
Enlightening Darkness

by BlankBrony

Chapter 5: Emergency

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Oh hell no, I'm too lazy and too noob to deal with this.

"There's an emergency!" The random guard said after bursting throught these not-supposed-to-be-bursted door. While I'm grateful to him for killing the awkward moment I had with the girls, I am not because he said there's an emergency, and to me, emergency equals problems, problems equals energy draining, and me not like energy draining.

"Chill dude, what's the emergency?" I ask to the panting guard.

"A horde of parasprites are invading Canterlot!" He exclaimed. I guess that's why I kept hearing explosions for a while.

"Welp, we're doomed, rest in peace Equestria's capitol, and rest in peace home." I prayed to nothing in particular, the girls just glared at me and the guard just looked confused.

"Don't lose hope Steve, we got this." Twilight said, huh, I guess she can be cheerful when she wants too around me.

"Oh yeah that's right, I can do something about it." I said, the girls looked doubtfully at me.

"Oh yeah? And what is it?" RD ask with load of pride, I just smiled and went to the balcony , the girls and the guard followed me curiously, if only they knew what I'm about to do.

"I hope you got sunglasses because this is going to burn your eyes so hard you won't even have them anymore." I warned, they all gulped and Twilight made a shield, it looked like a big ball of sunglasses, then, I Focused because I was determined to do what I'm about to do.

And surely, wings started to sprout, and I began levitating without them flapping, I opened my eyes and saw that I was glowing hard, I bet I looked like a sick angel who's about to beat the hell out of these parasprites. Now I know how Lucifer felt when he looked down on us insignificant humans. I was looking at the ravaged Canterlot, and then I Focused my wings to launch countless beams of pure light.

It was world of light made with MLP sauce, I watched the city as the beams of light eradicated every single bit of parasprites, and soon enought, Canterlot looked like a big lightbulb sticking on a mountain. After this, the parasprites were no more, besides the countless parasprites souls that were roaming the city.

"Here, it's done, there's only their souls remaining." I explained to the shocked ponies behind me, they just stared at me, the guard wasn't even there, I guess he went on duty, he may be around the city standing still shocked, I'll worry about the poor dude later.

"That. Was. AWSOME." RD exclaimed while flying around like... a fly.

"What was that spell?And what do you mean by souls?" Twilight asked curiously, not the normal curiously, the mad curiously.

"It wasn't a spell, that's litterally a part of myself I just launched. And for the souls, don't you see the countless balls of energy with an image of a parasprites roaming pretty much in every corner of the city?" I said, she just stared at me like I was crazy. I guess they can't see them.

"Nevermind that, you need to tell me how you made your clothes so shiny!" Rarity exclaimed while looking at my fading glowing clothes.

"Like I said, everything I do that looks like magic is not, it's actually how I look like when I embodied Light." I explained, yes I made up the story but what do I say if not? And it's pretty plauseable so no worries.

"Those poors little things..." Fluttershy quietly commented while looking at the ravaged city, without a single parasprite.

"Oh don't worry, I can make them come back." I said while motionning a random soul of a parasprite passing by, they just looked confused by my action, then, I made the soul glow, then, a parasprite was chilling on my palm.

"Oh how wonderful!" Fluttershy said while hugging the little pest, and just after that, it started to vomit and reproduce.

"Sorry Fluttershy but you know how it goes." I said while beaming the soul out of the two parasprites, litterally. Fluttershy just stared then had a tear trail down her face, I hate when it's Fluttershy that does that. But she didn't cry, she just had a tear, and nodded.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Maybe you should help repairing the city with your powers?" Celestia said popping up behind me, she looked like the Princess Celestia and not just Celestia.

"I don't know, maybe I should get the creator team here." I said while thinking about the countless master hands under my command, well I think I have them under me because I'm Galeem and Darkhon at the same time, I should get the master hands because the crazy hands destroys and don't create, unlike master hands.

"The creator team?" Celestia questionned, I just smiled at her and looked at the sky, then I Focused, soon enought, the sky started to glow, like a new sun was in the sky, then, thousands of master hands started to appear and come towards me.

"This is the creator teams, they create universes and coutless worlds, that's why they are called the creator team, there's of course the destroyer team but we don't need them now, actually, we do." I explained while Focusing on the sky again. Then, the sky broke, a fissure in reality open, and thousands of crazy hands came out, they looked exactly like master hands but unlike them, they are darker and spasm once in a while.

"That's the destroyer team, they destroy universes and countless worlds, total opposite of master hand." I explained, I stared at them, they all blue screened.

"Ah damn, I broke them again." I said to myself, then I turned to my 'army'.

"Okay boys, the master hands are gonna rebuild the city and the crazy hands are gonna destroy the mess and rumbles around, also cleaning the city so it looks shiny." I said to them, and they all started to fly in the city, I could see building raising from the ground and rumbles having their molecules destroyed from existence.

"Just need to wait them, so, who wants tea?" I said to the rebooting ponies, they all nodded for whatever reason but I guess they all want tea, so we all returned in the dining room and I ordered tea for everpony, the maids just looked at me, I looked at myself, and saw that I had my wings still on.

"Oops, sorry." I said while making my wings disappear, the maid just stared at me, then took my order.

"While we wait for the tea, do you girls know where those parasprites come from?" I asked, they just shook their heads.

"Just a question, when was the last time they were seen." I asked.

