
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 5: The Little Mermaid

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The Little Mermaid

On a hot summer day, the mane six are hanging out at their pool to relax and cool off. Rarity and Rainbow Dash are getting their sun, Pinkie is splashing around the pool, and Twilight and Fluttershy are on their floats.

"Ahh, this is the perfect day to relax. Doesn't it, girls?" Twilight asked. "It sure is, darling. It's been a while since we took a break from the Book of Disney. And we need it a lot." said Rarity as she puts sunscreen on her arms. "I agree. Having adventures are fun, but they can make us very tired." said Fluttershy. "They don't tire me! I'm always up and about!" said Pinkie as she keeps splashing in the water. "Yeah. I know it's been like three weeks since the Book of Disney call us for an adventure. I wonder when it's going to." said Rainbow Dash. "Well, that's why we're relaxing today. Say, where's Applejack?" Twilight asked.

"Right here, y'all. Better stand back!" Applejack yelled as she runs towards the pool to make a jump. Rarity panicked and hides behind a tree. "Here she goes again!" Twilight yelled as she tries to swim to the shore, but it was too late. Applejack already jumped into the water and made a huge splash, causing every pony to get wet. She pops up from the water and shouted out, "Woo hoo! Got myself a new record!" The girls laughed with her.


Suddenly, they hear the Book of Disney making noises and glowing.

"Did you hear that?" Twilight asked. Pinkie pops out of the water and said, "No. Wait, I do. It sounds like it's coming from our throne room." "You're right. That must mean we have another adventure in our hands." said Twilight. "Alright!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew to the throne room. "Well, it's about time we had an adventure." said Applejack as she follows Rainbow Dash to the throne room. The rest went with them.

When they got there, the Book of Disney was glowing and readied to be opened. Twilight went to it and opened the book. The book reached its fourth chapter. The next story is The Little Mermaid.

Twilight began to read,

"Once upon a time, lived a mermaid named Ariel. She was very curious about the human world and wishes to go to their land. But her father, King Triton forbids her. He thinks humans are nothing but barbarians and kills everything in the sea. Ariel refuses to believe in stuff like that and will never stop her dreams about going to the human world. She loves to collect human stuff from shipwrecks and keeps them in her grotto. One day, she will explore the human world and be part of it."

Once she finishes reading, the Book of Disney unleashes a bubble that surrounds the girls and sucks them in.


When they got into the book, the girls were in the ocean and discovers they have mermaid tails.

"Whoa, where are we and what are these things attached to our bodies?" Pinkie asked as she plays with her fin. The girls notice about this and looked at their tail fins as well. "Oh my! How did we get them?" Fluttershy asked. "AHHHH! This is really creeping me out!" Rarity screamed. "I don't know about this, but this is making me hard on swimming properly." said Applejack as she tries to swim with her new tail. "What is this anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I have to say this, girls. The Book of Disney is preparing us for our next adventure. That's why we have tail fins. I know, I'm as panicked as you are." said Twilight.

The girls tried to swim properly with their new tail fins, but it's pretty hard to. "Hey, girls. Try moving your tail up and down." Rainbow Dash advised. The girls did what she told them to do. "Oh, that feels good. Much better than last time." said Rarity. "That's good. Why don't you try moving a little bit." said Rainbow Dash as she examples them on how to do it and did it just fine. The girls did the same thing she did and succeeded. "That's it! You've done it! Now, we can swim wherever we want to go!" said Rainbow Dash. "Thanks for teaching us, Rainbow Dash. We really need it." said Twilight.

Now, they're having fun swimming and enjoying the sea as mermaids.


While swimming and having fun, Twilight noticed a grotto nearby.

"Hey girls. You know that the mermaid we were supposed to see has a grotto? Right?" she asked. The girls nodded yes at the question. "Well, I think we found her grotto." said Twilight as she went to the entrance and pushes a huge rock aside. "Are you sure this is the place?" Fluttershy asked. "I think so, Fluttershy. We just have to take a peek and find out." Twilight answered as she went in. "Come on. This is gonna be fun!" said Pinkie as she follows her friend. "Oh. Okay. Let's hope it won't be scary." said Fluttershy as she follows the rest of her friends.

When they got in, it was very beautiful and sees every human thing inside. "Wow. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I've never seen anything like this before in my life. Look at all of this human stuff." said Pinkie as she swims here and there to look at the human stuff.

"I guess this is the right grotto, Twilight. By the way, we haven't seen Ariel around ever since we got here." said Applejack. "Hey, you're right. Where is she anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked.

