
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 42: Allies

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Climbing back in her car, Rarity drove (as safely as anyone can while holding a breakfast burrito) to school. Despite having breakfast with Sonata, and despite playing with her a little, Rarity pulled into the car park just behind Vice-Principal Luna.

Rarity watched as Luna climbed from her car, and her jaw almost hit the ground. Loud music, sounding like a banshee scream accompanied by heavily distorted guitar and drums, poured from the car before the Vice-Principal tapped her key fob. The thunderous music cut off, but it wasn't that which had Rarity so surprised.

Luna was used to ponying up whenever she played or heard her own music. There was something primal about it, and just hearing the screaming, the rough distortion, sparked her creativity and more: defiance, righteousness, and a protectiveness she had always embodied to a lesser extent. Without the roar of her soul-made-audio, Luna quickly lost her wings and pony ears.

Circling her car to get her documents pouch from the back, she froze when a distinctive, white-skinned girl stepped up before her. "Rarity. I believe we are due for a talk. How are you feeling?"

"Good. Better. I mean, than yesterday. Although I do feel a little crampy, come to think of it." Rarity didn't want to come right out and tell her teacher she was overly horny—that simply wasn't what proper young women did. "Vice-Principal Luna, can I—"

Interrupting, Luna grabbed up her folders from the back of her little car. "Hold it until we are inside and I have wrestled a cup of coffee from that infernal machine in the break area." Luna was about to step away from Rarity, but froze and looked at what the teen held in one hand. "Is that a burrito?"

Rarity froze and looked down at her hand in surprise. There was still at least half of the filling breakfast meal remaining, but she felt about as full as could be. "Y-Yes." Quickly gathering her wits, Rarity smiled. "Did you miss breakfast, Vice-Pr—"

"Just Luna, until the bell rings." Now that her attention was on the burrito, Luna couldn't look away. It smelled divine, and looked to be a portable version of eggs Benedict, sans bacon. She had to fight not to start drooling.

"Well, I am completely full, if you—" Rarity didn't realize the burrito was gone until she heard Luna's groan of pure bliss. "Sonata makes such wonderful food, wouldn't you say?" The Cheshire cat had nothing on Rarity right then.

Lifting one eyebrow, Luna was surprised at hearing the siren's name again. Then things fell together. Sonata's panic about Rarity being missing, Rarity coming to school early with breakfast made by Sonata. A student's private life was none of Luna's business so long as it didn't affect her schooling, however. "Hrmmf."

Luna led the way into the school, unlocking the doors as she went. By the time she reached the break room, the burrito was gone, and Luna felt much more human. But there was one important thing that would let her face the day.

The wall-mounted, electric water boiler was on a timer, and so it meant Luna found it bubbling and hot. Almost on autopilot, her hands moved swiftly to deliver coffee to her coffee press, near-boiling water from the heater, and finally she collected her favorite coffee mug. "My office next."

With her supply of coffee secured, Luna made her way into her office and set the folders from her car to one side. "Sit down, please." Following her own advice, Luna settled in her chair and poured her first coffee of the day. With the mug successfully filled with burning hot essence-of-wakefulness, Luna lifted the cup and took her first sip.

Rarity took a deep breath, and slowly let it out. The story was not just complicated, but also a little on the personal side. She started to put her thoughts in order, and decided she owed it to Luna to be completely honest. Besides, at least Luna didn't ask for Friday night's activities.

"You'll have to understand, this might be a little… intimate." Rarity started her story. She thought she would get embarrassed when she explained the flirting at the mud treatment, but Luna let her gloss over most of it, and didn't so much as raise an eyebrow at finding out Rarity was a lesbian.

Rarity passed off their afternoon sunbathing in much the same way, and finished up with herself getting home and collapsing in bed. She gave a little nod when she was done. "Then I woke up with a police woman banging on the front door."

Luna took the reins, steering the story to the parts she was most interested in. "You slept all through Sunday and most of Monday?" This conversation warranted a second cup, probably a third. She had enough coffee in the French press to get the second, and poured it.

"It certainly seems that way. Rainbow Dash suggested it could be like her flu. When we got back from Camp Everfree, she slept all through the weekend." Keeping her eyes on the coffee machine, Rarity tried her best to avoid looking at Luna too much. She had managed to ignore the Vice-Principal as an authority figure, but spending time in her presence—talking about naked mud wrestling and sunbathing—had forced Rarity to notice how beautiful Luna was, in a dark and dominant way.

