
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 41: Bright New Day

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Rarity yawned and reached across to turn off her phone's alarm. Swinging her legs off the side of her bed, she caught a scent in the air and screwed her nose up. "Oh dear, what happened last…?" Her question trailed off to nothing as a garbled flashback hit her. Telling the cop everything was fine. Realizing she had slept through a day of her final exams. Masturbating until she passed out.

A year of dealing with magical monsters, demons, and fashion emergencies the likes she had never before known had honed Rarity's sense of orderly focus. "Shower first, then clean up this mess. I am early, still, so I'll take breakfast to go and talk with Vice-Principal Luna before first bell."

The plan was simple. Rarity slipped into the shower, brought the water up to the desired pressure/temperature, and started working on her hair.

As the girl rinsed, washed, and worked with her hair, the parasite in her head identified the position she was in as reasonably safe and alone. Tiny at first, then increasing, it began to trigger the release of hormones into her blood.

Rarity finished washing her hair and realized she felt great. Better than great. The mirror that covered one wall of the shower (struggling as it was not to mist over) showed her pristine and white body. Rarity posed for the mirror, one hand gently cupping the nearest breast, while the other reached between her legs in a traditionally chaste-but-naked look.

Only the hand that covered her groin seemed to move on its own, and Rarity felt her fingers lightly stroke her vulva. The attention on her tender lips was more than what she cared to fight against, and she relaxed and gave into the urges surging through her.

Taking care of her lust, twice, Rarity finished cleaning herself up, left the shower and got ready for school. Dressed and coiffured, she looked down at her phone. "Oh drat." The message light was winking slowly, and when she tapped the screen her eyebrows shot up. "Two hundred and five messages?!"

Thumbing through the device, most of the messages were from Sonata Dusk, which had Rarity smiling a little. The remainder were from her friends, with the last being from Rainbow Dash.

I slept thru too days aftr camp. Really odd flu. Talk to you 2mor

"School will be soon enough to talk with Rainbow Dash and the others. My kitten needs a call first." She tapped through to Sonata's contact details, and hit dial. The phone didn't even ring once.

"Rarity!" Sonata's voice sounded relieved. "Please tell me it's you!"

"It's me, my treasure. I am not really sure what happened, but I apparently slept for two days. Rainbow Dash had a similar thing happen a week or so ago." The pain in Sonata's voice urged Rarity on, and she made soft little sounds of reassuring over her phone. "Do you need to see me?"

Sonata Dusk sounded almost in tears on the other end of the line. "P-P-Please…"

"I'll be there in a few minutes. Prepare something for your mistress' breakfast, and we will talk." Rarity pressed her lips to her phone and made an exaggerated kissing sound. Tapping the end-call button, Rarity took stock of her situation. "I didn't think she was that into me. I guess she got so used to being subservient to her sisters that she needed someone strong to replace them."

Rarity liked the idea. Tucking her school things in her chic backpack, she left her room to find Sweetie Belle staggering toward the shower. "Let Mom know I am heading out early. I'll see you at school." Sweetie barely got a grunt out before entering the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

Feeling unusually good, Rarity skipped down the stairs two at a time, landed in the hallway, and was out the door as quick as she could. She was safely in her car, and relative privacy, when she laughed. "I should start every day like that. A little shower indiscretion is wonderful for putting one in a good mood!"

Turning the key, Rarity put her foot down, and the little car slid smoothly forward a little before the engine started. She drove for the freedom of it, but not in the way Rainbow Dash or Derpy Hooves did; Rarity's vehicular freedom involved the simple act of being able to get herself from A to B.

B, in this case, was the local porn shop—and residence of her precious kitten. She pulled up in front of the staircase that led up to the shop and Spicy's flat, and despite what anyone who saw her there might think, turned the car off.

Rarity got out of her car and took two steps toward the stairs when an arctic-blue missile flew down the stairs and rushed up to her. Freezing, Rarity looked at Sonata. The girl had dark circles under her pretty (to Rarity, which actually meant pretty) eyes, and she stood, looking suddenly worried. "I'm sorry for worrying you—" Rarity got no further.

Sonata Dusk fell against Rarity and wrapped her arms around the girl. "You didn't come on our date and I was so worried, and then it got to Monday and I was still worried, and so I went to your school to see if your friends knew, and they wanted to kick me out, but then Rainbow Dash arrived and explained everything, and then I had to go talk to V-Vice-Principal Luna and I actually explained everything to her, and she said it was okay, and she called the police to check up on you and—" Her verbal avalanche of words were stopped by a kiss.

