
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 43: Spreading

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Being called to the Vice-Principal's office would have been more scary to Rarity, if she hadn't been going to meet up with her anyway. Luna's office normally didn't have the door closed, so Rarity walked up and knocked on it.

When a sound came from within, Rarity opened the door. "You wanted to see me, Vice-Principal Luna?" She took a step in when Luna gestured her to.

"Your make-up test will be delayed until after I take Lavender Lace home. She seems to have come down with the same thing you and Rainbow Dash had." A moment passed, and Luna suddenly had a much better idea. "You have your car here, would you be able to run her home?"

Rarity blinked a few times at the request. "Of course I could. Is there anything she needs on the way?" Reaching out a hand to her friend, Rarity tried to help Lavender to her feet. For a tiny moment their eyes met, and Rarity saw hunger in Lavender's eyes, and she had to gulp back to stop her dominant side from reacting.

"You could stop off and get her something to sleep?" Luna was already writing up a report of the situation, and realized she was probably sacrificing a good deal of the next week for her students. Her neutral expression broke into a slight smile. "Thank you, Rarity."

"Oh, it's no problem, darling." Rarity waved off the thanks with aplomb.

The journey to her car was not an easy one for Rarity, but she managed to get Lavender into the passenger seat, and circled around the other side. The moment Rarity sat down in the car, Lavender reached a hand across to her. "What—"

"Please? You were so into me the other day. I need…" Lavender Lace was barely conscious. She stared at Rarity like a drowning person stares at a life-raft. "I want to fuck you so bad…"

Remembering the intensity of her own needs following her convalescence, Rarity suddenly put all the pieces together in her mind. "It's the sickness doing this. It made me need to—and now you too." A hand startled her when Lavender groped at Rarity's breast. The heat of the morning flared, and Rarity had to grit her teeth in denial of it. "Lavender Lace, you will stop that this instant!"

Lavender was suddenly in control of herself again. She stared at her offending hand, and quickly pulled it back. There was an intensity to Rarity that demanded not just obedience, but a reply. "Sorry, Rarity." The burning need between her legs hadn't ceased, not in the slightest. "I just—"

"Yes, yes. You need to screw something so badly you can't think straight." Reaching down, Rarity poked the starter on her car and pulled out of the school. "Why on earth didn't you just masturbate before school?"

"Runnin' late. Had to make finals." Lavender barely recognized the streets, barely made sense of anything but Rarity at her side.

Rarity slowed a little at a thought. "At least tell me you have a vibrator?" When Lavender shook her head, Rarity rolled her eyes. "Then we have to pick you up something to help you through the day, just like Vice-Principal Luna said."

Stopping her car out the front of Spicy's store, Rarity climbed out and circled around her car. She took the stairs as quickly as she could, and slipped into the adult toy store.

Spicy Hot was working the front counter, and Sonata seemed to be missing. Rarity waited until Spicy was done dealing with a customer who kept asking about magazines. "Spicy, sexual emergency. A friend is in dire need of a vibrator."

His face lighting up, Spicy gestured to the wall where his vast supply of vibrators hung. Everything from little beginner units, to things that resembled a UFO. "Is this for Rain—"

"No. A friend wanted me to get her something, and I told her I would." Rarity looked along the wall, and spotted a plain-looking six-inch toy. "That one will do."

"That one? No. This is the girl's first?" Spicy waited for Rarity's confused look to resolve, but it didn't. "Regardless, get her something a little more exciting." he selected one the same price, that had an extra poking piece on it.

"What's that do?" Rarity was momentarily intrigued with the purpose. "I mean, I know what the rest does, but this is—"

"Clitoral stimulation. Trust me, it's a popular seller." Already sure of his sale, Spicy Hot gestured back to the counter. "You said it was an emergency. You don't go into the hospital and then tell them what kind of scalpel to use."

Rarity suddenly had an excited idea. She reached up and grabbed a second of the toys, and carried it to the counter. "This one too." She wore a smile that said she had plans—plans for a siren.

