
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 15: Kargarok Swarm

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Many griffons brainwashed by Majora's magic as well. First Cadence and now some of these majestic griffons have been turned, too. Gilda and Grandpa Gruff were especially frightened and shocked by this unfortunate event, and Gabe, the young griffon boy went to hide in a trunk in his house. It was about to get really ugly now, half of the griffons that weren't brainwashed would not want to fight any of their own friends or family that were corrupted by Majora's magic, as a matter of fact, many of them were so shocked and stunned by what just happened, they didn't know what to think of this horrible event.

Discord thought it was a little intriguing, and he said: "This just keeps getting better and better every time. What else can happen?"

Link, Colin, Twilight, Fluttershy, Mathayus and their friends stood tall, and ready for a fight. "Wait!" said Gilda, coming in between her old friends and the brainwashed griffons. "I can't let you hurt my own friends like this!"

"We won't kill them, young griffon." said Mathayus. "But we have to fight any brainwashed griffons to return them to normal." He readied his sword and shield for yet another fight, as did Link and Colin. "Now move aside, we have to end this."

"He's right, Gilda." said Rainbow Dash. "We have to take them down in a non-lethal way."

Gilda was very reluctant, and so was Grandpa Gruff. "But what about the buildings? everything we worked so hard to rebuild? The last thing we want is our glorious buildings to crumble into shambles again." he made a hoarse gasp "And my bits! Oh, my bits! What will become of my precious little darlings!?"

"Gruff, calm down." said Twilight. "They'll be fine, and so will the buildings. Besides, if you rebuilt Griffonstone to it's former glory once, you can rebuild it again."

"Fair enough." said Greta. "I hate to say it Gild, but they're right. We need to take them down."

"Good luck trying to hurt the ones you care about." Majora sang cruelly. "Oh, and one last thing." he snapped his fingers again, and a large flock of Karkaroks and Guays squawking and cawing in their harsh sounds, coming from the mountains to the left, all coming to destroy Link and his friends.

It looked like there were hundreds, or even thousands of these evil birds coming to cause havoc in the city of Griffonstone. All of them formed in a group, and swooped down at the city, all targeting Link and his cronies. Luckily, they all dodged just in time and the monstrous birds went back in the air.


Meanwhile, Gilda and the other free griffons were fighting off or wrestling some of the brainwashed griffons, trying to prevent them from harming the heroes. Grandpa Gruff was a little slow and fragile because of his old age, but he tried his best to fight, even though he felt his back aching once in a while.

Some of the other griffons were fighting off the kargaroks and guys instead, usually gaining the upper hand because they were slightly bigger than kargaroks, and smarter to go with it. Gilda herself was fighting ferociously against them, and she used her beach to rip out a kargarok’s throat out,

Link and Colin would sometimes use their shields to bash them away, mostly on the guays since they were small birds. The hero was more obliged to shoot his arrows at any guays or kargaroks, and it would usually do one arrow to kill the smaller ones, and for the bigger monstrous birds, it would have to be a headshot for them to die, or a hit from one of his bomb arrows.

The Master of Chaos was using his karate moves and chaotic tricks against these birds, turning some of them into fried chicken. "Ha! Bon appetite!" he sang. "Now I won't get hungry." then he continued fighting the other enemies.

Lyra was blasting her magic at her enemies away and she was fighting so well, and the same for Bon Bon who would use her Kung fu skills against them all.

Fluttershy used her stare on any guay or kargarok that tried to hurt or swooped down on her. That move would make them stop dead in their tracks, and hovered as they looked quite scared. “Now, you stop attacking us and the griffons right now, or you will all be sorry!” She berated them.

Some of them did as the yellow Pegasus ordered them to do, and cowardly flew away in terror. Fluttershy made her adorable smile again and thought of how useful her stare can be in enemies like this, especially if they were under the command of an evil spirit named Majora.

Little did she know that one if the brainwashed griffons was coming up from behind for a sneak attack. Before the Griffon could swipe at her with her claws, she was suddenly kicked on the right side of her body, and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Fluttershy looked to see what just happened, and Mathayus panted, cracking his knuckles in triumph. “Oh, thanks for saving me, Mathayus but, what happened exactly?”

“I just punched her side and knocked her out cold.” The darknut leader replied.

