
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 13: Getting Through a Spooky Forest

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This fog was getting thicker and spookier every time Link and all his friends were passing through the territory of the Whitetail Woods in central-western Equestria. Many more stalhounds were trying to stop them all from continuing or pushing forward in looking for any mask shards in this peculiar area, but the heroes kept on going in their search. Everyone had their lights or flashlights with them at all times through their search, and they came across a small army of bokoblins and moblins (Though there was more bokoblins than the other enemy.)

Loud, screeching noises where coming from the bokoblins as they were running towards them with those evilly ugly faces, while the moblins were charging at them with their spears and some of them were even carrying falchions on their side for lighter weaponry.

"Uh-oh. More trouble." said Colin. He readied his sword and shield for yet another fight. The boy rolled to the right to avoid a swing from a moblin only having his two beefy hands as his weapons, and he felt himself being sliced in half by Colin.

"Nice finishing move, Colin." Link complimented him.

"Thanks. I've been practicing that with a couple of practice dummies back home. "Watch out!"

Link turned and saw a bokoblin trying to stab him with his machete, but he rolled to the left, and collided his sword with the monster's, the sound of heavy steel heard as they collided.

Eventually, the Bokoblin was decapitated with Link's spin attack, and four more of them met the same fate in that spin attack.

Mathayus easily overpowered the bokoblins and moblins standing in his way, and threw series of sword strikes, punches, and kicks. As a matter of fact, he kicked a moblin in The face, causing all his teeth to fall out on impact.

Storm kept behind his mother, who was fighting off a small horde of stalhounds that wanted to eat him since he was small and vulnerable.

"Get away from my boy, you undead flesh-addicts!" Said Epona before she bucked the stalhound into Oblivion, not even it's own mother would recognize him.

After the stalhounds were taken care of, Storm was trying his best to he brave and fight back at his enemies. He gave a moblin a small kick to his butt, making him howl in pain.

Realizing what he just did, Storm realized that he mad a valiant, yet funny effort, and clapped his hooves in triumph.

His gloating was short-lived when the moblin turned around, growling in rage after being kicked in the hindquarters like that.

"Grr, you'll pay for that one, kid!" Said the monster, ready to hack him into pieces with his falchion.

The poor foal began running away in fear, yelping like a scared dog.

Just then, something pounced on the moblin’s face, and it was Fluttershy and Pip, tackling the large moblin so he wouldn’t try and kill Storm.

“Take that you ugly monster!” Pip taunted it.

“How dare you try and hurt this poor, defenseless foal?” Said Fluttershy. “Have you no shame!?” Then she began punching the moblin until he was out cold. She stopped for a. I hate, and said to the foal behind her: “Don’t worry, Storm, i’ll help you. Now, go find your mommy.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Said the foal In gratitude. He went back to Epona for more protection, and decided not to do something rash like that next time. Pinkie was using Twilight’s horn as a machine gun type of weapon blasting every stalhohnd in their way into bits, and knocking the other enemies out cold.

“We’ll never find a mask shard here.” Said Colin.

“Sure we will, buddy.” Link encouraged him. “If it wasn’t here, there wouldn’t be so much enemies here to fight.”

“That is so true.” Said Lyra. “Look at how many are trying to kill us.” Then, she lifted a large rock with her magic and threw it. At a moblin in the face, “ha ha! Bullseye!” She gloated.

“Don’t get overconfident.” Said Mathayus. “overconfidence can be your greatest enemy.”

“Try telling that to Rainbow Dash.” Big Mac joked.


It was a rather long fight, but everyone managed to kill off the remaining enemies, and pushed forward. Colin took a drink of his stamina potion, and felt his strength coming right back to him in an instant. “We gotta be getting close to it by now.” Link muttered

“But it is here, right?” Asked Bon Bon.

“It’s here.” Link replied while sniffing the air. “Thanks to my wolf powers, I can smell it.” The. He transformed into a wolf and Colin did the same. “Here, this should make things go easier for all of us.”

both of them Began snifffing the ground with their enhanced sense of smell, and they ultimately got the scent of the mask at the northeast part of the road. “Ah-Ha!’ Colin exclaimed. “It’s gotta be down here.”

They both ran to where the smell was taking them, and the other followed after. Just then, a lot more stalhohnds appears from the ground, and Link began fighting a couple of them the old-fashioned way, like a wolf vs another wolf for territory. This was more than territory, for Link was fighting these beasts for a good reason.

Colin himself latched on to a stalhound and broke it’s neckbone with his sharp teeth after biting hard enough to make it snap like a twig. “These guys never learn to give up, do they?” He muttered

“As long as it’s the head,” Said Link. “They will go down.”

“Got ya.”

Mathayus was the one who took care of the zombie dogs with his mighty sword and strength, breaking many bones with his strength, and the sound of bones rattling on the floor was heard every few seconds.

There were no more stalhounds left, and everyone was panting from all that fighting all around them.

Still, they weren't too tired to look for any mask shards in this tainted part of Equestria. All of a sudden, a bunch of green eyes appeared from the shadows. Everyone readied themselves for another fight, and out of the shadows, came a pack of timber wolves (the actual wooden kind, of course). However, they looked a little... different somehow, for they had purple spikes coming out of their back, and their teeth look sharper, and the same with their claws.

"Funny," said Rainbow Dash. "Do these timber wolves look.... weird to you?"