"About two years ago, when I was still new in Ponyville." Twilight replied. But then she stood up and hitted the table

"Nevermind that! What are those hands?! You said they created and destroy universes?! How is that possible?! And don't say they're part of yourself because I doubt that they are!" She exclaimed, I just motionned her to calm down and sit.

"Well, how do I say this? Oh, you know about balance?" I asked, they all nodded.

"The hands are like balance, they exist to maintain the balance of everything let's say, so they always battle to get control, and these battles make the celestial phenomenon like supernovas and other kind of stuff, and I'm kind of the anomaly in here, because I control both the master hands, the hands that create, and the crazy hands, the hands that destroy." I explained, they just looked confused by this.

"What do you mean anomaly?" Celestia asked.

"What I mean is that, in every phenomenon that exists, there's always an anomaly, for exemple, magic, and Pinkie Pie." I said, Twilight just looked furiousby this, but seems to agree with the part of Pinkie Pie being an anomaly, who immediatly made a party canon shoot at me, now I had confeti all over me, and I heard a giggle from Pinkie Pie, who somehow shotted me without even moving from her chair.

"WHAT?! I get it for Pinkie Pie, but MAGIC?! Let me explain something to you, magic is-" Twilight started to say but I cutted her by saying.

"An anomaly. Let me explain, in every universe, there's the law of physics, and when you add magic, the laws become unstable, but because of magic still, it doesn't break down and destroys the universe, that's litteraly an anomaly, and because of magic, you ponies need to take control of the celestial bodies to just survive, where in other worlds, you don't have too because the celestial bodies move by themselves because of stable laws of physics." I explained.

"And for Pinkie Pie, she is an anomaly because you know why. Oh yeah, and because of magic, the Everfree Forest exists." I said, now it was Celestia's turn to stand up.

"What?! I tought the Everfree Forest was a curse made by the Ancient Ones countless years ago!" She exclaimed.

"Again, curses are like permanent spells, and I guess it was unstable because the Everfree Forest is the only place where the laws of nature exists, because there's animals, predators and the weather that takes care of themselves." I said, but before they could say anything else, the balconny became very noisy, we all looked outside, and we all saw the master hands and crazy hands batteling.

"See, that's what happens when I'm not supervising them, sorry to cut the explanation of litteraly everything but I got an army to take care of." I said before going to the balcony and ordering the hands to return to wherever they came from., it was fun to talk with the girls and breaking down their concept of reality, I guess only Discord can understand that.

"Well, talk about the devil." I said because I could sense something coming, it's easy to notice because when it happens, I have the coldest skin ever. And surely, the devil himself was here, Discord.

"Hello Celly and the girls. Hello Fluttershy!" He exclaimed while hugging Fluttershy, who blushed. I guess that because it's Discord, I don't mind if he's like that to Fluttershy, I mean, if Fluttershy have like, just a wound, he would break the reallity and heal it, while having trillions of himself roaming the whole universe to find whoever or whatever did this, and destroy every molecules that made the criminal.

"Oh hey! If it isn't the Lord of Chaos himself! It's an honor meeting you." I said while making a little bow, ponies don't understand but man, the guy may be a jerk sometimes but he deserves respect just for the power that he wields.

"Well well well, at least someone respects me." Discord said while coming and examining me, he's so gonna shake when he'll notice my 'impossibly limitless power'. Too bad his eyes just widen.

"W-w-w-what a-a-are y-y-y-you?" He asked pointing me while backing away, I just looked at him with my two terrifying 'eyes'.

"I am just the Lord of Enlightening Darkness dear Chaos Lord." I said, he just looked at me, and the girls looked at him and then look at me~e. hrm sorry.

"What, what is it Discord?" Celestia asked, of course she would because only she knows that, when Discord doesn't mess around and looks like this, wich was never before seen might I add. It was a serious matter.

"What is it? Well, it is that this Lord over here can destroy our world if he wants to, don't you notice the limitless power he weilds?" He said while pointing at me, she just looked confused and stared at me.

"What? You want a proof of what he's saying? I mean, I should probably not because the last time I did, you nearly died just standing next to me, and I didn't even released so much as ten to the power infinity of my power." I said, now that they realised th amount of power I had, their eyes widen, and on instinct, Twilight and her friends shot the Friendship Rainbow Lazer at me, wich turned me into ston.

"Oh no, what did we do?" Twilight asked, RD just looked prideful, AJ was confident, Fluttershy cried, Rarity fainted, Pinkie Pie had her hairs straight, Twilight was lost in thoughts, Discord just stood there and stared at me with the 'you deserve it' look, and Celestia blue screened.

You know, it's rude to turn someone into stone, your lucky I'm not vengeful because I'm pretty sure that if I was, reforming me would not work on me, and that pony kind would stop existing litteraly.

I said with my godly voice, they all just had chills from that, and they all stared at my statue, as it started to break down into nothing while a blinding light shot throught the fissure, and that a deep bottomless shadow was envlopping the stone. Then...


I was now standing there where there was my statue.

"So, is that enought proof for you?" I asked, they just stood there blue screening.

"Well, until you reboot your brains, I'm gonna take some air outside, being turned to stone isn't really good for lungs that's for sure." I said while going to the balcony.

Author's Note

Okay here's the thing, I have an editor but this story will not be edited by him, I want to see how I do without edit.

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