Rainbow Dash was fighting with a kargarok in the sky and she tried bumping into the bird with her body, but this one was smarter than the other ones, and it bumped her back as payback. Despite how powerful that blow was, Rainbow was quick, nimble, and regained her flying pattern in a few seconds. “Hah! You call that a bump?” She taunted.

The kargarok let out a loud, hoarse squawk at her in return, and tried jabbing wt her face with it’s large beak, but to little affect on her, despite how slightly painful it was being poked on her cheeks.

“Ow! That hurt!” Rainbow growled, and she tried riding on it to try and knock it to the ground, or make it tired and exhausted from carrying her. Before the bird knew it, Rainbow grasped it’s head with her hooves and twisted it’s neck with a loud crunch heard. Turns out that she had literally broke it’s neck, and it killed the kargarok instantly.

Rainbow watched in triumphed as she brighten another enemy to justice. While laughing and gloating at how she handed that monster, something was pecking all over the back of her head.

She looked back and saw three guays squeaking and being pests to her. “You’re In for it now, stupid birds!” She Said. She the. Kicked one kargarok, then took the second one out right hoof, and head-butted third one in the head, knocking it to the ground. “Nothing to it.”

Meanwhile, Applejack was stomping on many guays and kargarok that we’re trying to hurt her, and Big Mac was doing the same, and it was more successful when he stomped on them to death because of his tremendous strength.

“These are worse than vamori fruit bats.” Said Big Mac

“Yep.” Applejack agreed with her elder brother. “Way worse.”

A couple of brainwashed griffons were closing in on Epona and Link. “Give it up!” Said one of them.

“You don’t stand a chance against lord Majora.” Another one added.

“We’ll see about that.” Link remakee with his eyes narrowed. He knew he couldn’t kill these griffons, so he had to be careful with fighting them. One of them charged at Link, and he simoky bashed her head with his shield.

The second one charged at Epona, but she was fast, and stopped him by giving him an uppercut in the face. “Boy, this just keeps getting better and better.” She muttered. “More enemies to fight.”

No matter how many kargaroks and guays were taken down, fewer and fewer were coming to the fight and try to stop the heroes from continuing onwards in their quest. Spike blew as much fire at his enemies and tried using his claws to scratch at any swooping guays, making them fall like a crashing plane.

“They just keep coming!” Said Twilight. “Do you know how many there are?”

“I don’t know.” Said Rarity. “There is just so many of these brutes.” She saw an incoming Kargarok, let out a small yelp, and blasted it away with her magic. "At least we have magic!"

"Time for Party cannon power!" Pinkie sang. She pulled out her cannon and readied her confetti. Without hesitation, she fired at incoming enemies from the sky that tried to swoop down on her like harbingers, and it blasted them away, and came crashing to the ground like fighter jet planes. "Pony power!"

Spike was burning his opponents away with his fire breath while hovering in midair. For the guays, it only took a few seconds for them to go down dying, but for the kargaroks, it took longer, much longer that it took about ten more seconds, that he had to dodge out of the way from a few charge attacks from the large bird monsters. Still, Spike was fighting strong against them. Just then, he felt himself being grabbed by a brainwashed griffon from behind, and struggled to break himself free.

"Come on little boy!" he said. "There's no use resisting."

"Yeah? Watch this." then Spike bit his right arm, making the griffon yell in pain, and he instantly broke free.

Some griffons were having some grudge matches against kargaroks, that they would clung on one another and tried to tip each other's faces off before crashing to some buildings on the ground. The griffons were the ones victorious and beat the kargaroks.

Mathayus simply broke his enemies necks left and right that were trying to attack him. They all didn't know how much longer they would keep this up, but they had to continue fighting these monsters for the well-being of Equestria and Griffonstone.

A few buildings were destroyed and many brainwashed griffons were turning back to normal after being defeated in a non-lethal way.

It took a little while, but the last of the kargaroks and guays were defeated, and it seemed like the battle have won, and there were no more enemies left. Just before everyone could celebrate their supposed victory, a gigantic sword appeared out of red light. Link recognized that sword while venturing in the Arbiter's grounds in the Gerudo desert in searching for the Mirror of Twilight with Midna.

He recognized what was going on here. "It can't be." he muttered. Link thought he got rid of that evil spirit, but he suddenly came back?

