
A Boy's Tears 3: New Beginnings

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 4: Making A Machine To The Real World

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Making A Machine To The Real World

The Mane-iac was already getting to work in creating a device that can transport her from her world to the world of Equestria where Spike and his friends had defeated her before. She went from many hair saloons or hair care product stores to get her own henchmen back, either by persuasion, promises of better pay, or by sheer intimidation. There were a few henchmen that she couldn't bring back, but that was only a few loose ends, and many of them still rejoined her. Only two, three, four, or even five of her former henchmen chose not to return under her employ.

As soon as every one of her henchponies were present and accounted for, Mane-iac was standing high on one of the catwalks of her shampoo factory hideout.

She wanted to wait as soon as every one of her minions had their eye on her. When they did, she cleared her throat, and began: "my loyal employees, as you can see: I have returned from Maretropolis' dreaded prison!" She heard the thunderous applause from her minions below her. "And now that I am free, i can officially say: we will continue to reign mayhem and chaos into Maretropolis once again."

Another round of thunderous applause was heard from her crowd of henchmen. "What are we going to to first, boss?" asked a minion named "Hair Stylish".

A cunning, evil look appeared on Mane-iac's face, and she replied: "Well, my dear Hair Stylish. I have discovered something very interesting. You all remember those dreaded Power Ponies, don't you all?"

Then a sound of loud exclamations of pure anger and hatred were thundering across the whole factory. The Mane-iac smiled hearing the uproar from her own minions, knowing that they hate her as much as she does.

"Good answer. Very good response. bravo." Mane-iac clapped to herself. "Yes, I hate those stupid, meddling heroes as much as all of you.... though, probably more than you all, but still. Which is why i have formulated a plan to get back at those meddling heroes. You see, i noticed something rather... fishy since our last fight with them. Humdrum, that stupid, useless sidekick of theirs, is a dragon. And, what are the odds of that useless Humdrum being a dragon?!"

All of the henchponies murmured to one another, beginning to realize that little detail they had missed when they fought Spike and his friends. "She makes a good point." said one henchpony

"Humdrum's Not a dragon." a second one said

"Quiet!" Mane-iac announced. "Now there is definitely something rather odd going on in the atmosphere."

"So what exactly are you saying, Mane-iac?" asked a third henchpony

"What I am saying Curl Twist, is that they were from another world. And i think we should create a machine that will transport us from maretropolis to some other world. The world where that dragon boy and his meddling friends live at, and get revenge on them for all they have done to us, especially Miss Saddle Rager." It sounded like she also hated Saddle Rager the most. "Now, get going and find some metal supplies to make the portal to that dimension!"

"Where can we find that?" asked a fourth hench-stallion

"Tear apart a bunch of buildings or materials for all i care, you moron!" Mane-iac sounded impatient. "Now get going!"

Without hesitation, the henchmen scattered out of the building to look for some supplies while others, including Hair Stylish stayed with their crazy boss to look at the blueprints she was making. It took a rather long time to process the ingredients on how to create the portal, and then the unhinged mare remembered something.

She looked at what remained of her doomsday device that is now destroyed and turned into rubble, and she excitedly to see if the battery, the Electro-Orb, was still there, and she was correct. Mane-iac gasped excitedly to behold it in one of her tendrils, for this thing still had power in itself to create something powerful.

"Today is my lucky day." Mane-iac smiled evilly into the Electro-Orb, knowing that this was one step closer to her success in building the dimension machine. “I have all the battery power we need right here, gentlecolts.” Said the unhinged mare. “The Electro-Orb that was supposed to fire up my doomsday device, but now I think this will serve a new purpose.”

It took about an hour, but the henchmen that were sent to fetch the building materials for their crazy leader, finally got their hooves on some metal and stone and other things to help build the machine.

Building this machine was no easy task, for some of the hench-stallions were having trouble building this thing, for it looked so much easier on the paper. Annoyed, the Mane-iac had to help some of her underlings build some components.

It took about two hours to assemble all the parts together, but it was finally done. Mane-iac grew another crazy smile on her face in her supposed moment of triumph. She pressed the button that was labeled “power” on it, and the machine began to glow a purple-pink portal, and the unhinged mare began cackling evilly as she had done it. But then the nose of her cackling died away when the thing suddenly turned off. “Grah!” Mane-iac exclaimed in frustration. “What happened here?!”

“Well, it seems that there isn’t enough power to make the machine function, mistress.” One of her minions pointed. “We need something with a little more power to make this device fully functional.”

Mane-iac scowled and made a small growl in frustration. “Ooh! This gives me an idea.” Then a sneaky look on her face appeared. “Uranium. We need a uranium rod to power it up. Hair Stylish!” She barked at one of her closest minions. “You and the rest of my employees stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” Asked Hair Stylish.

“Don’t you worry.” Mane-iac said. “It is just a small errand I need to fulfill. I know exactly where to find the uranium rod.”

Next Chapter: The Mane-iac Comes To Life! Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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