But then, they hear someone coming in the grotto. It's Ariel with her best friend Flounder. "Hmm, it looks like someone got into the grotto. It better not be my father." Ariel said. "Don't worry. He doesn't know any of this stuff." said Flounder as he accidentally bumps into Rarity. He screamed and ran towards Ariel. "What is it, Flounder?" she asked as she saw the mane six right in front of her. "Oh my goodness. Who are you and how did you get into my grotto?" she asked.

"Hi there. Sorry to intrude your grotto, but my friends and I are here to help you make your dreams come true." said Twilight. "What do you know about my dreams?" Ariel asked in concern. "You see, we were sent here by the Book of Disney and it told us that you've been dreaming about going to the human world." Applejack explained. Ariel was shocked at this.

"Why are you guys helping me? No one in the sea has ever helped me make my dreams come true. My father and Sebastian hates my dreams because they hate humans." Ariel explained. "I'm very sorry to hear that, my dear. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll change his mind." Rarity promised. "Well, ok. But, can you tell me your names?" Ariel asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Ariel and this is my best friend Flounder." Ariel introduced. "Hi." Flounder said.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ariel. Now, when do we get started on going to the human world?" Twilight asked.


Suddenly, darkness was all around them and some figure was blocking the moon.

"What do you suppose?" Ariel asked in curiosity as she swims up to the shore. "What's going on, Ariel?" Flounder asked. "Is something up there?" Rarity asked. "It must be a ship. Let's hope its not a pirate ship." Rainbow Dash guessed as she swims up with Ariel.

They all popped up of the water and saw a ship with fireworks next to it. Ariel giggled at this and the mane six watched in awe. "Oh my. Looks like someones celebrating." said Applejack. "Well, let's go find out." said Ariel as she swims to the ship. "Ariel, wait for us!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she and her friends follow her.

When they got to the ship, they see a bunch of sailors dancing and playing music. Pinkie taps her hooves a little bit to the beat. "I guess they're not as bad as what your father said." said Applejack. "I know, aren't they wonderful?" Ariel asked. "They are. We met a lot of humans before we got here. I know what they are and they do amazing things. Some of them are bad, you know." said Twilight. "Wow." said Ariel.

While they look at the sailors, there was someone who caught Ariel's eye. He had black hair and was very handsome. He was in the corner, playing with his dog Max. His name was Prince Eric and it was his birthday today. Ariel sighed in awe as she watches the Prince play the flute to his dog.

"I've never seen a human this close before. He's very handsome, isn't he?" said Ariel. "I'll say he is, Ariel. He might be the perfect man for you. And he's a prince." said Rarity. "You think so?" Ariel asked. Rarity nodded yes. "You're right. He is perfect for me."

They all watch Eric getting his birthday present which is a huge statue of himself. He's not crazy about the gift, but he wishes to find a girl perfect for him and will marry her. The mane six and Ariel hears him talking about it, much to their curiosity. "Don't worry, Grim. I will find her. I know she's out there somewhere and when she's the right one for me. It'll bam, hit me. Like lightning." he said.

When Eric mentioned lightning, they hear a storm coming in and starts to rain. "Hurricane coming!" a sailor shouted. It started to rain so hard and thunder keeps roaring. The winds grew stronger as it blows away the mane six and Ariel off the ship.

The girls screamed when they fall back into the ocean. "That's one powerful storm, if you ask me." said Applejack. "What about Eric? He needs help!" Rarity asked in panic. "We'll think of something, Rarity. And fast." said Twilight.

But before they do, the ship exploded caused by the lightning making fire to the ship and went near the fireworks. "Oh no!" Pinkie yelled. "Is everyone okay up there?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't know. We just have to find out." said Twilight as she and her friends went back up there to see if they're any survivors. They keep looking until Fluttershy saw Eric unconscious and hanging on a piece of wood. He fell over and sinks into the water.

"Girls! I just saw the Prince going underwater! He's drowning!" she yelled. Ariel noticed this and dived in to save him. Rainbow Dash and Twilight helped her lift him to make him easy to pull up. "Did you get him?" Applejack asked. "Is he breathing?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know. Let's get him to shore." said Twilight as she and Ariel drag him to the shore.


It was morning when they reached the shore. Ariel and the mane six kept a close eye on Eric to see if he's still alive. Pinkie looked for hints to find out if he's breathing or not.

"Is he. Dead?" Ariel asked in concern. "I don't know. I'm trying very hard to find out if he is." said Pinkie as she pressed her ear to his chest. But then, she feels the chest going up and down. "Hey, I feel something. Feels like a trampoline." "No, look. He's breathing." said Ariel, correcting her. "Oh, thank goodness he made it." said Rarity.

