
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 9: Loss

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Rainbow Dash came to her senses laying in the shower, with water flooding down over her. A buzzing noise, subdued from what her brain was expecting, still came from between her legs. Reaching a hand down to her groin, she gently probed around. "Ffffuuuuuhhhhh…"

She was sensitive beyond belief, and something about that burned a wide grin onto her face that seemed impossible to remove. She knew she couldn't possibly turn the toy off with just one hand, so carefully gripped the base with her fingers and pulled at it.

Squealing, curling tighter around her body, Rainbow Dash felt a pulsing sensation from between her legs, and a muscle-shaking blast of lightning rush through her.

Minutes passed, and slowly Rainbow Dash surfaced from the mind-numbing pleasure. She focused on breathing, getting her body back under her own control. Reaching a hand up, she fumbled at the shower controls until the rain stopped.

Crawling slowly from the shower, Rainbow Dash was more lethargic than genuinely tired. She crawled all the way to her bed. Two choices presented themselves: Rainbow Dash could crawl over to the dog bed and curl up, or she could make an attempt for the living room. The bed, as high as it was, seemed too much of a challenge to get on. "Couch. I don't think I could actually sleep like this."

On all fours, Rainbow Dash made her way slowly through the house, not noticing the small wings fluttering on her back with nearly every step. Her living room, when she reached it, had a big couch set up in the middle of one wall, and it was to this she made her way.

Heaving up with all the strength she had, Rainbow flopped onto the couch, and saw a single blue feather floating through the air. "Wait, what?!" Without realizing it she had ponied up, but for the life of her Rainbow Dash couldn't remember when. "Eh, whatever." Mostly dry from her crawl from the shower, Rainbow was comfortable where she was, and reached for the television remote.

Putting on some cartoons, Rainbow Dash relaxed and thought of other things while the parasite worked in her head. With her ponied up, it burned through its stores of chemicals quickly, but to good effect.

The subarachnoid space in Rainbow Dash's head was now all but full of tendrils. If her skull was removed, it would look like her brain was wrapped in a ball of very fine string. The extra connections lay dormant, but the parasite was patient, once it was done with its own growth, then it would start putting the massive amount of additional connections to her brain to good work.

As it was, lazy thoughts chased around Rainbow Dash's head until she—and her parasite—got hungry again. Lunch was obtained for both, and Rainbow spent the rest of the day relaxing, or testing out the little vibrator even more.

Thunderbolt's master was gone again, but this wasn't new. His master was gone a lot, but she always came home to him again. Walking into the back of the house, he located his food bowl and grabbed a few mouthfuls, a splash of water, and settled down to wait for Rainbow Dash to come home.

Almost twenty seconds later, Thunderbolt got bored. Sitting up, he yawned widely and looked around the laundry. The bag his master had taken away with her—when she had been gone a long time—was sitting empty in the corner. Walking over to it, he sniffed inside. Rich smells hit him, including another dog. A little growl left his throat at the smell of the other canine, but it was faded, and not even half as interesting as the other smells. In the bottom of the bag was some gunky mud, and it tasted great to the big shepherd.

A memory came back to Thunderbolt. He wasn't a stupid dog, and remembered how angry his master had been when he had ripped up the last good-smelling thing he had found. So picking up the bag in his teeth, he pushed his way out through the flap in the back door and took the bag to his "secret lair."

Under the house, Thunderbolt pulled the bag as he crawled. There was the big white things that stopped him getting past, but finally he found his favorite spot. A hollow depression in the ground under the house was soon populated by a big dog and a bag. Sticking his snout back into the bag, now that he was safe, Thunderbolt smelled strange things that tickled all sorts of places in his head.

Freezing, Thunder lifted his back leg—at a tight angle thanks to the limited space—and started scratching at the back of his neck. Satisfied that the odd itch was dealt with, Thunderbolt turned back to his prize and started using his paws to rip at the bag.

Burrowing into the dog's neck had been swiftly done. The parasite worked as fast as it could to get away from its host's ability to stop it. Squirming, working the big fangs that let it burrow through soft tissue easily, it was soon working at the first layer of the dog's meninges. Sealing as it worked, the parasite worked past all the layers, and squirmed deeper into it's brain.

The moment the parasite fastened to Thunderbolt's cardiovascular system and started the slow process of growing into its host. A quick burst of drugs into the dog's system, and Thunderbolt barely had time to yawn before lowering his head. In seconds the canine was in an induced coma, and his permanent resident was establishing itself.

Rainbow Dash was curled up in her bed, snuggled up wearing only her panties. Of course she woke up horny, it had started to become normal for her. Slipping a hand down her belly, she giggled a little at the feel of the cuff around her wrist as it brushed down her body.

Sliding just a finger under her waistband, Rainbow scrunched her face up. "I need to wash…" Slipping out from under the covers, Rainbow Dash drew her finger free of her underwear and looked at it. The goop was stringy, and looked for all intents and purposes like "goop" should. "Good thing I wore a pad."