"Uh, yeah." Said Pinkie Pie. "They look more... more..."

"Powerful." Link answered. "They've been affected by Majora's magic."

"Uh-oh." Twilight muttered. "Majora probably made them more dangerous and formodable."

"Regular timber wolves are one thing," said Applejack. "But ones infected by dark, evil magic is where I draw the line!"

All the evil wooden wolves charged them, snarling and growling, ready to rip all the heroes to shreds. Despite their numbers and enhanced power, they were easily being defeated, but one pounced on Pip, slobbering with his mouth open as it was about to eat Pip as it's lunch. However, Rarity zapped it with her magic into piles of lumber, and she helped the colt up. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Pip nodded her head at her with his adorable smile. "Yeah. Thanks, Rarity."

"Of course. Ooh, look out!"

Pip ducked and Rarity blasted her magic at an incoming timer wolf who was about to pounce on them both. "Nice shooting."

"Thank you, Pip." the white unicorn said in flattery.

As the fighting continued, there was only one timber wolf left to kill off, and Fluttershy kicked it in it's mouth. She would have used the stare on these beasts, but they are not technically animals. This timber wolf was the largest and strongest out of the rest of the accursed pack of wooden so-called dogs.

Something was shining inside of the alpha male, or everyone thought was the alpha male, for it had to be a shard of the Fierce Deity's mask. "That must be it." said Link to himself. He turned back into a Hylian, and he rushed up, and dodged a few swipes from the beast's claws, and decapitated it on the spot.

Link was about to grab the mask shard from the remains of the alpha, but then all the wooden remainings of the monsters formed into one, gigantic wolf. He remembered fighting a monster similar to this when he first came to Equestria, and he threw a bomb into it's mouth while it was busy roaring.

After the beast swallowed the bomb whole, it had little effect, probably because of the enhanced powers and health given to the beast by Majora's magic. Link tried using two more bombs while the others were distracting it. Bomb after bomb, it had little effect, and every time that his head blew into pieces, it regenerated like it was actually flesh or skin.

"This was so much easier the first time I killed a gigantic timber wolf. Majora, you clever monster." Link remarked to himself. He suddenly had a thought, and maybe if bombs can't work, maybe a little fire can. "Spike!"


"I got an idea." he approached him while ducking behind some trees. "I'm gonna turn into a wolf, then grab the shard from that monster, and after I get out, you burn that thing into millions pieces of firewood."

"What? But, I don't know if I'm powerful enough to burn a whole gigantic timber wolf to the ground." the baby dragon doubted.

"Sure you can." said Lyra. "Timber wolves are very flammable."

"I know but... look at that guy. He's huge."

"But what about you taking care of the freezards back in the Crystal Empire?" asked Colin

"That was different. They were made of ice, and fire is there only weakness." Spike countered.

"Come on, Spike. You have wings now." Twilight pointed. "You can do it. I know you can." she gave him an encouraging smile, and Rarity stepped up.

"I know you will succeed, Spikey-Whikey." Rarity said. "I know you will."

It was thanks to his not-so-secret crush that Spike felt the confidence rising within himself, and a bold look appeared on his face. He readied his wings, and then he said to Link: "Go get him. I'm ready." he said

"Good. I'll hit him with everything I got." said Link. He readied, and went off into the speed of light on all fours as a wolf. He hopped on the timber wolf's left front knee and went inside the mouth of the monster, looking like he wanted to get eaten by it. After a minute, the monster felt something upsetting in it's stomach.

Just then, Link sprung out of the stomach with the mask shard in his mouth, and left a large hole in the creature's right side of it's torso.

"Spike, now!"

The baby dragon nodded his head, and sprung into action, flapping his wings. Readying his breath, he blew out a big storm of green fire at the timber wolf while was wounded on it's side, and burnt the monster to crispy firewood, for it was slowly getting down, trying it's best to try and fight back, but the fire was too much for it, and collapsed into tiny pieces of burning wood.

"I... I did it." Spike cheered for himself. "I defeated the gigantic timber wolf!" then he got on the ground and he was giving commends for his bravery and heroic act.

"I knew you could do it, Spike!" said Fluttershy.

"Yes. Come here, darling." said Rarity before giving him a kiss on the forehead, making him blush in flattery. His vision was blurry, and he suddenly collapsed, but he was saved by Twilight. Everyone was shocked by what they saw, but then Spike slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm okay." he said in a mildly faint voice. "I just used so much energy in me to create all that fire."

"Oh Spike." said Twilight. "We didn't mean to make you use so much energy."

"it's okay, Twilight. I'm pretty sure there was no other way."


"Here, ride on my back, sweetie." said Rarity.


"Of course. What are good friends for?" Rarity replied.

Colin put on the Keaton Mask, and Kit appeared out of nowhere again. "We got the other mask shard." said he. "We're getting closer to bringing that mask together

"Ho ho ho, that you are Colin. And now you must go off into the Griffon's home to look for that mask." In a more serious voice, he added: "For there is a great trouble brewing over there."

"Oh no. Gilda." said Rainbow Dash in realization

"And Gallus." said Twilight. "We've got to help them."

"Right." they all said.

"Good luck on your quest, my friends." said Kit. Then he vanished again.

Next Chapter: Great Galloping Griffons! Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 55 Minutes
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