
A Different View

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Prism Shine

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html>A Different View

A Different View

by Polaris Solarmoon

First published

Everyone knows the back stories of mane six,but what if they were different,what if they were swapped?

Everyone knows the back stories of the mane six, but what if they were different,what if they were swapped?

(Hello my name is Polaris Solarmoon and this is my first story, I'm not very sure if this is going to be good but please enjoy,oh one more thing the story starts in chapter 2 so if you want to skip the bio chapter you can)

Chapter 1(bios)

Chapter 1 (bios)

(These are the bios of the swapped six,they each have there own perks for example Dianne Pie sometimes speaks in a monotone when she is unamused,another is when Glitter Brightstar sometimes messes with her friends by pulling pranks, the swapped six are unique in the way their personality resembles who they are based off yet they have their own differences than normal main six, The Elements of Harmony are still the same except for the Element of Magic which is swapped out for Knowledge, another thing that stayed the same are the background ponys and most of the villains, Spitfire however is now the second in command of the Wonderbolts instead of the lead Commander who is now Phoenix Firewing,Prisim Shine is just as fast as Rainbow Dash by the way, she just has a bad case of stage fright...)

(Dianne Pie Element of Knowledge)

Pinkamina Dianne Pie is a pink earth pony who is known to often wear reading glasses,her cutie mark is an open book which symbolizes her willingness to spread knowledge to the world,she prefers to be called Dianne though,she is the smartest member of the swapped six, she is known to be a book worm but she does not obsess over them, she is a surprisingly good cook, she doesn't make time for friends however but that all changed when she met a pony by the name of Glitter Brightstar who was in the same class as her when she went to Princess Luna's School for the Gifted, Dianne Pie is the current Librarian of the Golden Oaks Library,she dislikes loud noises and Glitter Brightstar's pranks.

(Glitter Brightstar Element of Laughter)

Glitter Brightstar is a purple unicorn who is known to throw party's,her cutie mark is a balloon with a star on it, she loves to have fun and pull pranks, she is also known for being random and hyper, she is not as simple minded as she appears however, she perfected many spells during her short stay at Princess Luna's School for the Gifted Youth that helps her when baking or fighting(she mostly uses her magic for her partys) , she knows how to teleport,levitate items and can summon things from out of nowhere,she has broken the laws of physics and can break the 4th wall , she has pulled many pranks and can sometimes annoy her friends, she is also the owner of Sugercube Corner.

(Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing Element of Loyalty)

Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing is the fastest pegasus in all of Equestra and is Prism Shines first friend, she has a yellow coat and her mane is pink with a red streak down the middle, her cutie mark is a flaming bird soaring upwards, she is an extremely fast flyer,she has pride in her skills but isn't a show-off, she is the first pegasus of her kind that has pulled off the legendary Sonic Flameboom,her loyalty is unquestionable and her kindness is profound,she is the Commander of the Wonderbolts and is the inspiration for pegasi everywhere, she is sometimes seen hanging out with Prisim Shine and Jeweled Apple at the spa.

(Prism Shine Element of Kindness)
Prism Shine is a cyan coloured pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail,she is never seen with out her pet tortoise Fluffy, her cutie mark is a ranbow over a butterfly,she is shy yet is very kind,she isn't timid but she does have stage fright , dispite this she is more than willing to go to great lengths to help her friends and her animals, she likes to go to the spa with Jeweled Apple, she is a surprisingly good healer and knows many ways to treat minor wounds, she enjoys drinking tea and taking care of animals and ponys,she has somehow made friends with Discord.

(Jeweled Apple Element of Generosity)

Jeweled Apple is a orange coloured earth pony with a yellow mane that is done up in a fancy way, her cutie mark is an apple with a gemstone in the middle of it,she used to live on a apple farm but she had left for Manehattan with her aunt and uncle,when she came back she had changed,she now dislikes getting dirty and any other physical activity however she is generous and kind,she enjoys going to the spa with Prism and making dresses for formal events,she currently runs the Carousel Boutique which on rare occasions gets a visit from Fluttersky who also goes to the spa on her vacation days.

