJ."

    Tom pulled out his phone. "Shit, its 12:01, and did you just say, Vinyl Scratch?" Tom then noticed his entire arm was glowing, and he grabbed his guitar. "I ain't going nowhere with out Fendy!" and with that, Fendy, The teen and Tom vanished.

    The door opened and Toms dad stepped out with a bat in his hand, but quickly lowered it after witnessing his sone vanishing in a white glow.

    "I got to stop drinking Moonshine."

    Vinyl was to busy cleaning her DJ equipment to notice a loud THUD go in her room. Hell its even amazing how she didn't notice a voice shouting out a curse word. With a final wub, Vinyl went to bed, dreaming about.....Wubs.

    So even the Pony DJ gets a human? that's Wub-tastic. Ha hahaha......I'm funny.

    A/N: Hey what is up my bronies! Sorry I took so long, Internet came back up the day before, but I was busy with school work. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, even if I'm just introducing the humans. Well, sense school started, that means less updates. But, I still will be creating new chapters, hopefully every, 2 to 3 days. Well, I'm done with this chapter, on the the next one! Have nice day!

    PS: Damn right I picked that song!! What? can't a 14 year old rapper enjoy the classics as well?


    Carlos: Through Thick and Thin.

    Date: May 5, 2012.

    Monday. A warm sunny-windy day. Perfect for flying.

    Location: Inglewood California. Sunny Blvd.

    The birds were chirping, the dogs were barking, and the music was blasting. All through out the street, families were either on their front porch listening to music, or in the backyard, firing up the BBQ for some good ol' carne esada. One particular house however, was quiet. Not one sound came from inside the house. The walls were white, the door was covered in chipped wood and worn-out brown paint. The roof was stable, though some shingles swayed back and forth due to the wind. The door open to reveal a 21 year old man. He wore creased khaki pants, a solid black hoodie, a white large t shirt under it, Black Nike Corteses, a gold necklace, and a coca cola can in his right hand. His hair was short but spiky. He looked across his house to find a family of four playing in a pool, big enough for 10 people. He sat on a plastic chair that was on his porch, sighed and stared up at the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a cyan blue, and in the distance he could see a rainbow, shining all over California. A small, sad smile appeared on his face, but was quickly wiped away by three shadowy figures in front of him.

    "What up Carly." said a male in a serious tone. He was wearing a black tank top, black shades, khaki pants, sneakers and a silver ring on his middle finger that said, "Skull Crushers." The other two behind him laughed, one wearing a buttoned up shirt and jean pants, the other, a white tank top, with black jeans. This causing the man on the chair to just glare at the man in front of him. "It's Carlos, and what the fuck do you want Victoria?" Carlos said, grinning at his own comeback. Carlos stood up, ready to defend himself.
    "It's Victor," he pulled out a .9 millimeter from his back pocket, aiming the gun at Carlos' head, "And where the fuck is my money punk ass?" Victor looked to his right and saw an old man standing there, watching their conflict in disapproval. Before Victor could say anything, the old man just shook his head and walked back inside. "Fucking wanna-be thugs." The old man muttered before closing the door behind him.

    Carlos looked at the barrel pointed right between his eyes and just snarled."Your gunna come to my house, where my ma is inside sleeping, come on my porch with a gun pointed to my face, along with your boys behind you. and your calling me a punk ass? Your a fucking hypocrite." Carlos flicked him off with grin. "And your money's in my pocket."

    Victor just stared into Carlos eyes. He gave a smirk and lowered the gun, then clocked Carlos in the stomach. causing him to spit a tiny amount of blood. But just as quickly as the punch came, Carlos stood back up. The pain lasted a while, but he did not want to show Victor and his cronies pain, so he kept a serious look, but then grinned. "That all you got bitch?" Not wanting to cause any more problems, he reached into a his front pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. "And take your fucking blood money." He shoved the stack of 1's 5's and 10's at Victor's unarmed hand. Victor took the money, pointing the gun at Carlos belly.

    "Thanks, I'll make sure not to pull the trigger next time I come again." Victor turned around to his buds, "Lets go Nacho and Shadow, we're gunna go get something to eat." Victor leads the two away from Carlos' porch, he was about to leave, but not before he left Carlos a scar returning memory.

    "Oh, and Carlos? I'll make sure to drop some roses on your lil' bro's grave."

    Carlos went back inside his small home. He shut the door behind him, and was instantly greeted by his mother. she was wearing a pink sleeping robe, matching with her pink slippers. Her hair was long and tangled, most likely because she woke up. She had a look of anger and sadness in her eyes. Carlos hated looking his own mother in the eye, ever sense he was a little boy and would do something wrong, his mom would stare at him, instantly bringing him down. A couple of seconds passed until Carlos' mom spoke.

    "What where you doing outside?" She said, arms crossed. Carlos stuck his hands in his front pocket, turning his head to a near by picture. There was a younger version of Carlos, his mother, and a boy that looked like about the age of 14.

    "Nothing ma, I was just outside, drinking some coke. No beer, promise." The mother walked up to her son and placed her hands on his shoulder, sadness replacing her eyes. "Carlos, look at me."

    Carlos did not respond, he just stared at the picture of him, his mom and his brother. "Carlos, look at me when I'm talking to you." His mother repeated, a bit more forcefully. Carlos stopped staring into the picture and stared at his mother's eyes. He saw years of pain and sadness in those eyes, but worst off all, he saw what every son hates to see from her mother.


    Carlos finely spoke up after staring into his mother's saddened eyes. "Que paso ma? What happened?" Carlos hated that feeling he got when ever he stares into his mothers eyes. It makes him remember what any big brother should have done when ever your with your younger brother. Protect. Memories slowly crept into his head. The gunshot, the sirens, the people nearby him screaming for help. All of those pain full images filled his head. Slowly he, began to tear up. His mother brought him closer into a hug.

    "Hijo, son, why do you do this? Why do you sell Marijuana to provide for us?" His mother said, slowly bringing him out of the hug."Your going to end up just like your father." Carlos wiped away the tears with his black sleeve, calming himself down before speaking.

    "I hate selling it as much as you hate the stuff ma, but how else am I suppose to provide for us? How am I suppose to feed us?" His saddened expression quickly turned into an angry scowl. "And don't mention pa, the man was a fucking drunk. He use to beat me, you, and Jose. He was a G sense you first met him, and that mother fucker is the reason why I was brought into the thug lif-" Carlos was interrupted by his mother slapping him across the face. Carlos was shocked by his mother's actions. He wanted to speak, but he realized an important rule: YOU NEVER TALK BACK TO AN ANGRY MEXICAN MOTHER.

    A/N: I should know this. Trust me, it's a bad idea.

    "LISTEN TO YOU! HABLANDO MIERDA DE TU PAPA!" His mother shouted. Carlos was taller than his mother, him, 6'2, her, 5'9, but he was still scared of his own mother.Talking back is never a good idea unless she gives you permission."I KNOW HE WOULD BEAT YOU, ME AND JOSE, BUT HE DID HIS DAMN BEST TO TAKE CARE OF US!" She grew silent, seeing as this was an opportunity, Carlos decided to yell back. Rule be damned.



    Silence fell upon the room. The only sound that could be heard was Carlos' mother gasp, and a clock ticking. Carlos gritted his teeth and curled his hands into his fists.

    "Carlos, I didn't mean to..." She trailed off, regretting deeply of what she said. Carlos rushed to his room, and pulled out a Beretta he stole from his father when he was younger. He came back inside the living room, the gun in his right hand and a photograph of a little boy in the left. Carlos reached for the door knob and opened the door wide open, sun shining in the house. He hid the gun in the hoodie's pocket and ran. His mother called for him, but he didn't pay attention, nor did he care at the other families staring at him. He looked at them one by one they showed smiles and happiness.

    'The Fuck you looking at?' He thought to himself, running by families and other people walking on down the street. He hated himself for not protecting his brother, he hated his father for dumping them in the dope game, he hated every loving, happy family he ran by.

    He ran into a filthy, tree covered ally. He pulled out the Beretta and examined it. It's black metal touching his skin, it's weight almost causing his hand to drop it. He pulled out the clip and saw it was full. 8 bullets, but it only takes one to end a life. He slowly brought it up to his head, remembering the death of his brother, but not even caring about his father.

    'I'll be there soon Jose. Remember this face when i'm up there.'

    He was about to pull the trigger, when he looked up at the tree's. Through a little hole, he spotted to cyan blue sky and a little bit of a rainbow.

    "That's right. You always wanted to fly, and watching that damn show excited you even more. Even that blue..what was it... Pegasus? Yea that's it. Even that blue pony you watched made you gasp in awe. Shit, I remember when you first saw her do a, what was it... Sonic Rainboom?" Carlos smiled sadly, tears still flowing through his eyes. "She was an element of Loyalty, and in me, you said you saw that. Loyalty." Carlos looked at the gun, ready to pull the trigger, but not quite yet.

    "Loyalty. I couldn't even protect you from a fucking sucker punch. I'm so fucking sorry Jose.....I'm sorry."
    Memories returning, his eyes burning with tears and his heart filled with grief. He raised the gun back to his temple. He took a deep breath, and reminded himself the final moments with his brother.

    Little did he know a certain 14 year old boy in white sagging Dickie's and a white T shirt was staring and listening the whole time.

    Date: April 10, 2011.

    Sunday mourning. A cool breezing passing by the neighborhood church

    Location. Inglewood California.

    A/N: Carlos' thoughts will be in italics.

    Carlos walked outside of the church doors, beside him was a man in his early 40's, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, black pant's and brown leather shoes. He had a goatee and his head was shaved. this man, was Carlos' father, and next to him, was his wife, Esperanza. She wore a red shirt, slim women by the way, in her late 30's, black heels, red lipstick and her hair was in a ponytail. Holding her hand, was Carlos' little brother, Jose. He had a plaid shirt, blue jeans, black shoes and his hair was combed down. Most likely by his mother, mom's always want you to look good when you go to church.
    Carlos and his family were walking down the street, until his shoulder was poked by his dad, Christian.

    "Yo Carlos, I need you to make a quick 'delivery' at the corner store. Sleepy will be waiting there for you." Christian said. Carlos hated the fact that he was brought into the gang life by his own father. That's why when ever his dad asked him to sell the goodies, Carlos would tell his brother to stay home. Even if his little brother begged to go.

    "Pa, you know I hate doing that shit." Carlos responded, still walking. He felt his right shoulder being tightened. In pain, he turned around to look at his father strait in the eye. Knowing that he can't beat his own dad because he was much taller and stronger than him, he stayed quite and let his father talk.

    "Carlos? does it look like a give a fuck?" He let go of Carlos, and reached into his right pocket. He pulled out a small back of weed, and shoved it into his son's hand. Unfortunately, Christian was to slow, Esperanza noticed this and quickly covered Jose's eyes, while releasing a small gasp. Christian sent a glare to his wife, letting her know to be quite while he was talking.

    "One more thing, take Jose with you, he's gunna be doin' this shit to when I'm dead." Christian said.