The dark, Rarity was definitely a fan of. Dominant was something Rarity was, though, and it explained her discomfort with looking at Luna with an eye toward her looks.

"A medical situation can be excuse enough for a final test." Luna lifted her own mouth into a smile to mirror Rarity's. "But if this is something of the sort, I worry that others might fall ill."

"Was anybody else missing? Yesterday I mean or—I guess—any time over the last week." Real worry hit Rarity now, and she tried to remember if anyone had been absent, but the problem was she had been a little distracted lately.

Luna shook her head, showing a little exasperation. Calming, she took a sip of her coffee. "That's the strange part. Rainbow Dash was on the camp with a lot of other students, and she has been attending school, but no one else has missed days like this. Your test today is in the afternoon, am I right?"

Back on track with Luna acting like the Vice-Principal she was, Rarity found it easier to look at her. "Yes, ma'am."

"After home-room, please return here. I will arrange your test myself." Luna arranged the words as command and dismissal. She smiled and stood up.

Rarity spotted the problem as Luna rose: the Vice-Principal was about to knock her French press over. The documents on the desk would be ruined, but that Luna's shirt and pants may take some of the damage galvanized Rarity.

Just as Rarity thought, the coffee machine tumbled, but rather than falling and spilling everywhere, it became wrapped in a diamond-themed forcefield. Holding her magic, Rarity smiled at Luna. "W-Would you mind preparing to catch that?"

The display of magic surprised, and excited Luna. She looked at the tilting coffee machine, pondered the best way to catch it, and then brought her plan into effect. The moment her hands were in position, she said, "Okay."

Releasing the forcefield was less about removing something, and more to do with just not focusing on it anymore. Rarity watched as Luna caught the French press easily, and set it back on the desk. "Thank you, Vice-Principal Luna."

Free from her meeting with Luna, Rarity felt lighter, more able to face the day. She headed for the stairs, and almost got to the music room where they all hung out in the morning, and felt a pang of need.

The parasite, newly exploring the rush of magic in its host, needed food. It reached to the girl's amygdala, and began feeding it the chemical and electrical stimulation to further enhance her arousal.

Rarity stumbled on her way to the room. She looked left and right, and spotted the nearest bathroom. Swirling through her thoughts, images of her playing with Sonata mixed with fantasies. She rushed inside the girls' bathroom and slammed the door behind her. Quickly locking it, she stumbled to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror.

Flush, panting, Rarity watched her breasts rise and fall through the top she wore, and suddenly needed to touch them. She was gorgeous, she knew that perfectly well, and she adored pretty things. She leaned forward slightly, put one hand on the sink while the other reached under her shirt and up to her chest.

Biting her lip, Rarity struggled not to moan as her hand found her left breast and she squeezed. The heat burned in her body, the need doubling each second she squeezed herself. Rarity's eyes were screwed shut, and her mind completely taken by her fantasies. She reached her other hand up and pulled her shirt up to he neck to reveal the expanse of almost glowing white flesh.

One of Rarity's breasts was free of her bra, and was captured instead by her hand. She brought her other hand to the remaining breast, freed it from the bra's cup, and then pinched her nipple.

The moan that grew in Rarity's throat would not be denied freedom, and cut through the air to echo around her. Her legs wobbled, and without a grip on the sink she folded to the floor. Her hands were too busy with her breasts for Rarity to contemplate moving them south, but with an image in her head of Sonata bound and submissive at her feet, Rarity climaxed regardless.

Pleasure wrapped around Rarity. She trembled and squirmed on the floor, writhing in bliss. Her hands continued their work, a slow massage taking the place of the frantic rubbing and pinching. Just when her orgasm was nearing completion, she pinched both her nipples, and was dipped back into the pure honey of pleasure.

Rarity had pushed herself through uncountable orgasms by the time her mind snapped back into control of the situation. She rolled and squirmed on the bathroom floor like a cat, and if she could have purred, she would have.

Knocking shoved Rarity out of her decidedly happy place. She lifted her head and looked at the locked bathroom door. "Y-Yes?"

"Rarity!" Rainbow Dash knocked on the door. "Are you okay?" She looked left and right up the hallway, but the second story of CHS was thankfully barren of students.

Clawing her way across the floor, Rarity braced against the wall and heaved herself up. She couldn't stop smiling, particularly at the fantasy of Sonata she had built up. "Come in, darling."

Hearing the door unlatch, Rainbow Dash pushed it open and wished she hadn't. Rarity stood beside the door—supporting herself beside a sink—with her shirt missing and both her breasts free of the lacy bra she was wearing. "R-Rarity?" She closed the door behind her.