(Quartz Bell Element of Honesty)
Quartz Bell is an alabaster unicorn with a purple mane, she is never seen without her hat,she is a farmer who works at Sweet Apple Acres, she dislikes fancy things and perfers the simple life,she is honest and rarely lies,she is good friends with Fluttersky, Dianne Pie and Glitter Brightstar whom to this day she'll never be able to figure out her strange behaviour,she can be stubborn however and sometimes likes to show off, she does use magic but is only capable of minor levetation and self defense spells,dispite this she is an incredibly skilled hoof to hoof fighter, for some unknown reason she has a self proclaimed rivalry with Fluttersky.

( Prince Polaris "Dusk" Solarmoon)
Polaris Solarmoon is a white Alicorn with a blue mane,he is the adopted son of Princess Luna and is twin brother of Radiance Eclipse Dawn, his cute mark is sun/moon hybrid the sun part is yellowish orange while the moon part is a dark blue, it represents his unusual ability to sense Auras and control time,he currently lives in Canterlot with his sister, he is the Prince of Forgiveness.

(Radiance Eclipse Dawn A.K.A Red)

Radiance Eclipse Dawn a white Alicorn with a long pink mane, she always has a bow in her mane, she is the adopted daughter of Princess Luna and Polaris Solarmoon's twin sister, her cute mark is a rose with a small butterfly on it which symbolizes her ability to control both flora and fauna,she is very kind but getting her upset is a bad idea,she is currently living in Canterlot with her brother, she is the Princess of Nature.

Author's Notes:

Well here it is my first chapter of the story,this took pretty long to make but oh well anyways the Princessess bios are up next along with the bios of my of ocs Aegis Diamondscale , oh and here are the swaps if you want I also made up new names for them as well:
Twilight Sparkle - Pinkie Pie ( Glitter Brightstar and Dianne Pie.)

Rainbow Dash - Fluttershy( Prism Shine and Fluttersky "Phoenix" Firewing.)

Rarity - Applejack( Quartz Bell and Jeweled Apple.)

Princess Luna - Princess Celestia( Princess Luna and her sister keep their names but their ages are swapped,also Celestia turns evil instead of her sister,the name for Celestia's dark side is Darklight Flare.)
(they all have some traits from their normal counterparts. )

Chapter 2 A new beginning (and some more bios)

A new beginning

"A long time ago two sisters ruled over Equestria, the older sister raised the Moon while the younger sister raised the sun, for many years Equestria was at peace until one day....," "HEY WHAT YA READING THERE!"A cheerful voice says from out of nowhere scaring me from my book.

"Glitter,how many times have I told you not to interrupt me when I'm reading a book!?"I say to the purple unicorn named Glitter Brightstar.

"Ummm 30?" she guessed even though the question was rhetorical.

I sigh and then facehoof,"Ugh just don't do it again Glitter..."I said getting rather annoyed.

Before Glitter had left my home she had started to stare into space and then says,"Hey Dianne shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" she then points her hoof in the air for an unknown reason.

I then said "To whom Glitter it's just us here."

Glitter then says,"To them silly,the ones reading this very story.*giggles*" she had said that from out of nowhere but I had realised what she ment.

"Might as well, but just to let you know your not going to mention this to nopony,understand!?"I say harshly

"Okay" Glitter says brightly.

*Sighs* Hello my name is Pinkamina Dianne Pie but just call me Dianne. The purple unicorn next to me is Glitter Brightstar but just call her Glitter,I am the librarian of the Golden Oaks Library and the Element of Knowledge,Glitter Brightstar here is my temporary assistant and she helps me with the harder to reach books in the library, she comes here every weekend and helps me when my more permanent assistant Aegis Diamondscale is away, oh Aegis is a powerful dragon that became my assistant because I had helped him when he was younger,he doesn't mind helping me though,and he even helps keep thieves away ,he usually helps me get the more harder to reach books from the shelves, I give him the weekends off so he could relax, on some weekends though Sugercube Corner gets very busy, so I'm forced to get Quartz's help, which is fine if you like being near somepony who like to show off and gloat about how smart they think they are,anyways I guess you all want to hear my back story of how I met my friend.

