
A Different View

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Cloudsdale

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Chapter 3 Cloudsdale

Ah Hello there, my name is Prince Polaris Solarmoon and I will be taking over for Dianne Pie while she recovers from Glitter Brightstar's latest antics, anyways I am now heading to the Wonderbolts HQ to meet with Captain Phoenix Firewing so she can tell us her back story,ah here we are now.

*Meanwhile the Wonderbolts Captain is currently in her office waiting for a good friend of hers,she currently unaware of a certain Prince is arrival.*

"*sighs* When is she gonna get here?" I hadthought as I slowly lost my patience, I may be the Captain of the Wonderbolts, but even I can lose my patience from time to time.

"Captain Phoenix we have a visitor!" my Co Captain had says as she burst through my office door, she was clearly in a rush.

My Co Captain is a good worker and sometimes helps me make difficult decisions,she's very reliable, her name is Spitfire.

"Whoa cool down Spitfire,who is it?"I asked her.

"Captain, it's best you go see for yourself, you won't believe it!" she says as she shows me what had made her so jumpy.

I went outside and saw that there was a male alabaster Alicorn standing in front of me, he had a reddish-pink mane and a similar coloured tail, and had a small crown on his head, his cutie mark is a half solar eclipse, from his cutie mark alone I realized who this pony was.

"P-Prince Polaris Solarmoon what bring you here?" I said.

"Hello Phoenix Firewing,can you tell me you backstory." he says in a calm voice.

"Uh,sure your highness." I said, I had felt intimidated by his presence.

"Splendid,And now we will hear miss Fluttersky's backstory,it is an interesting tale,but I'll let her tell you, right miss Fluttersky?" Prince Polaris Solarmoon said.

"Umm right."I say having no clue to whom he was talking to earlier.

Hello my name is Fluttersky"Phoenix" Firewing,Captain of the Wonderbolts,I guess I have to tell you my story...

Well it began back in Flight Camp,Yes I went to Flight Camp don't give me the "Oh my Luna!" look. All young pegasi have to go though Flight Camp to lean how to fly properly or they'll just crash all over the place, anyways I was one of the better flyers of my group but I was shy,I never really spoke much back then,some of my campmates made fun of how tall I was, they kept calling me Fluttertree and sometimes mocked me but I ignored them to focus on my flying. One day I was flying around on a practice course when I noticed a Cyan Pegasus getting even worse bullying than I did so I came down and said,"Hey leave her alone!"

The bully had said,"oh yeah Fluttertree, what are gonna do about it?"

I nearly got upset at him, but I kept my cool and told him" How about a race if I win you leave...,um what's your name" I asked the cyan pegasus that was cowering behind me, hey I didn't know her at the time don't blame me!

"P-Prism Shine.",she had said that very quietly but I was just barely able to hear her.

"Ok nice to meet you Prisim,I'm Fluttersky."I said

The bully had lost his patience and had said," yeah, yeah, don't care, so what if I win your race?"

"I'll name you the fastest here,so what do you say?" I had asked him

"Okay fine." he says before leading me all the way to the practice course that we were going to use.

I didn't know at the time but that race had changed both our lives...

It was finally time for the race, some of our campmates had came to watch, Prism was holding the starting flag.

Prisim then went to start the race,"Ok on your marks...., get set.... ,G-AAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Only for her to get spun around and then fall off the cloud she was standing on, Even though I was ahead of the bully,I heard her scream and turned back to save her, your probably wondering why I did that even though it whould have costed me the race,Well let me tell you something even though I barely knew her, I'd rather help save her life than win a race,so I went as fast as could to help her not noticing that a mach cone had formed around me,I kept going and I felt time slow down and right when I had caught her,I barely heard a massive explosion of light and fire right behind me which forced me to flare up to avoid getting hurt by the fire that came from it,Prism was holding on to me as tight as as she could,and then I realized,"wait a second why isn't this fire hurting us?"

It was then that I found out I was somehow immune to fire and that benefit went to whomever was touching me when I flare up,it was a surprise for both of us but I knew we had to return to the camp so with my current speed I flew back to camp with Prism in tow, I told Prism to hold on and then I flew upwards to catch up to the bully who was just ahead apparently he was to stunned at what happened to move any further, so I flew past him and the finsh line and then dropped off Prism and to celebrate I spun around and opened up my wings,when I did that another burst of fire appeared,it was in the shape of a Phoenix spreading its wings,which by the way, got me my cutie mark, which is the same thing, I then floated back down and landed safely next to Prism who along with everypony else was staring at me with awe.

"Never.....,*gasps*,....again"I had said, I was really tired.

"That...was...AWESOME!",those were the three words I never expected to hear from the bully that day

I went over to him and said,"Thank you so much."

He told me,"your welcome "Phoenix". "

"Your not calling me Fluttertree anymore?"I was surprised when called me my current nickname instead of my old one.

"After what happened down there, you desevre a better nickname than Fluttertree...,I'm sorry for picking on you and your friend there. I'm gonna go now, bye." the bully said before he left.

I similed and then trotted over to Prism and said,"Are you ok Prism?"

"I-i'll be fine....,thank you for saving me."she said while giving me a small smile that would probably make even the toughest colt faint from the cuteness alone.

"Your welcome, so what now?"I asked, unfortunately she wasn't sure and then she told she might just go and help others,Funny thing is,I was thinking the same thing.

We had went our separate ways after saying goodbye to each other,I didn't go very far until I was stopped by a pegasus in a blue flight suit whit thunderbolt markings on it,I realized it was a member of the Wonderbolts, she asked if I wanted to join their team when I grew up, I was thrilled,me a Wonderbolt!

I couldn't believe it,but I had said yes,the Wonderbolt than gave me a badge that would let me into their academy when I got older.(I was about 6 years old when this happened, I left Flight Camp when I was 12.)

A few years later when I was about 16, I had graduated from Flight School and was Immediately put into the Wonderbolts Academy,I had graduated early due to how amazing my flying was. The Wonderbolts were impressed and had let me join them early,I rose though the ranks pretty quickly and became the captain within a year.

I enjoy being being the Wonderbolt Captain,but sometimes I need a break, So I go to ponyvile to relax,it was there that I had re-met my friend Prism Shine and everypony else,I'm happy to have made such good friends,I often wonder what would've happened if me and Prism Shine swapped places...


"And that's it your highness"I said to the Prince

"That was very interesting Fluttersky, thank you for telling us your tale, now if you don't mind I'll be off." Prince Polaris Solarmoon says right before he teleported away.

"Huh strange colt,oh well back to business"I thought to myself...

Author's Notes:

If anyone complains about why Fluttersky's immune to fire, I'll send them to the moon,anyway the reason why is that her special talent is literally being able to "flare up" which pretty much means that she can light her wings on fire without getting burned,anyone who is an ally that is touching her when she flares up would be also immune to fire,if your an enemy well....you're gonna get burned...

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 Prism Shine Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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