
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 14: Great Galloping Griffons!

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The city of Griffonstone was looking quite better since the last time Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash visited there. The nests, and or houses were rebuilt to their former glory, thanks to Gilda and her methods of friendship, making both Rainbow and Pinkie glad that Gilda took their advice to rebuilding the city. Despite how good it looked, something was very wrong in the midst, if Kit the Keaton said so, then there is some trouble brewing in the griffon capital of the world. Looking around, Link and Colin were amazed by how these creatures looked, and how graceful they were.

Link heard of griffons in stories and books, but he never thought that he would see any of them in real life. These type of creatures certainly looked majestic in his eyes. There were so many types of griffons, such as owls mixed with lions instead of eagles, and some having lower bodies of a tiger instead of a lion.

While walking through the main road, they both came across the statue of the fallen king: Grover. Something was very wrong. The slightly ruined statue was shrouded in dark aura, similar to how the Whitetail Woods was before they killed the timber wolves to get that mask shard. They knew they were all on the right track to get this next shard of the Fierce Deity's mask.

"Hmm, it's not like a statue to be spewing aura all over around itself like a storm cloud." said Epona.

"Yeah. I think we must be getting close to the mask shard." said Pinkie. "I just hope mean-meanie monsters haven't tried and attack Griffonstone. The last thing I would want is this city to looked completely ransacked, and poorly kept again, and-"

"Pinkie!" Twilight stopped her. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

"Sheesh, always a chatterbox, aren't you Pinkie Pie?" said Discord.

"Ask anypony." said Fluttershy to herself. "Where's Gilda or Grandpa Gruff?"

Just then, something was sniffing Link's torso on the right, and it was a brown and white griffon that looked a little tomboyish. Turns out this griffon was curious about Link. Colin himself was being sniffed by something, like a curious pig or a dog smelling him. It was a rather small griffon with a white head and a grey fur coat to go with his lion body.

"What kind of monster are you?" asked the kid curiously while tilting his head to the left shoulder.

"Monster?" said Colin. "I'm not a monster. I'm a Hylian."

"Hey Rainbow Dash." said brown and white griffon. "How are things?"

"I was just about to ask you about the statue, Gilda." the cyan pegasus mare replied.

"But first, what are you two weirdos?" Gilda asked Link and Colin. "I totally recognize you, Discord." she pointed to the Master of Chaos."

Discord looked flushed. "Well, I'm flattered I have fame around these parts, even out of Equestria."

"My name is Link." said the hero

"I'm Colin." the boy added.

"Heh. Yeah, what kind of weird monsters are you?" Gilda asked them both

"Gilda!" Fluttershy scolded. "They are not monsters. They are good friends."

The griffon was taken aback, and she suddenly remembered her. Fluttershy realized her mistake and looked very sheepish. The poor yellow pegasus remembered how she first met Gilda, and did not go well. "Wait, I know you. You're that yellow pony that I...." Gilda's eyes then opened wide, realized the day she first met Fluttershy. "Ohh... Oh boy."

Fluttershy timidly looked at her. "H-hello Gilda."

"You know each other?" asked Discord

"Yeah I... I made her cry because of my bad attitude." Gilda admitted flatly. Discord gasped and had a fire in his eyes, ready to literally break her back with his strength, or gouge her eyes out for hurting his closest friends' feelings.

"It's okay, Discord." Fluttershy calmed him down. "I know you mean well, but Gilda has changed."

"Yeah. Flutter shutter right?" Gilda asked


"Right. Look, I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings when I first came to Ponyville." Gilda looked a little embarrassing and sheepish because she has hardly apologized to someone all her life before.

Just then, Fluttershy hugged her tightly, making the young Griffon a little embarrassed to be given a display of affection like that. “Thank you, Gilda.” She said to her. “I forgive you.”

Gilda was touched and she hugged her back. “Thanks. But, can we okease stop hugging now?

“I really hate to break up a heartwarming moment.” Said Mathayus, “But we need to find out the mist of that statue. And where we can find a mysterious shard for a mask.”