It begins some time ago when I was very young,I was working on my family's the rock farm until I grew bored, just before I started to go indoors and sleep I saw a massive explosion of light and fire in the sky which had shocked me awake, I had no clue what the explosion was so I had quickly went inside to read whatever book I had owned, my family noticed this and was shocked when they saw me reading,I realized at that moment, why should I keep the knowledge to myself when I could just share it, so I did....,because of this my cutie mark had appeared which was an open book, my parents were so proud of me that they sent me to Princess Luna's School for the Gifted Youth,It was there that I'd meet Glitter Brightstar.

I did not become friends with her instantly though,it took about 2 weeks at most and she insisted on calling me by my first name, which I didn't like, but after the second week she had eventually started to call me Dianne,I was surprised at first, but I had gotten used to it, Glitter and I did not stay at the school for a long time. We both were too good for the other students, so Glitter was given a test,It was to hatch a dragon egg ,in which she somehow succeeded,The Princess was was really impressed with us and had made us both her personal students,however Glitter declined saying that she'd rather throw party's instead,The Princess had said that it was okay to follow your dreams and let her leave,I however had quickly accepted the offer and I had studied with her for many years.

"Hey Dianne who are you talking to?"A teenaged voice says.

"Nopony,Aegis go back to sleep!"I yell forgetting that Glitter was right next to me.

"Oooo,Your loud,can I be loud too?!" Glitter had said.

I had said no and then told her if she had someplace else to be,she gasps then says "Oh noI forgot I have to hurry back to Sugercube Corner,thanks for reminding me,bye Dianne!"I then say goodbye to her and watch as she bounces away.

"It's scary to think that in another universe I whould have been just like her."I mumbled to myself while I adjusted my reading glasses,"Don't you guys think?"I say looking at whomever is reading this story.


(Aegis Diamondscale)

Aegis Diamondscale is a whitish blue dragon with brown eyes,it's rumored that he came from another universe, he is the personal assistant to Dianne Pie, He is very protective of her and will not back down unless she says it's okay, his last name came from his enjoyment of eating gems to the point where his scales both shine brighter and are harder than diamonds, like all dragons he is fireproof and he also can fly with his wings even though he mainly walks, he currently works with Dianne at the library.

(Swap Princess Luna/Eclipse Moon )

The Older of the two sisters that ruled Equestria, she is motherly and kind,she does have a mischievous side however and may sometimes troll unsuspecting ponys, she has been known to somtimes speak in the Royal Canterlot Voice when upset or on rare occasions hyper, she adopted Polaris "Dusk" Solarmoon and Radiance Eclipse Dawn,she currently lives in Canterlot with the twins.

(Swap Princess Celestia/ Dawnstar)

The younger of the two sisters that ruled Equestra, a surprisingly kind and caring Alicorn but has been known to get upset rather quickly and has trouble adapting to modern day talk,she was sent to the moon for 1000 years because of what she did as Darklight Flare ,she was eventually purified by the Elements of Harmony, she now lives in Canterlot with her sister and her two adopted children.

"Hi there,I'm Glitter Brightstar, and I'm just here to say hello and welcome to ponyville, I wish I could give you the tour but I'm super busy today,ooh maybe "Phoenix" should talk to you,or maybe Prism, or even Jeweled Apple,or Quartz Bell,so much to choose from I can't discide! Oooo I know, maybe I should....,oh wait I'm already talking to you*giggles*,anyway I better get going before I forget what I was doing again,that tends to happen to me a lot, oh well see you soon!"

Author's Notes:

Fyi:Aegis is not in any way shape or form related to Spike, he is actually a lot more lazy and sometimes doesn't do his job,also he has wings, I had purposely left out this from my last chapter for Dianne's bio,"she too can break the 4th wall but it is very rare that she does."

Sorry 'bout that but I wanted to surprise you at the end,I'm not sure if I want to continue this,but what do you guys think?

[ quick note to let you know that I fixed this chapter a bit.]