"Batteries, too?" With a smile that said he knew the answer already, Spicy began ringing up both toys.

"Drat, they don't come with them?" Rarity knew the answer before she saw Spicy shake his head. "Oh well. Batteries for both. You are a darling, Spicy Hot." Rarity was just gathering the bag up Spice was passing her, when she remembered. "Oh, there was something I meant to tell you."

"That you've had a change of heart and guys might be your thing after all?" Spicy tilted his hip and pressed a finger to his cheek as if posing for a photo.

"I'm taking Rainbow Dash shopping later, and planned to talk her into buying a lot more than she needs. Was there anything in particular that might get a certain guy's motor running?" Leaning forward, Rarity was sure that if Spicy could pose, she could flaunt her cleavage at him.

"Something I can tear off her in a hurry." Immune to Rarity's breasts, Spicy nonetheless returned fire by speaking as low and hungrily as he could—it really helped to imagine Rainbow Dash dressing up for him. "Actually, don't buy her anything. She can wear that just fine."

Rarity took one look at Spicy's waggling eyebrows and groaned. "You're incorrigible, Spicy Hot." She had to laugh, though, at how well he was playing up for her. "I'll see you later."

"Later?" Spicy froze and looked around conspiratorially. "But what will Rainbow and Sonata say if they catch us in flagrante delicto?" He grasped Rarity's free hand, lifted it carefully to his lips, and then kissed her knuckles gently.

This time, Rarity's heart actually fluttered at the treatment. For a bare moment, if Spicy Hot had pulled her across the counter… she might have gone with it. "You tease." She managed to pull her hand free just as he tried to lick her fingers.

Spicy laughed as Rarity made her escape. "Don't you know it!"

Lavender Lace's hand had migrated to her own breast, and was kneading it slowly when Rarity climbed back in the car. She let out a soft groan, but Rarity seemed to ignore her. The parasite in her head was practically starving, and was becoming more insistent by the second that she find sexual release.

Not caring if she got a ticket, Rarity drove a little above the speed limit directly for Lavender's house. Normally there were two cars in the driveway—each of Lavender's parents worked—but thankfully, there was neither. Pulling up, Rarity tried to let out a sigh of relief, but at that moment one of Lavender's hands slipped across to her thigh. "Lavender Lace. Get your hand off me this very moment!"

There was something about Rarity's voice that continued to cut through Lavender's lust. She let out a soft whimper, and pulled her hand back far enough to break contact. Her other hand was still working at her own breast, heedless of any clothing there.

"Now, come with me, and if you left any mess in my car you will be paying for it!" Climbing out of her car, Rarity walked around to find Lavender feebly working at the door handle. "Surely the girl can't be this catatonic?"

By the time Rarity had Lavender Lace to the front door, had that open, and carried the girl inside, she had been groped more times than she could count. What was worse was, Rarity was starting to get a little turned on—again.

She had visited Lavender's home before, and thankfully knew the right room to carry her to. Propping Lavender Lace at the doorway to her room—now seemingly senseless with lust—Rarity let the girl play with herself while she removed all of Lavender's clothes.

Lavender took her undressing as a very good sign, and moaned. Her left hand could find her naked breast now, while the other dove between her legs. She barely noticed as Rarity pulled and guided her to her bed, but squealed in excitement when she was set upon the soft covers.

Rarity quickly made her way back out to her car and transferred one of the vibrators she had purchased to her handbag, split the pack of batteries up, and rushed inside with one of the toys. Moans echoed down the hallway, and again Rarity found herself aroused at the situation. "No. She is not my pet, and in this state she might not even be able to tell me she doesn't want to be. I won't take advantage of anyone!"

Fumbling with the toy, Rarity pulled it from its package and fitted the batteries to it just as she reached Lavender's bedroom. Inside, Lavender Lace was masturbating as furiously as her hands would work, and Rarity knew exactly what she needed. "Lavender!"