"He's so beautiful." Ariel muttered as she touches Eric's face and hair. Then, she begins to sing,

(What would I give

To live where you are

What would I pay

To stay here here beside you

What would I do to see you smiling at me

Where would we walk

Where would we run

If we could stay all day in the sun

Just you and me

and I could be

Part of your world)

Once Ariel's done singing, she sees Eric opening his eyes until she hears someone coming. "Uh oh. Time to go!" Fluttershy yelled as she dives into the ocean. "You're right. Let's get outta here!" said Twilight as she follows her friend. "Come on, Ariel. We have to go!" said Rainbow Dash as she grabs her arm and drags her into the ocean.

They watch as Eric's advisor, Grimsby helping him out and checking if he's alright. "A girl rescued me. And she was singing. She had the most beautiful voice. She also had friends with her and felt one on my chest." he said as he feels tired and was about to collapse. Grimsby helps him up and takes him back to his castle.

"Wow, he remembers you, Ariel. But, doesn't know your name. But, what if your dad knows about this?" said Twilight. Ariel wasn't listening to her. She was busy looking at Eric lovingly. She began to sing,

(I don't know when

I don't know how

But, I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see

Someday I'll be

Part of your world)


Later on, Ariel couldn't stop thinking about Prince Eric ever since she saved him from drowning. She was picking flowers and saying he loves me he loves me not over and over again.

"Isn't that amazing? Ariel is falling in love with a human! Not just any human, a Prince!" Rarity yelled in excitement. "I know, I'm excited as you are!" said Pinkie. "Ariel's been like this all day. Do you think we should talk to her about the Prince?" Fluttershy asked.

"No one is going anywhere!" said a voice. The voice came from a red crab named Sebastian. Ariel gasped and said, "Sebastian!" "So, that's Sebastian! Ha ha ha! You've got to be kidding me! A crab?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "Yes, I'm a crab and I've been looking for this young lady over here because her father told me to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get into any more trouble." Sebastian explained. "She's not getting into trouble. She just wants her dreams to come true and we're helping her." said Fluttershy.

"Oh, I see. You pony fish are here to help Ariel making her dreams come true. If your father knows this, I'll..." said Sebastian before he got interrupted by Applejack. "You're not gonna tell him, are you?" "Oh, please Sebastian. He'll never understand." Ariel pleaded. "Ariel, I think it's time for you to come home and have something nice to drink." said Sebastian as he takes Ariel in the hand and was about to take her home, but she refuses.

"No, Sebastian. I don't want to go home with you. I want to explore the world and I don't care if you or my father can stop me! Now, if you'll excuse me!" Ariel yelled as she swims away from the crab. "Ariel! Wait up!" Twilight yelled as she and her friends follow the frustrated mermaid.

"Ugh. Somebody's gotta nail that girl's fins to the floor." said Sebastian in grief.


Back in the grotto, Flounder is giving Ariel the surprise of her life.

"What are you holding up for, Flounder?" Ariel asked. "Can't tell you. It's a surprise." Flounder answered. "Surprises? I love surprises! What did you get her?" Pinkie asked in excitement.

The surprise was the statue of Prince Eric. The one Eric got for his birthday and was sunken into the ocean last night.

The girls gasped and Ariel was in awe. "Flounder, you're the best! It looks just like him!" she said as she leans against the shoulder of the statue. "Well, I'm glad you like it. But, it just needs a little color. Then, it'll look like him." said Rarity. "That's very nice of you, Flounder. Where did you get the statue?" Twilight asked. "I found it near the ship that sunk last night. So, I decided to give it to Ariel because I know she's in love with the Prince." Flounder explained.

While Ariel is having fun with the statue, she stopped when she saw her father right at the entrance. "Daddy." she gasped. The mane six noticed this and stood beside Ariel. "So, this is your father? He looks. Scary." said Applejack. They saw Sebastian beside him. Rainbow Dash gave him a death stare.

"I'm desired to be a reasonable merman. I set those rules and want those rules to be obeyed. Did you really save a human from drowning?" King Triton asked furiously. "But, Daddy. He would've died." Ariel tried to explain. "And who are you weird creatures? I've never seen you before in my ocean." King Triton asked the mane six. "Well. We are the mane six and we are here to help your daughter make your dreams come true." Twilight stammered. "Oh, you know about this? All of you know about her obsession of going to the surface? Were you there when she saved a human?" he asked. They all nodded yes in fear.

King Triton growled at them and yelled, "You all could've been killed! I can't believe my own daughter would want to kill herself by those humans!" "But, daddy. I love him!" Ariel yelled. The girls gasped at that right in front of her father. "Busted." Rainbow Dash muttered. "No. Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human and you're a mermaid!" King Triton yelled. "I don't care." said Ariel as she clutched the statue.