Chapter 3 Cloudsdale

Chapter 3 Cloudsdale

Ah Hello there, my name is Prince Polaris Solarmoon and I will be taking over for Dianne Pie while she recovers from Glitter Brightstar's latest antics, anyways I am now heading to the Wonderbolts HQ to meet with Captain Phoenix Firewing so she can tell us her back story,ah here we are now.

*Meanwhile the Wonderbolts Captain is currently in her office waiting for a good friend of hers,she currently unaware of a certain Prince is arrival.*

"*sighs* When is she gonna get here?" I hadthought as I slowly lost my patience, I may be the Captain of the Wonderbolts, but even I can lose my patience from time to time.

"Captain Phoenix we have a visitor!" my Co Captain had says as she burst through my office door, she was clearly in a rush.

My Co Captain is a good worker and sometimes helps me make difficult decisions,she's very reliable, her name is Spitfire.

"Whoa cool down Spitfire,who is it?"I asked her.

"Captain, it's best you go see for yourself, you won't believe it!" she says as she shows me what had made her so jumpy.

I went outside and saw that there was a male alabaster Alicorn standing in front of me, he had a reddish-pink mane and a similar coloured tail, and had a small crown on his head, his cutie mark is a half solar eclipse, from his cutie mark alone I realized who this pony was.

"P-Prince Polaris Solarmoon what bring you here?" I said.

"Hello Phoenix Firewing,can you tell me you backstory." he says in a calm voice.

"Uh,sure your highness." I said, I had felt intimidated by his presence.

"Splendid,And now we will hear miss Fluttersky's backstory,it is an interesting tale,but I'll let her tell you, right miss Fluttersky?" Prince Polaris Solarmoon said.

"Umm right."I say having no clue to whom he was talking to earlier.

Hello my name is Fluttersky"Phoenix" Firewing,Captain of the Wonderbolts,I guess I have to tell you my story...

Well it began back in Flight Camp,Yes I went to Flight Camp don't give me the "Oh my Luna!" look. All young pegasi have to go though Flight Camp to lean how to fly properly or they'll just crash all over the place, anyways I was one of the better flyers of my group but I was shy,I never really spoke much back then,some of my campmates made fun of how tall I was, they kept calling me Fluttertree and sometimes mocked me but I ignored them to focus on my flying. One day I was flying around on a practice course when I noticed a Cyan Pegasus getting even worse bullying than I did so I came down and said,"Hey leave her alone!"

The bully had said,"oh yeah Fluttertree, what are gonna do about it?"

I nearly got upset at him, but I kept my cool and told him" How about a race if I win you leave...,um what's your name" I asked the cyan pegasus that was cowering behind me, hey I didn't know her at the time don't blame me!

"P-Prism Shine.",she had said that very quietly but I was just barely able to hear her.

"Ok nice to meet you Prisim,I'm Fluttersky."I said

The bully had lost his patience and had said," yeah, yeah, don't care, so what if I win your race?"

"I'll name you the fastest here,so what do you say?" I had asked him

"Okay fine." he says before leading me all the way to the practice course that we were going to use.

I didn't know at the time but that race had changed both our lives...

It was finally time for the race, some of our campmates had came to watch, Prism was holding the starting flag.

Prisim then went to start the race,"Ok on your marks...., get set.... ,G-AAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Only for her to get spun around and then fall off the cloud she was standing on, Even though I was ahead of the bully,I heard her scream and turned back to save her, your probably wondering why I did that even though it whould have costed me the race,Well let me tell you something even though I barely knew her, I'd rather help save her life than win a race,so I went as fast as could to help her not noticing that a mach cone had formed around me,I kept going and I felt time slow down and right when I had caught her,I barely heard a massive explosion of light and fire right behind me which forced me to flare up to avoid getting hurt by the fire that came from it,Prism was holding on to me as tight as as she could,and then I realized,"wait a second why isn't this fire hurting us?"

It was then that I found out I was somehow immune to fire and that benefit went to whomever was touching me when I flare up,it was a surprise for both of us but I knew we had to return to the camp so with my current speed I flew back to camp with Prism in tow, I told Prism to hold on and then I flew upwards to catch up to the bully who was just ahead apparently he was to stunned at what happened to move any further, so I flew past him and the finsh line and then dropped off Prism and to celebrate I spun around and opened up my wings,when I did that another burst of fire appeared,it was in the shape of a Phoenix spreading its wings,which by the way, got me my cutie mark, which is the same thing, I then floated back down and landed safely next to Prism who along with everypony else was staring at me with awe.

