
A Boy's Tears 3: New Beginnings

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 1: Dawn of a New Day

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Three Months have passed, and it was another beautiful morning today in the beautiful land of Equestria, and a peculiar boy was sleeping in a nice little cottage that was owned by his loving and caring foster mother. Colin Fraser had been through so much since he was abducted by the evil George, and his girlfriend: Shadow Mavis. Not only that, but how he lost his parents to a terrible fire back on Earth, but he managed to bounce back after all that he has been through, and he was living a happy life with his new friends and family.

His bedroom door slowly creeped open and the sound of hooves clopping on the wooden floor were heard. It was Fluttershy, the adorable pegasus mare that took the poor boy in after he was transported to Equestria from the wishing star.

"Colin," Fluttershy sang in an adorable voice, "time to wake up sweetie. You have school today." she was gently rubbing his sides to try and wake him up without being rude. Angel Bunny came in the bedroom, and hopped on the bed to smell the boy's face, making him giggle from how ticklish the rabbit's furry face was. Ultimately, it did the trick, and Colin was awake with a yawn. He looked at his new mommy, and smiled at seeing her sweet, smiling face.

"Good morning, mommy." said Colin.

"Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well last night?"

"I did." the boy replied. "I had a cool dream of becoming a rock star like my brother is."

Fluttershy smiled and said: "that sounds nice. I'm always happy to see you happy."

The small boy got out of bed, took off his pajamas and took a shower to clean himself and went back downstairs to get some breakfast.

It was a nice plate of waffles that had a small amount of butter and some syrup for Colin to eat, just how he loved it. "Thanks mommy. I know you love waffles."

"I know you do, Colin. And are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Fluttershy breathed. "Ever since me and my friends rescued you from George and Shadow Mavis, it made me more worried about your well-being."

"Mommy," said Colin, "you don't have to worry about me like that. Everything's okay now. I'm fine, and I'm back home with you."

"You're right, sweetie. I'm just concerned about you because I love you."

"I know, I love you too mommy." then he began eating his breakfast. Yes, Fluttershy had been more worried about him since she and her friends saved him from the evil kids and their forces from taking over the world.

Despite Colin being okay now, she is more greatly worried about him when it comes to some dangerous things. Colin is a capable boy and he can be brave and take care of himself.

Everything was going good for the young boy and it was as normal as it was. For now, he just had school to attend, and he wanted to see his usual friends and classmates.

After he was done eating his breakfast, Fluttershy gave him his lunch in a brown bag, which was a cucumber sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes in it, one of the usual things the boy would have for a school lunch.

He then felt Fluttershy gave him a tender kiss on the cheeks making him have a very comforting feeling that reminded him how lucky he was to live with a pony like her.

"Thanks mommy. I'll see you after school."

Fluttershy smiled sweetly at him. "Okay Colin, bye. And stay safe."

"I will."

All of her animal friends waved bye at Colin, and Colin said bye to all the lovable animals that lived inside and outside of the cottage.

Fluttershy opened the front door for her son to come out of and she was looking at him as he was walking to school.

When he arrived at the Ponyville schoolhouse, he heard the bell ringing and it meant that class was about to begin at any moment.

As he for there, he was greeted by some familiar faces. All of the school foals were very happy to see the human boy again, and he was greeted by the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hi Colin!" said Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle before they went up to him.

"Hey guys!" Colin said in a happy tone of voice.

"Did you have a good sleep last night?" Scootaloo asked him.

"Yeah, I did. How's your scar, Scootaloo?"

What he meant was that during her torture with George, Scootaloo was given a scar on her belly from a knife while being tortured like a lab rat.

"It doesn't hurt. But don't worry, Colin. I'll live." then she hugged the boy. Normally, she didn't like giving hugs, but in Colin's case, she made an exception (along with Rainbow Dash and her friends.)

Colin hugged her back in response and he even gave her a kiss on her right cheeks making her blush with flattery. "Glad to hear that."

"Colin," said Pip, the smallest foal in the class, "I have a cool video game I want to show you after class. Wanna play with me? After school?"

"Sure Pip."

"And Rumble can be with us too. He loves video games."

Every one of the kids entered the classroom and took their seats. Cheerilee then began teaching the class about some animals that were native to the forests here.

"So class, I was thinking we can do an outside activity later on." said Cheerilee. "Go on a field trip to the woods next to the school, and look at all the animals that lived in the forest, and insects too.

The kids all cheered and were glad to hear that idea. It was a rare opportunity for the class to have it outside instead of the usual classroom.

"So Colin, can you tell me the difference between a coyote and a wolf sweetie?"

"Yeah. Wolf is bigger and coyote is smaller."

"Excellent Colin, very good. Of course, we won't find any wolves out in the woods. They like to keep to themselves."

Something told Colin that it was going to be a fun day with a small field trip to the woods that is not the Everfree forest, and he would enjoy looking at the scenery.

At last, during lunch, Cheerilee sat next to colin on the ground while he was eating his sandwich. "So Colin, are you doing okay?"

"Yep. Just fine miss Cheerilee." said the boy before taking another bite.

"Good. I know I shouldn't worry about it, but I am so glad you're okay from after the.... event from before."

"Oh. I'm glad to be out of there too, Cheerilee. I became more brave than before."

"I know. You're growing up so fast."

Next Chapter: The Parents Reappear Estimated time remaining: 5 Minutes
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