"So help me, Ariel. If this is the only way, so be it." said King Triton as he uses his trident to destroy every human thing in the grotto, including the statue. "Your majesty, stop!" Twilight pleaded. "You're only making it worse!" Rarity yelled. "Daddy, no!" Ariel yelled.

Once he's done destroying everything, Ariel bursted into tears and starts crying. The mane six were shocked on what happened and saw King Triton leave the grotto, feeling guilty on himself. Fluttershy went up to her and tried to calm her down. "Just go away." Ariel cried. "But, Ariel." said Fluttershy. "Come on, Fluttershy. She needs some time alone." said Twilight as she leads her friends outside the grotto.


Outside, Rainbow Dash was furious at Sebastian for what he did.

"I knew you did something, Sebastian! You told King Triton about Ariel falling in love with the Prince? Did you?" she yelled. Sebastian was shaking and he cried, "Yes! Yes, I told him! He's was getting on my nerves! He was suspicious about Ariel's behavior this morning. He told me she was in love with someone!" "Well, you have to be more stubborn then. And quit being full of yourself." Rainbow Dash scolded.

"What's going on, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked. "Sebastian told on Ariel about what happened last night." Rainbow Dash explained. "What? Sebastian, how could you?" Twilight asked in disappointment. "I didn't mean to. It was an accident." Sebastian said.

After scolding at Sebastian, they notice Ariel swimming with two eels.

"Ariel, where are you going? And who are these two?" Twilight gasped. "I'm going to see Ursula." Ariel answered. Sebastian gasped at this and grabs her tail. "Ariel, no. Don't do this. Do not trust Ursula. She's full of wicked spells." he pleaded. "Well, why don't you tell my father then? You're good at that." Ariel said as she flicks him off of her tail and keeps swimming.

Sebastian was stammering about this. "So, who's Ursula?" Applejack asked. "You don't know who Ursula is?" Sebastian asked. The girls nodded no. "Well, Ursula is one of the most dangerous beings in the ocean. She caused many spells on innocent merfolk and got banished by King Triton because of it. Now, Ariel's going to her and I have a bad feeling something going to happen to her." Sebastian explained.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's save her!" said Rainbow Dash. "Come on!" Sebastian yelled.


The mane six and Sebastian made it to Ursula's lair and went inside in fear because of the creatures she's keeping.

One of them grabbed Fluttershy in the hoof and cries for help. Rainbow Dash and Applejack saves her from it and kicks it. "You okay, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. Flutterhsy nodded yes.

They saw Ariel making a deal with Ursula as she explains about turning her into a human.

"Now, listen closely. You only got three days of being human. Got that? Three days. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get princey to kiss you. Not just any kiss. A kiss of true love. If he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you'll remain human permanently. But, if he doesn't. You'll turn back into a mermaid. You belong to me." Ursula explaiend.

"NO ARIEL!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she runs to them. "Rainbow Dash! What are you doing here?" Ariel asked. "Saving you, of course. You can't trust this witch. She's evil." Rainbow Dash said. Ursula grabs her by the tail and said, "I know who you are. I've been watching you and your friends ever since you got here. So, I suggest you should be part of the show." She throws Rainbow Dash into her friends and traps them in a bubble.

"You have to sign this contract so you can be human and set your friends free." said Ursula as she magically made the contract appear with a pen. Ariel gulped and signed her name without looking. Ursula smilies evilly and readies the spell.

When she does, it surrounded Ariel and the mane six. "Now, sing!" Ursula ordered. Ariel begins to sing beautifully as her throat starts glowing. "Keep singing!" Ursula yelled as large hands reach for Ariel and went into her throat. It pulled out her voice and went into Ursula's necklace. Ariel clutched her throat as she saw her voice came out.

After that, she unleashes her potion and transforms Ariel into a human. The mane six and Sebastian watched in horror as Ursula's spell gets in her. The same thing happens to the mane six, but they don't have three days like Ariel does.

When the spell is done, Ariel could not breath and swim. The mane six and Sebastian rushed to her and swims up to get some air. Ursula was laughing the whole time.

They all made it to the top in time as everyone took a deep breath of fresh air. "Oh my Celestia. What did Ursula do to us? I thought the spell was only on Ariel." Twilight asked. "I don't know, sugar cube. But, come on. We gotta get to shore. Ariel's getting tired." said Applejack as she holds Ariel and swims up to shore.


The mane six were all tired when they reached land at last.

Ariel wakes up and finds out that she has legs. She lifts one up and moves her little toes. She smiled. "Is every pony okay? No pony got hurt?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We're all fine. Just concerned on why Ursula turned us back." Twilight explained. They all looked at their bottoms and discovered they don't have tail fins anymore. "Uh oh." Applejack muttered. "Don't worry. Maybe its a good thing because we have to help Ariel connect with Prince Eric." Twilight explained.

