
Enlightening Darkness

by BlankBrony

Chapter 7: Survival Mode

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Survival Mode

Survival Mode

I’m so gonna Minecraft this…

“Ok, it’s not even the second day and there’s already an Ursa Major? It’s okay, everything’s fine.” I said trying to stay calm which was useless as I felt my heart being torn apart when I saw the Ursa Major going towards my direction.

“Don’t panic my boy, you just got a new life in Equestria with anthro ponies so it’s not the time to give up on life.” I said to myself and for the first time in my life, my body listened to what I said as my heartbeat started to slow down.

“Ok now that I calmed down, what did I used to do when I was unable to move while something dangerous comes my way? Nothing because it never happened to me before.”

At this point, I was starting to become seriously hopeless and when the Ursa Major finally came in front of me, I first gulped at how big it was, then I smiled at it while patting it’s paw, then I slowly started to turn around. At least that's what’s supposed to happen if the Ursa Major suddenly didn’t start to purr when I patted it, so because of that, I ended up patting it’s whole body even though I don’t know how it’s possible to do it while I’m lassoed.

“Wait, where’s the lasso?” I asked when I noticed that I was indeed patting the Ursa Major without any lasso pinning me down.

“Meh whatever, I have an Ursa Major as a pet now.” I said while relentlessly patting the Ursa Major, until I felt it standing up so I moved out of the way, well I tried to but I was picked up by the Ursa Major and be putted on it’s head, now I head a perfect view of the ENTIRE Everfree Forest, which was sick.

“It would be nice but because I am half naked, I am extremely cold so can you put me down please?” I asked the Ursa Major who growled in response but before I could apologize, I felt warm all of a sudden and when I looked down, I had the Ursa Major’s fur as clothes. Now I had a purple tux with moving stars on it and a purple jean without the stars, I looked so sick right now.

“Thanks, can I call you Maria? You remind me of my mother.” I said to it, no, her. When I said that, it suddenly roared in joy which broke my ears and destroyed a part of the Everfree Forest.

“I know your happy but can you please tone down when you do it? I might die from the roar and we both wouldn’t want that to happen right?” I said which got a growl as a response, it wasn’t the usual threatening growl, it was a “I’m sorry” growl.

“Don’t worry about it but please, can you get me to Canterlot? It’s the big Castle over there on the mountain.” I asked. Maria then started to walk towards Canterlot Castle.
‘Let’s see what their reaction will be’ I thought with a sinister laugh.

Meanwhile, Canterlot Castle…

Third Person’s POV

At Canterlot Castle, everypony started to feel guilty of their actions besides one of them who was Rainbow Dash obviously.

“Um… Was it really okay to do that to him? He was just teasing a little.” Fluttershy said to her friends.

“A little? That’s more like a lot and he deserves it.” RD replied which got a light glare from Fluttershy.

“Well, he did do something shameless but sending him to his death is a bit….” Rarity started to say while looking at the expensive clothes that she took from Steve.

The only pony who wasn’t sad was Pinkie Pie and Celestia. Pinkie Pie because she’s Pinkie Pie and Celestia is because she knew that he could survive in the Everfree Forest. But before any of them could do something to save him, a guard suddenly rushed in the room.

“Princess! An Ursa Major is in front of the Gate!” The guard said, it was Piercing Spear again but he didn’t look too panicked .

“What?! Why aren’t you panicking then? It’s a major emergency!” Twilight exclaimed while thinking of a way to drive the Ursa Major back in the Everfree Forest.

“Well, it’s because Steve is currently waving at us from the balcony, and he is riding the Ursa Major.” He replied. This got all of the ponies present in the room including the guards jaws to drop. Somepony was indeed waving at them from the balcony, he had a purple tux and jeans with stars on the tux, but it wasn’t that that surprised the ponies , it was the fact that said pony was standing on the head of an Ursa Major.

“Hey! It’s me! Look at my new pet!” He exclaimed but the ponies were froze in time and space while currently calculating the probability of a black hole that would end the universe appearing in Equestria.

“Oh damn, you blue screened again? You girls like to do it or what?” He continued while jumping on the balcony, after he was safe, he motioned the Ursa Major to return in the Everfree Forest which it did. After the Ursa Major was gone, Steve turned around and slowly walked in the room.

“Oh hey Piercing Spear! Are you do main communication agent or what? Nevermind that, what did you do when I was gone? And it’s supposed to be night by now so wouldn’t you stop working?” Steve said officially starting another ‘brother’ talk that now lasted for the whole time that the girls were out, which was the whole night, thanks to Luna the Day/Night cycle was still going on.

Six hours later, in the Castle bar…

Steve and Piercing Spear were enjoying their night for the last six hours, but they were not always alone because after an hour in the bar, Shining Armor joined them to drink.

“So Shining? Did your kid grew up?” Steve asked Shining Armor who suddenly glared at him.

“Why do you ask? Your not gonna get my baby girl!” He exclaimed at Steve who just laughed out loud with Spear.

“Chill dude! I’m just asking if she grew up, am I not allowed to worry about a friend’s family?” Steve replied while having Spear still laughing next to him.

“I must say Captain, I didn’t expect you to be like this!” Spear said before returning into his hysterical laughter.

“Oh shut up mister ‘Reporting in’ “ Shining replied before laughing himself too.

It was a very pleasant time for them but it was ruined when the girls broke the bar door while staring directly at Steve. While this was happening, Shining and Spear slowly backed out of the girls vision before running out of the bar while laughing madly.

’I’m so gonna make you two pay for that!!!’ Steve screamed in his mind.

“So, you finally came back to reality?” Steve asked to the emotionless mares in front of him, the said mares were staring at him with a deadpan look then out of nowhere, Fluttershy rushed in front of Steve to inspect him while all the other girls besides one were sighing in relief.

“Are you alright? You didn’t get hurt right? What about that Ursa Major? Is it really your pet?” Fluttershy asked before Steve put a finger on her mouth which made her blush a little.

“Calm down ‘kay? I’m still half drunk right now so if you talk this loud I might seriously have my brain explode, also no I’m not hurt and yes the Ursa is my pet, well kinda because I didn’t ask it to be my pet in the first place.” Steve said to Fluttershy who backed away a little due to embarrassment.

“What do you mean you didn’t ask it to be your pet? It just came to you and immediately became your pet?” Twilight said jokingly.

“Yes.” Steve replied with a serious look which made Twilight stop giggling.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got two ass whipping in my schedule.” Steve said while materializing a whip made of light which looked incredibly hot, all the ponies present in the bar gulped and sent mental condolences to the two pitiful victims of this ass whipping. The girls who were frozen again just made way to Steve so that they wouldn’t be in the way of his ass whip.

“May Shining Armor and Piercing Spear rest in peace…” Celestia murmured to herself but was still heard by all the girls who just looked down.

Author's Note

Here's the Chapter, sorry for the late release, Christmas plus holidays was time eating, and also because I forgot to publish this chapter which was already done for about a month now. Again, sorry.

Also RIP Shining and Spear, I might make an extra chapter only talking about this ass whipping chase.

Next Chapter: What do I do now? Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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