Their lips touching, Sonata felt like she could almost melt against Rarity. But she pulled back quickly. "What happened? Rainbow Dash said it was the flu?"

"Why don't we go upstairs and have some breakfast?" Gesturing up the stairs, Rarity felt a pang of arousal at the sight of Sonata bouncing up to the loft. Once they were both inside, Rarity had to struggle to pin her libido down.

"I hope you like breakfast burritos!" Making her way back to the small kitchenette, Sonata was quick to get some eggs from the refrigerator.

The loft was one, big open area (apart from what was a small bathroom). Rarity chose the couch as her target and, like the first time she and Sonata had played, gracefully found a perch on the comfortable old thing. "I'm a little worried about you, too. Sonata, this is all very sudden."

Panic filled Sonata to the brim. She froze in place, and her morning bounce was held in check. "W-What is?"

"Us, darling. I might be new to the scene and all, but relationships should be slow, growing." Fetching her makeup compact from her handbag, Rarity checked to make sure her lips had fared well despite Sonata's attentions. "I'm worried for you, not about you."

"Oh." Sonata could move and think again. For the briefest moment she was back on her own. "I just…" She trailed off, trying to force herself to say the words she hated most. She whispered them.

Rarity, unable to hear Sonata's whisper, cut in. "What was that, dear?"

"I said I miss them." Eyes screwed shut, fighting back tears, Sonata said the words she hated so much—because they were true.

"How long were you three a thing?" Rarity pouted into the tiny mirror, and decided reapplying her lip-gloss was the only option.

A sticking point, or so Sonata assumed. "Two thousand years, give or take." She actually flinched at the look of shock on Rarity's face. "I don't want to be a siren, but sirens travel in groups and…" Trailing off, Sonata watched Rarity stand up and walk toward her. Her heart beat faster and faster until Rarity wrapped her arms around Sonata's waist and pulled her in for a hug.

"Sounds like you need friends." Hugging Sonata, Rarity made a point of just holding her close, giving her someone to touch. "You mentioned talking to them? I can't imagine how that would have gone."

"They were upset and angry, but they deserved to be. We were awful. I was awful." It helped Sonata that she had someone to hug. "Rainbow Dash stood up for me. I don't even know why she would, it was her band we were trying to break up."

"Our band, darling, and Rainbow Dash is the most loyal friend you will ever know. As long as you don't betray your friendship, she would stand by your side until the end of time." Rarity enjoyed talking up Rainbow Dash's biggest attribute (although Rainbow Dash would probably argue it is her athleticism), and she felt Sonata straighten a little, but not in a defensive or awkward way.

Sonata felt the world return to normalcy around her. Rarity and Rainbow Dash: she apparently had just as many real friends now as fake ones with her sisters. "Luna seemed nice." She slowly disengaged from Rarity and managed to catch the eggs on the stove before they burned.

"Vice-Principal Luna?" Rarity waited for Sonata to answer with a nod. "She is normally quite fair."

"When three sirens don't put an enchantment on her, you mean?" Making up three burritos, Sonata put a mix of finely cut vegetables and fruits in, and along with the egg and a little hollandaise sauce, folded all three neatly.

Rarity looked at the cooking implements, and then to Sonata with a raised eyebrow. "You do have some interesting talents. Since our date was postponed, how does Thursday night sound?" Her urge, her desire, flared white hot inside her, and Rarity had a very real example of what she had heard some boys at her school refer to (in their more crass moments) as down-to-fuck.

Instead of shoving Sonata down and forcing the girl to eat her out, Rarity took one of the burritos and satisfied a different craving. Small bites, but Rarity could well-appreciate the blend of flavors and the usefulness of a filling breakfast she could take with her. Of course, she wasn't going to take it with her this time. "We need to talk about other things."

Sonata loved the tone Rarity had suddenly gotten in her voice. To her ears, Rarity sounded like her mistress, and her mistress sounded like she wanted to play. "What sort of things?" Plucking up her own breakfast burrito, Sonata followed Rarity back to the couch.

"What needs we both have, what I can do for you, and what you can do for me." Rarity alighted on the couch again, crossed her legs, and almost purred when Sonata curled up on the floor beside her leg. While she held her breakfast with one hand, she reached down with the other and began slowly petting Sonata.

"I already said, Mistress, you won't hurt me if you stop when I ask. I know my limits." Sonata's mind briefly recalled that her sisters had treated her as a doormat, but when Rarity did it, things were much different. She leaned against Rarity's legs, and nibbled at her breakfast.

Rarity gave Sonata's ear a little flick. "I didn't ask what you would take, I asked what you want. Spicy has a well-stocked store, and while I don't have an infinite budget like some, I definitely can afford some accessories for my kitten."