    When Pa said that, Jose, I wanted to punch his right in his fucking jaw. I didn't want you to be in this kind of fucking situation, so when I tried to protest, he just clocked me in my jaw. Yea, people stared, but did they actually do shit? No. Of course they didn't help.

    After i got back up, Ma tried to take you by the hand, and tried to run away with you back into the house. But dad grabbed, no, yanked her arm before she could go anywhere with you.

    "Where the fuck do you think you'r going with my son Esperanza? He ain't going now where, him and Carlos gotta do something for me." Before Carlos' mom could say anything, Jose was yanked away by his mothers grasp, and Christian dragged Esperanza by her long hair into the house. Before entering the house himself, Christian glared at his two son's signaling them to come home with the money. He slammed the door behind him, causing some neighbor's to come outside.

    Carlos was standing next to his younger brother, who was cowering behind his older brother. Carlos hated his father with a damn passion. Forcing his son's into dealing with drugs? Let alone giving them permission to smoke it themselves? Carlos didn't even like staring at the stuff, and he tried his best to keep the weed away from his younger brother. Carlos grabbed his brother by the arm. signaling him to start walking.

    "Carlos?." Jose asked, staring up at his brother. "Where are we going?" Carlos' little brother was to innocent for this type of thing. He didn't look his brother in the eye, still walking with him, grabbing his forearm.

    "Where gunna make a delivery for pa," He continued. "And after that, you and me are gunna go some where special."

    "Where?" His brother asked. Carlos stopped walking and stared into the sky, a smile slowly creeping up on his face, but quickly turned into sadness and anger.

    "Anywhere. As long as pa isn't there. Anywhere is fine."

    Time went on, you were talking to me about this show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yea, at times I would watch it with you, just so you wouldn't feel alone. Pa made fun of you for watching it, but I would always stay by your side and defend you when ever he tried to fuck with your show. I gotta admit though, that blue pony is pretty fucking fast. No wonder you wanted to become a pilot, so you can fly the sky's like there was not limit.

    "And Rainbow Dash is my favorite. She's the fastest flyer in Equestria!" Jose shouted in joy. Carlos just smiled at his little scene. Though Carlos didn't watch the show as much, he could tell right off the bat the this 'Rainbow Dash', is the fasted pony alive. Carlos even thought Rainbow Dash was bad ass, so he completely agreed with his little brother.

    "You wanna know something Carlos?" Jose asked, staring up into the clear, blue sky above him. "Yea?" Carlos responded.
    "When I get older, I wanna be a pilot. That would be so awesome!"

    Carlos just sighed, but then rustled his brothers hair and chuckled. "You know what? I want to see that happened Jose. Chase your dreams. Ya gunna go far kid." Jose just chuckled, and proceeded to tell his brother something else.

    "You wanna know something else Carlos?" He said, staring into Carlos' brown eyes. "I think you'r like Rainbow Dash!"
    Carlos was a little confused by this question. "What do ya mean?"

    "I mean you'r always there for me, your like her element. Loyalty." Carlos took a few seconds to realize this. He would always help his brother through the darkest of times. Always there for him. Always.

    Carlos smiled and rustled his little brother's hair once more.
    "Damn right I am! I'll Always be their for you, no matter what."

    They both stopped in front of a store. Carlos looked around and told his brother that he will be right back.
    "I'ma go drop something off. Stay here, ok?" Jose nodded and Carlos walked right inside the store.

    Inside Marco's Store.

    Carlos walked inside the store. Nothing special, just your average beverages and chips. Though the chips were hella expensive. I mean, 1:49 for a small bag of hot cheeto's? Remember when you could get four fucking bags for a dollar? Pepperidge Farm remem-

    Sorry, got off topic, any way:

    Carlos walked between the isles, gripping the weed inside his pocket. But he noticed something that would really make his little brother happy.

    He saw a little rainbow dash cutie mark keychain. He checked the price and noticed it was only 1:00. "Might as well by it for 'em." Carlos said out loud. He walked up to the counter where a man wearing a black fedora, black shades and a wife beater was sleeping. Carlos rolled his eyes and pounded on the glass.

    "Sleepy, wake the fuck up." Carlos yelled. Sleepy awoke in a startle and pulled out a 44. Carlos raised his arms in the air calmly, chuckling at Sleepy's reaction. "Calm down homie, I'm only here to give ya your goodies." Carlos looked around the store, and sence nobody was there, he pulled out the small bag of weed out of his pocket.

    "The fuck Carlos? Don't wake me up like that again. Almost blasted you'r-" Sleepy was cut off by the sight of the small weed bag. A smile grew from his tired face and he open a cash register, pulling out a 50 dollar bill. Though he was glad he got his weed, Sleepy didn't like that he was charged so much.

    "Man why the fuck does it got to be so damn expensive?" Sleepy asked. Carlos just shrugged, but gave him a question to think about himself.

    "Why do the chips cost so much when it's a little ass bag?"

    Sleepy didn't know how to answer this, so he just shrugged and flicked him off. "And I want to by this too." Carlos pulled out the key chain, but Sleepy just waved his hand. "Nah fool, just keep it." Carlos gave a satisfied grin and turned his head to the left. He saw 2 grown men standing in front of his little brother.

    I saw two buff guys out there, both were wearing black and blue colors. I reconized these colors, they were dads enimies.

    Skull Crushers.

    I ran outside to try to get you away from them, but I was to fucking late.

    Carlos ran outside to protect his brother from harms way, he tried to grab him by the arm, but someone punched him in the back of the head, causing him to trill flat on his face. Jose turned around, confused beacause his brother was on the ground.

    "JOSE!!!" Carlos shouted to warn his brother. But he was to late, Josr recieved a sucker punch to his right cheek. When jose tried getting up, one of the gang members stomped on his back, causing him to scream in pain. One of the gang members left, where too Carlos did not know. Until he came back.

    He was holding a SPAS 12 shotgun, a wickef grin plastered on the mans face. He aimed the gun at Jose's chest, and stared at Carlos.

    "A message, from the boss." With that, he pulled the trigger, and ran off with his other gang members.

    I couldn't believe what I saw. After they left, I stood up and ran towards you with all my strength that was left with me. I saw blood everywhere. On the pavement, on your clothes, on your stomach, on my hands. I noticed you were still breathing, so I tried to talk to you

    "Jose? Jose stay with me bro!" Carlos shouted, tears falling from his eyes. Sleepy walked outside the store, noticed what happened and called the ambulance. "Don't fucking leave Jose YOU HEAR ME?!"

    Jose just stared at his brother, smiling. "Carlos? I think I'm going to fly." Slowly, Jose was closing his eyes, his smile getting wider. "When you cone with me, we can fly together Carlos. We might even meet...." Jose didn't even finished his sentance. He layed there, dead on his brothers hands.

    "Jose? JOSE!?!" Carlos shouted. An ambulance soon came, the people tried to seperate Jose from his brothers hands, but he just hold tighter and tighter. Finaly, they grabbed Joses body and rushed him into the car. They drove away, Leaving a bloody-handed Carlos alone, staring at his brothers blood splattered all over the pavement.

    "I'll fly with you bro." Carlos shouted to the sky. "I'LL FUCKING FLY WITH YOU WHEN I GET UP THERE! YA HEAR ME!?"

    After what happened and when you were burried, dad left the next day. Fucking coward. I swore revenge but Victor's dad had more guys. I was fucking useless. I judt fucking wish I could go back and stop this shit from even happening. Once again Jose, I'm so fucking sorry, but now, I can fly with you up there. I'm just one bullet to the skull away from chilling with you one last time

    Deciding it would be faster, Carlos stuck the gun in his mouth.

    I'll be there soon Jose.

    Carlos closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger. except, when he pulled it, no bullets came out. He took out the clip and noticed all the bullets just vanished. He threw the gun in anger and sadness, and sobbed silently in the ally.

    "Don't cry." Carlos looked up to see a 14 year old boy, wearing white everything, except his hair was green, purple, blue and pink.

    "What do you want kid?" Carlos sniffed. The boy kneeled down and placed his hand over Carlos' heart. "Your mourning over someones death. You must have been pretty loyal to mourn over someone so special in your life"

    Carlos pushed the kids hand away. "I'm not loyal for shit. My brother died because I wasn't there for him, how the fuck is that-"


    "......Did you just slap me?" Carlos said in shock. The boy just stood back up.
    "You cared for your brother right?"


    "You stuck by him through the darkest times right?"


    "You defended him from any one who tried to mess with you right?"


    "You watched My Little Pony: FiM with him RIGHT?!"

    "YEAAA- wait, who the fuck did you-" Carlos was interupted by a blinding light.


    Carlos just covered his eyes, but was puzzled by what the boy just said. "Wait what? How the hell you know Rainbow Dash?" And in a blinding light, The boy and Carlos disappeared.

    Rainbow dash had to wake up pretty damn early for work today. Sure she was the fasted flyer ever, but even she can be lazey aswell. She got out of bed, streched her sings and flew out of her window. She looked around, the sun was rising slowly, the sky was clear and falling. Wait, falling? Rainbow Dash took a closer look at the sky, and saw that somepony or something was about to crash strait into the ground.

    "A hero's job is never done." Dash yawned and quickly flee strait to the falling creature. As she gre closer, she noticed this creature was not a pony, but had a strange resemblance to a shaved Diamond Dog. She cought the creatute on her back, and layed it on the grown. as she looked at, it had some sort of clothes on it, on top of his head looked like be had spiky hair and on his back he had...


    "Sense whe does a diamond dog have wings?" Dash gasped.

    Ah Loyalty. It's been a while sense I had That feeling for you Tia. No matter, it takes time for Loyalty to form, but it only takes a few seconds for it to crumble.

    A/N: GOD DAMN IT'S BEEN A WHILE!!!! My computer has decided to go derp on me Nd wouldn't let me continue the story, but do not worry, Iphone 4 is here! And no I am not getting the Iphone 5. But i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, aswell as having some feels. But one important thing lays on my mind.....

    FREAKING ALMOST 2 DOLLARS FOR SOME FUCKING CHIPS? THOSE BAGS ARE SMALL ANYWAY? Who remembers them being like, 4 for a dollar? Huh? Good times, good times. Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.Bonus points for anyone who can find the song reference. Hope you guys have a nice night, thid has been gordo, signing off.

    Have nice night/ day if your reading this in different time zones.

    Derek and Samantha: Time Has Come

    A/N: Please excuse me for my long absence. But, as I promised, I would upload a new chapter, and here I am. enjoy. :)

    February 19, 2007

    London, England night time.

    Location: Small apartment, cheep housing and loud noises.

    It was a calm, quiet night. Not a single person was outside on the street and the only noise that could be heard was the flickering of the street lights.


    Well, almost quiet.

