
A Boy's Tears 3: New Beginnings

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 3: Comic Book Chaos!

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Comic Book Chaos!

Collin was interested in this peculiar bug that can only be found in Equestria. A horn beetle. Sure there were horned beetles in his home universe, but this beetle was very different from those kind. It actually had horns like a cow would have and a horn on it's back like one of those insects that look like the thorns on plant stems to disguise themselves from predators. "So what brings you here, Scootaloo?" asked Collin, looking at his girlfriend

"I wanted to invite you to my clubhouse with the other Crusaders. I want to give you a surprise in the clubhouse." said Scootaloo. "You' love it. Trust me."

"ooh! OK." said the human boy, clapping his hands. "Are Sweetie Belle and Applebloom already over there?"

"Yep, they're waiting for us right now." Scootaloo nodded her head. "Before we get inside, i need you to close your eyes, ok?"

"Sure Scootaloo." Collin smiled. He followed his own girlfriend to the clubhouse and before he could even set foot inside, the human kid closed his eyes like Scootaloo told him to do, and waited for what happened next as he heard the door to the clubhouse opening, and he could hardly contain his excitement about what the girls have for him inside.

"Stop right there." Applebloom sang. "Don't open your eyes just yet."

"Just keep them closed for a little longer, Collin." said Sweetie Belle

The excitement was killing him even more than ever since he was now inside the clubhouse. It took about twenty seconds as he heard the sound of movements and after five more seconds, Scootaloo said to her human boyfriend "OK Collin, you can open them up now."

Wasting no time in doing so, Collin opened his eyes like window shades flying up. His eyes widened as he was looking at a blue sweatshirt with the "Cutie Mark Crusader" logo on the front of it, and it looked like a perfect size for Collin.

"Surprise!" the three fillies exclaimed.

"Your own Cutie Mark Crusaders jacket just for you." said Applebloom.

"It was a little difficult for Rarity to get the right size for you," Sweetie looked sheepish. "Kinda hard for her to memorize the sizes of kid sizes on clothes from Earth. But she managed to get it right at last."

The human boy picked up his new garment and it felt warm and soft.

"And we washed it for you, too." said Scootaloo. "We made it nice and warm for you."

"That's so cool. i'll have to thank Rarity for this."

"Well, it was our idea and we asked her to do this for us." said Applebloom. "And she agreed to do it for you."

Smiling, Collin tried on the sweatshirt to see how it would fit him, and to his surprise; it was a perfect fit for him. It also felt so warm and cozy against his body. This would certainly come in handle for any chilly days in the fall or rainy days at home.

"Do you like it?" Scootaloo asked, hoping that her boyfriend would give her the correct answer.

"I love it!" the human replied.

"Hooray!" the three fillies cheered at the top of their lungs. They knew that Collin would love this new present they gave him and the human boy felt a hug by Scootaloo herself. He was touched and flattered by this gesture, and he hugged her in return.

"Thanks guys. I should get something nice for Rarity as a thank you gift for her."

"I know just the thing." said Sweetie Belle.

"You do? What's that?"

"She always wanted a special kind of sewing machine for her outfits she works on for orders." Sweetie Bell answered. "Her old one is slowly falling apart and malfunctioning. Though... it's a little expensive though. Around two-hundred bits."

"Two hundred?!" said the human boy. "I don't have all that money for a new sewing machine." The boy was thinking on how he can find the right kind of dough for that kind of machine for Rarity. There had to be something he could do to get that kind of money for one of his friends. Then an idea came to his head and snapped his right fingers with a smile of confidence

Meanwhile, in a large, fictional city called: Maretropolis, there lived an evil, twisted, unhinged, and crazy mare that is one of the most dangerous supervillains ever in existence. The Mane-iac, a very crazy and unhinged mare as her name implies. Good thing Twilight and her friends defeated her some time ago, and they got back hoke after defeating her.

While the heroes went back to the real world, Mane-iac herself was hauled all the way to the most secured security prison in all of this large city; Hated Hills Superm max asylum.

being a very dangerous and unpredictable supervillain, Mane-iac was placed in the most secured part of this prison with a straight jacket and ties and locks over her mane and tail since that is her power: use her hair and tail as tentacles or appendages to help her walk or hard-to-reach places where one couldn’t reach before.

But what’s this? Something was very wrong. The alarm was blaring and the whole prison was under lockdown mode. The Mane-iac has escaped! Every guard was searching high and low around the prison to look for their most dangerous convict, but she was nowhere to be found. There was no underground tunnel, for she was too bound by the straight jacket and her mane and tail bound by locks and ropes. How did she even get out of prison by being so bound from her powers?

The warden of the prison has already begun a search party to locate Mane-iac and bring her back to justice. Outside of the prison and in the sewers, Mane-iac was running as fast as she could on two tendrils from her green hair from the cops. “Mwahahahahaha! Fools! They will never find me!” She exclaimed.

She heard the sound of police sirens going off above her, and knew that they were already looking for her right now, but she is a clever mare and managed to quietly sneak out of the sewers so the cops wouldn’t see. She had to sneak through several alleyways like a ninja and made it back to her old headquarters, the old abandoned shampoo factory.

“Ha! Those fools!” Mane-iac said. “Now to get my revenge on those meddling Power Ponies for putting me in that confounded prison! Mwahahahahahahaha!”

Boy, things did not look good at all. What will this mean for Maretropolis and the real world of Equestria?

Author's Note

I am so sorry for the long absence. The thing is since MLP ended all those years ago, it kinda made me lose purpose on here. But I realized that the fandom is totally not dead

Next Chapter: Making A Machine To The Real World Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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