
A Boy's Tears 3: New Beginnings

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 2: The Parents Reappear

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The Parents Reappear

In the forest near his school, Colin looked around at his surroundings of the beautiful woodland area that he was in, and he was looking for some insects that would live in an environment like this one. He hasn't found anything so far, but he knew that he will find some kind of insect that lives in the forest, and maybe more kinds of animals as well. Deep down, he wished that Fluttershy was there as well to help him find the insects he was looking for in particular, but alas -- his mother wasn't there, so he was on his own, or Cheerilee would help him out if he needed it; since she is his teacher.

He looked on the ground since some insects dwelled on the soil, and he did find a rainbow caterpillar crawling on a large leaf attached to a bush, and he's seen it while at his cottage before. Rainbow caterpillars are a rather common sight in the woodlands and bushes of Equestria, so it wasn't really anything new to Colin anyway.

Another insect that Colin saw was a couple of ladybugs on a couple blades of grass, for it was that time of year again, in spring. Flowers bloomed, and more insects were present in the Springtime. Ladybugs were a sign of Colin, and he realized that this day was lucky for him, although he doesn't exactly know what exciting thing will come to him out of thin air (even though chances like that are a little slim). "Wow, they look so beautiful." he said to himself

He gently reached out his hand, and one ladybug crawled on it, making it tickle a little, but Colin was used to it, and it was a good thing ladybugs don't really bite. Yes sir, it looked like Colin was having good luck on his side with these ladybugs that he is encountering.

The insect flew away from Colin's finger after exactly five minutes. Everyone was split because: Cheerilee told everyone that they have to look for the insects themselves, and to meet back at the single tree in the middle of these woods after the children were all done in their little searching.

Besides, the school wasn't very far from where Colin, and the other kids were in these woods, so it wouldn't be very hard to find their way back if they get lost. Not to mention that Cheerilee knows these woods well as much as she knows her school like the back of her hooves. Colin was looking for more insects to see and spot, and a light appeared from behind him. It startled him a little bit, but when he turned around, he was greatly relieved to see two very familiar faces.

Colin gasped, and he exclaimed: "Mommy! Daddy!" he ran up to try and hug them, but he stopped, remember that they were spirits and they couldn't really be physically touched. "It's good to see you again."

"And we are always happy to see you, champ." Brendan replied with his fatherly smile.

"Sorry for scaring you sweetie," said Evelyn. "we just wanted to talk to you again, and see if you were doing alright."

"I'm doing okay mommy, don't worry about me. And, I'm braver now."

"We know that," the father proudly said with a chuckle. "You are as brave as me and your brother."

"Yes, and we are very proud of you for having strength and new bravery." the mother added.

"Do you think Johnny will come back and visit me again?"

"Of course." Brendan said. "He is your big brother, and he loves you just as much as we do."

Colin smiled with hope hearing that. "Good. And I hope he and his friends are doing okay since they stopped George from taking over Equestria."

"We can assure that he is just fine." said Evelyn. "Just have faith in him, like we have faith in him."

"I do too."

"Of course you do." said Brendan. We're not saying you don't."

"Well, can you guys help me look for some bugs for Cheerilee's class? We're having it outside today."

"That sounds fun," said Evelyn. "But, me and your father think you can find some on your own. All you have to do is keep looking around, and they might appear before you."

Brendan then added: "You're mother is right, son. The key is patience, like when you are out fishing for big fish."

Colin was thinking about what his parents were saying, and he remembered the time when he and his dad would go out fishing in the lake together when Brendan was still alive before the terrible fire. Yes, he and his son would catch some bass, trout, and some small sardines on the little rowboat they would rent near the lake, and they had so much fun together. It was a shame that they couldn't do it anymore, but Colin didn't care, because he can still see his parents in spirit.

Besides, he was happy that Johnny was still with him. "Okay daddy. I'll look on my own then."

"We know you will, son." Brendan remarked

"We want you to know that we love you and that we're very proud of you and your strengths." Evelyn added. "Just have faith and never give up hope in yourself at times of severe trouble."

"Always remember, we are always there for you if you need us. Just call our names, and we will always answer you."

Those words always give the boy comfort and solace whenever he heard about it. "Thanks guys."

"Always happy to help, sweetheart." Evelyn said. "We love you, and we will see you soon." then she and her husband slowly faded into nothingness, and Colin would wait until he would see them both again. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, he will just have to wait and see what happens in the future.

The boy was lucky to have a good mother like Fluttershy and not a mean, abusive person as a foster parent. "Colin, are you here?" called it a voice. It turned out to be Scootaloo, and she had a horn beetle on her right hoof. "There you are! Look at what I found." then he showed him the Beatle.

"Wow. That's cool."

Next Chapter: Comic Book Chaos! Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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