    "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU STUPID TWAT!" shouted the voice from behind Derek's door. "OPEN IT OR I'LL FUCKING BREAK IN!!!" The man behind the door was none other than Derek's father. He was a man in his mid 40's, a very grumpy, old abusive man. When Derek was younger, he would hide in his room, hoping that he would not find him. When Derek was small, he was nothing but a scrawny, pale looking kid. He was so skinny, he was easily the primary target of school bullies.He couldn't do anything, so weak, so small, so young.

    But this was years ago.

    "GO AHEAD AND BREAK THE DOOR OPEN!!! I DARE YA YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN!!" Derek shouted back. He stood 3 feet away from the door, ready for a fight. Sense 8th grade, he grew tired of being pushed around, so he decide to lift weights over the pass four years. He stood at 6'3, had arms packed with muscle from so much weight lifting, legs so strong he can kick your head off. He wore a sleeveless hoodie, underneath he had on a black t-shirt, had blue jeans, black leather belt and brown, leather Nike shoes. Behind him, a small, seven year old girl with blond hair, yellow eyes, grey long sleeved sweater that covered her hands, white jeans and black flat bottom shoes, was cowering behind him. Suddenly, the door burst opened, and there stood a VERY pissed off dad.

    "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM SAMANTHA!!!" Derek shouted. The father just scoffed and glared at his children.

    "SAMANTHA! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO GET A BETTER GRADE THEN A B+!?!" shouted the father. Samantha in response just whimpered behind her brother.

    "I- I'm sorry d-dad." Samantha said between sobs. Her brother turned around at his sweet, Innocent little sister, crying. She was scared for her life, and Derek DID NOT like that. He turned around to stare his father in the eyes and raised up his fists.

    "If you wanna get Sammy," Derek said, cracking his fingers and neck,"You have to get through ME!" He charged at his father and knocked his downstairs, Derek falling with him. He pinned him against the ground, grabbing both his fathers fists and slamming them against his face. His father soon overpowered him, and shoved him to the nearest wall, hard.

    "So you finally got the balls to go against ya ol' man huh?" He said, and punched his son right in the gut. Derek grunted, and shoved his father at the T.V, shattering it in the process.

    Derek's old man was not knocked out, but dazed enough for him grab Samantha by the waist and run outside. Neighbor's walk outside to see the two running away from their house. Derek was running so fast from the house with Samantha over his shoulder, he didn't even notice a man and women standing outside a very familiar blue police box.
    The man appeared to be in his mid 20's, wore a large brown drench coat, a dark brown suit and a green tie. His hair, was a tangled mess. Next to the man, was a women who appeared to be in her early 30's. She wore all white, shirt, pants, everything. Only thing different about her was her fusia colored eyes and the four colors in her hair: Sky blue, light green, fusia and purple.

    "Are you sure about this Tia? I mean I don't doubt you, but what does he have that resembles me?" The man asked with a very confused look. He turned around to the women and she smiled in response.

    "Of course I am Doctor, but only time will tell why I need you and them together." Celestia said, pointing at the running children. The Doctor just laughed and returned to His TARDIS.

    "OK Celestia, I trust you." He stuck his head inside the ship and found a certain grey coated, blond maned pony playing with a smaller one.

    "Are you ready to go Ms. Ditzy?" the Doctor said, smiling at the ponies in front of him. The two ponies looked at each other then smiled widely at the Doctor.


    Derek set his sister on top of a dumster, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "It's ok Sammy, we left him. He's not fallowing us any more." He said with a smile. Sammy looked up at his brother, glad she still had someone who cared for her in her life.

    "Daddy was being mean again." Samantha muttered.

    "I know I know, but don't worry, were OK." Derek smiled.They had been through so much abuse after their mother left. One day she said she was going to go buy some milk.

    That was four years ago.

    Samantha's smile quickly vanished when she looked above Derek. the next thing he knew, Derek was twisted around and a fist connected with his mouth.

    "AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Derek shouted in pain, covering his busted, bleeding lip. The next thing he knew, he was kicked hard in the chest, and fell strait to the ground. Derek groaned and quickly looked around for the fucker that attacked him. When he looked up at the entrance from the alley to the street, his eyes widened in shock.

    There, stood his father, with a hand wrapped around Sammy. So many questions were flilling his head. How did he get here? Why now, why so fast? What the fuck is behind his back?

    "How the hell did you get here so fast? And how did you find us?" Derek asked in shock. His father just scoffed and released a wicked smile.

    "I fallowed ya by taking a cab."

    Derek wanted to face palm, but kept his cool and only glared at his father. He tried to get up, but his father quickly pulled out a sharp, shard of glass. "Ah, ah, ah," He said, pressing the shard against Samantha's neck.

    "Get any where near here and I'll slit her throat." Derek only stared in shock, and glared at his father.

    "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN AND ONLY DAUGHTER?!?" Derek shouted. His father's smile was quickly replaced with a disgusted scowl.

    "My daughter? MY DAUGHTER!? SHE'S NOTHING BUT A WHORES CHILD!!" He pushed Samantha towards Derek. He hugged Sammy in a tight embrace. She still continued to cry in her grey sleeves. "Keep talking about mum and I'll-"

    "Or you'll what?" Derek's dad interrupted, "CALL THE POLICE?! HA! GO AHEAD! I'LL JUST END YOU LIVES BEFORE THEY GET HERE!!" he quickly walked up to Derek, and was ready to stab his son. Derek hugged Sammy tighter, waiting for the blade.


    and waiting.

    where the hell is the damn screaming?

    Derek looked up at his Dad. He was glowing in a white aura. "What the hell!?" his dad said. "THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?"

    Then, out of no where, A man in a brown coat stepped in between Samantha, Derek and the floating man. Derek took a quick second to look at this man. He had a grin from ear to ear. His hair was a shaggy mess, thin man he is. He wore a large brown coat and a dark brown suite underneath. He had a glowing screwdriver in his left hand.

    "Hello Derek!" He said in a cheery tone. "Celestia, Ditzy, Dinky, Don't just stand there come on out!!"
    Before Derek could react, a tall, white slender horse trotted out of the shadows, fallowed by two more horses. One was taller than the little one, but, was small compared to the glowing white horse herself.

    "Derek, is this your father?" The man said. Derek nodded, and the mans smiles, was quickly wiped away with an angry stare. He turned around the floating man, who was scared shitless.

    "Do you know who I am?: The man said in an emotionless tone. Father just whimpered in response. "My name is the Doctor, and you my not so good sir, messed up." The next thing Derek knew, his father was tossed across the street. His body layed motionless, Celestia's scowl then turned to a smile.

    "Nice to meet you Doctor." Derek muttered. The Doctor's emotionless face was now covered in a friendly grin. "Not to sound mean, but...Who are you."

    "Well, thats Celestia, the tall pony with wings and a horn, and those too over there are Dinky and Ditzy Do."

    "Ponies?" Samantha's sobbing face quickly brightened up to a smile and rushed up to the two little ponies. "There will be more time for introductions later Samantha," Celestia said, "Right now, we need your help."
    Before Derek could say anything, he and his sister were quickly rushed into a Blue, police box. When Derek was pushed in the box, he was greeted with a giant, golden colored machine. The Doctor quickly pressed a whole bunch of knobs and buttons, and Derek was feeling his body sway back and forth.

    "The hell?" Derek said before he was quickly pushed outside of the box into a small house. He noticed his sister had a pair of grey wings behind her back,laughing next to Dinky and Ditzy while Celestia and a brown pony talked. Celestia than left on a flash of bright light, while the Doctor was left there, with other ponies and his sister. Derek was left there slack jawed.

    "WHA...!?!?" Derek shouted Before he was knocked out. He fell on his feet while Dinky, Ditzy, Samantha, and the brown pony stared curiously.

    "Well," The Doctor said smiling.

    "He took that quite easier than I expected."

    Wow that escalated quickly, Well, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I will try to do another one tomorrow, In the mean time. Have a nice day :)

    Tears Of The Moon.

    The Moon. Equestria

    Night time. 6 AM.

    Luna watched over the land of Equestria, her moon shining in the dark, night sky. She stood in the center of the moon, her stars surrounding the moon, glistening in the moonlight. Sense the fight she had with Celestia, she had been feeling mixed emotions about her sisterly relationship with her sister
    'Should I forgive her?' thought Luna. 'and if I do, will she take me back as her sister?' Luna then shakes her head and her expression changed from sadness to anger. "Of course I shouldn't. She dares to talk about that snake in the grass, Discord."

    Snake? I thought I was a pony. No, wait, wrong answer, ha ha.

    Luna stood frozen in place, eyes widened in shock and fear. She looked around for the sound, but only saw the stars around her. So many thoughts were filling her mind. How did he escaped? What does he want? Where is Celestia? Luna snapped her head out of the confusion and her horn began to glow a black and dark blue aura. Her eyes, went from her dark blues selves, to glowing bright white light.

    "DISCORD!!!" Luna shouted, using the royal Canterlot voice. "WHERE ARE YOU?! SHOW YOUR SELF YOU COWARD!!"
    She looked around, flapping her wings furiously. Discord only responded in a chuckle through out the darkness. Before Luna could react, she was struck with a lightning bolt that send her flying across her own moon. She got back up, only to be chocked by an invisible force. When she opened her eyes, dark purple smoke was surrounding her body, and when she looked down at her neck, and eagle talon was wrapped around her.

    "Coward? You ran away from a fight with you big sister, and your calling me a coward?"

    Soon, the smoke faded away, and In front of Luna, stood only the evil, chocolate exploding, glass drinking god himself. Discord. His smile was quickly increasing into a twisted grin, his red eyes staring strait into Luna's glowing white eyes. Luna could only look in horror as the chaos god himself was slowly killing her. Each time she tried to breath, Discord only tightened his grip even more. Luna's horn glowed, and she tried to escape, but Discord grabbed her horn with his other paw.

    "Use your magic and I'll break it off." He tightened his grip around Luna's horn, forcing her to stop trying. In response, Luna spat on Discord's face. The god only chuckled and brought Luna close up to his red, glowing eyes.

    "Poor wittle woona, all alone and scared for her life when nopony can hear you scream in this useless rock of a moon." Discord smiled. Luna glared at him, Discord only laughed even louder, separating his eagle talon from his body, only to grow a new one. The other one was still choking Luna. He backed away and raised both of his arms.

    "Watch out, we got a bad ass over here." Discord teased. Luna only coughed in response. Discord ceased his laughter only to decrease his grip around Luna's neck. "What was that Woona?" He asked. Luna took a deep breath and teleported away from Discord, a good 10 feet away from him.

    "How did you escape?" Luna asked angrily. "I thought the Elements of Harmony locked you away for good." Discord only let a sly smile escape his face, and even from a distance, he was able to whisper in her ear.

    "True. They did lock me away, but I am a god. A CHAOS GOD. Did you really think that I was going to just stand there in your garden and let the little fillies and colts gaze up at me, laughing at me? But that does not give you a clear reason now does it?" Luna turned to her right, and before she could react, a purple, smoked covered hand grabbed her by the horn and jerked her up into the air. Luna yelped in pain, she could feel the same pain she felt when Celestia and her fought him all those years ago. Discord flew up to her, creating a cotton candy chair and sat in front of her.