Whimpering as the authoritarian voice cut through her lust, Lavender turned her face toward Rarity, and she immediately recognized the thing in the other girl's hands. The neediest moan yet broke from her lips, and she reached up with messy fingers to clutch for the toy.

Rarity didn't fight against Lavender's grip when the girl grabbed the vibrator. The buzzing, wiggling toy was positioned with lusty-borne speed, and pressed into Lavender's body. Rarity watched in amazement as Lavender Lace spitted herself on the toy, and pushed quickly into an orgasm.

"I'm going. We are going to have words later." Rarity turned around and, closing Lavender's door, made her way out of the house.

"You can't be serious." Celestia stared at her "little" sister, Luna, across the desk of the principal's office. "You have deliberately left this until the last minute, so I couldn't get another band, haven't you?"

Luna felt a little petulant, but also burned with the need to perform. "I will not be alone." The look of relief in her sister's eyes surprised Luna. "That was your objection?"

Softening, Principal Celestia reached a hand across the desk, and waited for Luna to hesitantly meet it with her own. "It was. I hated seeing you come off-stage crying, or in a rage. Who will perform with you?"

"Two students of Canterlot High, and one from Crystal Prep." Luna watched her sister's face register surprise, then interest. "Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Lemon Zest."

Celestia closed her eyes. She thought of how long it had taken her to "straighten out" her little sister. She didn't want to have to put her best friend back together again. "I'll allow this on one condition." She opened her eyes and saw Luna's worry. "Nightmare Moon may ride again, but you do not step foot on stage."

When Luna didn't say anything, Celestia continued. "You are a teacher now, Luna—an adult. Pass the torch."

The side of Luna that was Nightmare Moon railed at the rules, at the stipulation, and railed at the injustice of life itself. But it had already been poisoned by Celestia's words. Loyalty to her students, a desire to see them rise up greater than her, rekindled the fire within Luna. Her smile spread, and she nodded. "I won't set foot on stage, but to introduce them."

"Perfectly acceptable. You will need to help them find their footing. They were relying on you." Celestia cheered not only for her ploy, but also for her sister.

"And they can rely on me some more. I won't abandon them completely." Standing up, Luna brought a wide smile to bear on her sister. "Of course, I will tell them that it was the big bad Principal Celestia that insisted. You won't get off unscathed."

"Deal. What emergency are you rushing off to now?" Celestia sat back in her chair, her hands already moving to her computer's keyboard to resume her work.

Luna sighed. "A student had an absence yesterday, medical reasons. She has chosen to resit the final she missed today."

"School policy states that all such are to be deferred for the following week. What's so special in this case?" As Celestia worked, she brought up the student absent list for the previous day; two names, and one in particular stood out.

"Rarity," Luna said, redundantly she realized, as her sister's lips mouthed the name too. "Consider it a reward for following along with your bid to strengthen ties between Canterlot University and Canterlot High School."

Rainbow Dash looked down at the four big bags of clothing she carried. It wasn't everything, either. Looking to the other side, her free arm had three boxes under it. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

Rarity waved a hand at Rainbow Dash dismissively. "Now now. You needed those things, you asked me to come and help. I helped." She carried a small box that Rainbow Dash had called her "payment" for the afternoon.

"There was one more little thing I needed." Rarity turned abruptly, and walked into a jewelry store.

Trixie raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash, and then looked at Rarity's back. "Just remember, Trixie is yet to get her ice-cream."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Trixie, and walked into the store after Rarity. Inside, she found Rarity discussing purchasing simple rings—the kind that pierce. "What're you getting now?"

Gesturing at the rings, Rarity tossed her hair expressively. "These are for Sonata." Rarity's face squeezed to a tight moue for a moment.

"There's something else?" Rainbow Dash recognized the look her friend got when something was beyond her price range. She followed Rarity's eyes and saw a range of high-class pet tags. Each was silver, and the one that had caught her friend's eyes was apparently the little cat-sized tag that was bordered in amethysts. Then she saw the price tag. "You're going to put a tag on her?"

