
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 102: A Manic Monday Pt6

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Two customers later and a familiar (short and flaming) man walked in. "Spicy! Working the register? You still have the booking for tonight, remember."

"Hey, Butter Cup. Yeah, Rainbow's all excited about tonight. She has all her friends coming, as well as—" Spicy paused a moment, remembering some of the people he'd invited too. "It's going to be interesting."

"What's with the demon getup? Got a special party organized with you know who?" Butter leaned against the counter. "I heard someone picked up…"

Spicy couldn't stop a silly-happy expression from covering his face. He leaned forward onto the counter. "Maaaybeee. Or maybe I spent the night banging my hot girlfriend."

Butter Cup lifted a hand to rub his smooth chin. "If I didn't know better, I'd say that sounded like the truth. Regardless, I know you had a great night because when I saw The Cowboy today, he was smiling a mile wide. Forget all that, it's just gossip. What's this?!"

Not pulling back quickly enough, Spicy found his chin grasped in the strong fingers of Butter's hand. "Crspl." Spicy jerked his jaw free. "It's cosplay! What's a cowboy without his horse, after all." When it didn't look like his half-lie worked, Spicy sighed. "What?"

"I've seen magic makeup. It doesn't look half that good and it doesn't last all night and half a day. What're you into?"

Spicy sighed and rolled his shoulders as he leaned back from the counter. "It's not that pretend magic. This is the real thing. You remember all that stuff that happened around here last year? Huge rainbows. Giant horses, that stuff?" When Butter nodded, Spicy continued. "Well, it's that. It's pony magic, only it seems I got some kind of bat version. It's cool, though."

"You have wings, pointy ears, and I think you have a tail back there somewhere. People are going to notice these things." Butter smelled more to this. His mind raced trying to pick up everything. Then it hit him. "Hold on, hot-pants, your girlfriend was dressed in pony gear?"

"She was." Spicy shifted nervously.

"A lot of pony gear. She has wings and all that, but this was more. This is getting worse?"

"So far? Near as I've heard magic—real magic—is spreading. Keep it on the down-low. I don't want the girls getting in trouble when this isn't even their fault." Spicy was defensive, he couldn't help it. "They're doing their best to help everyone. This? This is going to happen regardless."

"So we're all going to turn into cute little pony boys? We get the tail and wings and can prance around? This isn't so bad."

It took every hint of restraint for Spicy not to turn and glance toward Twilight at the back of the store. "Something like that. Some get horns. Some get wings. I got an unending desire for sweet things."

"Sweet tooth huh?"

"You wouldn't believe. Best thing I've found so far is fruit juice." Spicy was sidetracking Butter, and it was working. "I guess you'll get to see the full gang tonight. I hope you like girls, Butter Cup."

Butter groaned. "Please tell me at least one cute boy will be coming?"

Spicy flashed a smiled. "This one will be. Oh, and I think Rainbow's friend will be coming. He's pretty cool. Name's Thunderbolt."

"Big guy?"

"You wouldn't believe. Speaks his mind though. We had a bit of a rough meeting, but sorted out our differences. He's pretty cool." Spicy debated saying more, but thought how terribly that would ruin the surprise.

Butter Cup purred softly. "Big guy, honest, maybe more—Spicy Hot, you may have just made my night."

"He's also straight, but I think he might be curious." Spicy remembered Thunderbolt's curious reactions to the idea of gay sex. "Well, it might be more just that he doesn't care. Bit of a nympho, but he's honest about it. If he wants sex, he'll just come right out and ask." Cursing himself for letting that gem slip, Spicy was content with the beautiful (to Spicy) shock that Butter seemed to be in.

The doorbell rang. Spicy looked up to see one of his regulars walking in. He smiled and gave the guy a nod before turning back to Butter. "Might be another guy too, straight as an arrow and hooked up."

Recovering, Butter let out an expressive sigh. "What happened to the adorable little gay twink who stumbled into my bar one day by accident?"

"He fell pretty hard for a girl who has all the right moves?" Spice waggled his eyebrows a little. "It's good to see you, Butter, but I actually have work to do today."

"As opposed to every other day?" Butter Cup asked.

"Opening an online store." Spicy noticed his regular customer—who was browsing—turned their head to listen in. "Hopefully it should be somewhat functional by tonight."

"Working on it!" Twilight called from the back of the store.

