
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 8: Shopping List

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Rainbow Dash flung her leg over and off the bike. With her SonicBoom quiet, she had her excitement from the bike's engine under control, or so she wanted to keep telling herself. With a deep breath, Rainbow locked her bike up and started walking down the street.

Shops lined the sidewalk, but these weren't the bright and flash stores Rarity forced her to go to sometimes. There was pawn shops, gun shops, a locksmith on the corner, and beside that Rainbow Dash saw the sign that looked just like the banner on the website she had visited.

Canterlot Crops

"I bet they don't sell wheat." Rainbow looked around the street as she walked, and not seeing a car or a person about, turned into the open door. Stairs led upwards, and her shoes barely touched each in her rush to get out of sight of the street. At the top of the stairs, she saw another door that had black paint covering the glass, making it impossible to see inside.

Reaching for the handle, Rainbow Dash took another deep breath—as if she were on the starting block of a sprint—and opened the door. Her brain didn't process the shelves of items, but she did hear the little bell ring, and the hinges of the door creak.

Rainbow barely had the door closed behind her when a guy—looking to be in his mid twenties—smiled at her from the counter beside the door.

"Hi. Welcome to Canterlot Crops." Looking up and down at Rainbow Dash, the store clerk raised an eyebrow. "What can I help you with?"

What Rainbow had wanted him to help with, was to slink away and leave her to find what she needed so she could get out of the store without talking more than needed. "I need an-um-I need a vibrator." Rainbow blushed a little, but was surprised to see the guy keep his cheerfully neutral look.

"Of course, right this way. We have a large selection. My name's Spicy Hot." Spicy was wearing black, skinny jeans. He had a white shirt that was just tight enough to show off his lean, but not insignificant physique. His skin was a pale red, which made the black tattoo he had on his chest show easily through his shirt. The tattoo was of a chili pepper, and it suited his name and personality perfectly. Atop his head, a short-cut and spiky crop of pale blue hair looked messy, but had that sense of being meticulously tended, and it made his purple eyes flash. "Okay. First timer, or do you want something specific?"

Rainbow had expected shelves lined with rubber things flopping about, but the wall display was clad in boxes. Of course the pictures on the boxes showed what was in them, and some even had little windows, and each object was designed to go into places good girls didn't talk about. "I want something exciting!"

Spicy Hot had seen the type. She wanted her first vibrator and he knew it. "Well, these ones are great for intermediate users." He reached right for the beginner units: slim, five inch toys. "And they will help loosen you up for something more."

In contrast to the other packages on the shelves, the toy Spicy pointed to looked tiny. "Well… okay. But I want something with a remote, too." Rainbow Dash's family had enough funds that she had a modest allowance; buying a few extra things to cover her real interests wasn't going to break her bank.

"Remote control toys are expensive. Is a wire okay, or do you need wireless?" One glance at the girl's face told Spicy that she needed wireless. But there was something else his looks told him. "Hey, I think I know you."

Rainbow Dash's brain kicked into a panic. "Of course you don't!"

"Yeah! You go to Canterlot High, right? My sister goes to Crystal Prep. When I visited my parents last week, Sour Sweet still wouldn't shut up about magic and crazy pony girls. Rainbow Crash, right?"

"Dash!" Rainbow realized the error the moment she said it. "Rainbow… Dash…"

"Sour is a bit of a ditz if you ask me. Always follows what Mom and Dad say." Rolling his eyes, Spicy made a disdainful noise. "The minute I could I got my own place, gotta do your own thing, right?"

Nodding, Rainbow Dash realized how close to her own feelings Spicy described. "Only kid, but my parents live half a continent away. They should have retired, or so they say, but they actually like their jobs."

"Hey, nothing wrong with liking your job." Spicy cocked an ironic grin to Rainbow. "You are totally new at this, aren't you? Tell me straight."

Spicy had disarmed Rainbow Dash with casual talk, and his question actually stole the truth from her lips. "Yeah. I just… I keep getting really horny, and I want a way to tap it down. And now I am telling a shop clerk I have never met before all my intimate problems. Literally intimate problems."

"Hey, don't worry. It's my gift. I know more about my customer's bodies than they do sometimes, and definitely more than their partners do. So getting a bit hot and bothered." Running his fingers along the shelf, Spicy Hot lifted down one of the wireless toys. "This one talks through your phone. No crazy remotes, you just download an app and away you go."

Rainbow Dash was surprised at how well he had worked out what she wanted. "Uh… my phone? That actually sounds pretty cool." She looked at the little package Spicy had passed her, stacking it on the other. "W-What else?"

"I should probably warn you, but these things can be a bit expensive." Spicy held a cautionary tone in his voice. "I mean, it’s great when you get a bunch of things to play with, but if you can't use them it really sucks."

"Well, it's like clothing, right?" Rainbow Dash checked the prices on the shelf and blinked a few times; the toys were expensive, but she had budgeted a little extra.

