
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 10: Gain

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"One of the cuffs comes off, but my payment is you have to wear the other for the rest of the week. If it chafes, or gets sore, then come in and I will consider it done." Spicy cocked his naughtiest grin to one side. "How much does the school charge?"

The indignity of the request was tempered by a part of herself that Rainbow Dash rarely even thinks about, let alone listens to. She looked down at her wrists, and thought of being stuck in one of the cuffs for a week. It was not tight, but it wasn't loose. The cuffs were both actually comfortable, and she could almost forget she was wearing them most of the time. "Take my left one off."

Spicy pumped a fist in the air. "Yes!" He reached out and took her offered wrist. Running a critical thumb around the edge of the leather, he raised an eyebrow. "You showered with these on?"

"What? Of course I did!" Rainbow waited until Spicy used the little key and pulled the cuff off her wrist. "You are such a pervert."

"It's wonderful to finally be acknowledged." Tucking the keys back in his pocket, he felt a tiny thrill of control. A switch by nature, he had to restrain his thoughts; Rainbow Dash had put off the vibe of a submissive, but he knew if she was a novice at masturbation, she wouldn't have the first clue about BDSM. "It's cool, you can like it too. There is plenty of kinkiness to go around."

"It's not kinky. It's metal." Rainbow Dash folded her arms over her chest, but jumped when the spikes of the cuff poked her boob. "Ugh!"

"How about we play a game, then?" Spicy reached to his desk drawer, and pulled out a pack of playing cards. "You want the keys, and I want to see you blush more. We let Sonata shuffle, and then each draw a card. Whoever has the highest card wins. If you win, the cuff comes off your wrist and I give you the keys."

"And if you win?" Rainbow liked the idea of being able to play with the toys at last, on her own ground. Even if that little voice purred at the idea of having a cuff locked on her.

Spicy smiled, feeling the fish pick at the worm. "If I win you put the collar on too."

"For a week. No longer." Rainbow Dash reached out and took the deck from Spicy. Holding it out, she watched a confused Sonata close in and take it. "Okay, shuffle."

"Each week you can take one item off. Your choice. And we can play again whenever you want." Spicy held his gaze with Rainbow, trying not to be a total fanboy over a real magical girl being in his shop.

Rainbow reached out and took one of the offered cards, and watched as Spicy did. Carefully turning up the edge of her card, Rainbow saw the King of Clubs. Useless at poker, a huge smile spread over her lips. "Just give me the keys."

Spicy didn't look at his card. "Oh? Think you have it all under control? What about doubling the bet?"

Sonata shook her head at both of them. "You're both crazy."

"Double? What will you offer?" Ignoring Sonata, Rainbow Dash was ready to jump in extra deep, but Spicy not looking at his card bugged her.

"You put the other cuff on as well as the collar, or I give you something for free." Spicy rocked back in his chair, his eyes flicking to one of the corsets on the shelf. They were as far from cheap as could be, but he couldn't help seeing Rainbow Dash wearing one, and all five pieces.

"Anything?" Rainbow turned and looked the wrong way first, then turned back to look at where Spicy was staring. She spotted the leather corset, and her eyes widened. "That?! No way, that's way too much!"

"As a loan, then. If you win, you can have that corset to wear for a month." Spicy felt relief at her challenging him, and he realized it was his own excitement getting out of control. Reining his dominant tick in, Spicy nodded. Slowly, he turned his card so he could see it.

"Well, it's good that I am totally going to win, then." Rainbow Dash flipped her card around. "King!" It felt wonderful to the girl, when Spicy's expression fell. "So, take this off." Thrusting out her right wrist, Rainbow Dash smirked.

Spicy sighed and slumped back in his chair. "No."

"What? But I win!" Rainbow threw the card down on the table. Her face fell, however, when Spicy flicked the king of hearts down beside it. "A draw?"

"Seems that way. Did you want to play again?" Spicy plucked the deck of cards up from where Sonata had put them, and started to shuffle them himself—only he did so one handed. It was clearly a trick he had practiced a lot.

"Something tells me I shouldn't trust you after you have done…" Rainbow Dash gestured to the way Spicy was shuffling, "that."

"So next week then?" Spicy turned and heaved out a stack of fliers from the printer. Turning back, he set the stack on the table. "That's about half, I think. How are you going to deliver them all?"

"Oh, just going to go for a little run." Rainbow smirked and jogged in place for a few strides. "Want to join me?" Her grin got wider, knowing that there wasn't a person in the world that could keep up with her.

"You think you could?" Spicy looked to Sonata, who waved her hands before her defensively.

Sonata shook her head to add to her refusal. "Her? No! She's a jock. No, she's more than that. She's the best jock. I still have shelves to stock, after all." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, indicating the box of ring gags she had been stocking the shelves with.

"Well, however you plan to do it, good luck with finding Thunderbolt." Spicy looked at one of the fliers. It was a bit of a downer, but he meant every word, and it meant he got to play with Rainbow a little more.