    "Think about it," He began, "Who did your sister loved all those years ago?" The purple hand only tightened its grip around Luna, forcing her to reply.

    "You." Luna said between her clenched teeth. Discord smiled and tightened the hands grip even further.

    "And what does love create?" Discord said with an evil smile. Luna's eyes only widened in the sudden realization.

    "C-Chaos?" Luna said in fear. Discord pulled a bell and a small hammer from behind his chair. "Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!" He shouted. He then walked up to Luna on thin air, and smiled at her. His paw was suddenly engulfed in a Purple, smoke like magic. A reached for Luna's chest slowly.
    "What are you-" Before she could finished, Discord's paw punched right into her heart. Luna only screamed in pain, her tears were running down the black, purple aura on her chest.

    "Remember you good ol' friend, Nightmare Moon?" Luna's eyes widened even larger as she knew what Discord was doing. He was going to release nightmare Moon from her soul.
    "NO! DON'T!!" She shouted, but it was all ready to late. In front of her own eyes, a large, black, smoke like ball was pulled out of her chest. She screamed in pain, causing Discord to only cackle in a wicked manner. The giant hand released its grip,on her horn, and send her crashing to the ground with a loud thud. Discord placed the black blob next to him.
    "Luna," Discord said. The black blob was forming into a large pony, about the same size as Celestia. She had a pitch black coat, blue armor covering her head and her hooves. She had a horn and wings herself, clearly she was an alicorn. After her body was created, her eyes came into form. Reptilian like pupils stared deep into the defenseless Luna.

    "Meet Nightmare Moon."

    Luna could only stare in fear and shock at her alter ego. She was standing 15 feet away from her. Discord yawned and snapped his fingers. Behind him, a light purple portal was glowing. In the portal, showed and apocalyptic waste land. The grass was on fire, the sky was covered in black smoke: The whole area was just a hell in another world.

    "Well, I would love to stay and chat," Discord stepped inside the portal, it slowly closed, only to reveal his eyes left behind. "But I have to regenerate my Chaos magic. Have fun with you new friend Woona!!" He said in a mocking tone. His eyes soon vanished, only thing left was a laughter that send chills down Luna's spine.

    Luna tried to stand, but a black aura quickly shoved her back to the ground. She looked left and right, only to see a black magic aura forcing her to stay down. She looked up at Nightmare Moon, her face only showed signs of anger and and pleasure of Luna's pain. (Not that way pervs!) Nightmare Moon walked up to her slowly, each step she took left a trail of black smoke behind her. Luna tried to escape, but her horn was quickly covered in a black magic, not allowing her to use her abilities.

    "Don't move you useless piece of trash." Said Nightmare Moon. Luna stopped moving, and Moon only chuckled. "That's right," Moon said, "Give up. Your useless. No pony cares about you. Well, no pony but me. I am your only friend in this world Luna. In fact, I am you."

    "You are not my friend. You are a evil version of me. You are not me." Luna said between clenched teeth. Moon only smiled wickedly at Luna. "Oh but we are. We are both alone in this world, nopony appreciates our night. We are an outcast to the world, we rule the night and it's stars. Come with me Luna, together, we will become unstoppable. We would be right next to Discord, as he rules this world any many others."

    Luna only spat at Moons hooves. "No, I am not alone, I have my sister, many fillies and colts appreciate me after Nightmare Night. I rule the night and stars. I will not come with you, I will not rule other worlds with Discord, AND WE ARE NOT. THE. SAME.!!!" Luna shouted at Nightmare Moon. In response, Moon's flowing mane lifted up her Chin.

    "If you do not want to join me," Nightmare Moon's horn was covered in a black aura and was slowly reaching for Luna's forehead. "THEN DIE!!!" Luna waited for it to be all over. She was going to die, and she couldn't do anything about it. All she
    looked at a star, a falling star and she wished for help.

    'Wait.' Luna thought, 'I did not cause that star to fall?' She then noticed the star fly strait towards her. Wait, it wasn't going to her. It was heading strait for Nightmare Moon. Before Moon's horn could touch her forehead, she was knocked away 20 feat from her right, by the glowing falling star. Moon stood up from the blow, and stared at the star in front of her.

    "WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?" Moon shouted. Luna too was shocked. She then noticed the star was morphing into a figure. It had a black, newsboy hat. His white shirt was tucked into his black pants, and he had black straps hooked up to the wholes where you put your belt through. He had two, curved blades in the form of a question mark. The blades were covered in a dark blue and black aura. It had a smirk on its face as it stood in front of Luna. It turned around, and slashed away the black smoke away from Luna, allowing her to stand up. But she only can gawk in awe as the figure that stood in front of her smirked.

    "Ya gunna stay like that?" it said. Luna could just stare at the being in front of her. She hadn't seen a being like him sense Celestia and her defeated Discord. The human turned around and his smirk quickly changed into a large grin.

    "So is this a demented version of you or something?" He said pointing one of the blades at Nightmare Moon. Moon only scoffed at the being in front of her.

    "Who are you human?" Nightmare Moon said in anger. The human pointed one of the blades at his chest and scoffed.
    "Me?" He said in an innocent matter. "My name is Eddie, and I'm here," He stood in front of Luna, arms stretching close by his body with big grin across his face.

    "To dry the tears of the moon."

    A/N: GASP!! DRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER FOR THE WIN!! hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Of course I'm not gunna leave the princess of the night alone, what kind of person would I be if I didn't? Don't worry though, I will explain more about Eddie later in the future. I still have to introduce the other humans as well. Until then Have nice day!!

    Jones: Fire Burns Within Those Who Suffer.

    Date: October 25, 2011

    Location: La Rabida Children's Hospital, Chicago Illinois

    Friday afternoon. The air was chilly, children leaving the school area's and into there happy, safe homes.







    "All right he should be fixed up now."

    "Another life saved Mr.Jones."

    "It's what I do. Now, lets go Inform the Family."

    Mr Jones walks out of the emergency room,smiles plastered on his face. Jones was a light brown African American man in his mid 30's, he had a full head of hair, but the sides were going just a tad bit grey. His eyes were a dark green, his face slightly wrinkled. and he was about 6'4. He see's a young mother, around the age of 25, crying next to her son. Jones slowly walks up to the crying women, tapping her shoulder.

    "Mrs. Hernandez?" Jones says. The crying women looks up to the surgeon's smiling face, wiping her tears away.

    "Yes?" She asks. The Doctor smiles, and gently pulls her by the wrist, with her the small boy. They walk into a small white room. There, in front of the group, was a man in his late 40's, sleeping soundly on the bed. He had grey-black hair, and large stitches running down his chest, at least about 4 inches. Jones stares at his patient while Mrs. Hernandez and her son walked over to him. She's crying tears of joy next to the mans arm. The little boy walks up to the surgeon, eyes red from crying as well.
    "Is my abuelito going to be OK Mr. Surgeon?" He asks with a quivering lip. Mr.Jones looks down at the small boy, about 6 years old. He smiles at the kid and walks him over to his mother.
    "Yes he is going to be fine, the bullet missed his heart by 3 centimeters, If it was any closer he might not be here." Jones said. He pats the women behind her back. "Do you mind telling me how he was shot Mrs. Hernandez?" Jones says. Mrs. Hernandez blows her nose with a tissue and showed a sad smile at the surgeon.

    "My dad stepped in front of me when a local gang member and my ex husband drove by our porch. My dad saw the tilted black windowed car owner pulled a gun out, I didn't even noticed, and my son Jaime was in the house watching-"

    "Ma I told you not to tell anybody!" Jaime said. He walks up to his mother. "You Pinkie Promised!" His mother only released a small chuckle, while Jones smiled. Jones pats Jaime on the shoulder.

    "It's OK, my son watches this show sometimes, and if it makes you feel any better, I like the show as well." Jaime looks up at the man, and smiles at him.Jones smiles back, and and turns to the door. Before he walks out, he hears muffling.

    "D-Doctor." The voice mutters. Jones quickly turns around the see the man in the bed smiling.

    "Thank..you." He said. Jones smiles and nods, leaving the family to there business.

    Date: October 25, 2011

    Location: Sunshine Blvd.

    Friday night. Jones finishes the last six hours of his shift, and walked into his house.

    "I'm home!" Jones shouted happily. He walks inside to be greeted by a 10 year old boy wearing a "Happy Birthday!" cone hat. Jones picks him up and greets him into a bear hug. The boy hugs him back, and a mother in her early 30's walks in. Jones puts down his son, and walks over to his wife. He hugs her and then kisses on her on the lips. This caused the birth day boy to gag.

    "Eww!" He said, sticking his tongue out and walking into the living room. Over the distance, Jones could hear his son playing a familiar t.v show. He shakes his head smiling, and his wife pulls him into the kitchen.

    "So how was work today Luis?" His wife asks, rummaging through the fridge, pulling out a large slice of cake on a paper plate. Chocolate flavored. She set it down on the table, Luis tries to grab a piece off of the cake, but his hand was smacked away by a metal spoon.

    "Not until you tell me how your day was." She chimes. Luis Jones rubs the back of his hand, smiling at his wife. "We'll if you must know Stephanie, I saved another life to day. I tell ya, nothing fells better than saving a life."

    "EXCEPT PONIES!!" Luis son yells from the other side of the room. Stephanie rolls her eyes and Luis chuckles. "That to, Steve!" Luis shouts back. Stephanie smiles and hands a spoon to Luis. He happily grabs the spoon and digs in.

    "So...," Stephanie says wiping some icing from her mouth. "Did you get Steve his gift?" After burping quite loudly and smiling proudly, (Like we all haven't done that before, am I right?) Luis stands up and walks over to a nearby closet. He pulls out a purple wrapped present, which read the words.

    "To Steve, from: Mom and Dad."

    He sets the small box on the table and walks into the living room. There, he see's his son singing along with a pony.

    "CAUSE ALL I REALLY NEED'S A SMILE SMILE SMILE!" Steve repeats. As the songs about to end, Luis walks up from behind his son.

    "Come on every pony, smile smile smile," He begins. Steve looks up at his dad grinning.

    "Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine," Steve continued. Stephanie came out of the kitchen, smiling at the two ridiculous men in the room.

    " all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
    from these happy friends of mine!" Said Luis.

    "Come on and smile, come on smile, come on and.." The two looked at each other, grinning.


    Jones picks up his laughing son, soon embracing him and his wife in a hug. He walks into the kitchen, and sense he was stronger then 3 men combined, but surprisingly slim(ish), carried them as well. He sets them down and pulls a third chair so Steve could sit down.

    "Steve," He began. "Remember that purple dragon and that purple pony you talked about?" Steven jumps in his seat excitingly, his mother placing a hand on his left shoulder.

    "TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND SPIKE!?" Steve said. Luis taps his chin, and slowly smiles.

    "Eyup." Luis saw the excitement on his son's face, so he decided to just hand him the present. "Here you go." He smiled.
    Luis gives him the present, and Steve quickly opened the present. There, in the box, was a twilight sparkle and a spike the dragon figurines.