Rainbow slipped into the shower, relieved herself of her overnight tension, and was out and dressed in no time. Opening her bedroom door, she stepped into the hall and walked to the laundry. Thunderbolt wasn't there to greet her. "Where has he gotten to? Thunder!" She opened the back door and poked her head outside, but there was no sight of her pet.

Under the house, in a little nest of his own making, Thunderbolt remained asleep and unmoving. While the dog rested, the parasite in his head was exploring and attaching itself to him. The rate at which it worked seemed much lower than Rainbow Dash's, even right at the start.

"If you are just hiding somewhere again…" Rainbow was worried, however. Reaching to her pocket, she pulled out her mobile phone and started typing with her thumbs.

Hey Flutters, u seen thunder around? He's missing

Rainbow Dash hit send, and walked through to her kitchen. The usual breakfast was quick to put together. She cut up some fruit, and cooked some "quick" oats in the microwave. Combining the two gave Rainbow a good breakfast of porridge, and she was just sitting down to eat it when her phone beeped.

Sorry Rainbow, I haven't seen him. Is he okay, do u think

If a pet went missing in Canterlot, it almost always ended up with Fluttershy. Rainbow had to fight her first urge, to jump on her bike and race around blindly.

Saw him yesterday morning. He didn't turn up for dinner, and is still gone

Spooning her breakfast in, Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking about where Thunderbolt had gone.

Did u try looking under ur house

Leaving her breakfast, Rainbow Dash ran to her garage and grabbed a torch, then was at the back corner of the house, laying on the ground and shining her torch around. "You down here, boy? Thunder?!"

No answer came from the comatose Thunderbolt, and lying in a depression as he was, Rainbow couldn't see him either. Gritting her teeth, Rainbow jumped back up to her feet and walked inside.

Nope. Not there. Fliers?

No sooner had she hit send, when a message came back.

Def fliers

Heading back inside, Rainbow Dash made her way through to her study, and turned on her computer. It didn't take long before the screen lit up, and her familiar desktop was in place. Clicking on her browser, her brain seemingly on automatic pilot, Rainbow blinked as the website of Canterlot Crops came up.

"Later. Design fliers first, Rainbow Dash." Minimizing the window, Rainbow tried to forget the vibrators that had been flashed up in that instant. Opening up a blank document, she began building a flier that included Thunderbolt's picture on it.

For phone number, she put her house line's number, and in short order had the design finished. "Okay. List mode activate!" Rainbow rolled her eyes as she said the silly phrase, imagining Twilight gaining super powers because of her organizational skills. Rainbow wrote, "Visit toy store, get cuffs off," "Go to school and get fliers printed, post everywhere," and "Test out wireless vibe."

"I'll find you, Thunder." Some tears crept into Rainbow's eyes, and she reached up to rub them away. Checking the list again, she turned off the computer and plucked out the memory stick.

Rainbow grabbed up the other parts of the cuffs' set, figuring on returning it all if Spicy wouldn't play ball. She made her way back through the house, and Rainbow Dash's eyes kept straying to her wrists. "I don't hate them, I just don't want them locked on." That they could be locked on at all made Rainbow blush a little, but no arousal built.

The parasite was winding down its work for the morning, having grown yet more threads to link itself to Rainbow Dash's brain. It was acutely aware that it was almost done growing, and it had Rainbow's uniquely adaptive metabolism to thank for it.

Dreams were the parasites first doorway into Rainbow's mind, which meant that it entered a dormant state while it waited for a suitable moment to prompt her for food again.

Riding her bike, Rainbow Dash split her focus between the road and what was in her backpack. The little vibrator (not the wireless one) was wrapped up in some paper towel. She had cleaned it off, of course, but she knew that if she wound up using it, she would get it messy.

The time for caution was gone; Rainbow Dash parked her bike out the front of Canterlot Crops. Turning off her bike, she had to tell herself that she wasn't excited to go to the shop again. It was, after all, just excitement to get the cuffs off.

Taking the stairs two at a time, Rainbow Dash got to the top and pushed the door open. Pulling the collar and ankle cuffs from her bag, she dumped them on the front counter. Her eyes scanned the store. "Spicy!" Calling his name proved to be a good idea, because when she did his head popped up a few shelves down. To Rainbow's complete surprise, so too did a girl's.

Surprised, raspberry colored eyes looked back at Rainbow dash from beneath a tied-back mass of two-tone blue hair. White-blue skin was the least of the girl's features that Rainbow noticed, before she squared off. "Sonata?!"

"Oh cool. You two know each other? How interesting." Spicy Hot had a moment of revelation when he realized that it wasn't the usual, "Oh no, one of my friends saw me in the porn store," look, but instead there was a lot more going on.

"Wait!" Sonata held both hands up to ward off Rainbow Dash. "Look, I am really sorry about—"

"Really sorry? Really sorry?! You tried to mind-control everyone!" With her wings poking out, and her ears changing, Rainbow didn't notice that she grew a tail and her hair lengthened into a mane. "You have some nerve showing your face around Canterlot!"

Rainbow Dash's rage was slightly curtailed when Spicy Hot rushed up to her and he reached for one of her wings. "What are you doing?" She jerked back from him, but immediately brought her attention back to Sonata.