Butter's attention swiveled toward the back of the store, where he noticed a purple glow coming from behind Spicy's computer. "And just who has he got slaving away over this little project?" His eyes flicked from the glow toward Spicy.

Spicy rolled his eyes. "Someone you aren't going to interrupt, Butter. Everything going alright, Twilight?"

"Yes, Mr. Hot." Twilight's mind was so distracted with installing a shopping cart and linking it to Spicy's payment manager and inventory database. The rest was an in-progress writing of webpage templates.

"You have a secretary who calls you Mr. Hot?" Butter's eyebrows waggled furiously.

"She's not my secretary, and she knows more about that stuff than either us put together. Also, she's gouging me on a percentage of profits, but since she's going to handle it all, I'm willing to go along with her on it. No sense being greedy." Idly, Spicy picked up a dildo from the bargain bin and started wobbling it across his fingers like it were a pencil.

Pondering the situation with Spicy apparently surrounding himself with females, Butter turned back to the man in question. "So where is this amazing girlfriend who has slain your gay tendencies?"

"She's working on her car today. Did I mention she loves big, shiny machines?" Distractions were everything, and Spicy knew Butter had a thing for fast cars. "I believe she said it had an engine and everything."

Butter groaned. "You're terrible. It's not that you won't give me any details on what your tomboyfriend is doing—you just don't know."

"Tomboyfriend? I…" Spicy thought for a moment, "… don't hate it."

"She's going to bring this car tonight, perhaps?" Butter Cup was a sucker for seeing the type of car someone worked on, as opposed to just drove.

"Sure, but she'd need a trailer right now. Last I heard it was a box of rusty metal," Spicy Hot said.

Rainbow Dash was cheating. Magic buzzed through her body as she finished welding the last support into place. Flipping back her mask, she inspected the engine mounts and nodded to herself.

Her baby's heart was hanging from an engine crane over the front of the car's chassis rails. There weren't wheels yet, but the suspension system was on order, as well as the transmission, the differential, and a myriad other smaller parts for her baby.

Letting the crane down slowly, Rainbow Dash shoved a fist into the air as the weight of the engine settled onto the frame. "Yes! Alright, let's get this body on!"

Positioning the body of her car, a remake of a much older car colloquially known as a T-bucket, Rainbow Dash felt a pang of hunger—which she ignored at first—but the empty feeling in her stomach slowly sank lower until she couldn't keep her mind from wandering to her groin.

"Alright! Damn. I just want a day or two to get all this prep work done, but noooo." Despite her words, Rainbow wore a smile as she walked inside her house.

Her top was first to be tossed clear, thrown onto the laundry floor as she passed. Her bra and shorts came off in the bathroom, and her panties were kicked clear as she reached her shower.

One thing that had changed in her house was that each of the bathrooms had some extra accessories added. She turned the shower on with two flicks of her wrist on the controls, and as she stepped into the downpour Rainbow looked at the toy rack.

The grime of her day took minimal effort to clean off, and Rainbow's hand ran along the row of vibrators. "Your turn today."

A twist of the base and the two-pronged toy started to squirm and wiggle in her hand. The larger part of the toy buzzed and moved, while the shorter prong that ended in two little fingers just rolled the digits around.

Pressing the tip of the toy to her snout, Rainbow Dash tilted her head back and ran it down her neck to her chest. With her spine arched, Rainbow's chest looked even less feminine than usual, not that the buzzing of the toy as she trailed it over her breasts wasn't delightful to her. "I know where you wanna go."

The fuzz all over her body tingled as the buzzing toy passed it. When the humming tip of the vibe met her lower belly, Rainbow almost doubled over in need.

"Okay, let's see where you're going. Still getting used to all this." Rainbow turned to look at herself in the mirror wall of the shower. She looked—in her own estimation—hot. Her tight belly was hidden behind soft fur, but though she knew she'd never see herself with a six-pack, it would be hiding just under the fuzz.

A little flicker of pink between her legs made Rainbow's mouth curl up even more into a hungry smile. Again her clit poked free of its home and returned. "Got something special just for you."

In Rainbow's head, her brain was feeding through a new organ on the hormones her arousal was making. All she felt of this, of course, was a hunger for more of what was making her feel good.

Rainbow brought the toy down to her thick vulva and pressed the active head against her slit. "Faaaarrrr—" She clamped her snout closed on the end of the expletive. Her body and brain both lit up at the shock of pleasurable vibrations pouring into her groin, and she wanted more.