Still ponied up—after the confrontation with Sonata—Rainbow Dash flicked her mane to one side. "Ha. I might even find him while running. I'll be back for the rest in a minute." Turning, she walked for the door of the shop filled with confidence. Part of her was confused at how she had somehow made friends with Sonata, but it was there, and it seemed the right thing to do.

Keeping her wings tucked to her side as best she could, she glided down the stairs. Her SonicBoom was where she had left it, but for what she planned, it wouldn't be nearly fast enough. A few stretches, and she turned to look down the street. The single road she stood beside stretched from one side of town to the other. "Time to rock."

Looking down from one of the few uncovered windows in his store, Spicy watched Rainbow Dash limber up, and then she just wasn't there anymore. "What—?" There was the slightest sense of movement in a direction, and then she had simply been gone. A moment later there was a rainbow-colored blur back the other way on the opposite side of the street. "No way…"

"See? Told you. And you thought I could keep up with that? Even when I was a flying siren, I couldn't keep up with that." Sonata was leaning over Spicy's shoulder, and just shook her head. "Equestrian magic, it's the real deal."

"Hold up." Spicy turned on Sonata, narrowing his eyes. "So all that stuff about you mind-controling everyone, it was all true? And you were a—"

"A siren. Huge seahorse thingy. We fed on dissent." Waving a hand at the concept, Sonata walked back through the aisle of big rubber dildos, crouching down to grab up a few more gags. "Honestly? I got bored with it a few hundred years ago."

"A few… We need to talk more." Spicy turned back from the window. "I mean seriously. How old are you?" He walked back to where he was stocktaking, and picked up his clipboard. "Why haven't you talked about this before?"

"Oh yes, and I was just supposed to put that in my CV?" Sonata rolled her eyes, putting more gags on the shelf. "Previous experience: dominated half of Equestria before a clever unicorn sent me here." She neatly avoided her age, and a glance at Spicy told her that he knew she had. "Age: twelve-hundred and fifty-three."

"Twelve—" Spicy was cut short when the door to the shop burst open, and Rainbow Dash stepped inside. She looked not a bit disheveled, but she was entirely out of fliers. "More? I think I got about half the houses in town."

Glancing between Sonata Dusk—who was carefully putting penis-shaped gags on the shelf—and Rainbow Dash, he felt like throwing his hands up. "This is crazy. How can I believe all this? I have a new customer who is, apparently, a pony-girl version of The Flash, and a hundreds-of-years-old enchantress stocking shelves."

"I find it's better not to focus on the details." Rainbow Dash sauntered to the back of the store, where the printer had barely gotten out a handful more pages. "Your printer is so slow." As she spoke, Rainbow Dash felt a pang between her legs. A sting of pleasure that she knew all too well. Sucking in a breath, Rainbow bit her bottom lip; she needed relief.

In Rainbow's head, the parasite triggered the release of more arousal hormones. If such a creature could feel true anxiety, it would be deep in such, anticipating finishing its growth to adulthood. In its enthusiasm, it released more than the customary amount of chemicals.

Every moment saw Rainbow Dash less and less capable of getting her thoughts focused. She struggled against the growing tsunami of need, and clawed at the language center of her brain—figuratively. "B-B-Bathroom?!"

The shout drew Spicy's attention fully to Rainbow. "It's normally staff-only, but I guess I can make an allowance for you. Other corner of the store, behind the horse-play stuff." He waved a hand in the direction he had explained, and watched Rainbow Dash practically fly through the store.

Rainbow was at the door and jerking at the handle in no time, but to her horror it wasn't opening. She risked opening her mouth, and let out a little whine. The hand not on the door strayed down to her thigh, and she was just about to rub herself through her jeans, when Spicy came up beside her.

"I forgot to mention, it's locked. Here." Spicy tossed the collar from the cuff set to Rainbow. "I can't believe you are going to—" Cutting off before finishing his statement, Spicy leaned in a little closer. Not having spent a lot of time with females, Spicy wasn't completely familiar with the scent around Rainbow, but he could guess. "Put that on and you can go in."

Her brain barely able to contemplate the game that Spicy was playing, Rainbow took the open collar from him and reached up to her neck. The leather was soft, gentle on her skin, and pulling it around and fastening it closed with an audible click, she found it slightly loose, too.

"I don't think I have seen some subs get as deep into it as you are now…" Almost in awe of Rainbow's sudden change, Spicy reached up and unlocked the door. As he did, he saw one of the girl's hands drift to the front of her jeans and start stroking. "Don't make too much of a mess."

Rainbow ignored Spicy's words, and pushed on the door the moment it was opened. Rushing inside, she looked up at Spicy, studied his face for a moment, and then closed the door. The room was cramped, and consisted of a single small toilet and a hand basin. To one side of the throne, Rainbow spotted a pile of magazines.

Reaching her thumbs into the sides of her jeans' waistband, Rainbow shimmied out of them only by dint of having practically no hips. Slumping down onto the toilet seat, one hand stroked along her vulva while the other reached for the pocket on the side of her backpack.