Only, when Rainbow looked back, the siren was hiding behind a rack of bondage gags.

"Oh wow! You really are a pony girl!" Spicy pushed his attentions again, but this time managed to keep from actually touching Rainbow Dash. "This is so cool. Can you really fly with them? My sister said you had all kinds of magic. What can you do?"

"Stop!" Rainbow stomped a foot, and she saw Sonata's head dip out of view behind the shelf. "Sonata, come out right now, and no funny business!" Moving slightly, she put herself between Sonata and Spicy. "And no singing!"

Taking a deep breath, Sonata stood back up and slowly walked to the end of the row, and came around it to face Rainbow Dash. "Look, this isn't some plot to take over. I work here one day a week."

Rainbow's eyes flew wide open, and she spun around to glare at Spicy. Of course, turning around meant the grip he had on her tail jerked at it. "What are you doing? This is serious. She really tried to take over all of Canterlot High, and probably would have kept going if we didn't stop her!"

"She helps me stock shelves one day a week. Sonata has been working here for two months now." Spicy let the rainbow tail drop from his hands. "But you're a pony girl! This looks so awesome!"

"You're ponying up more than you used to?" Sonata tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder, only to jump back when she spun back around. "Oh! And you have those cute leather cuffs we got in last week? Why aren't you wearing the collar?"

"Well if Spicy hadn't locked these on me without telling me, I might have realized this was more than what I was after!" Glaring at Spicy Hot, Rainbow's brain didn't register that it was Sonata behind her.

"Spicy! You shouldn't do that. What if she needed to go somewhere and couldn't wear them?" Sonata took up a a side she believed in. "Take them off her right now!"

"I was just teaching her a lesson. She lied to me about being experienced, and then slipped and told me she was a novice. It didn't hurt anyone." Spicy shrugged and walked to the front counter, reaching behind it to pull out the little magnetic keys for the set of restraints.

Turning to follow Spicy with her disapproving gaze, Rainbow realized finally that it was Sonata backing her up. Something was different about the siren. "So where are the others, Sonata?" Rainbow hadn't intended those particular words to be a hammer, but they seemed to strike Sonata just like one.

"I…" Sonata choked a sob and screwed her eyes shut. "I told them I was done with them. We couldn't sing anymore, and that was literally the only reason I hung out with those meanies." She tried to turn away and leave, but Rainbow Dash shot a hand out to grab her by the arm. "What? You want to rub it in more? I am just human now."

The pain in the girl's eyes spoke volumes to Rainbow Dash. "No…" Rainbow thought of how she had seen Sunset and Twilight react to the animosity their evil actions had garnered. "Look, you might be faking it, or you might be for real. If you are legit, I can—I can leave you be."

"But if I am not you will take me down a peg?" Sonata finished what she thought Rainbow was saying.

"What? No. What I mean is, if you really are legit about this, I guess I can't treat you any differently than Sunset Shimmer, or Twilight Sparkle. We are not,"—Rainbow held up her hands to ward off a possible hug that wasn't coming—"best buds. But some of my friends have shown me how hard it is to give up bad habits." I must be going crazy, Rainbow thought, as she held out her hand.

"So what about your tail? Is it actually connected?" Despite the weighty moment, Spicy was still intrigued about Rainbow's ponyness. "Oh. Oh! Have you tried attaching things to your pony parts, and seeing what happens?"

"Take them off now!" Rainbow rounded back on Spicy, holding out her wrists to him. "I am in a hurry, and a bad mood. My dog…" She choked back the worry that flooded back into her, once the adrenaline of meeting a former enemy had passed. "Thunderbolt is missing. I need to print up a pile of fliers."

"Spicy has a big printer in the back room, he uses it to print advertising fliers." Sonata pointed to the work area where Spicy had removed the D-rings from Rainbow's cuffs. "If you asked him nice, he could print them off here and save you the trouble of getting them done somewhere else."

"I what?" Spicy looked between the two girls, and felt any resistance melting. "Alright, alright. Look, do you have the file with you?" He stepped around his desk and started walking to the back of his store.

Rainbow caught herself staring at Spicy's rear as he walked away, and shook her head. Following after Spicy, Rainbow fished the memory stick from her bag and offered it to him. "It's all on there." At the back corner of the room, Rainbow Dash saw the big printer that she assumed was what Spicy would use.

Plugging the stick into his little computer, Spicy found the file right away. " 'Thunderbolt flier'? Got it." He opened it up and saw the big shepherd in the picture. "How many?"

Mention of Thunderbolt's name stung a little, but Rainbow Dash felt determination rise. "F-Four hundred. If I'm all ponied up, I should be able to put one in everyone's letterbox before dinner."

"They won't take long to print, but you know this is going to cost you, right?" Spicy leaned back in the seat, and watched realization hit Rainbow's face. "You know what I mean."

Shock stunned Rainbow Dash. Her wings flared a little wider, and she felt her own arm slowly drawing back to ready a punch. "Choose your next words carefully."

Author's Notes:

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Ha! No questions! I get a week off, suckers!"

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Airy Words
Canary in the Coal Mine
Mary Rowland

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Airy Words
Cross Lament

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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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