"Sorry, Rainbow, but I was getting ready to meet up for the morning and had a little itch." As she said the last word, Rarity bit at her lower lip and giggled—she felt great, amazing. "Sorry if I caused any alarm."

Rainbow Dash could still faintly smell the deodorant and aftershave she had used the previous day, in this very bathroom, but overriding it now was the strong scent of a young woman who had thoroughly enjoyed herself. "Well, I can't say I don't know that feeling. You need to take care of it better, though. You have some pads?"

Coming back to herself slowly, Rarity realized the position she was in. She reached up to tuck her breasts back into her bra, but stopped from rushing to get her shirt. She took stock of the situation, and realized covering back up immediately was less vital than making sure she could make it through the school day. "Pads?"

"You can't honestly tell me you haven't had your first period?" Raising an eyebrow, Rainbow Dash realized that Rarity's brain wasn't firing on all cylinders. "I keep spares. Take one." Reaching to her backpack, Rainbow Dash reached down the side pocket, and pulled out one of the sanitary pads.

"Oh… OH!" Rarity took the pad thankfully. "I may have been a little indiscreet here." To her surprise, Rainbow Dash passed her a pair of panties next. "I'll stretch these if I put them on."

"Then go ahead and stretch them. I need some help buying a few things, and you can get me a new pair while we do—" Rainbow Dash cut herself short as a very intense, half-naked Rarity suddenly focused on her.

"We're going shopping?" Rarity waited for Rainbow Dash to nod. "With your charge-card?" Another nod had Rarity bouncing in excitement. "Darling, we have so much to buy! I have a make-up test first thing, and then our art test after that, but my afternoon is free!"

"I only need new shoes." Rainbow Dash's words didn't have any effect on Rarity. A weight descended—metaphorically—upon her, and she let out a sigh. "You're going to talk me into getting a new outfit, aren't you?"

Taking the offered underwear, Rarity nodded. "Of course. Something handsome, I would think. You want to look good for Mister Hot, right?" Stepping forward, Rarity pulled her damp underwear away and free.

"Y-Yeah." A smile tugged at Rainbow Dash's mouth. She realized she wanted to look good for him. "Something guyish, I guess?"

"A suit would be too much, and might even put a dent in your card, but some trousers, a shirt that reveals a little of your chest—with something under it to keep you nice and flat, of course—and just a hint of something in your hair to slick it back." Rarity watched Rainbow Dash squirm as she explained her idea. "Casual, smart, chic."

"You really think he would go in for that?" Rainbow Dash was at a loss. The way Rarity described clothes was always with the utmost passion, but with the idea of pleasing Spicy as the goal, Rainbow Dash was onboard with her friend. "Okay."

There was not a thing Rainbow Dash could do to stop Rarity from hugging her. She could have, of course, used her speed, but that would probably have hurt Rarity when there was nothing to hug against. So Rainbow Dash put up with the press of her friend against her, and even reached around Rarity to hug her back—all the while trying to forget that Rarity was almost naked.

Rarity watched as the door started to open. Her heart quickened, but all she could think to do was turn enough so that Rainbow Dash's body maintained her modesty. Standing in the doorway, fumbling to get her mobile out, was Diamond Tiara. "Don't. You. Dare." There was ice in Rarity's tone, and veins.

Turning her head, Rainbow Dash's world slowed down. She watched as Diamond Tiara, her face registering the most horrid of delight, slowly lifted the phone up, angling the camera to take a photograph of the contents of the bathroom. Lifting one arm free of Rarity's back, Rainbow Dash pushed backwards with it.

Surprisingly, her arm didn't move in slow motion, and when she shoved the door into Diamond Tiara's face, Rainbow Dash had the delight of seeing the door close just enough that the flash, and click of the camera came after she had Rarity suitably hidden from the device.

Startled at the motion, Rarity barely got her magic going in time to brace the door closed. "You little gremlin! If I find out you shared that photo with anybody, I'll…" Rarity trailed off, her expression turning perplexed at Rainbow Dash's grin. "What?"

"I got the door closed in time. She got nothing!" Rainbow Dash twisted the lock on the door. "Didn't you, DT?!"

"Doesn't matter!" Diamond Tiara fumed outside the door, her fingers already typing up a blog about what she had just seen. "By lunchtime, everybody will know you are both carpet munchers!"

"Whatever you reckon, Diamond. Without proof no one will believe you. Just like that time you tried to tell us the lunch meat was lizards." Rainbow Dash leaned on the door for good measure, but saw the shocked and startled expression on Rarity's face too late. "R-Rarity?"

