
The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 12: Whitetail Woods

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Everyone in the Crystal Empire was so happy that things were back to the way they were before: no blizzards, no heavy snowstorms, clear blue skies, and everyone was happy, Well... almost everyone. Cadence was sitting along at the Crystal balcony, looking down at her subjects, still feeling very guilty over what she just did, even if it was only Majora brainwashing her to do it.

Crying softly, Cadence swayed her head sideways, and looked away from everypony down there. Never has she ever pulled something like this before. “Cadence, are you okay?” Asked Shining Armor, walking up to her with Flurry Heart on his back.

“No.” Cadence replied. “Everypony was put in danger, and I almost killed my entire family because of Majora.” Flurry Heart couldn’t help but hover in front of acadn de with a sympathetic look on her face, and gave her a kiss on the left cheek. “Oh, thank you, Flurry. That does help me a little.”

“Sweetheart,” The Prince Said. “It wasn’t your fault. We all know who was to blame for all of this.”

“But, I could have stopped him.” Cadence remarked. “Majora was right in front of me, and I could have taken him out.”

Shining Armor gently patted his wife’s back, and said: “There was biting you could have done. He was way too powerful for us all.”

“Yeah, But... I was like... Nightmare Moon or something.”

“Don’t say that.” Said Twilight. “That was a very different time.”

“Yeah, what matters is that everypony is safe and sound, so what if you went all evil and berserk?” Then she was bonked on the head by Applejack.

“Two words, Rainbow Dash:” Said Applejack. “Not helping.”


“What she means to say,” Said Fluttershy. “Majora doesn’t have any influence on you anymore. We all saved the Crystal Empire from being turned into a land of frozen statues. You’re okay now, and so is your family, and everypony else in the Crystal Empire, safe and sound.”

“I know. It just.... had a grip on me.” Cadence admitted.

“But we have loosen that grip.” Said Lyra.

“There’s no need to feel so guilty, princess.” Mathayus added. “What's Done is Done, and now, we will face Majora again, and make him pay dearly for what he has done.”

“Majora!” Flurry babbled angrilly In baby talk over and over again. She wanted to bite his neck until it was comoketely off of his neck.

“Heh, well Said, Flurry.” Said Link. “Don’t worry, Cadence. Everything will be okay. Don’t be so hard or beat yourself down.”

Cadence opened her eyes and she said at last: "I know. You're right, I should rejoice that you all saved the Crystal Empire from the dark magic clouding over it, but... but..."

Shining Armor hugged her tightly, yet gently. "Hey, it's okay, dear. It's over now, and everyone is safe."

"Mommy." Said Flurry Heart. The baby hugged the princess of Love on her face again, and she was slowly starting to feel better and less guilty.

"Oh. Thank you, family." She remarked in gratitude. "You're both right, it's done and over, and I should stop being so hard on myself."

"Like they said, princess," said Rarity. "Majora was too powerful for you."

Colin then pulled out the Keaton mask again, and wore it on his face once more. He waited for a few moments, and Kit appeared magically out of thin air.

"Ah, the Crystal Empire has been restored. "Well done, Link and friends." Kit congratulated then all.

"But there's still shards of the Fierce Deity's Mask that we need to collect." Said Big Mac. "So this adventure is mighty far from over."

"Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong." Said Twilight, but we go to the Whitetail Forest now. Right?"

"Right you are, princess Twilight. Ho ho ho, you all catch on pretty fasy." Said Kit. "Indeed, that is where you must go next, and find the next shard of the Fierce Deity's mask. Be careful however, for Majora has placed many evils in that part of Equestria."

"Like?" Asked Spike

"That, you will have to see for yourself, dragon boy. You all know where it is, right?"

"Of course. It's about fifty miles west from Ponyville." Said Lyra. "It shouldn't be that dangerous."

"I don't know. Just go there for yourself and see how it looks, but like I have said, I'm sure you will do alright."

"Good luck out there, Twili." Said Shining Armor. "Be careful and come back safely."