"You are not going to just try them out!" Spicy couldn't help laughing at the thought, and he was happy that Rainbow joined him. "I mean… I could have like a… No, Spicy, this is not something you want to get zoning for."

"So… other things?" Rainbow dragged the topic back to her buying the toys and leaving. Despite warming up to Spicy, she really wanted to get out.

Spicy froze for a moment, his keen eyes narrowing. "If you don't mind me saying, but I think we have some things that you will love." He reached out for Rainbow's free hand, and tugged her towards the next row of shelving.

It was hard not to be caught up in Spicy's enthusiasm, and Rainbow Dash was certainly no match for it. Something wrapped around her wrist, and she stared at the hand Spicy held, as he tightened the strap of a wrist cuff around it.

"I was right! Dark leather on that skin tone…" Spicy trailed off, closing his eyes and shivering in delight. "That looks fabulous."

"Huh…" Rainbow stared at the cuff. She had seen its like on their website, but elsewhere too. "S-Some spikes on it… four long ones…" Her voice sounded a million miles away, but something about the situation had her caught up in the moment.

Spicy nodded enthusiastically and quickly removed the cuff. Trained eyes glanced along the shelf, and he plucked up a pair of leather cuffs. Wrapping the first around Rainbow Dash's wrist, he clicked the little metal locking strap closed. "There!"

The click, in Rainbow's ears, had sounded a little final, but the cuff was perfect. "That looks so rocking!" She turned her wrist, and spotted the D-ring on the underside of her wrist. "What's that for?" She pointed at the loose piece of metal.

"These are bondage cuffs. That is where your would be tied up by. Some rope, or strong cord. I can remove them if you just like the cuffs?" Taking the other items from Rainbow's arms, Spicy quickly put the other cuff on Rainbow's other wrist, and again there was a little click.

"O-Okay." Rainbow loved the look, but knew Rarity would give her a lecture on them. "B-Bag them up, please. And can you remove the rings?"

"Of course." Spicy picked up all the things Rainbow had indicated, and led the way to the back of the shop where his modification gear was. "The D-rings are a piece of cake to remove. You just do this… and this." With an Allen key, Spicy removed each of the D-rings from the cuffs without even needing to remove them from Rainbow's wrists.

Rainbow, for her part, was focused on Spicy. To her left—her peripheral vision had warned her—was a row of corsets, and unlike the toys section, these were on display. To her right was a set of branded equipment that she had decided to ignore completely once she realized it had the word "electro" in the title. Following after Spicy, she was blindly making her way back to the front counter.

"I even tossed in the hex-wrench for adding those rings back, if you want to." Spicy winked at Rainbow Dash, and rang up her goods. "How did you want to pay?"

"Card!" Rainbow Dash reached her hand to her backpack and pulled out her wallet. Every movement of her hand caused the cuff to snag and move, and every time it did she remembered it was there, and it was spiky. Confidence filled Rainbow, and she presented her card.

Holding up a discrete bag with Rainbow's purchases, Spicy smiled. "I hope this isn't creepy, but I hope you enjoy them. Too many people treat sex as something that is bad. It's the most natural thing you can do apart from breathing!"

"You're actually right." Rainbow Dash took her card back after Spicy finished finalizing the sale. "That is creepy. But I think I am learning that it really isn't something I can ignore." Somehow, in a sex toy shop, talking to someone who could probably end up talking to her on the streets, Rainbow opened up just a little. "You really need to fix that web site, too. I totally would have spent double this on things from there."

"And never shopped with me again, I bet. But you are right, I just really suck at web design. I can paint and stuff, but really getting all that code-stuff working is beyond me. And hey, it got you to come down." Spicy winked at Rainbow Dash.

"You're weird." Rainbow held up her fist to Spicy—because it just felt right—and got a fist-bump back. "I might be back, Spicy."

In a much better mood, if a little excited at trying out her toys, Rainbow Dash took the stairs down two at a time, and before she knew it she was back on the SonicBoom and heading home. The throbbing of the bike's engine was barely noticeable, Rainbow Dash was so worked up at the thought of the things in her bag that she didn't even remember opening her garage, just turning the bike off and jumping free.

Practically bouncing into her house, Rainbow Dash made her way to Tank's aquarium guiltily. "Hey buddy, how're you going?" Inside, the tortoise looked at her blankly, but she could see recognition in his eyes. "Here you are, have some mealworms."

With her shelled buddy taken care of, Rainbow headed to the laundry. "That's odd. Where are you hiding, Thunder?" She opened the back door and looked outside, but she couldn't see hide nor hair of her pet. She knew his game, he would be under the house again. "I am not going under there. You can come out when you are ready." Turning, she headed through the house and to her bedroom.