Tears were threatening. Rainbow Dash knew that Rarity would regret ruining her eyeliner and mascara all day, and it would mean the shopping trip would be called off. Her mind raced, and she tried to think of a way to startle Rarity out of an ill-conceived cry.

Ousted to the whole school by a freshman. It was the worst thing Rarity could think of. Her friends knew—and that was what mattered—but this was too much. She felt tears start to form, and then she had something beautiful to look at.

Rarity locked eyes with the wash of light blue flesh, and trailed her sight up to the small peaks. Clutched in the grip of a push-up bra, Rainbow Dash's breasts were wonderful despite their size—because Rarity was getting to look at them.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Rarity, are you in there?" Rainbow Dash, her hands holding her shirt up around her collar bone, shifted side to side.

Adjusting to watch the slightest of movement in Rainbow Dash's chest, Rarity just nodded, absently. Then her prize was gone, and she was staring at Rainbow's shirt. She was fascinated at the cleavage in the scoop-necked shirt, it was a lot more than she would have thought for two such modest breasts. Her eyes had trouble moving, but she dragged them up. Rainbow Dash's unamused face broke the last of the spell.

"Get dressed, Rarity." Fighting against the puppy eyes that seemed to beg for more time staring at her, Rainbow Dash reached out and turned Rarity around. "And you probably want to hurry."

Blinking at the sudden shift, Rarity nodded and got to work. Some paper towel had her clean again. The borrowed underwear were fitted with a pad, and she stepped into them. Her shirt was collected, and she was touching up her makeup before she even realized it.

To Rarity's shock, however, she watched Rainbow Dash toss her bag to the side, and drop to the floor. "What are you doing?"

"Look, this is the only time I am ever going to say this: get on my back, Rarity." When Rarity didn't move quickly, Rainbow Dash groaned. "Look, sit on my shoulders and unlock the door, okay?"

Trying to get used to the overly tight underwear, Rarity stepped closer and crouched down to sit in the middle of Rainbow Dash's back. "Are you sure about this?"

"Just lift your legs up and unlock the door." Rainbow Dash heaved her left arm off the ground, and braced with her right.

The door burst open and mobile phones started flashing, but someone was standing in the way, blocking all but a handful of shots. "Trixie isn't sure this is what Diamond Tiara was talking about."

"Twenty-five…" Rainbow Dash, struggling against Rarity's weight, lowered her arm and then tried to push back up, and failed. "No! Get back on, I could definitely get thirty!" Keeping her face away from the door, Rainbow Dash winked at Rarity.

"Oh…" Realization hit Rarity and, being the consummate actress she believed herself, she groaned. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this, darling." She tossed her hair and looked at the cameras still flashing in the doorway. "Although I am sure Bulk would be able to."

Trixie Lulamoon rolled her eyes. "You really shouldn't believe everything you hear from a freshman." A lot of disappointed sighs left the students in the hall. She stepped into the bathroom and swung the door closed, sans lock. "Trixie is owed a lot of ice-cream for this."

Getting out from under Rarity, Rainbow Dash helped her friend to stand too. "Sure, sure. What are you doing for last period?"

"Oh yes!" Rarity was back on point, her eyes lighting up as she regained her composure. "We were going to the mall for some shopping. We could make it a thing!"

Rainbow Dash suddenly realized the error she had made: this had turned into a shopping day for Rarity, and if Rainbow Dash was lucky, she might get out of it with just the three of them. "Rarity, I just need new shoes."

"And a new outfit to show off to Spicy." Rarity's emerging dominance told her when she had someone completely defeated, and she had almost broken Rainbow Dash into the idea of a shopping extravaganza. "You want him to devour you with his eyes, don't you?"

Her eyes widening, Trixie looked between Rarity and Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash has a boyfriend?"

Rarity scoffed and waved her hand at Trixie in a dismissive manner. "A boyfriend so hot I would even drool if he took his shirt off." It felt good to be able to use such a joke, but Rarity had to move on. "There was talk of a date, so Rainbow Dash is going to need something new to wear."

Rainbow Dash's mouth was digging better than any other part of her body could. "Oh yeah, I need some work-out clothes, too."

"Sounds like a big afternoon to Trixie. Meet you out back at the start of last period?" Trixie hadn't gone to any effort to make friends with the other Rainbooms, but she had to admire the effort Rainbow Dash had gone to, just to protect Rarity's image. If there was one thing Trixie knew about, it was image.