    "Thanks ma and pa!!" Steve says, excitingly. Luis smiled, and left the kitchen. "Where are you going Luis?" Stephanie said. Luis turned around and smiled.

    "I'm going to take a shower, don't worry, I'll be right back." He left and proceeded his way to the bathroom.

    Out side the house.

    A man wearing brown khaki pants, a white wife beater, and a small fang sticking out of his mouth stood in front of the house. Smiling. Under his black sunglasses, red, bloodshot pupils were glowing. His hands turned into a sharp talon, while the other turned to a sharp, lion's paw.

    It's sad to kill family. But then again, I did kill the parents of a certain pale pony, so he gives a buck?

    The strange man walked up to the door, and knocked. The door opened, and there stood Stephanie.

    "Can I help you?"

    5 minutes after Luis took his shower.

    Luis walked out of the shower, all happy and glad his child enjoyed his gift. He went into his room and changed. He put on black, basket ball shorts that go up to his knees, A white T shirt, and some Jordan sandals. Luis walks up to a family photo of him and his family. He smiles, thankful that he had a good life so far. He send a silent prayer to God, thanking him for the life he lives in. Life was good.

    So far.

    Luis heard his wife scream at the top of her lungs, and heard crashing noises coming from the living room. Luis just stood there for seconds, then quickly ran downstairs. What he saw scarred him for life.

    There, on the living room floor, was Stephanie, body gruesomely torn in half. Blood littered the wooden ground. He stared at his wife, strait in her lifeless eye. Her face had no expression, only wide eyes and her mouth slightly open. Behind his wife's lifeless body,

    There stood a man. No...not a man.


    His hands were replaced with animal limbs. Bloody animal limbs. Where his left arm use to be, was what appeared to be an eagles talon, bloody, and yellow. On his right, was a bloody lions paw, claws scorched black and dripping with his wife's blood. Under him, was Steven, backed up into a corner, holding toy's Twilight and Spike in his hands. The monster human grabbed the purple pony out of Steve's hand and examined it.

    "Stupid bucking pony." Said the human monster. He burned the the plastic figurine into black dust and blew out out of the nearest window. He raised his loin paw up high.

    "Don't worry. This won't hurt." Steve only whimpered in response.


    "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY SON!!" The monster human was stabbed in back of the head with a Micheal Myers type knife. Luis took this opportunity to grab Steve by his leg, and quickly rushed him into a corner. "Steven, are you alright?" Steven could not respond. All he did was looked in horror behind his dad. pointing a finger at the monster. Luis turned around to see the man smiling.

    Then smirking.



    "Oh that was fun!!!" He said. Luis only stared in disgust as the man pulled out the knife. Where his glasses and eye use to be, showed a pitch black whole. Only a red glow could be seen. He stopped laughing and raised his eagle talon up.

    "Enough playing around." He brought it down, and without even touching Luis, slashed his chest, revealing four, bloody gashes. Luis screamed in pain, as he fell to the ground. Grabbing his chest. Steven did not want to leave his dad, but Luis glared at him.

    "GO!!" he yelled in pain. Steven ran to the door, but was stopped by a purple, transparent, glow covering the door. The man only laughed at the boy's pathetic attempt of escaping.

    "That's all you got?" He stared at Luis, who was cringing in pain. "I expect more from a father like you Luis." Before he could answer, Luis eyes widened in horror as the man turned into purple smoke, and appeared behind Steven. He through him by a couch.

    "Stupid boy." He said. The man walked up to Luis, smiling. He raised his bloody loin's paw.

    "Stupid human. Can't even protect your family."

    Luis closed his eyes preparing for death.

    But death never came.

    Luis slowly opened his eyes, but they quickly went wide with anger, horror and shock at the being before him.

    Steven stood in front of his dad, arms flared out. Steven quickly turned around at his bleeding father smiling.

    "Bye dad." And in a matter of seconds, Steven's body was severed in half. Luis watched in horror as he witnessed his son killed in front of him, by an evil, demon like man. The man only smiled and raised a brown in curiosity.

    "Oh? Your son gave up his life for yours? You do know how to raise 'em Luis." He smiled. Luis stared at his dead son, feelings were controlling him.





    Something in Luis changed. Deep within his body, He could feel something in his burn his entire stomach and throat. The weird thing is?

    It didn't hurt.

    "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Luis said in a deeper voice. Each breath he took, fire, [igreen fire, exhaled from his mouth. The man now raised both eyebrow's, still smiling.

    "So Celestia is here all ready? Well, guess it's my time to-" He was interrupted by a pure white horn stabbing him through the chest. He looked down at his chest, smile slowly fading.

    "Bout time, I was getting bored." He said. His body started twitching like electricity, and in a second, he was turned to a purple smoke, laughing in an echo matter. Luis was to busy angry with the devil like man, causing the flames in his chest to burst out slightly from the gashes, still not injuring him.

    The white , horned, winged pony walked up to Luis, sadness and pity in her eyes. "Are you ok?" She said.

    "OK!? OK!?! MY SON DIED IN FRONT OF ME, AND YOU ARE ASKING ME IF I AM OK!?! Luis shouted in his low, but loud voice. Celestia only walked up to him, and pointed her glowing horn at him. Luis's gashes were now fully healed, but his blood stained shirt was still torn.

    "What the hell?" He said more calmly. "Who are you?". Celestia only gave a small sympathetic smile. "I am afraid I cannot answer that question yet Luis. We must meet the other human's first." Before Luis could say anything, his entire body was cast in bright white light. Celestia walked up to his dead family, and wrapped them in a white aura as well. Luis's anger rose up again, but was quickly lowered when he realized what the pony was doing.

    She wrapped them in a white aura as well, reattaching there bodies. Sadly, she could not bring them to life, for only Death has the power to do so. She turned around to a teary eyed Luis.

    "Fire burns within those who suffer."

    And in a flash, Luis, Celestia and his families lifeless bodies disappeared.

    Spike the dragon was downstairs in the library, cleaning at a VERY early start. He usually wasn't the one to wake up so early, but for some reason, he just HAD to stay up. He was just finished when he heard a loud THUMP behind a book shelf. He walks behind it, and eyes widened in shock and in disbelief.

    'I have to tell Lyra!' He thought.

    Discord transported back into his chaotic, hell like world. Sitting on a throne of cotton candy and human skulls. He crosses his legs, and looks down at the giant gaping hole Celestia gave him. He only pointed at it, and in a purple smoke, the whole was no longer there.

    'So the dragon bor- I mean the half breed has been found by Celestia. THE MORE THE MERRIER!!'

    Humans Meet Ponies part 1 of 1.

    A/N: Just in case you guys are confused, yes, there will be more humans in the chapters later on. Right now, few of the past humans that were in the latest chapters, are going to meet the ponies. The order will be Max, Johnny and family, Eric, and Carlos. The other humans in the chapters before will meet the ponies, which is why I have it split into two parts. And yes, Scootaloo will be introduced later in the story. Oh, and these humans arrived at 6:00 AM. The humans will awake in later times, but yes, they all arrived at the same hour. Enjoy :)

    Ponyville Library.

    Time: late mourning. Around 11:00

    Dizziness. That's all Max could feel. He did not remember much of what had happened, but the only thing he could remember was a girl, wearing bright white clothing. He brought her to her room, and they discussed many things. One of them was among the topic of a certain show, My Little Pony. Max only had very little memory, but something was screaming in his head, saying how he should have recognized that teen.

    Max's eyes slowly opened, and he was greeted by sun light. Instincts from being an inside gamer and a couch potato would have warned him about the light's rays through his eye lids. But something was different about this light. It was as if he was greeted with warmth, and comfort and protection. He moved his right arm over his left side, rising to his knees, and then onto his feet.

    That's when the pain kicked in.

    He groaned in pain, rubbing his back, trying to comfort his lower spine. Hos eyes closed from the pain, he started to walk, thinking he was in his own room. He opened his eyes, trying to open the door, but that's the thing. He stared at the strange door in front of him, it all most looked cartoon-ish to him. He reached for the door knob, trying to open it.

    "Spike stop making so much noise."

    Max's blood froze. He could have sworn he heard Tara Strong's voice. Matter of fact, it was her voice. Max slowly turned around, getting a better look of the room.The entire room was filled with bookshelves and bookshelves filled with books. On the left side of the room, a window was shining through the dark room, covering a small bed with a lump in it. Max, had only seen this scene once, and it was in a certain show he watched. He walked up to the bed, slowly, trying not to cause any noise.


    "Shit." He mouthed.



    "Spike be quiet!" Tara's voice said. Not wanting to piss her off, Max took a deep breath and walked very slowly.


    "Man fuck it." He stretched his legs widely, took one quick leap, and stood right at the foot of the bed. Max slowly, reached his hand over at the blanket, pulling it down slowly. What he saw made him want to squeal in joy and gasp in awe, but he remained quiet.

    In the small, cartoon-ish bed, laid a lavender colored pony. Yes, a PONY. It had a dark purple mane, messy because it was sleeping in bed, with a pink strip running down. Her face, plastered with a cute little smile, warmth the heart of Max. It had a horn sticking out of his for head, with cartoon like eyelashes. Max could not take it anymore, the sheer cuteness of this little creature made his want to hug it to extinction. And Max knew exactly who she was.

    She was Princess Celestia's protegee, excepted into Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. She was a book worm like Max, loved to read. Her friends were the bearers of the other 5 Elements of Harmony. Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter...and Magic.

    Max was indeed standing over Twilight Sparkle.

    "My God..." He said, smiles stretched across his face."I am in the presence of THE TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!" His voice slightly cracked at the end, causing Twilight to shift in her bed. He hesitated for a second, but calmed downed when she sighed and silently snore. This, again, made Max's heart melt. No longer did he felt pain from his world. He was happy.

    But then he remembered his family.

    "I..I can't stay here...My family needs me." He said. Slowly backing away, he made his way to the door. He was just inches away until he realized:

    "How am I suppose to get home?" He said. He had only 1 option. Wake Twilight Sparkle and ask her to transport him home. Besides, she IS the student of Princess Celestia right? But he also knew, Twilight was not a mourning pony, and neither was he. But he had no choice, as much as he wanted to stay, he can't. Besides, he was sure this was just one of those deep, deep dreams you can't wake up from unless you are moved in reality or something happens in the dream realm.

    He slowly made his way, to the sleeping unicorn, attempting to be very careful at waking her up. Then a thought crossed his Idea. If he was dreaming, why not just wake up but slamming something into his skull? He looked around the room, and found a perfect, flat surfaced, 4 legged object.

    and it was indeed a table.

    Quietly walking away from the bed, he made his way to the flat surfaced wooden bark. He took one last look at the sleeping and smiled. He just wanted to hug her, and all the other cute ponies, but he couldn't it would just remind him of how it was all fake. "Good bye Twilight." He whispered a bit loudly. he sat in the chair, and looked at the shiny, glossy table. It's wooden frame, cut to perfection. The sleekness of the table was so sleek, a ran his fingeres across it, almost slipping his entire left arm over the table. It was truly a beautiful craft of workmanship.