Taking off her backpack, Rainbow pulled out the featureless bag from the toy store and upended it over her bed. The two vibrators fell out, but so did more leather things. "What the…" She grabbed the receipt off the pile—it had been the last thing to fall, the sole record of her dealings—and scanned it.

Five Piece Lockable Leather Restraints

The price wasn't even as bad as Rainbow had feared, and with the items in her house she felt a lot more humor at getting a full set of bondage gear, rather than the shock were it to have happened with anyone else around. She stared at the largest piece of the set, what was apparently a collar. Picking it up, Rainbow was about to lift it to her neck when she thought to check the catches. To her shock there was a little integrated lock on the metal band of the collar, and as she joined the two ends together—not around her throat—she heard a click like in the store.

"W-W-Where are the keys?" Rainbow Dash searched the bag, then looked at the cuffs on her wrists. Sure enough, the two black,spiked cuffs were locked onto her. "That little… I am going to give him a piece of my mind!" She would have turned around and done just that, if the other two toys hadn't caught her eye.

Quickly removing the small vibrator from its plastic clam-shell, Rainbow looked at the thing up close. It was small, pink, and didn't look like much. "This is hardly going to be anything amazing. It's so tiny!" But despite her thoughts, Rainbow Dash wanted to try both the toys. Running to her living room, Rainbow Dash grabbed her television remote and its load of batteries. Slipping them into the toy as she walked, she twisted the base of it like it said.

The vibrator went sailing through the air, and Rainbow Dash squealed at the loud buzzing coming from it. For a moment she just stared, before stepping over to the toy and picking it up. "Holy cow! This thing really is intense…" Holding it a little tighter, Rainbow felt the buzzing up her fingers and even in the wrist cuffs. "I gotta test this out!"

As she grabbed up the packet the toy came in, Rainbow found out it was water resistant, and without a second thought headed toward the shower. Stretching her arms up, she tossed her shirt behind her—barely noticing the cuffs on her wrists—and slipped out of her jeans and panties. Clad only in a bra she was already unclasping, Rainbow Dash entered her bathroom.

Looking down at her hand still holding the buzzing toy, Rainbow tossed her bra onto a hook and stepped into the shower. In no time she had a hot shower running, and the feel of the water on her skin felt like soft fingers brushing over her. "Time to test you out…"

The moment the vibrator's tip touched Rainbow's modestly puffy lips, she squealed and pulled it away. "Whoa. This thing is pretty intense. Maybe if I turn it,"—twisting the base of the little vibrator, Rainbow lowered the frantic buzzing down to a slower rumble—"down a little. Perfect." Touching it to her lips again, she felt the hum from it and nearly melted on the spot.

Slowly, Rainbow Dash's legs folded under her, and she slumped down to the floor of the shower. Water pooled around her, and all she was doing was slowly working the tip of the vibrating toy along her entrance, a dreamy and silly expression on her face.

The physical sensation of the vibrator had no parallels that Rainbow's imagination could link up with a guy or girl, except to imagine Spicy Hot stroking it along her. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she saw the cute guy's face as she continued to rub the toy up and down her folds.

Bringing her free hand up, Rainbow stroked her taut belly, then up to her modest breasts. She wasn't big, but she didn't care. Running her hand between the two gentle mounds, Rainbow Dash felt extra aroused, and even closed a finger and her thumb on one of her nipples.

Groaning out loud and arching her back, Rainbow was braced against the wall of the shower, rubbing the toy along her entrance while alternating back and forth between her breasts. Each nipple got a pinch, again and again, and each time the little nubs seemed a little more sensitive.

While the pleasure was great, Rainbow Dash wanted more from the toy. Leaving her perked up nipples alone, she held the vibrator's tip to her folds and twisted the base. Lusty and distracted, Rainbow turned the base of the toy too quickly. The buzzing grew to its full strength, and Rainbow Dash screamed in shock. As she fell to her side, Rainbow's whole body spasmed, including her arms.

Her virgin passage was invaded for the first time—excusing the odd finger. With the toy ignoring her whimpering pleas, Rainbow Dash shook and shuddered, her insides melting under the vibrator's assault. Her body rode from one orgasm into the next, and by the third Rainbow Dash was mewling like a kitten, with both hands groping at her chest.

In the girl's head, the parasite rejoiced at the feast. Sensing the rush of food continue, it rewarded her with more triggering hormones, and settled in to spend some time growing.

Author's Notes:

Rainbow Dash: Did you get your dog's name out of the television cartoon?

"What? No!" Rainbow grinned, and she thought back to how she had named her pet. "It was actually a cool story my Dad told me when I was little. About an awesome guy named Zeus. He had his own Thunderbolt, and I thought, 'If I am ever going to be that awesome, I need a thunderbolt.' So that is what I called him." The girl's look of excitement faded into a pang of worry. "You-You haven't seen him, have you?"

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Airy Words
Canary in the Coal Mine
Mary Rowland

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Airy Words
Cross Lament

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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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