"Of course, darling. We'll see you there." Rarity was acutely aware of Rainbow Dash's tight underwear, and fought to avoid doing the least lady-like thing ever—adjust her underwear. "Come on, Rainbow Dash, we don't want to stay in here and give that ghastly little gremlin any more ideas."

Outside, Trixie took a right turn, while Rarity and Rainbow Dash took a left.

"Trixie!" Lavender Lace moved as quickly as she dared, trying to keep a lid on her emotions. She reached her friend and almost collapsed to her knees. "I don't know what's going on, but I can't…" Her voice trailed off into a wistful whimper. "I can't stop thinking about—"

Clamping a hand over Lavender's mouth, Trixie looked around in a panic. The direction she assumed Lavender Lace was going with her words had her wanting to get the girl out of the corridor quickly. Her eyes fell on the storage room for the gymnasium's lighting gear. "Come on."

Lavender had a moment to realize there was smoke clouding around them, before Trixie's arm tugged her down the hall and into a side room she had never visited before. Excitement built in Lavender—she wasn't exactly a lesbian, but she also wasn't too picky at that point—and she eagerly followed Trixie into the room.

Trixie barely had the door closed behind them when she felt a pair of lips press to her own. Shock welled up, and Trixie Lulamoon was stunned into inaction. Lavender was hot, insistent, but when Trixie felt the other girl's tongue pressing at her own lips, she finally managed to act.

Groaning as she was pushed away, Lavender misunderstood Trixie's gesture, and started to pull her shirt up.

"St-Stop!" Trixie, her heart beating like crazy, held up both hands at her friend in a placating gesture. "Please, Lavender, just stop."

Realization hit Lavender Lace. Trixie didn't want her, and she had just acted like a slut. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she wanted to run and hide. Trying to shove past Trixie, however, proved impossible. She was wrapped up in arms, pulled in for a hug, but there was no kissing.

"Trixie is flattered, but she isn't into girls enough for this to work." It was the honest truth, but Trixie wished she could have lied to herself. "What happened?"

Trying not to sob, and settling instead for just crying, Lavender Lace clung to Trixie as tight as she could. "I don't know. I remember going to sleep on Saturday night, and woke up today. And…" She snorted, sobbing at last. "And really horny!"

"You what?" Trixie's tone had depleted of all its empathy—or at least what little she usually used. "Your problem is you slept in and got an itch in your panties?" The Obtuse and Thick Trixie realized she might have gone too far when Lavender tried to shove past her again.

Breaking free of Trixie's grip, Lavender Lace fumbled at the door and escaped the storage room. Right into Vice-Principal Luna. Eyes widening, Lavender tried to back away from the startled teacher. "S-Sorry!"

"Lavender Lace, please accompany me to my office." Luna had just been reacting to a noise complaint by a teacher setting up their homeroom, and had found the source. "Now." She turned, expecting Lavender to accompany her.

"M-M-Miss— I mean, Vice-Principal Luna, I had a—I need to—I…" Lavender trailed off as Luna delivered a stern look at her, she gulped, nodded, and started following the Vice-Principal. Each step was proving to be a problem: her body was burning with need, and she couldn't very well pin Luna or another student down. Her body wanted to do that, a lot.

In a daze, Lavender barely noticed when the door closed behind her. She jerked, able to think straight again. "Sorry, what was that?"

"I said, you don't look well at all, Lavender. You didn't have any finals yesterday? The roll shows you as absent." Luna didn't need first-aid training to tell that Lavender Lace looked almost in the midst of fever. "I'm writing you an absence slip, and dating it through to Friday. You will see me next week for makeup tests.

"You're not the only student who has caught this particular bug. Relax, Miss Lace, Canterlot High School prides itself on always putting the student first. However, this will make college selection a little tricky." Luna kept looking up form where she was sitting, and watched Lavender Lace look worse and worse. "Will you be alright getting home?"

When Lavender seemed too oblivious to answer, Luna gave a little sigh. She reached for the intercom and pressed a toggle to her sister's office. "Celestia? Could you put a call for Rarity to come to my office, please?"

Author's Notes:

Rarity: Are you going to vent your angry at Opal on Sonata? Or are you trying to replace Opal with Sonata?

"Opal is a cat, dear. I'm not planning to have sex with her. Besides, she has a whole family to keep her snuggled and happy; Sonata only has me." Rarity gestured to herself with one, perfectly manicured hand. "Let me assure you, the games and things I do with Sonata will not detract from what I do with Opalescence."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on atreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament

Next Chapter: Spreading Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 36 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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