
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 101: A Manic Monday Pt5

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"Who first?" Sonata asked.


"Twilight, I think Sonata's question was quite clear. Which of us would you like a date with first?" Rarity asked.

At that moment Spicy Hot opened the door to his shop and stepped inside. His mobile was pressed to one fuzzy ear as he spoke into it. "No, I know you don't do those kinds. I want the normal ones." Seeing Rarity and Twilight in the store, Spicy nodded to them and walked past. "Look, just get me some that would fit a small pony. Shetland I think they're called."

Twilight looked to Rarity, who looked to Sonata, who shrugged.

"Yes. Soft leather, but I need it strong. Right, ten of each, and you might want to get more in for my next order." Spicy rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the three waiting females. "Yes. Look, how much if I just order a hundred?" He paused. "Do it. Get me the twenty to start with and I'll take fifty more of each by the end of the month. Thanks, hot-stuff."

"Hot-stuff?" Sonata asked when Spicy hung up the call.

"A guy in high school that wanted to experiment. He still thinks jerking each other off was the wildest thing ever, but he's straight as an arrow and even less adventurous than one. I call him that because he expects it, and he gives me a discount when I make him feel like he had an adventure." Spicy waved his phone in a circle. "Some people will do anything to relive a little thrill. Also, he sucks at handjobs. What can I help you lovely ladies with?"

"Twilight is trying to decide which of us to take on a date first." Pointing at Twilight, Sonata looked up at Spicy. "It should go by seniority. I'm older, so I get first dibs."

"Darling. I'm the dominant here. I should go first in everything." Rarity looked down to Twilight. "And we've known each other longer."

Twilight turned to look at Spicy with a pleading expression. She watched him reach for a black rubber toy on the shelf beside him.

"Rarity, Sonata, catch!" Spicy tossed the dong so it would sail between the two.

Out of instinct Rarity shied back while Sonata reached out and caught the dildo. Sonata blinked a few times. "I win?" She waited for Spicy to nod. "I won!"

"Well that was hardly fair, but I guess this gives me a chance to plan. How would I go about romancing Twilight Sparkle off all four of her feet?" Rarity made a point of ignoring Sonata's celebration moonwalk.

Sonata froze a moment before she walked backward into a rack of vibrators. "Ohcrapgottaplan!"

Watching Sonata run from the store, Spicy let out a sigh. "I lose more workers that way." He took just a moment to complete the gag by looking wistfully into the air. "Right. So what's up, Twilight?"

Mentally catching up on the fact that she apparently had two dates lined up, Twilight's mind shifted context to work. "Right. I have some proposals I'd like you to look over. Also, I want to make a start on that site design, and need pictures."

Spicy Hot gasped in surprise. "I should have worn my swim-suit!"

"I meant of stock. Mostly for backgrounds and that kind of thing. It would be nice to eventually have multi-angle pictures of everything, but my robot to do that is only half-finished." Twilight held off from continuing. She looked at the surprised expression on Spicy's face. "It's a joke!"

Blinking at Twilight, trying to get his head around the nerdy girl actually telling a joke, Spicy let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were getting a bit—"

"I mean, the robot's already built. I just need to program it." Turning around to hide her grin, Twilight used her magic to pull out her mobile phone.

Rarity, who had been searching restaurants on her phone, looked up to see the shell-shocked expression on Spicy's face and smiled a little wider. "Darling, you didn't just hire a nerdy girl. You hired the nerdy girl. What Twilight doesn't know about technology isn't worth knowing."

"Yeah, I guess I walked into it. Okay, a new rule for Spicy Hot. Don't underestimate anything any of you are doing." Spicy walked behind the counter and punched for a report from the register. "Slow morning, though not surprising. Who wants to go dong-shopping on a Monday morning?"

"Well, I could see a lot of people wanting to get things after a big weekend, but they might not want to come into a store to get them." Twilight looked around for the best displays and the most varied. "Being able to browse the site on a phone will be a must. We can't neglect that. And I'd like to enable in-store pickup rather than delivery. Payment types… Do you have credit services with any particular company?"

"I just got the bank to sort all that out. I was thinking of giving some things out tonight. Nothing expensive, but attaching a card so people could—" Spicy cut himself off when Twilight spun around looking shocked. "What's wrong?"

"I'll have to get this working by tonight then!"

Spicy watched Twilight's phone suddenly zip around the shop taking photos. He got dizzy trying to follow it. "Can't we just put a coming soon page up or something?"

"No! No! No!" Twilight rushed up behind the counter and reared up to look at the display of the register's computer. With her magic, Twilight began typing away and investigating things. "Okay, I can build on this. Your suppliers have plenty of pictures for the items, we can use those. I need your main computer and about four hours worth of caffeine!"

"You know where the computer is, and if you can get the site running by tonight, I'll make you all the coffee you could want." Thinking Twilight would get the reference, Spicy was surprised when she instead just ran to the workbench at the back of the store and started working. "Huh…"

"Twilight gets focused on things, and nothing will penetrate her bubble once she is. I heard about your plans." Shifting the topic, Rarity settled on a particular restaurant that should match the ambiance she wanted for the date.

Spicy suffered from conversational whiplash. "What plans?"

"A tattoo by your beau." Lifting one hand to her forehead, Rarity acted flustered. "Rainbow tattled. She said your new stallion was a little worried about the permanency."