    And he's gon' fuck it up.

    Raising his entire head backwards, he came down on top of the table, Hard. Since this was dreamland, he was expecting no pain all. He expected that as soon as he made contact, he would wake up on the floor in his house. But oh, how wrong he was.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, placing both hands over his forehead. The pain was so excruciating, he lost all balance, tumbling bookshelves after bookshelves, until he half destroyed the room. He layed in the middle of a pile of books, still covering the bump over his head."Ow, son of a...?" He moved his hands away from his fore head, only staring a few feet away from a shocked, scared Twilight.

    "My....My room.." She stuttered. Max tried to get up and apologize to the scared mare, but she only backed away in fear into her wall. "Stay back!! Get Away!" She said. Max did what he did, slowly taking two steps away from the scared pony.

    "But, I didn't meen to cause anything, I was-" Max did not have time to finish his homework, he was blasted with a ray of magical energy, and surprisingly, it did not hurt him. "Twilight, please listen I just want to-" He was blasted by a nother ray of energy. He raised his arms across his chest, making an 'X' to protect himself. Again, he took it like it was nothing.

    At first.

    His arms began to feel colder than it was, and to his surprise, his arms were frozen together, Ice covering them. He looked over that the still scared Unicorn, but for a second, he saw a small smirk on her face. "How- How do you-you know my name?" She asked. One important thing about traveling to a new world, you NEVER tell them that they are viewed by millions of people. Max did not realize this, until she asked of how he knew his name. Max could not think of anything, and even he knew this was not a wise decision, but he had no other choice.


    Imagine an igloo, how it is cold, calm and warming at the same time. Now imagine that said igloo on fire, and in the inside, was burning, hot molted magma, hot enough to burn the entire Antarctica snow land in a matter of seconds. This is what was going down, Instead of fear, and shock at the being in front of her, her expression changed to one of anger and ONLY anger. "Magic.." She stated calmly. she slowly hopped off of the bed, and glared at the ape like creature in front of her,

    "You know that is a bunch of Horsefeathers." She stated coldly. She pointed her glowing horn at Max, and with a powerful push, blasted Max out of her room, and into the library downstairs.

    Once he landed on the hard wooden ground, he moaned in pain. Tightly closing his eyes shut, he waited for the final blow from the rage infilled Twilight. "Hey Luis, is that another one of you guys?"

    Max immediatly opened his eyes, and was face to face with a small, purple dragon with green spikes standing on his chest. Spike the Dragon, was on top of him.

    "Yes it is Spike, what I would like to know is, how did him and I get here?" A soothing, calm voice said. Max looked to his left, and saw a muscular African American standing behind Spike, with a confused look on his face as well. He wore basketball shorts, Jordan shoes, a white T-shirt with stained, dried blood and four slash marks on his chest. The man move closer to Max, grabbed his arms, and pulled him out of the pile of books. "Thanks." He responded. The man smiled at him, then turned his attention to Spike.

    "So Spike, you said Twilight was not a mourning pony, right?" The little dragon nodded his head, and climbed up to his left shoulder, sitting there comfortably. "Yea, why?" Spike asked.

    Then, a loud fire sounding boom could be heard. Spike, Max, and the new comer stared at the door at the top of the stairs. There, Twilight Sparkle was standing, but with her mane on fire, her coat white, and her eyes red, signaling she was very pissed off. The man turned his head to Spike, then to Max, a worried look on his face.

    "That's why."

    Sweet Apple Acres.

    Time: 9:00 AM. The early mourning.

    Johnny laid in warm, dirt, eyes still closed. The sun was beaming, an eventually, woke Johnny up from his sleepy state. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the warm, calming sensation of the sun his face. A little bit worried about his eyes, but surprisingly, his eyes did not hurt in the slightest. He just laid there, on the dirt, smiling at the sun.

    "Wait," He said, eyes widening at the sudden realization. He got up with great haste, and took a look around his surroundings. His field of vision was covered with rows, and rows of apple trees everywhere. He looked at the clear, blue sky, nothing in it's air. He took a sniffed the air, the scent of fresh apples and clean air filed his nose. It was a smell he was not very familiar with, unlike the littered streets and smelly allies of Manhattan. He looked at the ground, and it sure was as he felt it, dirty. But it was that good dirt, not that muddy, nasty dirt.

    "Where the hell am I!?" He shouted. He turned around to rustling behind some trees. There, next to the apple trees, were Mike and Rodney, confused as Johnny was. Rodney noticed his big brother's presence, and quickly ran up to him, and hugged him. Mike also joined in the hug, nearly crushing the two with his strength.

    "Mike..can ya...Let go?" Johnny said wheezing."Yea...we can't...Breath!" Rodney said, nearly choking. Mike dropped the brothers on the ground, as smile on his face. "Ah'm just glad ya'll are safe." He said. Rodney and Johnny stood up beside their bigger brother, all of them looking around.

    "Where the hell are we?" Rodney asked. Mike put his hand on his shoulder signaling him to stop cursing. Johnny only walked foward, and picked an apple from a tree. "I don't know, but we better get outa here, I don't think this property is an open field for anyone." Agreeing, the other two piked an apple as well, and walked down the dirt path, with Johnny in the middle, Rodney on the right and Mike on the left.

    Rodney took the first bite of the apple, and his eyes widened. "Guys, these apples are freaking good!" He said, taking a few more bites from the apple. Mike saw the happy expression on his little brother, and ate his apple too. Mike was surprised, he ate fruits that tasted really good, but this?


    "Did ya like the apple Mike?" Rodney asked, throwing his apple core behind a tree. Mike finished his, and kept the core in his pocket. "Eyup." Rodney smiled at his older brother's expression, and bumped Johnny in the shoulder. "Ya gunna eat that one Johnny?"

    Johnny however, was looking at the apples shine, fascinated by it's red skin. He took one quick whiff if the apple, and his mouth began to water, signaling himself to eat the apple. Johnny looked down at his younger brother and smiled. He opened his mouth wide, preparing himself for true satisfaction-


    Darn. Maybe next time. All three of the brothers stood in place. The voice that was heard came from behind them, and what they saw shocked them all.

    There were three ponies standing there. one small, one medium and one large, all three were about the height of the boys waist. The little one had a cream colored coat, with a red mane and a big red bow on top, and her eyes were an apple juice color. The medium one had a stetson hat on her head, her mane, golden yellow shined in the sun, and, ironic as it was, her mane was in a ponytail. Her eyes were light green, and her fur was orange, and to Johnny's surprise, she also had white spots on her fur. Most likely freckles. The last and tallest of the ponies, was a dark red coated pony. His eyes were half closed, yet he had an eyebrow raised. His eyes were a deep green, and his mane and tail were a dark, orange blond. He had a wheat stick sticking out of his mouth, and he was pulling a wagon full of apples.

    All three of the boys were shocked, along with the two girl ponies. But the orange mare's shocked face was replaced with anger. She was glaring strait at Johnny, and he only stared back in confusion.

    "What are ya'll doin' in our acres!?" The orange one screamed. Two mouths were hung open, except for Mike's. He himself was surprised he was not shocked, just surprised. "And why is that monkey lookin' critter eatin'' our apples!"

    Johnny shook his head out of his stupor and looked at the shiny, red apple. It looked so good, so delicious, it would melt the Greek god's mouths if they ever took one bite. His attention turned away from the apple, and he frowned at the orange pony."I ain't know monkey ya overgrown orange!" He shouted back. The orange pony growled and scoffed. "You sure look like one, with all them fancy clothing ya got on. And the names Applejack, ya got that ya varmint!!" She shouted back. Johnny placed the apple beside him, rolled up his sleeves, and was quickly in a fighting position.


    The orange pony only scoffed at him, and walked slowly towards the human. Johnny was ready for a fight, and his arm was all ready stretched back, holding a soon to be released knuckle sandwich. Mike however, did not like pointless fighting, so he placed his enormous hand over Johnny's chest. Johnny looked at his older brother, a very serious look in his eyes.

    "Nope." He said. Johnny stared at his brother in disbelief. "No? She's trying to-" He was silence however, because he noticed his little brother Rodney walking towards the smallest of the three ponies. "Rodney!" Johnny shouted, but he was silenced by a smiling Mike.


    Mike stared at the red pony, who was holding back the mare's tale from going on any further. The red pony stared at Mike with his half closed eyes, nodding at him. Mike nodded back.

    "Big Macintosh what in the hey do ya think your doin'? That monkey feller over there was eating one of our apples!" Applejack shouted, staring face to face with her older brother. Big Macintosh smiled at his sister, and turned her head over to the humans. There, in shock, the little filly was walking towards the small monkey like creature."Apple Bloom!" She shouted, But Big Mac raised a hoof, silencing her sister, letting her know to let the little one go on.

    "Apple Bloom..."

    Rodney slowly walked up to the one called 'Apple Bloom' trying to get a closer look on the talking pony. Apple Bloom did the same, also curious about the monkey like being. Apple Bloom was height was reached to it's limit when she stood in front of Rodney. Rodney tilted his head in curiosity, gazing into the little ones eyes. Maybe this one had more manners than Applejack?

    "Are you a monster or somethin?"

    Or not.

    Rodney smiled at the little kid. She was so friendly, so curious. Rodney knelt down at eye level, getting a better look into her eyes."Names Rodney, and no I ain't no monster. Ah'm a human." Apple Bloom tilted her head to the side, causing Rodney to chuckle.

    "Heww-man? What's that?" Rodney just shrugged.

    "Ah don't know, a bipedal creature or somethin?" He answered. This cause Apple Bloom to giggle. "What does Bi-pedal mean?"

    "Ah I don't know, why is the sky blue?" Apple Bloom looked up towards the sky, her bow bouncing in place as she wondered."Hmmm, I don't know, do you?" Rodney smiled. "Nope."
    "Hey! My brother says that!" Apple Bloom said giggling. So does mine!" Rodney said smiling. Apple Bloom and Rodney took this as a sign to invite there siblings. Big Mac and Mike stepped into the same spot without a second thought. Applejack and Johnny however were still skeptical.

    "Come on Applejack! Come meet everypony!" Apple Bloom shouted. Mike and Big Mac looked at each other, and smiled. Big Mac shook Mikes hand.

    "Crazy day?" Mike said, smiling at his little brother.

    "Eyup." Mac said, smiling at his little sister.

    "Hard workin'?" Mac asked.

    "Eyup." Answered Mike.

    "Ever restin'?"

    "Nope." The duo chuckled heartly, knowing that they were going to do just fine.

    Johnny and Applejack however, were not seeing eye to eye, while their siblings were talking with each other, they only glared at each other. Mac and Mike notice this, but that is not the only thing they notice: A dark, storm cloud was covering the entire, once bright sunny sky.