"Never.....,*gasps*,....again"I had said, I was really tired.

"That...was...AWESOME!",those were the three words I never expected to hear from the bully that day

I went over to him and said,"Thank you so much."

He told me,"your welcome "Phoenix". "

"Your not calling me Fluttertree anymore?"I was surprised when called me my current nickname instead of my old one.

"After what happened down there, you desevre a better nickname than Fluttertree...,I'm sorry for picking on you and your friend there. I'm gonna go now, bye." the bully said before he left.

I similed and then trotted over to Prism and said,"Are you ok Prism?"

"I-i'll be fine....,thank you for saving me."she said while giving me a small smile that would probably make even the toughest colt faint from the cuteness alone.

"Your welcome, so what now?"I asked, unfortunately she wasn't sure and then she told she might just go and help others,Funny thing is,I was thinking the same thing.

We had went our separate ways after saying goodbye to each other,I didn't go very far until I was stopped by a pegasus in a blue flight suit whit thunderbolt markings on it,I realized it was a member of the Wonderbolts, she asked if I wanted to join their team when I grew up, I was thrilled,me a Wonderbolt!

I couldn't believe it,but I had said yes,the Wonderbolt than gave me a badge that would let me into their academy when I got older.(I was about 6 years old when this happened, I left Flight Camp when I was 12.)

A few years later when I was about 16, I had graduated from Flight School and was Immediately put into the Wonderbolts Academy,I had graduated early due to how amazing my flying was. The Wonderbolts were impressed and had let me join them early,I rose though the ranks pretty quickly and became the captain within a year.

I enjoy being being the Wonderbolt Captain,but sometimes I need a break, So I go to ponyvile to relax,it was there that I had re-met my friend Prism Shine and everypony else,I'm happy to have made such good friends,I often wonder what would've happened if me and Prism Shine swapped places...


"And that's it your highness"I said to the Prince

"That was very interesting Fluttersky, thank you for telling us your tale, now if you don't mind I'll be off." Prince Polaris Solarmoon says right before he teleported away.

"Huh strange colt,oh well back to business"I thought to myself...

Author's Notes:

If anyone complains about why Fluttersky's immune to fire, I'll send them to the moon,anyway the reason why is that her special talent is literally being able to "flare up" which pretty much means that she can light her wings on fire without getting burned,anyone who is an ally that is touching her when she flares up would be also immune to fire,if your an enemy well....you're gonna get burned...

Chapter 4 Prism Shine

Chapter 4 Prism Shine

Hello everypony, I am Dianne Pie and with me is my friend Prism Shine, say hello Prism.

"Hello..." I had said in utter confusion, I didn't have any clue as to whom she was talking to.

"Now then Prism,are you ready to tell us-err,me your backstory?"Dianne asked me.

"A-are you sure this is a good idea,Dianne?"I had said nervously.

"Of course,go ahead and tell me your backstory Prism. I promised you that I was going to listen to it, so do not worry." Dianne says in an attempt to reassure me.

"o-okay, I'll do it...."I said in a more calm tone.

Um,where do I begin...m-my name is Prism Shine and I am very shy,I'm not sure what to say about my past so please bare with me...

I remember having went to Flight Camp....,um I-I wasn't the best flyer around but I tried my best,some of the campers made fun of my poor flying skills and they sometimes called me names but I didn't really listen to them,oh I know it wasn't nice of them to make fun of me but I couldn't really say anything because I was too shy.

One time I came across this really mean bully that almost always picks on me,he'd mostly make fun of my poor flying but sometimes he would try to race me,knowing that I'd lose and I've tried to tell him no multiple time but he kept insisting on it.

I remember when he even pushed me a few times and to make things worse nopony stops him in fear of being bullied themselves, so the bullying continued until one day...

"Ha, Ha, what a loser."