"Whoa, what is that?" said Lyra

"Death sword." Link muttered.

The monster let out a few squawks and swung his mighty red and black sword four times at the others. The sword hit the ground with a mighty "clang!" every time it hit the rocky ground. Link knew how to take care of this beast before, and he transformed into a wolf, and used his vision. He leaped off the ground and landed on the monster's chest, biting it ferociously.

After he was done, Death Sword revealed itself, giving everyone a scare of how hideous and scary it looked. He let out a guttaral roar at them, and hovered in midair.

Link turned back into a Hylian again and pulled out his clawshots. "Stand back, guys!" he warned. he fired his left clawshot at Death Sword, stunning him, and pulled out his bow and arrow. He was using his bomb arrow this time instead of his regular arrows, and fired at Death Sword, knocking him down on the ground.

He and Colin were about to do the finishing blow on him together, but before their swords can touch him, the ghostly creature disappeared and swung his sword at both boys, knocking them both out. Mathayus rushed in to their aid, and swung his mighty sword at this villainous, monstrous spirit.

The sound of heavy clanging steel were heard, and Pip shouted: "be careful Mathayus! He seems dangerous!"

"Don't worry about me!" said the Darknut king. "I have dealt with far worse monsters than this one."

As he continued fighting Death Sword, Link and Colin regained consciousness and got back on their feet. There was no holding back for them now, and joined in on the fight against this vile being. Now it was three against one for this fight.

"Kick his undead butt!" Gilda cheered on for the three swordsman.

"Make him hurt!" Greta added.

Colin performed the back-slice on Death Sword, stunning him, and Link did the same after his good friend, and then Mathayus was about to pierce him in the chest, but the monster was fast, and crossed blades with the darknut chief again.

Link was oblidged to pull out his Great Fairy Sword on his right hand. Now he was fighting more ferociously at this undead foe, and lashed a series of slashes and slices to and fro at him at a great speed.

At last, having enough of this, Link pierced Death Sword from behind and when the monster fell on the ground, Link gave him the finishing blow by slashing the Great Fairy Sword it with a magical beam emitting from it.

Like that, the unholy Death Sword vanished, and there was nothing left, but it's long robes, slowly falling to the ground like a leaf falling from a tree during autumn. It didn't take long, but the sword exploded into a bunch of pieces of dark purple dust. Now the battle has won for the heroes. Everyone and the griffons rejoiced in the victory against this evil.

"You saved us all!" said Greta. "Griffonstone is safe!"

"We're sorry about the buildings, Gilda." said Applejack.

"It's fine. It's like Twilight said before: we rebuilt those buildings before, we can rebuild them again. Besides, there's only four buildings demolished right now."

Link then noticed a small piece of the mask shard from the robe of the remains of Death Sword, and picked it up. Another piece of the Fierce Deity's Mask for the finding. He put it in his magic pouch, and felt good about himself again. "Is everyone alright?" he asked the griffons.

Gabe came out of the house he hid in, and the other griffons replied to Link saying they were all okay.

"Thanks to you, young man, and your friends." Gruff said proudly. Of course, being as old as he is, he let out another hoarse cough.

"And what was that piece you collected out of that monster?" asked Greta.

"A shard of a mask that can help me defeat Majora once and for all." he pulled out his Great Fairy Sword again, and wondered if this can help him, too. "This can help me too."

All of a sudden, a peculiar laugh was heard and Kit the Keaton appeared once again. "Boy, that seemed like a rough battle for all of you. But I knew you could clear Griffonstone from this evil. Well done everybody."

"Who's the fox?" said Gilda

"That's Kit." Colin said. "And he's a Keaton."

"That I am."

"We got what we came for, and Griffonstone is safe again." Twilight said. "Now it just leads to Zebrica, right?"

"That is correct, princess."

"Perfect!" said Discord. "Then Zebrica is where we must all go." He clapped his hands in triumph

"I hope everyone is alright." said Fluttershy

"Don't worry about us, Fluttershy." said Gilda. "We're tough, we're strong. Take it from Rainbow Dash."

"I know. I believe you."

"Come on guys. Next stop, Zebrica." said Link.

Next Chapter: Plains of Zebrica Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 38 Minutes
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