"There's no way this is happening. On legs. On human legs! What would her father say? I'll know what he'll say! He's gonna kill himself a crab! That's what he'll do. You know what? I'm gonna tell him right now!" Sebastian panicked as he was about to go underwater before Rainbow Dash scoops him out of the water. "I don't think so! You need to help us and I don't want you to tell on Ariel again!" she yelled. "But, she belongs to the sea with me and her family. She'll be much happier down there." said Sebastian.

Ariel pouts at him for saying that. "Come on, Sebastian. Have a heart." said Rainbow Dash. Sebastian sighed and said, "Alright, alright. I'll help you girls find the Prince." "Really? You mean it?" Rainbow Dash asked in excitement. Sebastian nodded yes. "Alright!"

"Now, before we go find him. Ariel has to wear a beautiful dress. Every human girl wears one. I'll make one for her with this ugly looking sail because it's the only thing I can find." said Rarity as she picks up a sail and makes a dress out of it. When she's finished, she puts it on Ariel to see what she looks like with it. "Oh, wow. You look outstanding. Sort of. But, at least the Prince will like you. No matter what you wear." said Rarity as she watches Ariel showing off her first dress.

Then all of the sudden, Max the dog came in and starts chasing Pinkie Pie. "AHHHH! This dog is after me!" she cried out. Ariel ran to the rock and sat there. Fluttershy went in front of Max to stop him, but he tackles her and licks her in the face many times. "Stop it. That tickles." she said.

Eric saw this and stops Max from licking her. "Max, where are your manners? Don't you know that it's rude to tackle people." he said as he pushes Max away from Fluttershy. "Are you okay? I'm sorry this little rascal attacked you." "I'm fine. He didn't mean to hurt me. He's just very friendly towards the people he meets." said Fluttershy. "Wait, are you a pony and can talk?" Eric asked.

The girls went to Fluttershy and checked if she's okay. "Oh, are those your friends? They're cute." Eric said. "Why, thank you. It's very nice to meet you, Prince Eric." said Twilight. "How'd you know my name?" Eric asked. "We've heard about you many times." Applejack answered. "What are your names?" Eric asked. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." Twilight introduced.

"And we would like to introduce a beautiful young woman who wants to see you." said Rarity. "Really? Where is she?" Eric asked in excitement. "She's over there. By the rock. Doesn't she look pretty?" Pinkie answered as Eric rushed to her and see who she really is.

Eric saw her like she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Ariel brushed her hair when he went closer to her. "Hello there. It nice to see you. Wait, have we ever met before? Because you look familiar. Are you the one who rescued me?" he asked. Ariel nodded yes many times in excitement. "I knew it! You're the one! What's your name?" Ariel mouthed her name, but no sound came out. "What's wrong? You can't speak?" Eric asked. Ariel nodded no at the question. "I guess I was thinking of somebody else." he said.

"Wait! This is her! We can prove it to you." Twilight said. "How are you going to do that? You can tell me when we get to my castle. Come on." said Eric as he picks up Ariel and leads the mane six to his castle.


There, Eric has given the mane six some seats for dinner and waits for Ariel to come out.

"I know that girl is out there. I just know it. When I find her, I'm gonna marry her." he said to the girls. "That sounds romantic. I'm sure you will marry Ariel." said Rarity. "Ariel? Is that the girl's name?" "Yes, it is. Isn't she beautiful?" said Pinkie. "Her name's kinda pretty. You're right, she is beautiful. But, I'm not sure she's the one though. The girl who saved me has a beautiful singing voice." Eric explained. The girls groaned in annoyance.

But then, Ariel came out of the hallway wearing a beautiful pink ball gown. "Oh, Ariel. You look so beautiful. I can tell Eric has his jaw open." said Twilight. "You. You look wonderful." said Eric as he guided Ariel to the table.

When they sat down, Eric decided to invite the girls to the town so he can get to know them. "So, Ariel. I was thinking that you should come to the town with me. You six can come with us too." he said. Ariel nodded yes to that. "Oh, wouldn't that be fun? We'd love to go to the town with you and Ariel." said Twilight. "Yeah, hope you guys have some apples in town." said Applejack. "Aren't you guys going to have a romantic day tomorrow?" Rarity asked. "I don't know, but I do think she's amazing." Eric replied.

Ariel blushed deeply.


The next day, Eric takes Ariel and the mane six to his town.

They had a great time there, especially Ariel. She got into everything. The best part was her dancing with Prince Eric at a dance section. The mane six were as curious as Ariel was. But, there's one problem. Ariel and Eric haven't kissed yet.


Later that night, Eric takes Ariel to a boat ride which is romantic. The mane six has their own boat and watches them having a romantic moment, but haven't kissed yet.