The punishing finger carefully traced Sonata's hair again, and Sonata quickly forgot the brief chastisement. "I love being your pet, Mistress. Anything you can think of to put me more into that mindset would be wonderful. Gag me, fit me with a 'tail,' or just treat me as yours." She actually managed a little purr as the ideas passed from her lips. "Marking me is perfectly fi—"

"Do you want to be marked?" Rarity cut Sonata short, and she saw the girl make a more excited nuzzle to Rarity's legs.

"B-By you, Mistress." Turning her head, Sonata looked up along Rarity's shapely thigh. "How much time do you have before school, Mistress?"

"Not enough for what you are thinking." Looking down at Sonata, Rarity's mind raced. She wouldn't dare mar the girl's natural beauty, but then she realized what she wasn't seeing. "After band practice tonight. I'll be coming around to mark you as mine."

Rarity watched Sonata's eyes flutter closed, and the mighty siren at her feet trembled. Rarity took another, perhaps less than lady-like bite of her burrito. "What would giving you a tail… entail?"

Sonata's eyes popped open, and she turned to look up at Rarity's eyes. Curiosity was the predominant emotion in them, but she could see hunger, desire, and power too. "Spicy has some of those in stock. They are relatively cheap, Mistress."

"But what are they?" Rarity's hand trailed down Sonata's face, brushing one cheek, and then she tickled the girl under the chin. She stopped when she realized Sonata wasn't going to answer without prompting. "Pet?"

The word snapped Sonata back to the present. "Tails, right. A butt plug with a large plume of tail. There are fox ones, horsey ones, dog—"

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Cat ones?" She watched a little sadness come to Sonata's face: the girl shook her head. "Then I think a horsey one. You aren't a siren anymore, you can be my little pony."

Sonata's legs squirmed a little at the thought, and she wobbled in place while Rarity's delicate fingers kept stroking her face and hair. Something occurred to her, and she turned her head to look at the clock. "Rarity, you need to go to school. You don't want to be late."

Tracing the line of Sonata's glance, Rarity saw that she wasn't late as such, but she did want to see Luna before school and beg her for the chance to do a makeup test. "You're right. Thank you." She gave Sonata's left ear a gentle rub to make up for flicking it, then stood.

"You two are so noisy." Spicy climbed down from the raised section in the loft—what served as a bedroom. "Oh, is that breakfast?" Wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, Spicy gave Rarity her first look at his full body. He was toned, but not exaggeratedly so. Shorter than her, Rarity's eyes were drawn to the large pepper tattoo on his chest. The black ink of the tattoo was thick and perfect, the edges were crisp, but she realized where she was looking and quickly looked away.

A glance back showed Rarity that Spicy hadn't even seemed to notice, and it became more apparent to her that he wasn't interested in girls—except Rainbow Dash. "I should be going. Thank you, Sonata, I am sure we'll have a lot to do on Thursday."

Sonata jumped to her feet and laughed like she had not a care in the world. "Thanks!"

Rarity reached out and grabbed Sonata's arm. She pulled her submissive close and pressed her lips firmly against Sonata's.

Realizing her mistress was having one last little play, Sonata gazed into Rarity's eyes for a moment and any form of resistance folded under their dominant glare. Energy filled her but, unlike the magic of a siren, this was all of her own making. When the kiss broke, when she realized Rarity's lipgloss was smudged just a little, Sonata let out a happy, soft sound from the back of her throat.

"Don't forget, I'll mark you tonight." Rarity, holding her burrito still, turned from Sonata and made for the door.

Rarity, despite the fire that had caught in her body, danced down the stairs and out to her car. Each bite of her breakfast reminded her of Sonata, and she suddenly realized why Sonata wanted to be marked. "She wants something to touch that will remind her of me."

The realization was a minor revelation, and it shocked Rarity to have someone want her that much. It shocked her, and excited her.

Taking care of Opalescence was one thing, but Sonata was thousands of years old, probably knew every part of the world better than Rarity. And Sonata would drop everything she was doing if Rarity went back in there and told her to. "I want her to feel good, so these will have to scream chic."

Author's Notes:

Limestone: Do you or do you not know the relationship between your sister and her roommate? Because I have a feeling you are playing with her right now.

"That they're probably sharing lipstick? Duh." Limestone rolled her eyes as if she could never be that dense. "Pinkie's smart under all that hair, and hey, at least she won't get pregnant like this. Messing with my little sisters is just about more fun than yelling at new recruits."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on atreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament

Some editing by PeerImagination.

Next Chapter: Allies Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 54 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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