
Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Chapter 100: A Manic Monday Pt4

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That was the moment when Fluttershy remembered her morning engagement. "Oh my goodness! I need to meet my friends to move into our new house and—" Bridget's head pressed to her hip, the touch breaking her manic thoughts down to things she could focus on. "My clothes."

Dancing to a tune she could feel the world moving to, Tree closed her eyes in a twirl and pointed at the couch. She heard one set of feet walk in the direction she'd gestured, while another came close and stopped.

Thunderbolt reached his talons out to Tree, but he stopped a moment before touching her. It felt wrong, terrible to stop her while she was so vibrant. When he swayed with one of her movements, slid back with another, he felt her rhythm spread into him. Thunderbolt wasn't as lithe or sensuous as Tree (in his own mind at least), but when she opened her eyes and looked at him, power poured through him.

Seeing Thunderbolt dancing to her song almost jerked Tree out of it. The beat had a firm grip on her, though, and as she moved she narrowed the distance between them and she pressed herself to him.

This was still part of the dance. Thunderbolt kept moving, his slow motions no match for Tree's, but somehow he was in sync with her. She moved around him, pressing herself against him, letting him feel her tail, her scales, and her small horn. Each touch only strengthened the electricity that seemed to course through him.

While the pair danced, Fluttershy cast the robe off and got dressed in her things from the previous day. The clothes weren't clean, but it was all she had. "I-I-I'll just… just go." Fluttershy dodged around Thunderbolt's wings, watching how they seemed to frame Tree's movements, but not restrict them. "Bridget?"

Bridget pulled herself away from the dance of nature. She shook her head and, for the first time in her life, rejected the wildness inside. Padding to the door, she turned to look at Fluttershy.

"Come on. Let's—um—leave them to it." Opening the door, Fluttershy almost stumbled into the light of morning.

Fluttershy let Bridget into her van and climbed into the driver's seat. The drive home was uneventful, though it let her think a little too much on how nice it had been to visit Tree and partake. Of course it was a little embarrassing now, but Fluttershy got to watch one of her friends get screwed by Thunderbolt and she got to enjoy it.

In the back of her head, Fluttershy made a mental note to get something nice for Thunderbolt.

When she pulled up at her parents' home, Fluttershy backed her van up to the front of her trailer. Her trailer was in much better condition than her van. She was halfway through hooking it up when her father came out of the house.

"Hey, uh, pumpkin… what are you doing?"

"Well, I'm moving out today, and thought I'd tow my—" Fluttershy's anxiety hit full force when she realized something: she'd assumed the trailer was hers. Strong arms wrapped around Fluttershy and she practically collapsed into her father's embrace. "I-I-I didn't think. I just—How could I have been so stupid? It's not my trailer at all. I'm such a—"

"Wonderful woman? Kinda and caring and amazing person?" Fluttershy's father used a finger to boop his daughter on the nose when she looked up at him. "If I didn't need to move Zeph out of the house so badly, I'd let you take it."

Fluttershy's worry stopped dead at the information. "Zeph's getting my—the—trailer?" Wha-What's wrong with his room?"

"Your mother has put her foot down. Zeph will be paying rent from now on, and his bedroom is being turned into her sewing room." For a moment Fluttershy's father paused. "Keeping your wings out all the time now?"

Still shocked at her mother finally standing up to Zepher's idiocy, Fluttershy missed her father's curiosity in her wings. "I-I kinda told my friends that I'd have the trailer. I didn't—"

"Call them."

"Right. I'll call them."

Sitting on the grass out front of her new house, her friends (and new housemates) at her side, Sunset Shimmer was taking a short break from moving furniture when her phone rang.

Her phone was one crimp on her funds she didn't want to give up. As a human, a mobile phone was essential to do anything from employment to social life. She pulled the device out of her pocket and smiled as she pulled it to her ear. "Hey Fluttershy."

"Sunset! I made a huge mistake! I don't my—Dad's—trailer. If there's room for me, I could put up a tent in the back yard and—" Fluttershy's voice was so soft Sunset had to hold the phone hard up against her pony ear.

"Slow down. We have a spare room, Fluttershy. I figured you'd need to spend some time inside, and besides, it never hurts to make extra allowances. Besides, you're always welcome." Sunset turned her head to look at Pinkie and pulled the phone back a little from her mouth. "It's Fluttershy. She can't bring her trailer."

"Lucky we have the spare bedroom, right?" Pinkie kissed Sunset's cheek.

"I know, right?" Pulling the phone closer again, Sunset mentally backtracked through Fluttershy's flood of thanks. "Anyway, we're moving everyone in today. You want some help to bring your stuff over?"

Another flood of protests about how grateful Fluttershy was made Sunset smile a little wider. Doing something nice for Fluttershy was literally its own reward. From what Sunset gathered, however, Fluttershy would be over as quick as she could with her things—and just one animal friend.

"Fluttershy will be coming over soon. We should have invited AJ to help us move in." Spreading a wing around Pinkie's back, Sunset made no bones about pulling her girlfriend closer for another kiss.

"Mmmf!" Pinkie Pie was not one to say no to a kiss, and waited until Sunset Shimmer was done with her before giggling. "That reminds me. Marble sent me a text before—she'll be ready for us to get her things after lunch."

"Marble? Rainbow's friend? Is she moving in?" Twilight could freely admit she'd done some kinky stuff with Marble already—driving someone to a five minute long orgasm was kinky in Twilight's mind at least—and had was excited about asking Rainbow for the girl's contact details.

"Well, she is Rainbow's friend, but Marble's my sister, silly." Pinkie liked seeing people's mouths fall open in surprise, but she hadn't been expecting to see Twilight's do it right now. "We're twins." And she certainly didn't expect to see the look of complete shell-shock that took over Twilight's face.