    "Mac, we better get goin,' there's a storm a brewin.' " Mike said, staring up into the sky. Big Mac's mane was flowing in the wind. He still stared up into the sky, but he heard Mikes words loud and clear.


    "Hey Mike?" Rodney said, Apple Bloom beside him. "Yes?" He responded.

    "Where's Bill?"

    A/N: Wow, this one took a while. Well, what did you guys think? Enjoying so far? If so, good, I am making progress :) And this is just a reminder, ALL humans included in the next chapters arrived at 6:00 AM. They just woke up at there own times, so the time zone isn't screwed up. Hope I did good in your guy's book. Have a nice night!

    P.S: I do not own the images used in this chapter, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.


    Humans meet Ponies Part 2 of 1

    Carrisal Boutique.

    Rarity's room.

    Time: Mourning. 10:30

    Today is just another day for the fashionably, gem using, dress making, mare herself, Rarity.She was a mare of pure fashion, was always there to lay a helping hoof. The night before however, she had to finish a couple dresses for some high bidding ponies in Canterlot. Sweetie Belle was nice enough to stay over and help her sister out. Without destroying anything of course. Very surprising though, because when ever little Sweetie Belle would try to help, something would always go wrong. But besides that, Sweetie Belle was a sweet little filly, having adventures with her two best friends, on a quest to find there cutie marks.

    Off topic. Sorta.

    Rarity awoke with her mane surprisingly fashionably still, as it was the day before, and the day before. She opened her eyes, bags clearly showing how she stayed up late to finish the order. She looks around her room, all tight and clean. She takes a deep breath, and exhaling, happy that she finished all of her dresses. She rises from her bed, rubbing her eyes with her front forelegs. Covering her mouth because she was yawning, Rarity looked over at a small mirror beside her and grabs it with her magic. Levitating the mirror, she sighs, staying up late can really do a number on a lady you know?

    " Ugh, those dresses Sapphire Shores needed for the next upcoming fashion show really did tire me out." Rarity said, opining her eyes widely so she can get a good look at the bags under her eyes. "A lady should not have these purple bags under her eyes. I should go take a shower, maybe it would ease my skin." She slowly gets up from the bed, clearly not watching her way. Rarity stumbles over a large lump looking thing, falling on her belly.

    "Ow, What was that?" She said, rubbing her belly. She turns around to see a pile of clothes, laying on the floor. Rarity rolled her eyes tiredly, thinking it was her sisters fault. "Sweetie Belle, It's to early to start arguing," She says, levitating a towel from the pile of clothes, turning around. "I'll ignore it for now, but when I get back, I am going to wake you up and make you clean your mess." She walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

    Little did she know, the pile of clothes her sister created, moved and groaned.


    Warmth. This was a feeling Eric did not feel in quite some time in Chicago. Through out the whole winter, he and his parents had to huddle up for warmth. The clothes they wore would only last 2 weeks. and every 3rd week, they were sent used clothes from the church. All those days of suffering in the cold, begging for warmth from families that ever came across them. But now, he did not feel the cold sensation he felt only moments ago. His eyes opened, and to his surprise, he was in a room. Panicked, he tried to stand up, but felt a heavy, warm feeling around him.

    "What the?" Eric said. He moved his left hand, feeling a sort of scratchy sensation through his fingers. "Ar-Are these..clothes?"

    Curious, Eric turned and twisted inside the pile, and stood up. He looked down at the pile of clothes, and tilted his head. He reached for the ground, and pulled out a little dress. There was nothing special about it, just a plain yellow dress, with a white collar. He raised a brow at all the other clothes he pulled. All of them were too small to fit any human body. A small little girl a baby could fit in these clothes. It did not take him time however, to widen his eyes in shock, horror, and fear.

    All around him, were fancy decorations, something his mother had a knack about. His mother would always take him to stores, and even though they did not have much money, that would not stop her from dressing Eric into fancy clothing.

    His father suffered the same fate as well.

    His thoughts of horror however, were interrupted by the sound of running water. Eric turns around, investigating where the noise was coming from. He slowly walks up to the door and knocks.

    "Sweetie Bell? Is that you? Do clean up the pile of clothes on the floor, please sister?"

    Eric felt his blood run cold. Coming from the bathroom was a voice, yes. But he did not expect a women's voice to answer his knocks. He slowly walked away from the door, trying to escape the room. But then he stared at the clothes that were on the ground, and on the messy bed that was right completely a mess.

    "Damn, this bed is small for a women. Too small. Come to think of it, this whole room feels sort of small." Eric said, making his way to the messy bed. He was not a neat freak, but his mother taught him better manners than to just leave a mess. He was taught at a young age to clean his room, and other rooms if it is dirty or messy.

    Again, his father suffered the same fate.

    He took off all of the blankets, pillows, and sheets. Cleaning the naked mattress with one of the blankets, he covered it with the sheets after he finished. Next, came the blankets themselves. Making sure the sheets were tight around the edges and corners, he tossed the blanket above the mattress, letting it fall lazily on top. After fixing the blankets on its corners, he placed the pillows neatly on top of the bed, smiling at the fixed mattress.

    "Mum always said to be a gentlemen..." He said. His smile quickly turned to sobbing, remembering that night. He took two kids to the abandoned house his mother and father were taking refugee in. His blood boiled angrily, his sad frown now turned into a face filled with anger. He stared at the ceiling, wanted to scream at the heavens for taking away his mother and father, and leaving him inside a room with a women he did not even know. Tears were running down his face, his strong, heard working dad, and his kind, generous mum...were now gone.

    "Sweetie Belle? Did you finish what I asked you to do, darling?"

    That's right, the women in the bathroom was still there. His anger decreased slightly, but still remained. He picked up the closed and tossed them into a closet. He stood in front of the bathroom door, arms crossed waiting for answers. The door opened slowly, and his frown deepened with a dried tear on his cheek.

    "Ah, that was refreshing, Sweetie I hope...you...?"

    Eric's anger was gone, and only an opened mouth and shocked face remain where the anger once was. There standing in front of him, was a small white horse. She looked slightly cartoon-ish to him, big, blue eyes, long eyelashes, dignifying she was a female. Her coat was a wet, white color, and her mane was all wet, water dripping. The little horse also had a shocked expression on her face, eyes dilated at the being in front of her. Eric, being comepletly shocked as he was, only did what a natural teenage boy would do when he is in a room with a talking creature. He waved his hand slowly at the little horse in front of him.


    And to make matters worse, the small little horse screamed.


    5 minutes earlier

    Sweetie Belle's room.

    Sweetie Belle, she's a cute little filly. Innocent, curious, adventure filled little one. She hangs out with her two best-est friends in the world:Apple Bloom,and Scootaloo. Every week or so they head to their club house, and discuss there daily routine about how to get their cutie marks. They've tried almost every thing. Lion taming, zip lining, rock climbing, raising the dead.


    Point is, she was a sweet filly, always trying to figure out ways to fined her special talent. Today however, was just a normal day. She had stayed with her sister Rarity to finish an order that needed to be done in less than 24 hours. Rarity did not want her help, but Sweetie promised she would behave, and only help with the little things.

    Surprisingly the boutique did not catch on fire.

    Sweetie Belle woke up, her mane a tangled mess, her eyes a little drowsy, and her face half asleep. With a big yawn and her forelegs outstretched, she hopped of her bed, ready to start a boring day with her sister making boring dresses in stead of finding the rest of the C.M.C and discovering her talent. Sweetie Belle walks over to her mirror in her room, hanging on the wall. She does not know how to fully use her magic, so she picks up a brush with one of her hooves and strokes her tangled mane. After about a good 2 minutes, she finished fixing her hair, smiles at herself in the mirror, and heads downstairs to make her sister some good ol' pancakes and heycon.

    "Ohhhhh my head."

    Sweetie Belle turns her head to her bed. Weird, she could have sworn she heard-

    "Owwww..where am I?" said again the voice.

    Sweetie's eyes widen in fear. The voice was coming from her under her bed. And dear Celestia wasn't the bed scary when you believe something is living underneath it. Scared but putting on a brave face, she walks a few steps toward the bed.

    "Am...Am I under a bed?" The voice talked again. Sweetie stopped dead in her steps. She was scared, the voice could be from a giant slime worm, or the boogymane or worse!!


    Before she could run for her life, Sweetie's be began to rise from the ground. Sweetie could only watch in horror as her bed began to float in front of her own eyes. There was no magical aura surrounding the bed, so could this mean her bed is alive?The bed falls to the ground with a surprisingly soft thud, and there, where the bed once stayed, was a giant, monkey like creature. It wore some strange type of clothing. Everything it wore was black. It's hat, covered almost it's eyes, the hat was also black. It's shirt was dirty, with what looked like dried spots of water on it. It's pants was also back, torn in some area's.There were these things that resembled claws, covered by a small fabric, but with some the spikes cut off. The figure looked around the room, completely shocked by the whole scenario it was in.

    "Wh-Where am I!?" It said, looking around the room in panic. 'I think it might be a colt. His voice sounds deeper than a fillies should be..' Sweetie Belle thought, gazing at the monster like creature in front of her.
    It's reaction only grew worse, when he stared strait at Sweetie Belle, who was only a few feet away from the thing. Sweetie began to run towards the door, but fell when she slipped on one of Opal's toys.

    "Dumb cat!" Sweetie Belle shouted. She closed her mouth when she yelled, hoping her sister did not hear. What she did not notice, the monster was standing right behind her.

    "You...you can talk!" He said. Sweetie Belle turned around to a shocked monster. Her height reached up to his waist, but her horn was close to the belly button. Sweetie backed away from the monster, and her head pressed against the door.

    "Monster!! Please don't eat me!! I don't taste like marshmallow's! Honest!" Sweetie shouted. The monster seemed to back away from the tear eyed pony. The monster had a confused face, staring at the crying filly.

    "I'm..I'm not a monster! I'm a human! And Ponies don't talk! And why would I eat you? You don't even look like a marshmallow." The 'monster' said. "Yea right!" Sweetie said between sobs. "Your gunna put me in a big sandwich and eat me whole! Wait, eat my sister! she might taste like marshmallows!"

    "First off, my name is Nate, second, I don't eat little ponies, it's kinda gross, and third where am I?" Nate said his eyes were also tearing up. He fell on his knees, face buried in his hands. "I...I just wanna find Eric...I wanna go home."

    Sweetie was shocked. This big, human thing, monster like being, was crying.She had to admit, she has cried before, and even witnessed her sister crying before. But this? This just might take the cake.But her adventures with the Cutie Mark Crusaders has taught her many things. And one of them, is the reason why they keep going, and never stop.


    Sweetie Belle took second thoughts about what she was going to do, but she was not the type to leave somepony hanging. Friends don't do that. She walks up to Nate, and ever so slowly, wrapped one foreleg around the creature.