"Nothing's happening. Only one day left and they haven't even kissed yet. Girls, time for us to give them to the beat." said Twilight. "What does that mean?" Pinkie asked. "I means we have to sing them a song that'll sound romantic and make them kiss." Twilight explained. "That sounds like a good idea. We are going to sing like chorus, but softer. Ready, girls? A one two three." said Sebastian as he readies them to sing.

The girls begin to sing all at once beautifully which amazes Sebastian. Ariel and Eric were watching them sing. Twilight noticed they're not kissing, so she puts her two hooves together like she's saying you two have to kiss. Eric gets it on what she's trying to tell him and looks at Ariel in the eyes.

They stared at each other and closes their eyes to kiss each other. Eric was getting closer to Ariel in order to kiss her. The mane six watches them and waits anxiously for their kiss. "Go on. Kiss her. Kiss her." Pinkie whispered. But, just before they're lips get together, their boat got knocked over and the two lovers fell into the water. The girls groaned in annoyance as the plan on getting them together failed. "Aww, we were so close!" Pinkie complained. "Just one inch on the kiss. Just. One. Little. Kiss. And nothing. Nothing!" said Rarity. "Well, there's just one more thing we gotta do. Save Ariel and Eric from the water." said Rainbow Dash as she and Twilight pick up the couple and takes them to shore.

"Thanks, girls. Gee, I don't know what happened back there. But, at least we made it safe and sound." said Eric as he helps Ariel up to her feet.


When they got back to the castle, Ariel and the mane six were getting ready for bed except for Pinkie.

She knows that Ariel and Eric have to get together by tomorrow's sunset. But how? Her friends tried everything to get them kissing each other. Well, I guess it's time to tell him the truth about what happened that day. The day Ariel saved him from drowning.

So, Pinkie goes down to the field where Eric is playing with his flute, hoping to find the girl who sings that beautiful song. She walks up to him and taps his shoulder to get his attention. Eric got startled by her tap and turns around to see who it was. "Oh, Pinkie. You scared me. What are you doing up so late? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Eric, there's something I wanted to tell you ever since you saw Ariel for the first time." Pinkie said. "Yes, what is it? What do you want to tell me?" Eric asked. "Ariel is the girl who saved you from drowning that day. She was the one who was singing to you before you woke up. Before we got here, she was a mermaid. So, she went to see the sea witch and helped her get legs. But, she lost her voice in the process. That's why she can't talk and you don't know who she is until now." Pinkie explained.

Eric was shocked to hear that from Pinkie Pie. "Is it really her? The girl who saved me?" he asked. "Yeah, I just told you that." she answered. "This is wonderful. I can't believe this. Now, I understand why I love her so much. I have to go to her and kiss her for the first time." said Eric as he was about to go inside. "Alright! Meet you inside." said Pinkie as she zoomed inside.

But before Eric follows her, he hears someone singing from a distance. Curious, he follows the voice and finds a beautiful woman singing with a glowing necklace around her neck. The yellow steam gets into Eric's eyes and he soon forgot everything about Ariel.


The next day, Rarity ran towards the girl's bedroom to tell them the biggest news.

"Girls! Girls, wake up! Something wonderful is happening! Ariel's getting married this afternoon with the Prince!" she shouted out as she shakes Ariel to get up. Ariel wakes up and was curious why Rarity is so excited this afternoon.

"What's going on this afternoon?" Applejack asked as she gets up. "The wedding! Ariel is getting married this afternoon. Congratulations!" Rarity squealed. Ariel was so happy about this and gets ready to see him. "Wow. Eric must've loved her that fast." said Twilight. "Thats because I told him the truth." said Pinkie.

The girls stared at her for that. "You. Told Eric about everything that happened? Including who Ariel really is?" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie nodded her head yes. "Oh my Celestia. That's very nice of you, Pinkie. Now, they're going to kiss sometime today at the wedding." said Twilight. Ariel brushes her hair and went downstairs to see Eric.

But when they went to the stairs, they saw something in shock and surprise. Eric is with another woman who is as beautiful as Ariel. The mane six gasped at this as they couldn't believe it. "What? Why is this happening? I thought Pinkie told Eric the truth." Twilight whispered. "I thought I did, but why is he with another woman instead of Ariel?" Pinkie asked.

Ariel could not believe this either. She started to burst tears and runs to the other room. "Ariel!" Rarity yelled as she and her friends follow the crying girl.


Later that day, Ariel and the mane six watch the wedding ship goes to the sea, leaving them behind.