The mechanics of sex as a part-mare were not all that different than sex as an entirely-human—things go in places, and if they move around or vibrate, they feel good. Taking a more firm grip on her toy, Rainbow pressed the tip of it between her labia and froze.

It felt amazing already.

Despite how good she felt with just the end of the squirming toy in her, Rainbow had a firm idea in her head about what she wanted. Pushing on the base, the empty hunger in Rainbow's lower belly began to fill as the toy swelled out her inner passage.

Bracing one forearm against the mirror, Rainbow used her free hand to guide the toy in and out of her in slow movements. Images flicked through her brain of a mare offering herself to a stallion, of the mare being screwed for hours by him—and of her as that mare.

As the big stallion shoved himself into the mare again and again, Rainbow Dash shoved the toy into herself. She closed her eyes to better get into the moment, and let out little equine snorts as she drove the toy home.

Each stroke of the stallion—each push of the toy—fed Rainbow in a way that no normal creature could feed. She was building her pleasure ever higher until her timed thrust caught her clitoris pushing from her vulva.

Rainbow Dash couldn't move as the two fingers caught her clit between them and started to massage it. She let go of the toy and fell to all fours as her fantasy took over her mind. The tiny fingers gripped to her clit and swirled it around—each movement made her whole body squirm with it.

The orgasm rushed up from deep inside Rainbow. She was sure her stallion had shoved it into her along with his shaft, but the logistics of sexual fantasies were too much for her mind to explore as it was too busy rewarding itself for both copulation and feeding its new hunger. Arching her spine, Rainbow Dash whinnied like a horse as her release rushed out to encompass her.

Rocking her body to the rhythm of the toy stroking her insides, Rainbow's arms and legs slowly folded under her and she fell to her side in the shower stall. Jerking every now and again as an aftershock shook her like a puppet, Rainbow Dash's smile covered her short muzzle from one corner to the other.

For nearly half an hour Rainbow squirmed and shimmied on the floor of the shower. She fed one of her hungers well enough that she was sated. The water kept beating down on her, and the toy kept up its squirming, but Rainbow wanted to move and get done with her shower.

One last orgasm caught her as she tried to get the toy out, resulting in her flapping her wings weakly and moaning.

Moving quicker this time lest she be crushed in the grip of another release, Rainbow pulled the toy from her body and accompanied the motion with a joyous cry. Taking a few more minutes to recover without the constant attention of the toy inside her, Rainbow slowly got to all fours, then drew herself up to her feet.

Every muscle in her body felt relaxed and calm. Rainbow looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. "Still the best."

She washed her hair, dried off as best she could, then walked over to her bathroom toilet. A few minutes of dealing with the results of life and Rainbow was turning her head to look at the special device she'd gotten.

"Well, you never know when your boyfriend is going to bend you over and eat your ass out. Time to clean all the way." Using the enema device took a little squirming and shifting, and more than a little gasping, but she was ready to leave her bathroom exactly one hour after she'd entered it.

Naked but for the fur covering her, Rainbow walked to her bedroom and took the time to brush her hair out—tail and mane—and find another pair of shorts, panties, a bra, and a shirt that clung to her like it was made for her (which it was, thanks to Rarity).

Feeling naughty, Rainbow hunted for her phone and woke it up. "Two messages… Let's get this done first."

Crouching on all fours before her full-length mirror, Rainbow looked back over her shoulder. "Hrmm, how am I going to hide that?" Her vulva was clearly visible from this angle. After some work with her tail, she finally got it draped so it revealed her rear but not her more feminine attributes. Holding up her camera, she aimed it for the mirror and snapped a photo.

"This is so messed up," Rainbow Dash said with a huge grin on her face.

Author's Notes:

Prince Shining Armor: What is your opinion on your human counterpart not consider dating human Cadance?

"My human counterpart? I guess I don't really think of them that much. Twily told me all about there being duplicates of everyone, but she didn't—like—say there was one of me." Shining Armor reached a hoof up to tap his chin. "I wonder if he plays Ogres and Oubliettes? We've been short a player since Mac and—Whoa. Look at the time! I gotta run!"

"Ahem!" Twilight wrapped her magic around Shining. "You didn't answer the question."

"What was it?"

"You know."

"It's a bit numbing, I guess. I mean, what if I'd never fallen for Cady?" Shining shivered. "It's kinda terrifying if I think about it too much."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Please use your FimFic name as an alias. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Next Chapter: A Manic Monday Pt7 Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 4 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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