
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 16: Plains of Zebrica

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Back in Ponyville, Link. Twilight, Applejack, and the others were looking for someone that would help them all out on their quest to Zebrica: which was her home. It was Zecora they were all seeking, for she came from Zebrica before she moved to Ponyville, and she would know it more than anyone else in town.

Through the Everfree forest, everything was the same in this dangerous part of Equestria: mysterious, creepy, and eerie to go with it.

The Elements of Harmony knew these woods very well since they have been to it countless times on more than one occasion. After what Majora was doing, it made everything in the Everfree not very scary.

Manticores, chupacabras, cockatrices, and kragadiles were one thing, and not very dangerous (as long as you know how to handle these monsters), but if Majora infested this area with this magic, it would take everything scary in the Everfree forest to a whole new level.

Everyone would be lucky if Majora didn't come here at all, fle this would be a perfect place to cause some more havoc, and if he changed any monsters by muting them under his command, then these monsters would cause havoc beyond imagining across Ponyville, and eventually the whole world as well.

Link remembered the way to Zecora's home, or at least, he was trying to remember the best he can, and she lived in a hut outside of Ponyville.

"This place looks a little more spooky than I remember." Link muttered to himself before cutting a few branches and vines in his way.

"I certainly hope we don't run into a bunch of scary creatures in here." Fluttershy remarked in a mildly shaky voice.

"Oh we'll be just fine." Said Big Mac. "Besides. Those kargaroks, goats, and that lion monster was way more scary than a cockatrice or any of those varmints found here."

"True." The yellow pegasus realized.

"We're almost there, everypony." Twilight said. She knew the way to Zecora's quite well in this place.

After about another five hundred yards, there found the hit looking normal as ever.

Twilight promptly knocked on the front door, and waited for an answer. "Hello?" Twilight said. "Anypony home?"

At last, after a few seconds, Zecora opened the door, and was more than happy to see Link, Colin, Mathayus, and Epona again.

"Ah hello my friends." She said warmly. "What brings you to my home?"

"It's good to see you again, Zecora." Link smiled. "We need to talk."

"Of course. Do come inside."

As everyone settled in the hut, Zecora was more than ready to hear what was going on right now.

"We have had a few... problems along the way." Said Starlight Glimmer. "You remember how Link came to Equestria in the first place?"

"How can I not?" Zecora said humbly. "It was good to first meet that peculiar lot."

"Well, we need your help again, Zecora." Said Starlight.

"Zecora," Link began talking now. "An evil, ancient foe from a long time ago, something even more powerful than Ganondorf."

Zecora felt a little disturbed when Link began explaining to her what happened to some parts of Equestria recently. "Yakyakistan, the Crystal Empire, and Griffonstone were infected by his evil, but we all stopped it." Said Twilight. "Now we need to go to Zebrica to look for a shard of the Fierce Deity's Mask."

"It's the very instrument that helped Link's ancestor, the Hero of Time, stop Majora from spreading evil and destroying Termina." Fluttershy added. "This mask can help us defeat Majora once and for all. At least, it is powerful enough."

Zecora was silent for a moment, but she ultimately stated: That does sound very troubling, and I do believe you about some serious trouble coming soon, but, using dark magic against dark magic?" she took a sip of her aloe vera juice. "But should I warn you about the last user of dark magic: Nightmare Moon?"

“We’re aware of that,” Said Bon Bon. “But That was a few years ago.”

“And Link is a hero with a heart pure enough to resist that mask’s dark energy that might corrupt his mind.” Lyra added. “Besides, He has the power to turn into a wolf at Will if needed.”

“Fair enough.” Zecora remarked. “I have certainly seen Link fight in both Hylian and wolf form alike. And yes, I have seen Link is a pure-hearted Warrior of a true hero. But, what of the Master Sword? Isn’t it also known as: the blade of evil’s bane?”

“Yes.” Link said. “But, you haven’t seen how powerful he is.”

“He took control of princess Cadence with her dark magic, and brainwashed her to be his trusted serfs this.” Colin added. “Majora is more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Not to mention that he unleashed a horde of monsters at the castle in Canterlot.”

Zecora looked a little more surprised. “First Ganondorf And now an evil spirit from a mask named: Majora?” She was thinking why stuff like this keeps happening across Equestria. “And you need my help to look for a mask shard in my homeland?”

“Please?” Pinkie begged with a puppy dog look on her face. “You know Zebrica better than everypony.”

“Guilt as charged. But... i fear that my humble zebra friends and family back home might think I have turned my back on them by moving to Ponyville.”

“Nonsense.” Said Twilight. “They’re your friends and family, and they love you.”

“I’m certain they do not love me anymore.” Said the female zebra. “Now, I believe that they have all disowned me and written me out of their last will and testaments.”

The others had a doubtful feeling in themselves, knowing that it was probably silly for one’s family to disown her because she wanted a new life. “Zecora, please. You need to help us.” Spike urged her. “Think of how great your contribution will be if you help us with finding the other shards.”

“Spike’s right.” Said Rarity. “We have to search at every possible place for a mask shard if we are going to truly stop this Majora monster.”

“And quick.” Applejack added. “The longer we wait, the stronger that varmint Majora becomes.”

Starlight was the next one to speak to her again. “Can you trust us, our friends? At least take our word for it.”

Silent again, Zecora was a little reluctant about this, but nonetheless, she specifically said: “Very well. For old times sake, I will help you on your quest to look for the shards of this mask.” The others cheered at her final decision, knowing that Zecora couldn’t possibly ignore the pleas from her own friends. “However, I doubt that I will be welcomed with open arms, and the last thing I want is to raise a panic or an alarm.”

“Oh, that’s ridiculous and crazy.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, And I have heard the zebras in Zebrica are the friendliest type of ponies in the world.” Fluttershy added. “And their animals are so amazing.”

“Guilty as charged once again. And it is a beautiful place of land.”

“So, we need to get to Zebrica right now.” Link said

“Yeah, you need to come with us and help out if we’re going to find this next shard of the mask.” Pip added. “You’ll make a great impact in Equestria and be a hero once again.”

Zecora smiled and she bent down. “Thank you, little Pip. I suppose it will be good to set foot in my humble home again, and this would be a new experience for you all.” She took out her adventure pouch and packed a few things in it like: a few drinks, and some smoke bombs in case it gets really ugly. “What kind of monsters should I be aware of.”

“Well it’s bokoblins, moblins, Keese, probably lizalfos And dinolfos.” Epona remarked. “But we have seen new enemies called Wizzrobes.”

“We’ll tell you on the way Zecora.” Said Link. He pulled out his Great Fairy Sword this time again. “And this can come in handle with the Master Sword.”

Everyone went to Ponyville to catch a train to Zebrica and they were all off.

Next Chapter: Return of Thorax Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 33 Minutes
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