"P-please leave me alone...,if that's ok with you.."I had said trying to avoid the bully that was teasing me.

"Pah ha ha ha, wow your pathetic aren't you?" he had said

He then says "Your so weak a flyer, I bet a chicken could beat you in a race"

I then hear someone yell out,"Hey, leave her alone!"

That voice!,it was of Fluttersky or as she's now called Phoenix Firewing, I didn't know her at that time, but I was happy that she came to help me,Fluttersky is the best flyer out of eveypony in Flight camp, she was very popular at the time so having her stand up for me was very surprising,she had even introduced herself to me and I was even more surprised.

The bully wasn't amused and said,"Oh yeah what are you gonna do about it,eh Fluttertree?"

She looked upset for a bit but then she calmed down, she then challenged the bully to a race, which he accepted and the three of us went to the practice course that we were going to use for the race.

When we got there I noticed that some of our campmates were there too, probably to cheer on Fluttersky.

I had to hold the starting flag but I was scared,("what if she loses") I thought to myself while I got ready to start the race.

"Ok on your marks, get set,G-AAAAAAHHHHH!" Right when I said go,I had gotten spun around and then I fell off the cloud that I was standing on,I was very scared and had closed my eyes while I was falling,I then heard a loud noise,All of a sudden I felt something grab me and I had opened my eyes and found out that Fluttersky had saved me, she told me to hold on and then we returned back to Flight Camp, she put me down she then flew upwards and then she opened up her wings which made this beautiful birdlike image and then I noticed that she had finally slowed down and landed next to me.

I then heard her say,"Never again." which had me confused but I didn't mind.

I saw the bully go up to her and apologize for picking on me,he then called Fluttersky "Phoenix" then left.

We had went our separate ways after saying goodbye to each other,I had decided to leave Flight Camp and start living on the ground,I found a nice cottage to live in.

While there I had met Fluffy, she's a cute little tortoise that likes to ride on my back, I often don't leave home without her unless she's sleeping, but my cutie mark didn't come from animal care, it came from my other personalities, you see, I have two other ponies in my mind who sometimes say things that I don't normally say or like, but I don't want to say anything more about that.

I still remember that day in Flight Camp,and I always wonder,"What if I was the brave one and Fluttersky was shy?"

I giggle to myself then say,"no, that would be weird".

"I guess that's all I could tell you Dianne, what do you think?"I asked her only to get no response from her.

"Dianne?"I asked again only to find out that she had fell asleep during my story.

I had gotten very upset and I had yelled at her to wake up.

"Huh?, Oh no!, I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to fall asleep Prism Shine can you forgive me?"she says.

"Of course Dianne,just don't fall asleep next time....,egghead."I had said in a joking manner.

She responded in a monotone and said,"Don't call me that."

"Okay sorry."I apologized than left.

*Dianne Pie P.O.V.*

"I have got to remind myself not to fall asleep during a story,this is the 4th time this week,oh well."I said after sighing

"Hey Dianne,dinner is ready." I heard Aegis say, Oh him, he is my personal assistant and a good friend,I would never overwork him and he does what he can to help,I think he's older than all of us.

"Thank you Aegis,I will be right there in a minute."I said.

"Alright, just let me know when you're done with um, whatever it is that your doing."He says patiently.

"Understood, Aegis how old are you?"I say while looking at my book.

"Huh me?,I'm about 500 why?"he said clearly confused.

"Oh nothing, just curious." I said while I was getting ready to put the book away.

"Ok then,, I'll be upstairs if you need me."He said.

("Hmm 500 years old,I wonder..." )I thought to myself.

"Hello Glitter Brightstar here, I just wanted to say that I can't wait to tell you guys my story,it'll be so much fun and I really want to throw a party for all of you but I don't think that could be possible at the moment but hey at least I tried right !?

Bye!"*giggles then bounces away*

Author's Notes:

Chapter4 has arrived at last this chapter shows Prism's side of the Cloudsdale chapter, It's a little short so I put a little conversation between Aegis and Dianne,oh yeah one more thing Glitter Brightstar says Hi.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5 Fun and Games Estimated time remaining: 13 Minutes
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