Twilight Sparkle snapped her mouth closed—there were words she needed to process and the breeze was distracting. Marble. Pinkie. Twins. Nope. Those three words just don't go together, Twilight thought. "Are you sure?"

Pinkie nodded solemnly. "You know, I asked Mom that once. She looked at me as if I were crazy. After all, we're sooooo alike."

Sunset looked at Twilight and just smiled—she'd long since learned to just go with Pinkie's conversation since it made life more amazing. "When's your things getting here, Twilight?"

"Well, Mom and Dad didn't want to mess up my room, so they ordered me new stuff." Twilight Sparkle was well aware how well off her family was, and she usually did a good job of hiding it, but seeing the stunned expressions on her friends' faces stung a little.

Sunset shook free of her incredulous daze first. "S-Sorry, Twilight, we're the last that can say anything about you having money considering you kinda paid for all this."

"Mom gets really pushy about it sometimes. Actually, she gets really pushy about a lot of things. That's why I want to get this job for Spicy to pay off enough that I don't need any money from her," Twilight said. "I'm going around there to start later on. You'll be okay without me for the afternoon?"

Pinkie nodded vigorously. "You've been spoiling us, after all. With Marble here we'll be fine. Besides, Fluttershy is coming too, so we'll have everyone to help!"

"Hang on, you're working for Rainbow's boyfriend?" Sunset asked.

"Uh, yeah. He runs a—" don't say sex toy, Twilight, just don't, "shop in town and wanted to expand into online goods. I told him I'd set it all up if he pays me on percentage."

"Isn't he the one who invited us all to some kind of party tonight?" Pinkie Pie had a mind for parties, and though what Spicy had mentioned wasn't her usual kind of party, she was an open-minded girl.

Sunset opened her mouth to talk, then paused, blushed, and when her curiosity got the better of her she asked, "Is anyone going to—"

"I'm going," Twilight said.

Looking at Pinkie, Sunset could see that her girlfriend was onboard. "I guess that's all of us. I wonder if Fluttershy and Marble will go?" Sunset noticed Twilight seem to jump just a fraction at mention of Marble's name. Facts fell together and Sunset was left holding a bag labeled What Did Marble And Twilight Do?

The last few things were easy enough to move, particularly with a magical unicorn there to help. The moment 11:30 A.M. rolled around, however, Twilight wanted out. She didn't actually have to be at Spicy's shop, but she needed some time to think about Marble, and that would be just what she wanted. It worked out even better when Pinkie gave her a lift to the shop.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Twilight asked. Please don't say you need my help. Please don't say you need my help, she chanted in her head.

"Some help would be appreciated, if you finish early, but I'm sure we'll have it. Thanks, Twilight!" Sunset got more signs from Twilight that the afternoon (and meeting Marble) might be something she didn't want to happen.

"Hey, Twilight, you know that really bumpy road down by my place?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Sunset's eyes widened. "Oh no no nooooooo—"

Twilight heard Sunset's squeal as Pinkie sped off in the direction of said bumpy road. Now that Twilight's crisis was done, she could appreciate just how into each other Sunset and Pinkie were. A tiny flame of jealousy—reminding her of Midnight Sparkle's hunger—tickled inside her before she stomped it out.

Walking to the top of the stairs, Twilight used her magic to open the door to the shop and walk inside. Smells were the first thing to hit Twilight—leather, rubber, plastic, and carpet deodorizer. Twilight really appreciated the last one.

"… and then I said, 'Darling! Not on silk!'" Rarity's distinctive voice, tone, and mannerism gave her away to Twilight. "Who opened the—Oh! Twilight!"

"Hi Rarity." Twilight turned her head to the counter and the person Rarity was talking to. "Hi Sonata." A blush set in at seeing the siren.

"Hi Twilight. Rarity was just telling me you and your friends were moving into that new place today." Sonata remembered the last talk she had with Twilight. "Oh, and I talked to Rarity. If you want to go on a date, just ask—either of us."

"Surely you didn't think I'd try to stop you two having fun?" Rarity asked. "Honestly, we're all turning into ponies, so—"

"Not me."

"Well, I know you'll turn into a siren, but it's not like we're going to remain upright forever. Besides, dear, you shouldn't be stuck with just Trombone's experience as the crowning glory of your bedroom life. You need to live a little." Rarity looked at Sonata and after a moment of smoldering gaze, stuck out her tongue.

"His name was Timber. It's just that I like guys too, but he really seemed like a jerk-face once we had sex." Twilight sat down, but that put her height so low she couldn't see Sonata. She jumped back up to her hooves and walked around the counter so she could see both her friends. Then her brain caught on to what Rarity had said. "Wait, you mean you want to—"

"Take you out on a date, darling. Show you a good time." Rarity glanced at Sonata and got a nod. "Maybe even have a little fun. Just one thing, neither of us are looking for a relationship beyond what we have already."

Oh gee. Casual fun with the hottest girl in school and one of the cutest monster girls I've ever met? Twilight thought, No, don't call her a monster girl. Sonata is more than a stupid anime girl. Focusing on what she wanted, Twilight looked between Rarity and Sonata. "I-If you're both okay with it?"

Author's Notes:

Cinch: how goes your revenge plan?

"My plans are going well. I will have my school back, and the entire school board will support me. Then I'll reveal that snake Cadance for the monster she is!" As Cinch spoke her eyes began to glow with green/red fire. "Mark my words."

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine
KFS Crimson

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:

Next Chapter: A Manic Monday Pt5 Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 22 Minutes
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Sexy Brain Parasite Story

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