"To be completely honest, I'm the kind of guy who likes to jump in feet first. Ya know? Getting Rainbow's favorite mark on my shoulder wouldn't be the worst thing." Just mentioning Rainbow's name made Spicy smile.

"What about a piercing? Perhaps a stud with that same pattern on the head?" The focus Spicy put on her almost made Rarity blush. "Ahem. One for public, and maybe something somewhere else?"

Reaching a hand up carefully, Spicy Hot touched the base of his pony ear, then traced the edge with a shiver.

"You want it," Rarity said.

"I do, and you could almost have me with talk like that but for one thing." Sighing, Spicy leaned backwards over the counter with a long-suffering and dramatic sigh. "You need a penis."

Rarity groaned at the theatrics. "Honestly. What do you see in those things? They're literally only good for one thing and in my opinion they do even that poorly." Despite her protests and her alignment, Rarity had felt a little tingle of excitement at the almost-naughty banter.

"And yet, Miss Rarity, you just made a pass at me." When he tilted his head up, Spicy had a big grin on his face. "No one can resist my wiles—no man, woman, or pony."

"I can!" Twilight called from somewhere in the back of the store.

"Okay," Spicy said. "Maybe ponies. Admit it, you're horny, Rarity."

"There aren't a lot of people I would dare admit this to, but I feel you're one of the few I can trust with it. I am. Sonata is—" Rarity bit her lip. "Sonata is worried about her gemstone. She doesn't want to hurt anyone."

"So everything with Twilight was a smokescreen so she could slip away and avoid starting something with you." Spicy straightened the things on the counter. "Sounds like she's withdrawing again."

Rarity, for the first time in her life, experienced the grip of an almost completely integrated parasite as it made its needs known. Her body felt flush, her eyes dilated a little, and her nethers prepared for sex. Biting her lip and pulling out her phone, she tried to deny what was happening but couldn't.

"Booty call?" Spicy Hot asked.

Rarity just nodded as she tapped out her request to Sonata and hit send.

"Rainbow has the same issue. One minute she'll be sated, then I can see the hunger light in her eyes. Only happens when she hasn't been active. Do you need to borrow something and head next door?"

Looking down at the chat screen, Rarity almost jumped when Sonata's reply came up. "I think I—I'm fine, thank you Spicy."

Rarity was already moving when—just a few minutes later—footsteps approached the door. She had the door open before Sonata could even walk in and grabbed her girlfriend's wrist.

"Are you okay, Rari—" Sonata froze at the look of dominant hunger in Rarity's eyes. Her own need rose to meet the fire, but Sonata tried to slam it back down and deny her base urges. "What's wrong?"

"You!" Rarity pointed at the door leading to the apartment Sonata and Spicy shared. "In there and strip!" Her tone was stronger than anything Rarity had used before. She felt the hunger of her body mixing with the desires of her mind.

"Crop's in the top drawer!" Spicy Hot said as the two women left his store.

The bell rang not a few minutes later. Spicy turned and put on his best smile. "Welcome to Canterlot Crops!"

"Whoa! That's an awesome cosplay. Is there a convention on?"

Spicy Hot examined the young man critically. He certainly looked old enough to be in such a store, but likely not having the most experience with such things. The strange thing for Spicy, however, was that he couldn't get a read on the guy's alignment. "Oh no! I dress up specially just for work! You know what they say, dress for the job you want, not the one you have."

"Did you use some magic stuff to get that mouth like that? Holy shit that's amazing. Anyway, I just wanted a pack of rubbers. The drugstore was out." The young man looked around, his mind just starting to process the contents of the shop. "Heh. Bet this is some real hard work?"

Liking a good gag as much as the next person (probably a lot more), Spicy smiled and nodded. "So hard. All the time. You don't want to get caught in here when the boss is around, he's a real ball breaker. What kind do you need?"

"Look. I'll level with ya. My girlfriend sent me in to get them. I have no clue, man." The guy looked at the door he'd just entered through, sure he'd heard someone shout. "Uh, just get me whatever a girl'd love."

Spicy rolled his eyes with a playful smile on his face. "Always with the difficult questions. Well, why don't we go with the ribbed ultra-thin. You have lube?" At a blank look, Spicy reached across to the pre-lubricated condoms. "Here you go."

The guy slid his card across the counter. "Thanks a bunch and, uh, do you have, like, cuffs?"

"Fuzzy ones or ones that will actually work?"

"Fuzzy ones don't work?"

Grinning like your average fruit-predator, Spicy Hot licked his lips. "Depends how much you struggle."

"Duuuuude!" But the guy didn't leave with his small purchase. "How about a pair of each?"

"Gift wrapped?"

"Go ahead."

By the time he had the cuffs wrapped and paid for, Spicy was humming away happily. The door rang as the condom buyer left, and Spicy did a little dance of victory.

Author's Notes:

Celestia: your sister has had an opportunity to revisit her past and inspire the next generation. Do you have any old pursuits you'd like to pick up again? There's something in the wind these days, 'tis a time to launch new ventures. Or revive long forgotten ones.

"I'll be completely honest. I'm more than comfortable with my greenhouse and with running a school. You wouldn't believe the things I have to do to keep this all operational year to year." Principal Celestia let out a happy sigh. "Ensuring all our students have an environment to learn in is not exactly the easiest or least-exciting job around here."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Next Chapter: A Manic Monday Pt6 Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 14 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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