“Well. That’s what we’re wondering also, good sir.” Said an old and mildly raspy voice. It was a Grandpa Gruff walking up to them. They all recognized the crazy old hermit when the see him. He gave a small cough, sounding like he was dying of old age, but death won’t come to him yet. “This just happened this morning, and we all have no idea why it s going around the statue of our beloved king Grover himself.”

“Well, I think I do, mister...”

“Gruff, kid. Grandpa Gruff.”

“Good. I’m Link, and I come from another sir, same with my friend Colin here.”

“Hello.” The boy said.

“Well, aren’t you way far from home?” Said Gilda.

“That would explain a lot.” Said the child Griffon. “I’m Gabe.”

“And I’m Gilda.” The teenage Griffon added. “And yeah, we don’t know where this mist come from around the statue.”

“It’s a spirit from my world named: Majora,” Link theorized. ‘What I mean is... it’s a little complicated, but my ancestor defeated that monster many years ago, but he has come back as a spirit.”

“So you brought him here?!” Gabe accused.

“What? No! No!”

Many griffons were angrily accusing Link of causing that problem with the statue. It was like they were all going to hurt him for it, when they were stopped by Fluttershy and the others go orevent the griffons from doing so. “Hold it!” Said Rainbow Dash. “Link did not do it!”

Lyra was the next to speak, and she said: “Yeah! He is a hero in his home and Equestria!”

"Okay, okay, sorry." Said Gilda. "But it's not just the statue. Some evil, scary-looking creatures."

"Really scary-looking creatures." Gabe added.

"What kind of creatures?" Asked Twilight.

"Well, there were these blue goblin things that tried to freeze us and or burn us with their magic wands." Gruff explained. "And these other type of goblin creatures with pointy ears with dreadlocks and machetes."

"Wizzrobes and bokoblins." Link recognized. "Any other creatures?"

"Yeah, there were some large, hairless, scary birds with yellow eyes, and they looked like chicken-vultures." Gilda added.

"And they squak so loudly." Said a Male griffon that looked like an owl. "A whole flock of them came and tried to kill us all."

"Uh-oh. Kargaroks." Colin knew what they were alright, considering the fact that Link and him have encountered those monsters at Hyrule field before.

"Oh! And these weird, chameleon monsters have been terrorizing us before in town." Gruff explained some more.

"Ah! Dodongos!" Said Mathayus. "Thowe foul beasts are known to breath fire."

"Yeah, there's a few of them terrorizing my house right now." Said a mother griffon with a husband and three kids. "Can you please get rid of them for us?"

"No problem." Link volunteered himself. "Take us to your house and show me where they are."

"Of course. Come with me."

Then Link and his friends walked over to the mother griffon's home. Colin was with him, and the two Hylians cautiously walked inside the house.

As she said, there were three dodongos in there, two clung to the walls with their sticky feet, and one on the floor.

Nonetheless, Link pulled out his great fairy sword, and readied himself. "Stay back Colin. I got this."

With one hand holding the sword, and the other hand holding the shield, Link swung the magical blade at the first one with one slice.

The dodongo fell dead on it's belly, and vanished, then Link took care of the second two with magical beams from the blade.

Like the first one, they were both killed in one hit, and vanished.

"Thank you, Link." Said the mother.

"You're welcome."

A scream was heard and it was a griffon named Greta. "Guys! Those magical wizard things are back!" She shouted while panting.

Out of thin air, four wizzrobes appeared, two ice elemental and the other two fire elemental. All four of them were cackling in a crazy laugh like a pair of witches instead of wizards.

And it was just then Majora appeared out of thin air, too. "I deeply commend you and your friends for finding the precious shards of the Mask that I hate, but they were only the beginning."

"Majora! Leave these griffons alone!" Link demanded.

"And go away!" Fluttershy called in anger.

"Uhhhh.... no! But, if you are looking for some more fun, I will give it to you." Then he blasted a wave of dark magic at many griffons that were in his sight.

They all fell to the ground, looking like they were all dead, but they slowly got back up, affected by the magic. Almost all of them were turned into brainwashed minions with sharper claws, sharper beaks, and shining red eyes.

"Uh-oh." Pinkie sang. "This could be trouble.

Next Chapter: Kargarok Swarm Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 48 Minutes
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