Ariel couldn't stop crying for what happened. Applejack and Fluttershy tried to comfort her by staying by her side and rubbing her back. Flounder and Sebastian were sad about it, too. "I don't understand. Eric's been waiting for Ariel for I don't know how long, and now he's with this lady he doesn't even know." said Twilight.

"Hmm, something's going on that's suspicious. We need to find out what's going on for real." said Rainbow Dash. "You sure about that?" Rarity asked. "I'm sure. I'll be right back to tell you what's what." said Rainbow Dash as she flies to the wedding ship.

When she got there, she sees the girl who Eric is marrying and looks very aggressive. "Soon, I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine." the girl cackled as she looks herself in the mirror. The mirror reveals to be Ursula. The girl has been Ursula this whole time. "The sea witch? I can't believe this! I gotta tell the others!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she zooms back to her friends.

She crash lands and dusted herself. "Well, what's really going on?" Twilight asked. "The girl who Eric is getting married to is really Ursula. She was talking to the mirror and there was Ursula herself." Rainbow Dash explained. The girls and Ariel gasped at this. "No way." said Applejack. "We gotta crash that wedding!" Pinkie yelled.

"You're right, Pinkie. We have to crash the wedding and we better hurry because the sun is almost setting." said Twilight. "I know what to do. Fluttershy and I will get some sea critters to help us out." Applejack suggested. "Good idea, Applejack. Rainbow Dash and I will take Ariel to the wedding ship. Rarity and Pinkie, you help out crash the wedding." said Twilight. "We're on it." said Rarity as she and Pinkie disappeared thanks to her magic. "Hang on, Ariel. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." said Rainbow Dash as she let's Ariel grab hers and Twilight's hoof and takes her to the boat. "Come on, Fluttershy. Let's get some critters." said Applejack as she gets on her friend'a back and went off.

To call the animals, Fluttershy made some animal sounds and Applejack did the same. "Come on, y'all. We need your help to crash a wedding!" Applejack shouted out. All of the sea creatures like seals, lobsters, starfish, dolphins, and crabs followed the two ponies to help them.


When Pinkie and Rarity appeared on the boat out of nowhere, Pinkie shouted out, "WEDDING CRASHERS!" and throws the sweets at the girl. Rarity went up to Eric and tries to get him out of his spell. "Come on, Eric. Snap out of it!" she said.

Then, Applejack and Fluttershy came back with the animals and starts wrecking everything. Applejack went to the girl and kicked her in the butt. She flies over as the seals catch her one on one. The dolphins squirted water at her and Pinkie screamed at her face.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Ariel made it to the boat in time. They all watched the wedding go terrible just as they planned. Rainbow Dash saw the girl and snatches her necklace. Then, she smashes it to a million pieces as Ariel's voice came out and went into her throat. Ariel can talk and sing again. Once the necklace broke, Eric was released from the spell.

"Ariel?" Eric asked. "Eric!" Ariel said finally. "You can talk. I knew it. Pinkie was right all along. It is you." said Eric as he rushed to her and hugs her. "Way to go, girls. The plan worked." said Twilight. "Oh, Eric. I wanted to tell you." said Ariel as she and Eric were about to kiss, but it was too late.

The sun had already set and Ariel immediately turned back into a mermaid. The transformation was so painful to her that she fell to the floor. "ARIEL!" the mane six shouted as they rushed to her side. "You're too late! YOURE TOO LATE!" Ursula shouted as she turns back into herself and grabs Ariel. "So long, mane six!" Ursula drags Ariel back into the ocean while she screams for help. "Ariel!" Eric shouted. "Oh no! Another chance ruined and it's the last one too!" Rarity yelled.

"We have to go after her! We can't let Ursula get away that easily!" said Twilight as she went into the lifeboat and her friends climbed aboard. "Come on, Eric!" Pinkie shouted. Eric jumped on and they went into the ocean. He began to row faster in order to save Ariel.


They don't know what's going on down there, so Twilight used her magic to turn her and her friends into mermaids again. "Good thinking, Twilight. Now, let's go save Ariel!" said Applejack as she and her friends dived into the ocean.

When they reached Ariel and Ursula, they saw that King Triton had turned into a a creature from Ursula's garden. "Is that the King?" Rarity asked. "It is. And Ursula's taking the crown." said Twilight as she charges at her. "At last. It's mine." said Ursula as she puts the crown on her head and takes the trident.

"I don't think so!" Twilight yelled as she attacks the sea witch. The rest followed her footsteps. Ursula threw the mane six in the corner and aims the trident at them. "No, don't hurt them!" Ariel cried as she attacks her too. "I had enough of all of you. Now, you should pay for this!" Ursula yelled as she readies to strike them.

