
A Different View

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 A new beginning (and some more bios)

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A new beginning

"A long time ago two sisters ruled over Equestria, the older sister raised the Moon while the younger sister raised the sun, for many years Equestria was at peace until one day....," "HEY WHAT YA READING THERE!"A cheerful voice says from out of nowhere scaring me from my book.

"Glitter,how many times have I told you not to interrupt me when I'm reading a book!?"I say to the purple unicorn named Glitter Brightstar.

"Ummm 30?" she guessed even though the question was rhetorical.

I sigh and then facehoof,"Ugh just don't do it again Glitter..."I said getting rather annoyed.

Before Glitter had left my home she had started to stare into space and then says,"Hey Dianne shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" she then points her hoof in the air for an unknown reason.

I then said "To whom Glitter it's just us here."

Glitter then says,"To them silly,the ones reading this very story.*giggles*" she had said that from out of nowhere but I had realised what she ment.

"Might as well, but just to let you know your not going to mention this to nopony,understand!?"I say harshly

"Okay" Glitter says brightly.

*Sighs* Hello my name is Pinkamina Dianne Pie but just call me Dianne. The purple unicorn next to me is Glitter Brightstar but just call her Glitter,I am the librarian of the Golden Oaks Library and the Element of Knowledge,Glitter Brightstar here is my temporary assistant and she helps me with the harder to reach books in the library, she comes here every weekend and helps me when my more permanent assistant Aegis Diamondscale is away, oh Aegis is a powerful dragon that became my assistant because I had helped him when he was younger,he doesn't mind helping me though,and he even helps keep thieves away ,he usually helps me get the more harder to reach books from the shelves, I give him the weekends off so he could relax, on some weekends though Sugercube Corner gets very busy, so I'm forced to get Quartz's help, which is fine if you like being near somepony who like to show off and gloat about how smart they think they are,anyways I guess you all want to hear my back story of how I met my friend.

It begins some time ago when I was very young,I was working on my family's the rock farm until I grew bored, just before I started to go indoors and sleep I saw a massive explosion of light and fire in the sky which had shocked me awake, I had no clue what the explosion was so I had quickly went inside to read whatever book I had owned, my family noticed this and was shocked when they saw me reading,I realized at that moment, why should I keep the knowledge to myself when I could just share it, so I did....,because of this my cutie mark had appeared which was an open book, my parents were so proud of me that they sent me to Princess Luna's School for the Gifted Youth,It was there that I'd meet Glitter Brightstar.

I did not become friends with her instantly though,it took about 2 weeks at most and she insisted on calling me by my first name, which I didn't like, but after the second week she had eventually started to call me Dianne,I was surprised at first, but I had gotten used to it, Glitter and I did not stay at the school for a long time. We both were too good for the other students, so Glitter was given a test,It was to hatch a dragon egg ,in which she somehow succeeded,The Princess was was really impressed with us and had made us both her personal students,however Glitter declined saying that she'd rather throw party's instead,The Princess had said that it was okay to follow your dreams and let her leave,I however had quickly accepted the offer and I had studied with her for many years.

"Hey Dianne who are you talking to?"A teenaged voice says.

"Nopony,Aegis go back to sleep!"I yell forgetting that Glitter was right next to me.

"Oooo,Your loud,can I be loud too?!" Glitter had said.

I had said no and then told her if she had someplace else to be,she gasps then says "Oh noI forgot I have to hurry back to Sugercube Corner,thanks for reminding me,bye Dianne!"I then say goodbye to her and watch as she bounces away.

"It's scary to think that in another universe I whould have been just like her."I mumbled to myself while I adjusted my reading glasses,"Don't you guys think?"I say looking at whomever is reading this story.


(Aegis Diamondscale)

Aegis Diamondscale is a whitish blue dragon with brown eyes,it's rumored that he came from another universe, he is the personal assistant to Dianne Pie, He is very protective of her and will not back down unless she says it's okay, his last name came from his enjoyment of eating gems to the point where his scales both shine brighter and are harder than diamonds, like all dragons he is fireproof and he also can fly with his wings even though he mainly walks, he currently works with Dianne at the library.

(Swap Princess Luna/Eclipse Moon )

The Older of the two sisters that ruled Equestria, she is motherly and kind,she does have a mischievous side however and may sometimes troll unsuspecting ponys, she has been known to somtimes speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice when upset or on rare occasions hyper, she adopted Polaris "Dusk" Solarmoon and Radiance Eclipse Dawn,she currently lives in Canterlot with the twins.

(Swap Princess Celestia/ Dawnstar)

The younger of the two sisters that ruled Equestra, a surprisingly kind and caring Alicorn but has been known to get upset rather quickly and has trouble adapting to modern day talk,she was sent to the moon for 1000 years because of what she did as Darklight Flare ,she was eventually purified by the Elements of Harmony, she now lives in Canterlot with her sister and her two adopted children.

"Hi there,I'm Glitter Brightstar, and I'm just here to say hello and welcome to ponyville, I wish I could give you the tour but I'm super busy today,ooh maybe "Phoenix" should talk to you,or maybe Prism, or even Jeweled Apple,or Quartz Bell,so much to choose from I can't discide! Oooo I know, maybe I should....,oh wait I'm already talking to you*giggles*,anyway I better get going before I forget what I was doing again,that tends to happen to me a lot, oh well see you soon!"

Author's Notes:

Fyi:Aegis is not in any way shape or form related to Spike, he is actually a lot more lazy and sometimes doesn't do his job,also he has wings, I had purposely left out this from my last chapter for Dianne's bio,"she too can break the 4th wall but it is very rare that she does."

Sorry 'bout that but I wanted to surprise you at the end,I'm not sure if I want to continue this,but what do you guys think?

[ quick note to let you know that I fixed this chapter a bit.]

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Cloudsdale Estimated time remaining: 23 Minutes
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