    "Shhh...It's OK, we'll find away to bring you back to Eric." Sweetie Belle says. Nate turns away from his teared up hands and stared at Sweetie's face. She had a warming smile that just screamed "HUG ME DAMN IT!" and Nate calmed down. Before Nate could thank her, Sweetie's mouth began to open, singing a familiar song.

    hush now, Quiet now

    It's time to lay your sleepy head

    Hush now, Quiet now

    It's time to go to bed.

    Sweetie looked down at Nate's teared dried face, he had a sad smile. With out notice, Nate pulled Sweetie into a bare hug, lifting her up. Sweetie Belle only hugged bag, comforting the human. Nate placed her back on the ground, wiping some tears from her face. "So....whats your name?" He asked. Sweetie Belle looked up at the human.

    "Sweetie Belle."

    "Really? That's a weird name." Nate said, deadpanned. "And Nate isn't?" Sweetie retaliated. They both giggled.

    "So, how old are you Nate?" Sweetie asked.

    "I'm twelve." Nate said. Sweetie Belle's ears perked up, her face smiled. "Really? Me and my friends are that age too! Maybe you can meet them!" Nate smiled. He is in an unknown area, alone, and you know what? He is not scared.

    Just then, his chest, along with Sweetie Belle's horn, glowed a bright white. "What's happening!?" Nate shouted.

    "I, I don't know!" Sweetie Belle said. Just as soon as the light came, it vanished before there eyes. "Well that was a-" Nate was interrupted by a the returning light covering his right arm. He backed away, not wanting to hurt Sweetie Belle. Sweetie's right foreleg was also glowing, covered in a small white glow. The glow filled the entire room, and in seconds, vanished again.

    "Nate! Whats that!" Sweetie shouted. Nate looked down at his whole body, and found that, faded, glowing white chains were wrapped around his right arm. He continued to look down, and in his hand, he was holding a medium size, ball. It was colored strangely. One half was a light pink, while the other half was a light, light, purple. He ran his fingers through the iron ball, it felt cold and hard, and looked like it weighed about 50 pounds. But it did not feel heavy at all, it was almost feather like. Nate stopped staring at his new toy, and looked at Sweetie.

    "Sweetie, sense when did you get a tattoo?" Sweetie Belle raised a brow, and Nate pointed a finger to her right foreleg.

    It looked like the head of a Manticore, and the color was gold.

    Before Sweetie could say anything, Both her and Nate heard a scream, coming from what seemed like the next room.

    "What was that!?" Nate asked, cleaning his ear with the free hand. "That must have been my sister, lets go see if she is OK." Nate looked a bit hesitated, but Sweetie Belle gave him a warming smile.

    "It's OK, I'm sure she'll think your nice. Now come on!" With that, she opened the door and ran out. Nate smiled,and ran out the door trying to catch up with her.

    A strange, candy land like world

    Time: 9:45

    "Where am I?" Carlos says,walking around a candy colored bridge. The water was chocolate, the sky was pink, and the clouds were a mix of dark pink and a smell of cotton candy. He walks towards the bridge, its wooden bark was switched with hard, orange, white and yellow candy corn.The railings were made of frozen ice scream. Amazed by the strange sight, he could not help but reach his hand over at the ice cream railings and touch it. He was in the center of the bridge, a small dip of vanilla Ice cream on his finger. It smelled so good, he could not help but taste it.

    Bad Idea.

    "Ew what the fuck? Taste like freaking mayonnaise!" He tries to spit out the taste of wannabe ice cream out of his mouth, but failed at doing so. Crossing over the bridge, he looks around for any drinkable materials. He finds a strange tree, glass cups hanging from the tips of the branches. He grabs one of the cups, looks around for anything but found nothing.

    "Man, I fucking need to get rid of this taste...wait, do I smell chocolate?"

    He turns around and face palms at his own stupidity. He walks to the chocolate river and dips the glass cup, filling it with choco bliss. He closes his eyes and takes a full chug.

    'Wait, I don't taste chocolate. It feels like fudgey water running down my throat.' Carlos, thinks, finishing the weird liquid. He opens his eyes and to his surprise, the chocolate milk was still there.

    Just not the glass.

    Carlos twisted his wrist, the cup doing the same, fallowing his hand's movements. "The hell is going on?" He says out loud. He throws the liquid milk across the river. Turning around to walk away, only to turn around to a loud boom. He looks at the pink sky, and a barrage of colors flew his way.

    "The fuck is that!?" He shouted

    . large chunks of grey,brown, red,and yellow colors flew his way, landing on top of his foot. The red blob, took form of a sphere and rolled away. It morphed with one more red blob and two yellow ones. After a series of awkward noises, it formed two eyeballs, staring strait at him.

    "The fuck is this?!"

    Suddenly, the blobs start morphing all together, creating a figure. It had red pupils with yellow irises. It's head had what seemed like the head of a goat, while its body had a mix of other animals. It had a one blue wing,one bat wing, one reindeer antler, one twisted, light blue horn, one lion paw,one reptilian leg, one small, hoofed light brown leg, and an eagle talon.

    To top of the clusterfuck, it had a large grin across it's face and a large, thumb sized tooth sticking out. Carlos points at the odd thing.

    "The fuck are you!?"

    `The creature laughs and laughs, falling on its back, tears of laughter falling down its yellow stained eyes. "You should have seen your face! Priceless!" It stop laughing however, and stood right back on his feet.

    "Do you remember me Carlos? Do you remember me at all?"

    "Hell no, who are you and why am I here?" Carlos demanded. The strange creature smiled, and snapped his talons. A flat screen T.V lands in front of Carlos, and in the screen were two familiar people.

    Him and another boy.

    They were watching an episode about My Little Pony, where the main six are fighting some, no...FAMILIAR..creature from the show. Carlos takes a step back, glaring at the odd thing. "How do you know my brother, and how did you know I watched that?" The creature taps his lions claws together, poofing the T.V away from Carlos. It's smile escaped his face, and replaced it with an emotion less glare.

    "I know everything about you Carlos. Your mother, father and of course your little brother. I am Discord, god of Chaos, and you my boy..." He stretches his dragon tail towards Carlos and wraps it around his neck.

    "....Are going to die before you FUCK UP my plans."

    Carlos could not respond, the tail was already chocking him, squeezing the the air out of his lungs. He could not do anything, he was going to die in a psychopathic candy land, and he was afraid that this was no dream. He was slowly drifting into darkness, until a voice shouted from the pink sky.

    "HEY! BACK OFF MY BRO!!!" Before his eyes could completely close, the tail around it neck loosened its grip, causing Carlos to fall strait to the red colored grass. Discord looks up to see a small two legged figured, with white wings behind it's back. It wore all white clothing, white T, white khaki's, white shoes and only had black hair.

    "Oh? You decide to join in his death to?" Discord said. The angel, landed in front of Carlos, who was gasping for air, half awake. "You know Jose, I didn't think you would come back for him, I thought it was his fault that you died."

    "Who..?" Carlos rasped out. His throat was sore from the dragon scales choking him. The angel turns around to him, smiling. "You OK?" He kneels down to the injured teen. Carlos tried to speak, but was cut off by Discord making a gagging noise.

    "Family matters, don't you just hate them?" the angel glares at Discord, who rolled his eyes at the stare. "I think I'll leave you two to your matters, Chaos awaits me. Until later, Carlos." He snaps his eagle talons and opens a swirling, purple portal.The angel looks down at it's beaten brother, his eyes closing.

    "Wake up Carlos, you can't die now." The angel leans down closer to the weakened teen. Carlos' eyes widen slightly.



    Carlos' eyes shot open. He was just laying down, crying in an alley with a gun pointed in his head, ready to blow his brains out of his skull. The boy that wore all white was there with him as well. That was all he remembered nothing else. Then a chill went down his spine.

    "That voice, was that who I really think it was?"

    He leans over, only to find himself falling on the floor. Except when he landed face first, all he felt was a soft, fluffy feel tickle his nose. He moves his hand over across the soft ground, feeling nothing but warmth and solitude."Damn, feels like one of those beds that you sleep on for your back. It feels so soft, fluffy. Its as if I can stick my hand through this soft as rug and-"

    Carlos, closed eyes, felt a chill running through his hand. While still on the ground, his eyes widened, and he looked up, shocked at the display.

    Everything looked like it was made out of pure clouds. The bed, the curtains, the ceiling, the ground.

    "The ground." Carlos said. To his horrors, there was his hand, still through the ground. He retracted his hand back, crawling up to a nearby wall. "What the hell!?" He shouted. He slowly got up, made his way towards the hole. He knelt down, his eyes widened in awe and fear.

    Through the hole. he saw cartoonish like houses, on the ground. The HARD ground. He reached his hand through the hole once again, this time twisting his hand. To his shock and his confirm, the soft ground now had a hole wider than before. At least to him. He stood up in horror, opened the soft door and ran out of the room. Ignoring all of the objects in his path, opens another door leading him outside.

    "No fucking way...." He said in astonishment. He walked farther around from the 'ground,' and saw that he was higher up from the green grass than he was suppose to be.

    "I'm on a fucking cloud."

    He backed away slowly, staring at the sky. A rainbow streak appears out of nowhere, and heads towards him.

    "The fuck?" He muttered. The rainbow streak grew closer. He always wondered, as a kid, what was behind a rainbow. A pot of gold? A light source shining through a block of thick glass?

    "No..." The rainbow disappeared, and there, standing on a cloud, was a four legged little horse, with rainbow streaked hair, and cyan colored wings. Along with the rest of her body being cyan of course.

    "Oh, good your awake!" She said, in a raspy, tomboy voice. Her mane was a tangled mess, most likely from flying to fast.

    "It can't be..." Carlos said, shaking his head. The little horse tilted her head, then shrugging at Carlos' reaction. "Well, your a bit confused I guess? Here, let me start weird Diamond looking dog with wings, my name is Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria!!" Rainbow smiles proudly. "And you are?" She says skeptically.

    "It is..." Carlos tries to believe whats happening but he couldn't. It all felt to real, yet fake. He tries to run into the cloud house, only to be stopped by a rainbow mane colored mare tackling him. "Oh no you don't! Your gunna tell me why you were falling out of the sky! I mean, you had wings, why didn't you fly?"

    Carlos was pinned to the ground, the rainbow maned mare said something that caught his attention. "Wings?" She rolled her eyes. and pulled him up from the ground. "Turn around." Rainbow Dah said, waving her hood in a circular motion. Carlos did what he was told, and found two, large, silver shining like wings, tucked into and 'X' like folding. Carlos could not take it anymore: Almost being killed, waking up in a cloud house, meeting his little brothers favorite pony, and now, he has wings.

    "Hijo de puta madre..." He cursed before falling on his back. He was knocked out cold, not even answering any of Rainbow Dash's questions.

    "What does 'puta madre' mean?"

    A/N: WOW!! THIS TOOK A WHILE!! Hope you guys enjoyed the chap. Did I add enough suspense? Enough drama? Did I really make Dash and Discord curse!?

    ....Well the last one yea, anyway, have nice day my fellow bro's.

    P.S: Puta madre means....well think of the word son, of, and a word for a female dog, and think of the word mom. Have a good one everybody!


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