But suddenly, a spear slashed her in the arm. It was Eric coming to the rescue. "Eric, look out!" Ariel shouted as she was held back by Ursula. "After him!" Ursula ordered her two eels to attack Eric. The eels grabbed Eric and tried to drown him. The mane six were unexpectedly released and helps the Prince from the eels. Rainbow Dash punched one many times while Applejack does the kicking. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to make one release him from the grasp.

"Say goodbye to your sweetheart." said Ursula as she readies to strike Eric and the mane six. But, Ariel and Pinkie blocks her sight as she accidentally hits her two eels, killing them. "Thanks, Pinkie." Ariel said. "Your welcome. Now, let's get outta here!" said Pinkie as she takes Ariel up the surface where her friends and Eric are.

"Babies! My little poopsies!" Ursula cried as she holds the tiny pieces of her eels. She saw her victims escape and she was filled in rage. She has black ink all over her as she gets bigger and bigger.


When everyone gathered together just to be safe, Ursula crashed into them and grew into a huge monster.

The mane six, Ariel and Eric jumped into the ocean and watched in horror on what Ursula has become. "You pitiful insignificant fools!" Ursula said in a deep voice as she unlashes a powerful storm and the waves were separating the mane six away from Ariel and Eric.

"NOOOO!" Pinkie screamed. "Hang on tight, girls!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Twilight immediately used her magic to make a boat for her and her friends. "We gotta help Ariel and Eric. They're in danger!" Fluttershy shouted. "Don't worry. I'm on it!" said Twilight as she steers the boat towards Ariel and tries to grab her hand.

But, Ursula saw them and zaps the rock where Ariel is as she falls into the pit of the whirlpool. "Ariel!" Pinkie shouted as she was about to fall in, but Applejack stopped her. The whirlpool caused all of the sunken ships to rise up to the surface. Rarity saw Eric climb into one and begins to steer. "Eric's in one of them!" she shouted. "At least he's safe. Come on, we need to find a way to save Ariel." said Twilight.

Before they try to, they saw Ursula trying to kill Ariel with the trident. Twilight zaps her with her magic in order to save Ariel. Ursula yelped as she accidentally drops the trident. And then Eric came in and stabs her in the stomach. Ursula screamed as she sinks along with the ship and Eric made it to the surface just in time before he passed out.


After Ursula's death, the storm begins to clear and the waves begin to calm down. The mane six jumps into the ocean to check if Ariel is alright.

Luckily, she is as she hugs them all. "Thank you girls so much." she said. "Oh, Ariel. I thought you were going to get zapped by the sea witch." said Twilight as she keeps hugging Ariel.

Then, they saw King Triton appear back to normal. "Hello, girls." he said. "King Triton. We're very sorry for what we did to Ariel." said Twilight. "We were just trying to make Ariel happy with the Prince." said Rarity. "Oh, there's no need to apologize. You were doing the same thing I was doing for Ariel when she was little. Making her happy. I'm the one who should be sorry for misunderstanding you six. And I want to thank you for defeating Ursula." King Triton said.

"Well, apology accepted." said Rainbow Dash.


The next morning, the mane six and King Triton watch Ariel looking at Eric.

"She really does love him, doesn't she Twilight?" King Triton asked. "She does with all of her heart. This is her dream come true. She wants to be with him after all." Twilight answered. "Well, there's one more problem left." said King Triton. "And what's that?" the girls asked. "How much I'm going to miss her." said King Triton as he uses his trident to turn Ariel back into a human.

Ariel smiles happily as she walks towards Eric. Eric wakes up and see her wearing a purple dress. He went to her and lifts her up in the air. Then, he finally kissed her.

The girls changed back into theirselves again.


After that, the mane six were all invited to the wedding. The real one this time. They watched as Ariel and Eric say their wedding vows and giving them kisses.

Ariel walks up to the mane six and gave of them each a hug. "Thank you, girls. For everything." she said." Your welcome, Ariel. Your dreams have come true and now, you're with the Prince of your dreams." said Twilight. Eric walks up to them and said, "Thank you for helping me save her. You know what would I be without her." "Anytime, Eric." said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to head home." Applejack said. "You're leaving already? Well, ok. I'm gonna miss you all very much." said Ariel.

"Bye, Ariel! Bye, Eric!" the girls said as they disappeared. "Bye, girls." Both Ariel and Eric said as they kiss once more.


When the girls got back home, they got themselves all wet.

"Oh my goodness. That was the most romantic adventure I've ever had. I think I'm gonna cry." said Rarity as she begins to bawl really loud. "I can't believe that we gotten so wet because we were in the ocean most of the time." Applejack complained. "Well, I'm glad Areil and Eric get to live happily ever after." said Twilight.

Next Chapter: Beauty and the Beast Estimated time remaining: 13 Hours, 31 Minutes
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