"Of course. I'm going to put a tag on my—kitty cat, but that one will take a little time to save up f—" Rarity froze as Rainbow Dash reached to her handbag, and fished out the small wallet (Rarity had tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade Rainbow Dash to use a purse). "You can't."

"This is something we got each other into. I'm not going to leave you high and dry. Just think of it as—as a friend doing something cool for another friend." Rainbow Dash thumbed through the cards in her wallet. One was for day-to-day things, it held her allowance. Another was for more substantial things, like Rainbow Dash's hobbies. The last one was the least used; that third card was for just such shopping as they were doing.

For the second time that day, Rainbow Dash felt Rarity hug tight to her, and felt her friend's chest pressed to her arm. "Excuse me? My friend would like to take a look at this one, please?" She pointed at the tag, trying to ignore the excited Rarity hanging off her.

"Certainly!" The clerk was quick about her business, reaching into the cabinet and pulling the tag out on its little tray. "The metal is sterling silver, the amethysts are firmly fitted so even your pet's most direct efforts will not dislodge them, and—of course—we can engrave anything you wish onto it."

Rarity's heart beat fast. This wasn't exactly a mere token, but something that needed a more special moment. "H-How long would it take to engrave?"

"The service we use takes three days normally, but I understand there is a lot of work for them right now, so you would probably be best to allow a week." It was a balancing act for a sales clerk: telling the truth and possibly having the sale walk away, or fibbing to a customer and having it come back to haunt her later. She erred on the side of caution. "How complex is the message you want on it?"

Drawing out her idea-pad from her handbag, Rarity quickly sketched a diamond pattern, the one she loved so much. "This pattern, on both sides."

"This isn't getting Trixie her ice-cream any faster." Poking her nose into others' business was just about what Trixie did best, and she employed that skill to good effect. "Pet tags? Did your cat lose its old one?"

One look at Rarity told Rainbow Dash that while her friend had managed a white lie to the salesperson, Rarity was about to blurt the truth to Trixie. "Nah. Rarity got herself a new pet. Bit of a stray, if you ask me, but pretty, I guess." Rainbow had talked over any hope Rarity had to incriminate herself.

Trixie's lie detector wasn't up to the task to picking apart what Rainbow Dash had said well enough to find what had been incorrect, but she knew something had been. She watched with narrowed eyes as the salesperson took Rarity's order, and raised an eyebrow when Rainbow Dash paid for it.

Waiting until they were all out of the store, Trixie could hold her need in no longer. "Alright. What's going on?"

Rainbow Dash, still feeling a warm and fuzzy feeling from having helped her friend out with what was literally the least important thing to her, opened her mouth. "All right, you caught us. Rarity is buying it as a present for Flutt—"

"Stop, Rainbow." Rarity shook her head. "I simply won't lie about this to friends. It's for Sonata. The tag is for her." She waited for the shock to break into outrage, or worse, but Trixie just blinked a few times.

"Oh." Trixie's mind tried to connect the dots. She could see so many paths spiraling out from that statement that it was even more ambiguous than ever. "Well, Trixie hopes you have fun with it, and her."

It took Trixie nearly ten seconds before continuing, during that time, Rainbow Dash and Rarity just looked at her with a little surprise evident. "She isn't controlling you still, is she?"

"No, darling, her gem is shattered." Rarity shuddered at the thought of how easily the sirens had gotten under the collective skin of the students and faculty of CHS. "About that ice-cream…"

Author's Notes:

Rarity: Have you checked whether the rest of your family were still sleeping or not?

"I assumed they either have what I have, or not. I was in a bit of a rush to get to school and my,"—Rarity shudders a little—"finals. Besides, the worst that could have happened is they had a few day's rest, too, right?"

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on atreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament

Next Chapter: Quick-Play Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 24 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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