Spicy still had a flash of the hungry look on Rainbow's face outlined in his memory, and overlaid on the white door. The sound of a soft hum jerked him back to attention. "Hey, go easy in there. And don't mess up my magazines!"

"S-Spicy?" Sonata tapped her employer on the shoulder. "You have a customer." Turning her head, Sonata smiled at the "creepy-looking" guy at the front counter.

The vibrator—on low, she wasn't stupid enough to turn it up to high in what was almost public—rest easily against Rainbow Dash's folds. She slumped backwards and let the vibrations push all her worries away. Lolling her head to one side, however, Rainbow Dash spotted the magazines again.

Reaching her free hand down, Rainbow grabbed up the top magazine. Cyanboy. It looked old, but she didn't care. Flipping the pages over, there was a thin smattering of articles, but a lot of men looked back at her, striking amazing poses. Her heart beat faster, and Rainbow flipped through the magazine until she found the centerfold.

It wasn't shock that gripped her, but the vibrations of her vibrator. Staring at the two men almost tangled together, Rainbow bucked her hips up, and pushed the toy into herself. Every time she blinked, every time she closed her eyes for a moment to appreciate how good she felt, Rainbow Dash saw Spicy's face. He looked at her for the first few flickers, but his expression changed, and in her mind she heard him telling her to do things for him. Pleasure quickly spiked through Rainbow's body, and she opened her mouth.

The moaning coming from the bathroom was easily audible by Spicy Hot, Sonata Dusk, and the "creepy guy" that was picking up a magazine subscription.

"Is that…?" Creepy asked, looking Spicy dead in the eyes. He watched the shopkeeper nod just once, quickly, before he felt himself losing room in his pants. Turning in the direction of the sound—that seemed to be continuing—he was brought up short by Sonata.

"Did you want anything else?" Sonata stared at the guy, giving him her best "I know what you are thinking" look. "Maybe you would like to buy one of our quality leather products?" Despite not being a salesgirl, it was easy for her to use the profession as a lever.

Creepy looked down at the leather collar Sonata held. His eyes caught the price tag. "Actually, I should be going!" Turning, trying to ignore the stiffness in his pants, Creepy left the store.

"You are a lifesaver." Spicy lifted a fist up and held it out to Sonata, and got a gentle tap back from her.

Sonata raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"That guy normally opens his magazines and reads them here." Pointing to a sign on the counter, Spicy sighed. "I made up that rule to give him the hint, but it seemed to excite him more. He started trying to show me the girls in them, as if they were all his."

"But you're…"

"I know! And I bet with little-miss-moans back there, he would have hung around for hours." Spicy Hot slouched against the wall. "And as for that, she had better…" He was about to say that Rainbow should pay for using the bathroom, but he remembered what he had done, and started chuckling.

"You know if you need someone else around, I could use the work." Sonata tried to ignore the fresh round of moans and squeals coming from the bathroom. "Wait! Before you say you can't afford it… I am also looking for somewhere to stay."

"Heck no." Spicy leaned across the bench, leaning his weight on it. "I have a three room apartment on the top floor, and I like my privacy."

"Oh pack it in. I don't care about who you bring home. I will work for minimum, and a room." Trying to hide her desperation, Sonata leaned casually against a shelf containing a grand collection of nipple-clamps.

Spicy's attention flicked back to the bathroom, as a screeching moan seemed to rattle the door. "Six days a week, minimum wage, and if I bring someone home, you leave for a minimum of an hour." He tapped his chin. "And you clean the windows and take out the trash, no arguments."

Sonata narrowed her eyes. "Time spent doing the windows counts towards my pay."

"Sounds good." Spicy Hot couldn't believe he was actually agreeing to the deal; moving out on his own had been the second best thing he had managed to do. Managing to keep his store going was, of course, the greatest—it helped there was no competition in town.

"Deal!" Sonata held out her hand.

Reaching out, Spicy heard a thump from the bathroom, and a low, satisfied-sounding groan. "Deal." He shook Sonata's hand.

Author's Notes:

"Huh. Is this thing on?" Spicy Hot tapped the mic, causing a good amount of wincing from those too near the speakers. "Well, no one asked any questions, and I figured I would try and get some free advertising. So if anyone mentions this story, and comes down to Canterlot Crops in the next two days, they will get a free vibrator with any purchase over fifty dollars!"

Rainbow Dash: Don't you think it's a little strange how much you seem to 'pony up' if we compare you with the others?

"Huh? Haven't really seen the others. Since school started after our camping trip, I have been constantly running around,"—Rainbow gave a chuckle at her pun—"but I am sure we will start to do more stuff together soon. We have that gig to practice for, and on the weekend we will probably all get together somewhere."

So I do this "Ask x" thing, x can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and I they will definitely hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories and of course, I they will answer the best question(s) in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer, try and keep it to one answer per post! I They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Airy Words
Canary in the Coal Mine
Mary Rowland

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Airy Words
Cross Lament

Next Chapter: Confusion Estimated time remaining: 21 Hours, 50 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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