"Don't you worry, BBBFF, we'll be just fine." They all exited the castle with Cadence and her family watching on them proudly.

Going back on the train, it was at full-steam ahead for the Whittail Woods

"Uh, mom?" Storm said to Epona

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I... I want to be more brave like you."

"Oh Storm." Epona sighed. "I know you want to help, but you are still a little... uncertain. I know you have the potential inside of yourself. Can you try and he brave?"

"I try and I try," said her son. "But those monsters just look so..."

"Not very friendly?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Yeah, like that."

"Come on, Storm." Said Pip. "It's not that big a deal. Take a look at Colin, he was a lot like you, until he found his inner bravery inside of himself, the same thing can happen to you."

"I get what you mean, Pip." Said Storm. "But, I just... can't be brave. I'm... too much if a wuss."

"Oh don't say that." Said Fluttershy. "You are not a wuss."

"But I am."

"Come on, kid." Said Rainvow dash, giving him a gentle pat on the back. "You just need to try harder."

Storm was silent for a moment, thinking about these words of encouragement, and how to be more like his mother, and Link, and Colin. "I will try harder next time."

"I know you will, Storm. You're my son, and you will get there one day." Then she gave him a kiss on his right cheek.

As the train ventured on through the northland, less and less snow was visible and they were seeing the beautiful, green grass and trees again with fields of flowers and small hills.

While still riding, Link was thinking about if it would be a good idea if he should use that mask worn by his ancestor to defeat that wicked Majora. The Hero of Time wore it before, and he had no problem with it at all, maybe Link can control himself while wearing the mask, too.


"Yeah, Fluttershy?"

"About that mask, are you sure it's a good idea?" The yellow pegasus asked him in a worried voice. "I don't want you to pose yourself to that mask."

"Don't worry about me, Fluttershy. " said Link. "I won't let a mask filles woth dark magic control my mind. I promise."

Fluttershy smiled. "Okay. Good. I just hope the animals in the Whitetail Woods are okay."

"We'll see when we get there, Fluttershy." Pinkie Pie reassured her. "Maybe it won't look so bad once we get there."

However, as soon as they got off the train, there was a thick purple cloud covering over the whole area, it was like day had turned into night already. It was almost impossible to see in this thick, purple fog, but Twilight and the unicorns used their magic as flashlights, while Pinkie Pie used a hair from her tail to pull out a flashlight from her mane.

"How do you even carry that in your hair?" Asked Link

"She's Pinkie Pie." Said Rainbow Dash. "A pony like her can do anything."

"Right. Good thing Shining Armor gave me and Colin some more lantern oil." Then he pulled that tool out again, as did Colin.

"Here, I suppose some of you will need flashlights through here." Said Discord, who was more than generous enough to conjure some flashlights for Fluttershy and a few others in need to see through this darkness.

"I don't like this." Said Link. "Something is very wrong."

"You think?" Bon Bon agreed. "But, maybe the mask shard is here somewhere."

"That is the only good thing." Big Mac agreed with her. "We ain't got no time to lose."

"And stay close everyone." Said Mathayus. "It would be easy to get lost in this thick mist."

"Yeah, it's thicker than tomato soup." Said Spike. "Not the good kind of tomato soup, either."

"Come on, let's see what we can find." Said link. He led the way with Colin next to him, and his friends following after him in this spooky, eerie mist.

On the way to look for the mask, something appeared from underground, looking like a bunch of skeleton dogs

"Uh-oh. Stalhounds." Said Twilight. "Fluttershy, I think you can take care of them."

"No problem at all."

Fluttershy gave the undead hounds a stern look, then she gave them her menacing stare.

"How dare you try to ambush me and my friends? Go back underground or you will have to listen to me."

Obviously, the stalhounds were looking quite terrified of her stare, and hurriedly went back underground from wence they came out from.

"There's some good dogs." She said with a smile. And the group continued forward in this expedition.

Next Chapter: Getting Through a Spooky Forest Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 3 Minutes
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