
Enlightening Darkness

by BlankBrony

Chapter 6: Control

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This is too OP for me...

Canterlot Castle...

Third Person's POV

"Report, there is no casualities as of now and the ponies are safe besides the ones traumatized by the parasprites or the unknown entities that helped us." The guard who was sent to report the situation in Canterlot said. But upon arriving in the room where the Princess was, he became confused as to why the Princess, prodigy and friends were all looking in front of them without moving.

"Um... Princess?" The guard said while waving his hands in front of Princess Celestia wich got not response. When inspecting the Princess, the guard noticed that her eyes were lifeless and that they were for whatever reason a shade of blue with unreadable writing in them.

Then suddenly, all the ponies that were froze stood up then began to look at the balcony. This made the guard back away in fear while looking at the lifeless eyes inside everypony in this room besides him. Then, a strange pony came in the room from the balcony.

"Oh hey, you girls are back in reality? I gotta say, nice job Celestia for making this city because this is beautiful, I mean, it so shiny and sparkly that I had to cover my eyes for a moment." The pony said, no, he was not a pony because he didn't have hooves.

"Oh, what're you doing here? Is it to report something? Sorry but as you can see the ponies overhere are too shocked to be having anything right now, but you can stay and wait until they're fully back." He said to the guard who just nodded on instinct. Then, the strange pony came to the guard and gave him a cup of tea while sitting on the ground just in front of where the guard stumbled down.

"So? How's the job? And how much you get from it?" The pony said to th guard who relaxed a little more while taking a sip of the tea.

"Sir, um well, guarding the ponies of Equestria as well as her majesty is my duty. And for the pay well, we don't get much, at least we get enough to pay for our homes and foods." The guard replied before taking another sip of the tea.

"Damn that's some harsh job your having, also my name's Steve, what's yours?" Steve asked to the guard.

"It's Piercing Spear Sir." The guard replied.

For an hour, the two friends were now relaxing while talking about everyday life. Completly ignoring the stares they were having from the still shocked ponies on the table. Steve and Piercing Spear were enjoying themselves even if it lasted for only an hour.

"No are you serious? That's why he got slapped by his wife? Dude that's so not fair." Steve exclaimed to wich the guard was laughing at.

"And you didn't hear the half of it, after he got slapped, he was then thrown out of his own house with a big red mark on his left cheek. And all of that just because he ate the cookie his daughter made only for his wife." Piercing Spear finished.

"Damn, I'm lucky I'm still single, but don't worry, I'll probably end up with one of the girls that were watching us for the past hour now." Steve said pointing behind him with his thumb. All the said girl were blushing besides two of them and the one that fainted on the ground. The guard who now knew the situation quickly stood up while shaking a lot.

"Don't worry man, just go and do your work, I'll rely the report for you so chill and go finish your job. Also, it was nice to talk with you, I hope we can chill like this sometime in the future." Steve said. Piercing Spear smiled at him and went out of the room, leaving Steve with um. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.. SEVEN. Seven furious mares, with a draconequus missing, he probably fled a long time ago.

"So? How was your first time seeing the foundation of the universe?" Steve said while smirking at the girls. The said girls were now assaulting Steve with countless beams, kicks and punches. Steve didn't move and took it all like a man because he probably deserve it.

"Ow, I though I was gonna die." Steve said while massaging all the muscles that were hurting. The wounds and bruises that he got were quickly healed, maybe because of his power. After relaxing a little, the girls were now glaring at Steve who just stood there, then he began to make some ridiculous poses.

"Girls girls girls, don't worry, I'll show you my fine body if you insist so much to look at me." He said while making another pose. This got him another myriad of kicks, punches and beams of magic.

"Ok ok I'll stop, so, what now?" Steve said. The girls now looked thoughful, then, they all began to have a malicious grin on their faces...

Two hours later...

Everfree Forest.

"WHAT THE HELL GIRLS." Steve screamed from a lost part in the Everfree Forest. Indeed, he was sent in a random spot in the Everfree Forest by teleportation. His clothes were stolen by Rarity leaving only his black boxers. AppleJack lasoed him before he was teleported making him unable to move. Twilight casted a spell on him that would make him smell like the most delicious meal ever existed. RainBow Dash kicked him so hard he passed out before being teleported. And Fluttershy gave him a carrot soup. Celestia did nothing to him, yet...

"What. In. the. Potassium. Monoxyde. From. The. Chlorine. Trifluorine. Hell." He said. What he was saying now had no sense of sanity anymore. He began to laugh so hard he though his lungs didn't exist anymore.

After his insane moment passed, he began to analyse his situation hardcore mode.

"Ok, there's a source of hydratation besides me, there's a possibility it contains bacteria or viruses so the compatibility is invalid. I have nourishement now thanks to Flutters so I don't need to worry for now. I am currently stuck in a tight rope because of AppleJack and I don't know how much time passed because of Rainbow Dash who knocked me out. Judging from the position of the Sun, it will soon be nightime. Because I am without clothes, my condition for life are very bad so I need to find fur or something like that. Considering that this is no normal forest, I might be expecting surnatural events this night. Now that I smell like a living buffet, multiple carnivorous beast might come after me." This went on and on from analysing his environement, to straight up analysing the molecular structure of everything around him.

"Why am I even thinking about something so useless as potassium monoxide based leaves?" He said while looking at a potassium monoxide based leaves.

"Argh! This is so useless. I didn't expect them to react like this, what to do?" He asked himself while thinking of a way to survive until he returns back to Canterlot.

"Why is it now that my OP god level skills stop working? Wait a minute, it's a good way to train myself!" He said while remembering many anime where the main character goes through a harsh training to gain OP skills. And now he was doing something that might have the same effect as those trainings, but the result would be a better Control over his powers.

Then, a roar was heard through all of the Everfree Forest, and a purple fur decorated with stars was seen above the forest.

Author's Note

Ok here's the chapter, no, don't ask about the sicency stuff, random idea...
Anyway, I might not published chapters until christmas day, well maybe, I don't know when I'll stop publishing tho. Anyway I hope you like the story so far because I'm really out of idea now, well you can guess from the more and more random stuff in the story than story plot itself, it became very chaotic, I think Discord's here. Rip me.

Next Chapter: Survival Mode Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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